Arrgh! Hair on my legs is back!

heidijez Member Posts: 441
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
if there is an upside to hair loss, it was wonderful not having to shave my legs ; ) unfortunately, it's baaacck! very fine and light in color, but with the sun streaming through the windows, i noticed that it returned!! now if only the hair on my head could get its act together and get growing!!!


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    yeah, that is Murphy's Law.
    yeah, that is Murphy's Law. The hair you don't want comes back first.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 nice eyebrows nice eyebrows never did come back in like they were before chemo, but I did get a moustache....go figure! LOL LOL
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    chenheart said: nice eyebrows nice eyebrows never did come back in like they were before chemo, but I did get a moustache....go figure! LOL LOL

    forgot to mention that my
    forgot to mention that my eyelashes disappeared again; they were about half back and now they are gone ; (
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    heidijez said:

    forgot to mention that my
    forgot to mention that my eyelashes disappeared again; they were about half back and now they are gone ; (

    Hair today gone tomorrow....
    It's such a mystery with the hair issue. I never did lose my leg hair, but it sure seems to have taken "growth hormones"! Underarm and coochie hair is very slow growing back. Eyebrows meanwhile are growing with a vengeance!!! Ain't this fun!
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Ahem, why no brazilian?
    The one thing I was looking forward to with hairloss -- a brazilian. Ya know, down there. Isn't happening. My body hair and eyebrows have thinned but not gone completely. Last chemo was today. Brazilian, if you're gonna happen, it's time.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Ahem, why no brazilian?
    The one thing I was looking forward to with hairloss -- a brazilian. Ya know, down there. Isn't happening. My body hair and eyebrows have thinned but not gone completely. Last chemo was today. Brazilian, if you're gonna happen, it's time.

    the hair thing is a mystery
    the hair thing IS a mystery mama G has us all jealous with the head hair. Hair on my "coochie" fell out first and grew back first. was curly now straight. and dark. hair on my head at least wavy thicker and dark. was blondish and stick straight. have to shave my legs almost every day, never had to do that. slow on the underarm hair. I have the strangest hair line. Just glad chemo is done and I'm getting hair. Oh yeah the nose hair grew in, and the eyebrows are darker and lashes there but shorter. but the nose hair was beastly, like some 80 year old guy!!! settled down a little. the poor hair follicle were prob like WT@!
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    carkris said:

    the hair thing is a mystery
    the hair thing IS a mystery mama G has us all jealous with the head hair. Hair on my "coochie" fell out first and grew back first. was curly now straight. and dark. hair on my head at least wavy thicker and dark. was blondish and stick straight. have to shave my legs almost every day, never had to do that. slow on the underarm hair. I have the strangest hair line. Just glad chemo is done and I'm getting hair. Oh yeah the nose hair grew in, and the eyebrows are darker and lashes there but shorter. but the nose hair was beastly, like some 80 year old guy!!! settled down a little. the poor hair follicle were prob like WT@!

    My eyebrows are coming and
    My eyebrows are coming and going. I have them for a while then there gone again. Hair on head is doing ok, legs yep it's back, no hair under arms.
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    Kat11 said:

    My eyebrows are coming and
    My eyebrows are coming and going. I have them for a while then there gone again. Hair on head is doing ok, legs yep it's back, no hair under arms.

    Kat we have the same hair
    Kat we have the same hair thing going on. My eyebrows are there one day gone the following week.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    me too
    Loved not shaving my legs and now it's back! LOL Just wish the coochie hair had stayed away. It's back thicker than ever.
    What a strange thing that chemo does to our bodies and it seems to react with a mind of it's own....except of course for the bald heads that we all get. I think chemo has a strange sense of humor! But thank God we are all here to share and compare. It has helped me so much to read and vent where people understand what your going through. Thanks to all of you.
  • kiki3
    kiki3 Member Posts: 15
    Your post gave me great joy!
    Your post gave me great joy! I am sorry yours is back, but I was told that I would lose it all, EXCEPT my legs. That really ruined my day, as the rainbow on the chemo was no shaving all summer. I am 2 rounds in, and it does seem to be slowing down. Just soooo happy to hear that it does stop growing! Hoping your head can catch up soon!
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    I had fine, downy like hair,
    I had fine, downy like hair, lamb chops if you will, growing on the side of my face. Not an attractive look, I have to say. Like you, I have started shaving once again. Luckily, my hair is growing back thick and wavy. I'm slightly past the Mia Farrow look from the pic "Rosemary's Baby". I still wear sun hats during the day as I am getting used to my new short do.

    Best of luck on your journey.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    Ahem, why no brazilian?
    The one thing I was looking forward to with hairloss -- a brazilian. Ya know, down there. Isn't happening. My body hair and eyebrows have thinned but not gone completely. Last chemo was today. Brazilian, if you're gonna happen, it's time.

    Christine Louise,
    If only we could have somehow merged our problems! I had the Brazilian you longed for, but never lost the hair on my legs -- the one thing *I* was looking forward to!

  • pjdreams
    pjdreams Member Posts: 77
    Kat11 said:

    My eyebrows are coming and
    My eyebrows are coming and going. I have them for a while then there gone again. Hair on head is doing ok, legs yep it's back, no hair under arms.

    Rapid Lash

    Once I got close to finishing chemo I started applying a product called "Rapid Lash" on both my eye brows and eye lashes. It's a topical solution that looks like a mascara wand and maybe I'm crazy but it really worked on my eye brows. Not so much on my eye lashes but I think it's because it comes in a "brush" applicator instead of a wand like mascara. It's available online.

    I cleared it first with my ob/gyn and he gave the ok.

