Nutrition after cancer

Marcy19 Member Posts: 8
edited March 2014 in Emotional Support #1
Can anyone tell me what they have been told about nutrition after cancer? I seem to have missed any of that specific information. I know to eat foods high in antioxidants, but otherwise I feel like I have done nothing to change my lifestyle from before cancer. Any helpful ideas are welcome. Marcy19


  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569 Member
    Hi Marcy
    Hi Marcy. Don't know what type of cancer you had, but you might try going into the discussion boards for that type and doing a search. I often visit the uterine, ovarian and breast cancer boards. I know they talk alot about nutrition, esp. the uterine cancer board. (my mom had uterine cancer) What to eat, what to avoid, what supplements might help, meditation tapes, yoga, cookbooks etc. I know one book they keep mentioning is The anti-cancer book. They mention tumeric, green tea, ginger alot. I know that blueberries, raspberries, grapes, broccoli, onions, garlic are all supposed to be very good. Avoid meat,eggs and dairy that aren't hormone free. Good luck with your research and continued health to you.
  • AnnaLeigh
    AnnaLeigh Member Posts: 187 Member
    One suggestion
    Hi Marcy,

    One suggestion would be to look at your most recent lab reports and have a nutritionist from your cancer center let you know if you are low in anything specific like protein or minerals. If they don't have a nutritionist they can refer you to someone who is familiar with the needs of a previous oncology patient.

    Bravo to you for wanting to do your best in maintaining a good diet !!
  • Marcy19
    Marcy19 Member Posts: 8
    AnnaLeigh said:

    One suggestion
    Hi Marcy,

    One suggestion would be to look at your most recent lab reports and have a nutritionist from your cancer center let you know if you are low in anything specific like protein or minerals. If they don't have a nutritionist they can refer you to someone who is familiar with the needs of a previous oncology patient.

    Bravo to you for wanting to do your best in maintaining a good diet !!

    All my blood levels have been good! Nothing lacking. I just wanted to know if perhaps I missed anything on nutritional information in relation to cancer. I don't feel that my healthcare provider failed, I just wondered if in my fog of things I missed anything that I could do to continue the fight against cancer returning. Thanks for info.
  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    Marcy19 said:

    All my blood levels have been good! Nothing lacking. I just wanted to know if perhaps I missed anything on nutritional information in relation to cancer. I don't feel that my healthcare provider failed, I just wondered if in my fog of things I missed anything that I could do to continue the fight against cancer returning. Thanks for info.

    The biggest thing is eat foods that are plant-like, and avoid any fast food. Also foods with pesticides are to avoid such as apples, celery, green peppers, etc. On these particular vegies & fruits pick up "organic" in your grocery store. Pineapples, melons, bananas are fine as don't need "organic" type.

    Avoid meat as much as you can, especially if have colon cancer. Look for ocean type fish and lots and lots of vegies and fruits. Lots of green tea and NO NO NO to SUGAR!!!!!!

    A great book we all recommend, "Anti Cancer, A new way of life" by David Servan-Schreiber and great recipe book "The ANti-Cancer cookbook, Julia Greer. This should put any cancer in perspective with what to eat and not eat. Don't forget the vitamins too, which are listed in this book.

    Don't forget to exercise -- cancer can't survive in oxygenated environment. So get out and walk fast and breathe deep and loud!!!

    Best to everyone!
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