What are some good things people have said?

Hubby Member Posts: 325
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
There are a lot of posts about people saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, but I want to know things people have said that have lifted your spirits?


  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    The nicest thing..........
    The nicest thing that anyone has said to me....my grown daughter, on the day of my last rad treatment....told me that I was the strongest person she knows, and that she admires me. It meant sooo much to me, to have her say that! So very much!

  • mjjones453
    mjjones453 Member Posts: 155
    CR1954 said:

    The nicest thing..........
    The nicest thing that anyone has said to me....my grown daughter, on the day of my last rad treatment....told me that I was the strongest person she knows, and that she admires me. It meant sooo much to me, to have her say that! So very much!


    the nicest thing
    My husband telling me that he is proud of me for all that I have gone through! His little warior!(although I am not so little ;))
  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431

    the nicest thing
    My husband telling me that he is proud of me for all that I have gone through! His little warior!(although I am not so little ;))

    So many nice things....
    Have been said to me but one that really touched me was when a co-worker gave me this silly little Halloween light up necklace (she was wearing one)and left it on my desk with a note that said...because you are an inspiration. She told me on more than one occasion that she hopes if she ever had to go through a major illness that she could handle it with such grace and courage. Don't know how much grace and courage I had, but she felt it and I really was touched. I have the note still taped to my computer so I see it everyday.
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    My Husband told me it does
    My Husband told me it does not matter what I lose I will always be beautiful to him And his whole world. We have been married 35 years this year.
  • Cindy Ann
    Cindy Ann Member Posts: 101
    The sweetest thing
    My husband is finally getting it. He told me looking deeply into my eyes he would give up everything we own to make me well. He'd live in a shack but it must have running water.Ha! ha! Knowing how hard my husband has worked for all we have that mean't everything. Because he truly mean't it.We were married right out of high school and this month is our 35th anniversary.
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    The Nicest Thing...
    Came from my husband - he is a very quiet man who doesn't express a lot of emotion. One day when I said something about feeling like I was being whiney, he just said that I was the strongest woman he knew and it meant the world to me.

    The second nicest was a stranger I ran into while checking in for my appointment with the radiation oncologist. I was standing there in my scarf and she just looked at me and said, "Hello beautiful lady..." She had about a half inch of hair so I knew that she understood....

  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member

    The Nicest Thing...
    Came from my husband - he is a very quiet man who doesn't express a lot of emotion. One day when I said something about feeling like I was being whiney, he just said that I was the strongest woman he knew and it meant the world to me.

    The second nicest was a stranger I ran into while checking in for my appointment with the radiation oncologist. I was standing there in my scarf and she just looked at me and said, "Hello beautiful lady..." She had about a half inch of hair so I knew that she understood....


    I was very flattered when a
    I was very flattered when a young lady I work with complimented me on my new hair style and it was my wig. Secondly, she liked it so much she asked if she could borrow my TLC catalog and ordered herself a wig as she has 2 very small children and has to be to work very early. Made me feel more like a person and not a " victim ".
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    It happened last week on the
    It happened last week on the first day I went "naked" without a scarf or wig. My husband and I walked in to a restaurant to get lunch and as we approached our table a fellow diner with a pretty blonde bob said to me, "Oh my goodness I just love your hairdo". I was stunned as I was feeling quite bare. I told her it was a chemo hairdo and she said well whatever kind of hairdo, it is beautiful on you. Talk about a boost. Wow--I was so apprehensive just an hour earlier that day. That lady will never know what she did for me last week. God Bless her.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Well, don't know what
    Well, don't know what catagory this fits in. A co-worker and friend said," If I ever get cancer, I want to be like you." All I could do is stare and say " Thank you, I think." We had a laugh. She said it was cause of my positive attitude and approach this beast w a sense of humor. I work w alot of women in surgery. We all see the before,ie cancer and mastectomy. I didn't relize how many wondered what the after healing and all the treatments looked like. So off to the locker room for show and tell. Think it put alot of them at ease. They named me this years "poster child" for getting exams done. Gayla
  • jd1224
    jd1224 Member Posts: 15
    Katz77 said:

    Well, don't know what
    Well, don't know what catagory this fits in. A co-worker and friend said," If I ever get cancer, I want to be like you." All I could do is stare and say " Thank you, I think." We had a laugh. She said it was cause of my positive attitude and approach this beast w a sense of humor. I work w alot of women in surgery. We all see the before,ie cancer and mastectomy. I didn't relize how many wondered what the after healing and all the treatments looked like. So off to the locker room for show and tell. Think it put alot of them at ease. They named me this years "poster child" for getting exams done. Gayla

    My husband
    When i was first diagnosed and i sent my husband a text at work and said "I'm scared". He sent me a text back and said "I will never let anything happen to you" and i sent him a text once and told him my hair was all falling out. All he texted back was "I love you". I have locked these texts on my phone and will never delete them.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    jd1224 said:

    My husband
    When i was first diagnosed and i sent my husband a text at work and said "I'm scared". He sent me a text back and said "I will never let anything happen to you" and i sent him a text once and told him my hair was all falling out. All he texted back was "I love you". I have locked these texts on my phone and will never delete them.

