pathology report yesterday

Jennifer1961 Member Posts: 137
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
This is my first post. I was diagnosed May 4 (biposy report), had lumpectomy May 11. Was hoping to be stage 1, but since my tumor is twice as large as they thought I'm stage 2a. I know it's stupid, but it was a real blow. The good news is lymphnodes are for sure negative and margins are clear. I just keep thinking that I'm going to get terrible news down the road, like it has spread through the blood vessels and I'll be at stage 4. I'm generally not the most positve person anyway, so I always think the worst. Of course I had this lump for several months before I got it checked since I had just had a normal mammorgram in Oct. Now I'm kicking myself. I have three kids, 5, 9 and 11 and I can't stop thinking about this will effect them. I've told them the doctors believe I'll be fine, but it's got to be scary for them. And then there's chemo. Probably 6 months worth they're telling me. How will I get through this? Will I get through this?


  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Jennifer, first and
    Jennifer, first and foremost, YES you will get through this. There are many, many ladies and men on this site that can attest to that. Your children will get through this, too. There are some old threads regarding how and what to tell your children. I'll look and see if I can find them and bump them up for you. As far as chemo is concerned, it is not like it used to be. There are pre-meds that are given now to hopefully avoid the majority of the side effects. And, if you do get side effects there are also drugs out there to help them. I know it's scary when you are first diagnosed. It is all foreign and the waiting can take a toll on a person. Just try to breathe and know that we will be here as your pink sisters to help you get through treatments. Continue to post and let us know your treatment plan. Take care.
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    We all know how scary this whole process is and how uncertain it can be. The same thing happened to me - when I had my biopsy, it was stage I, grade I - everything looking as good as it could for having cancer. My doctors were all pretty confident that there would be no lymph node involvement but when they did the surgery, I had two positive nodes. I ended up at a 2a also. I had watched my mother go through chemo so I was scared, too. Like they said, it is nothing like it used to be and not at all as bad as I epxected. I know it has to be hard with young kids - I hope you have all the love and support around you that you need. We will all be here for you any time you have questions or just need to talk - best wishes!

  • Member Posts: 14
    your Post
    Dear did EXACTLY what I did. you put it off. I put mine off for 2 yrs. I had my 2 granddaughters w/me @ at time. Went to USF. Gave them crayons and coloring books and told them to STAY PUT! Don't look at or speak to anyone. They stayed true to their word. However...the doc made me wait, wait, wait1 I kept checking on my girls, @ after an dressed, grabbed them, told the recepionist...thank you, VERY much! I won't be back. My granddaughters could have been stolen! I left it alone. @ yrs. later, my mother called @ told me my older sis had breast cancer. No big deal! I said of COURSE it's a big deal1 Soo...I went to get checked....sure know all the rest. My biopsy came back positive. Mine was stage 2c.....had to get my breast removed. Didn't have to do radiation or chemo, because, thank GOD, I found a great oncologist who is giving me Tamoxifen. Checks my blood every 5/6 mths. and the only bad thing is the darned hot flashes!
    I'm 54, so I've been over those, for some time! But you're YOUNG! only worry was my daughter and granddaughters! You are doing the right thing. Check into other docs.
    And.....I'm always ( almost) here to talk with! I've needed this. And it was my first time, also, writing into this. I'm pretty sure my email address shows up. You can email me, if you prefer. Good luck to you, and God Bless. and I will keep you in my prayers.