
jphilpo Member Posts: 177
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am having a bi-lateral mastectomy with DIEP recon. on June 14th. My onc. ordered a diagnostic mammogram on my right breast.. I called his office for results & the nurse said it showed "something", but that the dr. would talk to me when I come on Thursday. SHe said it was probably nothing, but you know where my brain went!! I called my breast surgeon and his nurse called & got a copy of the report. She called me back & said not to worry since it was coming off anyway in June. I will ask my onc, but just wondering... could this delay reconstruction?? Anyone have this happen???


  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    She said
    not to worry since it's coming off anyways? That sounds kind of rude and insensitive-WOW!I would definitely speak to your onc and have him/her explain! Maybe even ask to speak to your surgeon,you have a right!
    How would that nurse feel if she was in your shoes? Definitely as scared as you are,I'm sure...
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Insensitive at the least
    Well I must agree that her response to you was a bit cold, probably because she have never had to feel the fear one feels when they hear the "you have cancer words". I do not know if it would delay your surgery if you were to find there is something in the right breast. I would think they would want to check lymph nodes to be sure nothing has spread to the nodes but even when one knows they have cancer in the breast and they have it removed some do have the implants done at that time. I realize DIEP is a bit different so perhaps it would be helpful for you to get a notepad and write down questions that come to your mind so you will have it with you when you go to see your onco. You will be in my prayers please let us know how it goes.