    Oh that made me cry! I had
    Oh that made me cry! I had this Irish painter come to the house to give me an estimate. I had known him a while. So he came unexpectantly, and I had been having a bad day. He said "are you ok" so for some reason I told him, he said in his brougue "you beat it once you'll beat it again" I had been wondering how many times can you dodge the bullet, it really boosted me.
    My Husband said stuff all the time, but he is not very open with his feelings, so when he said "I want you to be around" I knew he meant it and it made me dig deeper.
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    My teenage daughter is in
    My teenage daughter is in plays. Each cast and crew member writes their own blurb for the printed program. She thanked her friends and family, "especially my resilient and inspirational maw." Aww.
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    My manager
    She helped me thru a lot of paperwork, insisted I take FMLA and told me if I needed even more time it was OK. She said my job would be there for me because "I was worth waiting for". I had only been there a year and a half.

  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    My manager
    She helped me thru a lot of paperwork, insisted I take FMLA and told me if I needed even more time it was OK. She said my job would be there for me because "I was worth waiting for". I had only been there a year and a half.


    I got two
    In Walmarts I had an elderly lady come up and ask if she could give me a hug. Of course I said I would love a hug. As she hugged me she said God Bless this child and keep her safe. Made me cry.

    The other is when my cousin found out I had cancer. She said she didn't know what to say other than she loved me. I told her that was the best thing she could say.
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    I got two
    In Walmarts I had an elderly lady come up and ask if she could give me a hug. Of course I said I would love a hug. As she hugged me she said God Bless this child and keep her safe. Made me cry.

    The other is when my cousin found out I had cancer. She said she didn't know what to say other than she loved me. I told her that was the best thing she could say.

    After chemo when the pet
    After chemo when the pet scan read no cancer. I told my 8 year old son I didn't have cancer anymore, he ran across the room jumped into my arms giving me the biggest hug followed by a hi-five, what a warm feeling.

    My doctors, and nurses told me I was the most happiest cancer patient they ever had, and they had no doubt I would beat this.

    My family and friends said I was an inspiration, and they were amazed that I had such a fighting spirit. I just smile because they weren't there in the middle of the night when I was asking God for His help because I didn't think I was going to make it, of course I'll keep that a secret, sshhhh.

    I was blown away by the number of people who prayed for me. I had people praying for me all over the country. That still boggles my mind.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    After chemo when the pet
    After chemo when the pet scan read no cancer. I told my 8 year old son I didn't have cancer anymore, he ran across the room jumped into my arms giving me the biggest hug followed by a hi-five, what a warm feeling.

    My doctors, and nurses told me I was the most happiest cancer patient they ever had, and they had no doubt I would beat this.

    My family and friends said I was an inspiration, and they were amazed that I had such a fighting spirit. I just smile because they weren't there in the middle of the night when I was asking God for His help because I didn't think I was going to make it, of course I'll keep that a secret, sshhhh.

    I was blown away by the number of people who prayed for me. I had people praying for me all over the country. That still boggles my mind.

    the appliance repair man
    the appliance repair man asked if he could hug me his wife had BC 5 years ago with a bilateral mastectomy. He was with her all the way. what a nice man!
  • lizzie17
    lizzie17 Member Posts: 548

    My Husband told me it does
    My Husband told me it does not matter what I lose I will always be beautiful to him And his whole world. We have been married 35 years this year.

    that brings tears to my eyes, so sweet!
  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    My husband said I looked good bald since my head was good and round. He also said if he could turn the table he would do the cancer so I didn't have to suffer. He has had so many physical and health issues I wouldn't wish another one on him. Co-workers complimanted me on my tenasity for coming to work thoughout the entire treatment. I think I did better being able to go to work than staying home pitying myself.
  • Third_Generation
    Third_Generation Member Posts: 121

    My husband said I looked good bald since my head was good and round. He also said if he could turn the table he would do the cancer so I didn't have to suffer. He has had so many physical and health issues I wouldn't wish another one on him. Co-workers complimanted me on my tenasity for coming to work thoughout the entire treatment. I think I did better being able to go to work than staying home pitying myself.

    A co-worker's father has
    A co-worker's father has cancer and she told me that my positive attitude toward my cancer was what helped her when she first found out about her father. That made me feel so special. I did remind her that she did not need to be strong all the time,that there are times to cry also. I do truly believe that positive attitudes do carry us farther along than the non-positive ones. A warped sense of humor comes in handy also!
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823

    A co-worker's father has
    A co-worker's father has cancer and she told me that my positive attitude toward my cancer was what helped her when she first found out about her father. That made me feel so special. I did remind her that she did not need to be strong all the time,that there are times to cry also. I do truly believe that positive attitudes do carry us farther along than the non-positive ones. A warped sense of humor comes in handy also!

    "You are so brave."
    I think because the last thing I've felt this past year is brave, that comment, more than any, brought to tears my eyes.