
Lylesmyprince Member Posts: 130
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Hi everyone,

Thank you for your comments from my last post. Well here it is 9 days after Lyle started throwing up blood...taking us to the hospital. It has been a very tough week. From vomitting blood, to low white blood cell count, to possible bowel upstruction, to barely being conscious due to meds and weekness, to trouble keeping pain managed, to figuring out how to keep nutrition in, to having a 6 inch blood clot in his upper right arm, dialysis in the hospital, and swollen arms, and now fluid in the lower part of his lungs. Poor guy has been through it. He is now being fed continuously through the feeding tube. His blood looks better and he is keeping his nutrition down with the continuous feeding. So...if we can get a hospital bed and the other services in line for home...he can come home tomorrow night. I'm nervous about that...he is so week and is total care through his feeding tube when it comes to pills, water, and feedings. Not only that...but the blood clot! See...Lyle cannot have any blood thinners due to his polycystic the blood clot has to go untreated. There is a chance that it could let loose and cause a serious situation or death. The doctor and nurse made sure that I was clear on all of that.

Please pray that Lyle will continue to get stronger and I handle things with him with wisdom and love. Lyle has about 2 weeks left of radiation and chemo...the oncologist wants him to resume treatments this week...sooooo...hopefully that doesn't mean that we will be back at the hospital next weekend after treatments again.



  • oriontj
    oriontj Member Posts: 375
    You have my prayers for Lyle
    You have my prayers for Lyle to continually gain strength. I will pray for you to be able to care for him as you want to. I had tears in my eyes when i read your post.

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  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    unknown said:

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    prayers coming
    Hi Susie,
    Boy you and Lyle have been thru the wringer for sure. It is so much with the added burden of dialysis, you guys are heroes. I will keep the prayers up for both of you. There is never one person sick, there are always 2 on the journey. Hoping that this all works out for you both and he gets more strength and over this big bump in the road. Take care, hugs from afar,
    prayers always,
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Donna70 said:

    prayers coming
    Hi Susie,
    Boy you and Lyle have been thru the wringer for sure. It is so much with the added burden of dialysis, you guys are heroes. I will keep the prayers up for both of you. There is never one person sick, there are always 2 on the journey. Hoping that this all works out for you both and he gets more strength and over this big bump in the road. Take care, hugs from afar,
    prayers always,

    Prince and Princess Lyle and Susie
    Hi you guys!
    Wow what a horrific journey this past week has been. I am lost for words, at the moment, but as I sit here with my heart breaking for both of you, I must agree with William. Susie...there is no way you are going to be able to care for Lyle at home! Will you be having a full time 24/7 home nurse stay with you? Please do not put this upon yourself. Once Lyle is stable, and "out" of the woods", then by all means bring him home. I am praying right now that our Lord give you both the strength to continue on fighting this cancer, that he will comfort you and heal you both. Thank you for the update, please stay in touch. Know that we are all thinking of you and praying for you daily. Hugs to you both.
  • Ellie_E
    Ellie_E Member Posts: 50
    Susie, After reading your
    Susie, After reading your post, I just want to cry. It's not fair that these awful things happen to good people. You and Lyle seem to have a very strong marriage and love for one another. You are an inspiration to all of us. I'm not sure I would have the courage or the fortitude to try to care for my husband on my own. Please try to get some help if you bring him home. You need to take care of yourself too. Many prayers and good wishes,
  • Lylesmyprince
    Lylesmyprince Member Posts: 130
    Ellie_E said:

    Susie, After reading your
    Susie, After reading your post, I just want to cry. It's not fair that these awful things happen to good people. You and Lyle seem to have a very strong marriage and love for one another. You are an inspiration to all of us. I'm not sure I would have the courage or the fortitude to try to care for my husband on my own. Please try to get some help if you bring him home. You need to take care of yourself too. Many prayers and good wishes,

    I love you guys...
    Thanks for your support. I spoke with Lyle this morning and his nurse...not good. Lyle's stomach has stopped processing the food again. they have tried to give him all his meds for nausea and pain in the feeding tube...nothing is being absorbed. He had a rough night. I guess shortly after I left the hospital he began throwing up. The nurse pulled back the contents of his stomach to see what was going on and there was about 6 hours of food in his stomach still. I feel discouraged...I know Lyle does too. I have a call into the oncologist...I guess my question is...Is it worth doing those two more chemo treatments if it is going to bring his health soooo low...or do we press on and try to continue? William...thank you for your specific prayer. God heard you...and Lyle won't be coming home today. I don't have constant nursing for home. My parents will be helping. They are my angels!! It isn't just being at home...but Lyle spends about 20hrs a week in just treatments alone between dialysis, radiation, and chemo. They will help drive him around as needed. They are also up for helping with the feedings and the giving of meds. I couldn't do this without them. Their goal is to help me as much as possible so that I can continue to work as much as I can. I am the only income other than Lyle's disability. I am a bit overwhelmed...but I know God will not give me more than I can handle! I'm kind of flattered that He thinks I can handle this much! HA!! I trust that He is in control of our lives and that He loves Lyle more than I do. I will know more this afternoon when I go to the hospital. Lyle is at dialysis in the I'm trying to get some work done! I'm blessed with an amazing team!!

