
stevenl Member Posts: 587
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Hey everyone,

Had a pet scan today. Only 6 1/2 wks. out. Tech said he didn't see anything to be worried about, but hes no doc. Wish me luck!!



  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
    Good Luck
    I will be thinking about you let us know how it goes!!
  • fishingirl
    fishingirl Member Posts: 188
    Pumakitty said:

    Good Luck
    I will be thinking about you let us know how it goes!!

    The best of luck!! You and I
    The best of luck!! You and I are out of treatment around the same time. My last rad. treatment was Oct.28'09. I had my 1st PET scan about 3 weeks ago, and my surgeon says he saw a little something there. He said it is common, and that it could be scarring. But he wants to do a biopsy. So? I am waiting for the appt. for that. This waiting game! lol!

  • pattyanny
    pattyanny Member Posts: 544
    Good luck!
    My prayers and good wishes are with you!
  • Scambuster
    Scambuster Member Posts: 973
    pattyanny said:

    Good luck!
    My prayers and good wishes are with you!

    Sounds Good Steve !
    Great news Steve. Wishing that your Doc confirms the techies view.
  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Sending lots of best wishes
    Sending lots of best wishes and PRAYERS!
    God Bless,
  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

    The best of luck!! You and I
    The best of luck!! You and I are out of treatment around the same time. My last rad. treatment was Oct.28'09. I had my 1st PET scan about 3 weeks ago, and my surgeon says he saw a little something there. He said it is common, and that it could be scarring. But he wants to do a biopsy. So? I am waiting for the appt. for that. This waiting game! lol!


    Cindy, I went thru the same
    Cindy, I went thru the same thing last month, thank God, the biospy was negative!! It is scarry tho. Try not to worry.
    God Bless,
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Steven
    Wishing you all the best in prayer
  • delnative
    delnative Member Posts: 450 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hi Steven
    Wishing you all the best in prayer

    Like everyone else said: prayers headed your way.

    --Jim in Delaware
  • dogsrule
    dogsrule Member Posts: 96
    delnative said:

    Like everyone else said: prayers headed your way.

    --Jim in Delaware

    Sending prayers
    I am sending up prayers for your PET to come back clean. God Bless you Steve
  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    Good luck
    Praying you get an "all clear" from your PET scan!!!
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member

    Sending positive thoughts your way.

    Yesterday, my rads oncologist told me that I should have the scan done at eight weeks. Sounds like every doctor puts their own spin on it.

  • fishingirl
    fishingirl Member Posts: 188
    D Lewis said:


    Sending positive thoughts your way.

    Yesterday, my rads oncologist told me that I should have the scan done at eight weeks. Sounds like every doctor puts their own spin on it.


    Thank you so very much
    Thank you so very much everyone!! The best to ALL of you!!!

  • wifeforlife
    wifeforlife Member Posts: 189

    Thank you so very much
    Thank you so very much everyone!! The best to ALL of you!!!


    Thoughts are with you !
    Steve- our thoughts and prayers ar with you here! wife
  • rozaroo
    rozaroo Member Posts: 665

    Thoughts are with you !
    Steve- our thoughts and prayers ar with you here! wife

    Thought's & prayer's are sent your way!
  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    rozaroo said:

    Thought's & prayer's are sent your way!

    Nothing to worry about
    First is too early for anything to show, Steve- that can be taken seriously, so rest easy, my friend. Still, Prayers are with you.


  • Landranger25
    Landranger25 Member Posts: 210 Member
    Kent Cass said:

    Nothing to worry about
    First is too early for anything to show, Steve- that can be taken seriously, so rest easy, my friend. Still, Prayers are with you.



    I agree
    Had a PET at 3 months at the urging of my wife. To ease her worry the Onco agreed and sure enough an area showed which caused some concern to ENT. (Onco fine with what he saw) Anyways, tried not to worry and 6 month PEt showed all clear. Enjoy feeling better, get some strength back and try not to worry Steven. Good luck and keep us posted.
