Xeloda chemo pill... 3 weeks in...

Chrispea Member Posts: 123 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1

Sorry haven't been on much lately, I've actually been feeling pretty good!

The Xeloda chemo pill went pretty well for me. I didn't get nauseous.

I did get the hand foot thing, where your hands hurt and turn red, but it's not too bad, just kind of annoying.

A little bit of joint pain, but not too bad.

And, an allergic reaction. My arms will break out in hives and itch. I took some benydrl for that.

I'm seeing the onc tomorrow. 3 more treatments to go. :)


  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Glad the pill isn't too bad
    Glad the pill isn't too bad for you Chrispea. 3 more and you are done!
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Sounds like you are doing well with it and that is awesome! I haven't seen a lot about the pill so your information is very interesting - I hope it all continues to go well for you!
  • sockmonkey123
    sockmonkey123 Member Posts: 6
    Started on the same drug
    I just started Xeloda today for bone mets. I'm glad to hear your side effects weren't too bad. Great to hear that you've been feeling good! I'm new to the group, so pls. keep me informed w/your progress. Yeah--you only have 3 more treatments to go.
    Are you also on Zometa?