Finally a surgery date!!!

Cindy Ann
Cindy Ann Member Posts: 101
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Everyone, As most of you reading my posts know I have been in limbo waiting for surgery. with a massive dose of drama thrown in. Saw my surgeon yesterday. Still not feeling satisfied but know she is great surgeon. First visit felt she really took her time this one she kept saying next to each question after anwsering them. I forgot some and didn't think what I wanted to say to other answers.I had written stuff down and felt so rushed I couldn't get all my answers out. when asked to why she isn't testing for Her or oncotyping.She just said you don't need it. Your cancer is non -invasive. She couldn't tell me how big my incision was going to be after asking her 2 times because she said of the wire locazation. She was very very clinical. First time very sweet and caring.. I know cutters are like that.But damn!! Then I asked her if my tumors where Hormone receptive. She said yes. I said do I need my ovaries out? She said why? Your non invasive? She said she did not agree with GYN.My surgery is set for 6/11/10. So I have time to get more answers. She made it all sound like no big deal. Like who knows maybe the cancer was gotten out with biopsay. Don't know what to feel. Relieved or scared to death that she maybe not taking this seriously because it is DCIS. She is very professional and looks for path reports 2 times a day. I know she has a rep for being very fast with her patients. But I still feel somethings are not answered should I call her nurse for what I need answered?? Don't want to bother too soon but why not oncotyping just incase? anyone run into this one? Help!!She did order a chest xray etc.. I got them done yesterday.

Cindy Ann


  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Cindy Ann
    One suggestion I would make is to consider making an appointment with an oncologist. I actually saw an oncologist before I went to the surgeon so I had a lot of information going in and that really helped me. My surgeon and PS are great and they both specialize in this type of breast surgery but I would not be comfortable with the idea of them being the most knowledgeable on the treatment of the cancer itself. She may be completely correct but you might feel more reassured and confident if you heard the details from an oncologist. I would also say that the oncologists, by nature of their specialty, are probably more used to questions and explaining. Good luck!
  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209

    Cindy Ann
    One suggestion I would make is to consider making an appointment with an oncologist. I actually saw an oncologist before I went to the surgeon so I had a lot of information going in and that really helped me. My surgeon and PS are great and they both specialize in this type of breast surgery but I would not be comfortable with the idea of them being the most knowledgeable on the treatment of the cancer itself. She may be completely correct but you might feel more reassured and confident if you heard the details from an oncologist. I would also say that the oncologists, by nature of their specialty, are probably more used to questions and explaining. Good luck!

    Agree totally. See an oncologist before you make any surgery decisions. They have all the answers.
