I am thinking of you all, Kindred Spirits, and have something to share with you....

chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Dearest Kindred Spirits,

Not long after I was diagnosed in 2003, I joined CSN. One of the friends I made here was a published author of mystery books, Brenda C. Corbin, screenname Ceezhar. As we so often do at CSN we connected right away; hers was lung cancer, but of course, empathy and friendship is not limited by the nature of whichever beast we are battling. She asked me in 2004 if I would share with her in writing a poem. She had recently started an online mentoring site, and felt connected, as she said, "Survivor to Survivor, Hand to Hand, Heart to Heart." She gave me the premise of the poem, and we exchanged emails until we felt we had the poem just right. It was copyrighted in 2004, much to my delight!

Ceezhar sadly eventually lost her battle~yet she remained strong, gracious, and very much a Southern Lady to the end.

With so many of us still finding our way to the boards,I sometimes feel guilty for not having the time to address each and every one of you. I hope, through the words of this poem, you will find yourself safe in the tree,surrounded by friends, and that from your vantage point you can see a future free from cancer~ for everyone. My heart is with all of us~ survivors and caregivers alike.

"THE CANCER TREE" was conceived through love and heartfelt encouragement, survivor to survivor. With poems written between two cancer survivors, trust was born and a friendship developed. If you have cancer, you're not a victim, you are a survivor! As long as you have breath, regardless of your diagnosis, you are still surviving.


For those of us sitting in Cancer's Big Tree
the decision to climb up was not worry-free
But new growth was nurtured by warm, loving hands
the roots of the tree anchored deep in the land
Up high in these limbs we are strangely secure
where we once felt unsteady, we feel strong, we feel sure
~~Claudia (chenheart) XOXO

I caught a branch and climbed that tree
and wished YOU were sitting there high up with me
I caught another limb with my other hand,
and twirled to the trunk, and then shimmied down
I thought, if Chen tried doing what I just did,
I hope she wouldn't fall
Then I remembered, if she really tried
and she missed that branch
I'd just reach out and catch her...that's all!
~~Love ya,
Ceezhar (Brenda)

The branch you held onto while climbing that tree,
was already filled with the essence of me
I watched as you climbed, could you not feel my smile?
I knew you were worried, it felt like a mile!
The blossoms that cushioned you bounced back in shape,
and fragranced the air, as you mimicked an ape!
I know we could both have made this climb alone
but to make it together...seeds of trust have been sown!

A seed, you say? Yes, we planted it together
I'll bet it will grow, bloom, and last forever
No hoe or spade, to keep it alive,
unnecessary things aren't needed to survive
Only understanding, a shoulder, and bits of love
will make a small sprout grow high up above

So sprouts we were, when the "C" visits came,
now giant oaks we've become, with cancer to blame
But wait, look up there, and down all around,
at the branches with survivors, and new sprouts on the ground
I see that they're growing, with help from each other...
a hug, a word, we're all sister and brother
See, there's that hand that caught us, and made our climb eased,
it's big, it's gentle, Oh Chen...it's God, and He knows about this disease!
~~Ceezhar XXOO

Copyright 2004 by
Claudia Cable & Brenda C. Corbin

Be Stronger Than, Not Angry At


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  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Dearest ChenHeart
    Do you not know that you DO touch each and every one of us?? Whether it is on an individual level or a response to a post, we all see your warmth of heart, experience and generosity of spirit. I would think it would be easy to get past your own individual battle and then want to put all of this behind you - to see someone who has been on this board since 2003 and is willing to give their time, knowledge, support and compassion to those of us who are still struggling to find our way, gives me inspiration every day. The poem is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. I am so sorry that you lost your friend but want you to know that I value all that you have shared with the rest of us.

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member

    Dearest ChenHeart
    Do you not know that you DO touch each and every one of us?? Whether it is on an individual level or a response to a post, we all see your warmth of heart, experience and generosity of spirit. I would think it would be easy to get past your own individual battle and then want to put all of this behind you - to see someone who has been on this board since 2003 and is willing to give their time, knowledge, support and compassion to those of us who are still struggling to find our way, gives me inspiration every day. The poem is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. I am so sorry that you lost your friend but want you to know that I value all that you have shared with the rest of us.


    What a lovely, lovely

    What a lovely, lovely response! Thank you so very much! I wish I could capture all of the kindness and loving words I read here; yours are included in that wish!

    It isn't always easy coming in here. But when I think of all the people who preceeded me, how they stood by me, educated and comforted me, as long as I have time, I feel the absolute need to Pay It Forward...

  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    chenheart said:

    What a lovely, lovely

    What a lovely, lovely response! Thank you so very much! I wish I could capture all of the kindness and loving words I read here; yours are included in that wish!

    It isn't always easy coming in here. But when I think of all the people who preceeded me, how they stood by me, educated and comforted me, as long as I have time, I feel the absolute need to Pay It Forward...


