Whew after a short break I am back.

Cindy Ann
Cindy Ann Member Posts: 101
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello My Sisters, I missed you all. I hated group. Found a wonderful spirtual pyschologist.But as you know the road twists and turns with BC.My precious daughter's gentic testing came back Tues. Not good news. She is handling it well. She is looking at the big picture with wide eyes. She is 34. My high school grad present baby. LOL!!She has 4 children. All at risk. They will need testing at 18. 3 girls and 1 boy. I postponed my sugery for the 11 of June per the specialist request. To have gentic testing. I have DCIS and can wait the extra 2 weeks for it to come back.I have a very unhappy surgeon. Because she says it will just come back neg. Why wait? Well my daughter's didn't. I have to know if I am carrying it too. Doesn't matter if I already have bc. I got excellant gentic counseling and had the blood work the day my daughter found out. Why wait? I pray it is negative. My husband has BC on his side too. I had to ask myself would I do anything different. Like have the lumpectomy and radiation.The answer is yes I would . It would be waste and more pain for me to just have a lumpectomy if I am positive. I would have a bilat and ovaries out. Because I do not want to spend my life in fear of what if. Plus if I listened to the surgeon( who by the way is a short part of my care) and then down the road found out I have it back but worse. Then had Genetic testing found it postive I would be absolutely PO'd for not listening to the specialist and my gut.. I am praying so hard for it to be negative. But also know that I have to think this out and get help doing it. My therapist will help. But so will you all. You are the only people that know how I feel. I need to know if this came from me to my child. My husband will be tested too. He by the way is doing better. HR took care of the few mean kids at work.LOL So work while being stressful is do able for him now. He is in a better frame of mind. Finally admitting he feels helpless. That was all I needed to hear. I get that. So I find myself helping him worrying less about me.

My son and my grandbabies will be here for a week. They will get in tommorrow. So excited to see them. My husband is taking the week off. One week surrounded by all my babies and husband is what I need. I am doing much better. Bad news aside. I will need you all. It is going to be a long month and I may have to fire my surgeon. If she can't handle what I have done then she is not for me. No egos' allowed on my Cancer trip.

I am so glad to be back and though it was short recess. I needed to get my head back on..

Love and HUgs,
Cindy Ann


  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441
    welcome back Cindy!
    such a

    welcome back Cindy!
    such a shame about your daughter genetic result~but its better to know and be able to do something about it if need be. I'm sure she will be monitored even more closely now.

    I can understand why you put off your surgery for the gene test.I think i would have done the same thing.Then if need be,get rid of the things that pose the most risks,ie,both breasts and ovaries. Wise choice in my opinion. Who EVER wants to go through this stuff more times than absolutely necessary!

    I couldnt get the gene test as there was only my birth mum (as far as we know)that got BC young. She was also adopted as a child and her birth parents are in Germany and they have no contact.So my relatives on her side are in Germany and we dont know if,or how many,other female relatives have had BC or OC. The onc asked me if i have any relatives over there of Jewish descent as they are more likely to get ovarian cancer. not sure why! lol

    enjoy your time with your family and i'll be keeping my fingers crossed for your results.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    welcome back. Sorry for your daughter results. Please put on hold an idea of firing your surgeon. She wants best for you, which is first of all to take existing tumor out. Lumpectomy is relatively easy procedure, while mastectomy is major surgery, especially if you will do immediate reconstruction. Plus coordination of care breast surgeon, gynecologist and plastic surgeon will take time. Tumor removal is a medical necessity versus other surgeries are prophylactic.

    I had lumpectomy first and then 4 weeks later mastectomy with reconstruction.
    Good luck,
    New Flower
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Cindy Ann
    Sorry your group didn't work out but welcome back! I am so sorry that the genetic testing news was not positive for your daughter. There are so many pros and cons with decisions that have to be made at this point. I'm not sure where you are but does your local cancer facility have panel discussions of the new cancer patients (I'm not sure if this is the Tumor Board I have heard some of my docs mention??) That was an option where I am although I opted out because I had already decided what I wanted to do and my oncologist and surgeon were in different cities (but discussed my case between them). The way I understood the process, the oncologists, surgeons, radiation oncologists and plastics all get together, discuss and make recomendations for new cancer cases.

    In my case, I saw the oncologist first who did the genetic testing right away. When she spoke with my surgeon, they both indicated that they would want to wait for that result to come back first if I was interested in lumpectomy but since I was going to do a bilateral mastectomy, they were OK with proceeding with surgery. I do not believe that the ovary removal was a concern (that I would need if positive) because they told me that I couldn't have that done during the same surgery anyway. But this may all be something specific to my case or my area of the country (I was considered Stage I/grade I at that time).

    I agree with NewFlower that I wouldn't just fire your surgeon - There seem to be 20 different ways in medicine to do something and get to the same end result. But if you are not comfortable with something they are saying or doing as you go along, you could consider a second opinion and then decide what is best for you. Best wishes...

  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    Good to Know Your Back
    I was just looking for something from you to see how you are doing. Sounds like quit a struggle for you and family. If your not feeling compatable with your surgeon ask your refering physician for a referal to another. I was impressed with the TLC my surgeron gave me instantly and throughout the time I was under her care. I also had a lumpectomy with removal of lymphys. Fourtunetly my turmor was still developing and hadn't attached any blood vessels or nerve endings to me. This was good news but I still had to go through chemo and rad for safety sake. Keep in touch and reach out for strength anytime. We are all here for you and everyone else new to the club no one wanted to be a memeber of.