How risky are silicone implants?

aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1

I haven't written in a long time. I am finished with my heavy duty chemo and
have decided to have a mastectomy, which brought me to my next topic reconstruction.

What was your personal experience with implants? Are they very risky?

I would appreciate your input =) ... as always.



  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441
    Now i am certainly no


    Now i am certainly no expert on this matter,and these are just my thought on the knowledge i have researched myself.

    I hear the newer cohesive silicone gel implants are alot safer (but i live in the UK where they have been approved for a while now)as if they were to ever split or rupyure,the gel stays inside the shell and can't leak into the body as it is a thick,rubbery gel like substance. So from that point of view,they seem safer than the older style silicone.

    Like with any foreign body, your body MAY reject the implant and i have read there could be links with silicone implants and auto immune disease.But on reading further into this,there has been no conclusive proof.

    Even if a woman was to choose saline implants,the shell is still made of silicone so you would still be putting silicone into your body.

    I believe you guys call the cohesive gel,a 'gummy bear' implant,as the gel has the texture of a gummy bear?? lol But they are not yet FDA approved in the states and are being used as part of trials in some states at the moment. This is a shame, as the gummy bear comes in an anatomical (teardrop) shape and gives a very realsitic breast shape. But it has been approved a long while over here and in other countries. I fact,its my PS's preferred use of implant aesthetically.

    I am having these later this year.(i have TE's at the mo).
    Its always wise to do your research on things like this.
    Research the pro's and con's of silicone 'v' saline 'v' cohesive silicone gel.

    A good link to take a look at is:

    Also :

    just copy and paste into your browser.Hope it helps =)

  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Surgeon recommended silicone
    My breast surgeon said there is no scientific data supporting claims that silicone implants caused auto-immune disorders. You remember this was big news several years ago, and some manufacturers pulled their products for a while in response. She highly recommended silicone because it feels more like real breast tissue. My plastic surgeon agrees with her. I trust them both, so I'm getting silicone in July and not looking back. I'm not worried about it. (Well, as much as a cancer survivor can "not worry" about anything!) My mom has had silicone implants for 30 years with no problems.

    Anyone who has or had expanders will tell you that the expansion process is not fun. They are uncomfortable at best. I've had the expanders in since my surgery in January. I hate them BUT I do not regret going this route. (I was not a candidate for other types of reconstruction.) I have enjoyed having shape during this time, and I'm excited to get the implants.

    On another note -- Love your scarf, Ayse!
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    I'm sorry I don't have any input to offer you on this subject, but just wanted to say how nice it is to see you back!

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Silicone here...more than 20 years....
    I had them put in during my 'vanity' period, WAAAAAY before breast cancer....kept them all the way thru treatment, still have them today, almost 5 years post treatment. Mammograms are a bit more tedious, because 20 years ago the only way was tumor's back margin was the capsule from the implant...otherwise, I would have had extention into the chest wall...

    I have not had any trouble with them at all, and only I can feel the edges...

    Hugs, Kathi