    I couldn't have said it better or even half as good Chris. How beautiful, I'm on my way out for the weekend (the weekend that never took place last year) and I have only skimmed the poem, and I don't want to cry and run my makeup...I'm putting it in my favorites. You see Chen, we all knew there was something "more than meets the eye" with you. You are so sensitive and talented, you say all the things we wish we could say, if we could think of what to say.... you are special and make us all feel better.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    Skeezie said:

    I couldn't have said it better or even half as good Chris. How beautiful, I'm on my way out for the weekend (the weekend that never took place last year) and I have only skimmed the poem, and I don't want to cry and run my makeup...I'm putting it in my favorites. You see Chen, we all knew there was something "more than meets the eye" with you. You are so sensitive and talented, you say all the things we wish we could say, if we could think of what to say.... you are special and make us all feel better.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Hugs, Judy :-)

    As Judy said I coul never
    As Judy said I coul never say it better than Chris did. Thank you for the beautiful words and support
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Cindy Ann
    Cindy Ann Member Posts: 101
    What a Beautiful Poem.
    Chen you are one of the reasons I missed this site during my short exploration into the real world. Group is not what I thought it would be. Your and Brenda's poems are inspirational. I have started a affirmation book. I hope you won't mind if I use them in my book as a affirmation of strength, courage, and understanding.I am doing this book so my daughter and granddaughters can look at it one day and gain the wisdom I have started to pick up from this twisting road I am on. It will be my legacy to them.. You and others like you are why I came back. I have said it before no one gets it like you all do. I still believe you Chen are a wise old soul..Not too many people can put to paper something as intense as what you and Brenda did and not be wise beyond your years..

    Thank you for all you say and do for all of us. You matter very much to this site and us..

    Blessings and Hugs,
    Cindy Ann
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    My Dearest Chen
    I have only cried twice since this beast has gotten hold of me and today was one of them.

    What can I say my heart to yours. Thanks

  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    chenheart said:

    What a lovely, lovely

    What a lovely, lovely response! Thank you so very much! I wish I could capture all of the kindness and loving words I read here; yours are included in that wish!

    It isn't always easy coming in here. But when I think of all the people who preceeded me, how they stood by me, educated and comforted me, as long as I have time, I feel the absolute need to Pay It Forward...


    are one of the reasons I keep popping in here. I like what you have to say and the way you say it. We are all educating each other and giving/taking strength for the journey. Sometimes both at the same time. You are an inspiration.

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Claudia Cable Thank You.
    Claudia Cable Thank You. Brenda Corbin thank you as you rest in peace with your God. You have both beat the "beast".
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    natly15 said:

    Claudia Cable Thank You.
    Claudia Cable Thank You. Brenda Corbin thank you as you rest in peace with your God. You have both beat the "beast".

    everyone else has said it
    everyone else has said it already. you are a wise leader kind and strong.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    carkris said:

    everyone else has said it
    everyone else has said it already. you are a wise leader kind and strong.

    In a place none of us ever
    In a place none of us ever wanted to be, on a path none of us ever wanted to walk, on this journey of unknown twists and turns~ at the end of it all, each of you makes me smile. And that, coupled with contentment, is truly what Life is about. Thank you.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Sending warm hugs to you....
    As always, dear friend!

    Hugs, Kathi

    (I did a 'taking of the waters' recently in Palm Springs...I always think of you and Reggie when I do...)
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    KathiM said:

    Sending warm hugs to you....
    As always, dear friend!

    Hugs, Kathi

    (I did a 'taking of the waters' recently in Palm Springs...I always think of you and Reggie when I do...)

    Oh My Gosh...I have such a
    Oh My Gosh...I have such a yearning, no doubt a need,to take of the waters~but we just haven't had time to get to Palm Springs. Thanks for thinking of us while you were there; I appreciate that!

  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    That was absolutely
    That was absolutely beautiful and brought tears to my eyes! What a special gift between the two of you, and how very generous to share with all of us! Thank you for being you.
  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 495 Member
    elm3544 said:

    That was absolutely
    That was absolutely beautiful and brought tears to my eyes! What a special gift between the two of you, and how very generous to share with all of us! Thank you for being you.

    The poem was lovely
    Thank you for sharing the poem and the gift of friendship that you shared with another very special and sensitive survivor. Through the pain and suffering something amazing and loving was nurtured and born- a never ending friendship.
    Hugs, K
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    KayNYC said:

    The poem was lovely
    Thank you for sharing the poem and the gift of friendship that you shared with another very special and sensitive survivor. Through the pain and suffering something amazing and loving was nurtured and born- a never ending friendship.
    Hugs, K

    all the above comments what
    all the above comments what a tribute to you Chen and well deserved!
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Thank you for your words, then and now. I think we all 'look' to you for so many things. Wisdom and warmth especially.

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Claudia, when I first joined
    Claudia, when I first joined this wonderful group I read a thread that you posted a response on and it made reference to your friendship with Brenda. I went to her website where this poem is printed and saved it on my computer at that time. I have read it several times over the months of my struggle with the beast. It is a beautiful poem and to me says volumes about the value of friendship and its very positive effect on becoming a cancer survivor. Thanks for sharing this part of your life with all of us. You are a very special lady and have been through your battle with this beast and are very gracious to continue to support those just beginning the battle. Your words are always expressed very eloquently are based on knowledge and peppered with true caring. I always look for your posts and can honestly say, I read them first. From the bottom of my heart, thank YOU!!
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Loved it
    What a beautiful poem. It says it all. Thank you both, Claudia and Brenda.
  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member
    laurissa said:

    Loved it
    What a beautiful poem. It says it all. Thank you both, Claudia and Brenda.


    What a team you both made!..... As always kudos to you.. you are a master class wordsmith.. beautiful poem... I loved it!

    Thanks for sharing it with us...

  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    Dot53 said:


    What a team you both made!..... As always kudos to you.. you are a master class wordsmith.. beautiful poem... I loved it!

    Thanks for sharing it with us...


    Dear Chen, You have such a
    Dear Chen, You have such a beautiful gift and along with your special friend created a lovely masterpiece. Thank you for continuing to share all your love, experience and wisdom with the rest of us. I'm finally beginning to feel like a survivor and I look to you as a example of someone who fought the battle, overcome the beast and survived to help the rest of us fight our battles and show us how to do it. Thank you dear heart!


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