  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Prayers coming your way

    We are so sorry to hear the recent turn of events in Lyle's care and condition. I really agree with William in that it appears the best place for Lyle right now is somewhere he can receive around the clock professional medical care. At a minimum I would hope they would coordinate some form of in home nursing care with 24 hour emergency on call response.

    In any case; I will be praying that Lyle continues to get stronger and improve in the best place for him to receive the kind of medical and emotional support he needs to recover and continue his treatment.

    And I will be praying that God provides the support, strength, and wisdom for you to make the best choice for Lyle and yourself.

    Please take care of yourself Susie.

    Paul Adams

    AKA: paul61

    McCormick, South Carolina
  • I love you guys...
    Thanks for your support. I spoke with Lyle this morning and his nurse...not good. Lyle's stomach has stopped processing the food again. they have tried to give him all his meds for nausea and pain in the feeding tube...nothing is being absorbed. He had a rough night. I guess shortly after I left the hospital he began throwing up. The nurse pulled back the contents of his stomach to see what was going on and there was about 6 hours of food in his stomach still. I feel discouraged...I know Lyle does too. I have a call into the oncologist...I guess my question is...Is it worth doing those two more chemo treatments if it is going to bring his health soooo low...or do we press on and try to continue? William...thank you for your specific prayer. God heard you...and Lyle won't be coming home today. I don't have constant nursing for home. My parents will be helping. They are my angels!! It isn't just being at home...but Lyle spends about 20hrs a week in just treatments alone between dialysis, radiation, and chemo. They will help drive him around as needed. They are also up for helping with the feedings and the giving of meds. I couldn't do this without them. Their goal is to help me as much as possible so that I can continue to work as much as I can. I am the only income other than Lyle's disability. I am a bit overwhelmed...but I know God will not give me more than I can handle! I'm kind of flattered that He thinks I can handle this much! HA!! I trust that He is in control of our lives and that He loves Lyle more than I do. I will know more this afternoon when I go to the hospital. Lyle is at dialysis in the I'm trying to get some work done! I'm blessed with an amazing team!!


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  • JaneE2366
    JaneE2366 Member Posts: 289 Member

    I love you guys...
    Thanks for your support. I spoke with Lyle this morning and his nurse...not good. Lyle's stomach has stopped processing the food again. they have tried to give him all his meds for nausea and pain in the feeding tube...nothing is being absorbed. He had a rough night. I guess shortly after I left the hospital he began throwing up. The nurse pulled back the contents of his stomach to see what was going on and there was about 6 hours of food in his stomach still. I feel discouraged...I know Lyle does too. I have a call into the oncologist...I guess my question is...Is it worth doing those two more chemo treatments if it is going to bring his health soooo low...or do we press on and try to continue? William...thank you for your specific prayer. God heard you...and Lyle won't be coming home today. I don't have constant nursing for home. My parents will be helping. They are my angels!! It isn't just being at home...but Lyle spends about 20hrs a week in just treatments alone between dialysis, radiation, and chemo. They will help drive him around as needed. They are also up for helping with the feedings and the giving of meds. I couldn't do this without them. Their goal is to help me as much as possible so that I can continue to work as much as I can. I am the only income other than Lyle's disability. I am a bit overwhelmed...but I know God will not give me more than I can handle! I'm kind of flattered that He thinks I can handle this much! HA!! I trust that He is in control of our lives and that He loves Lyle more than I do. I will know more this afternoon when I go to the hospital. Lyle is at dialysis in the I'm trying to get some work done! I'm blessed with an amazing team!!


    I just want you to know I am keeping you and Lyle in my prayers...and you are right...God doesn't give us more than we can handle....but I am sure it doesn't feel like that at all right now. Things will get better!
    Stay strong,
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member

    I love you guys...
    Thanks for your support. I spoke with Lyle this morning and his nurse...not good. Lyle's stomach has stopped processing the food again. they have tried to give him all his meds for nausea and pain in the feeding tube...nothing is being absorbed. He had a rough night. I guess shortly after I left the hospital he began throwing up. The nurse pulled back the contents of his stomach to see what was going on and there was about 6 hours of food in his stomach still. I feel discouraged...I know Lyle does too. I have a call into the oncologist...I guess my question is...Is it worth doing those two more chemo treatments if it is going to bring his health soooo low...or do we press on and try to continue? William...thank you for your specific prayer. God heard you...and Lyle won't be coming home today. I don't have constant nursing for home. My parents will be helping. They are my angels!! It isn't just being at home...but Lyle spends about 20hrs a week in just treatments alone between dialysis, radiation, and chemo. They will help drive him around as needed. They are also up for helping with the feedings and the giving of meds. I couldn't do this without them. Their goal is to help me as much as possible so that I can continue to work as much as I can. I am the only income other than Lyle's disability. I am a bit overwhelmed...but I know God will not give me more than I can handle! I'm kind of flattered that He thinks I can handle this much! HA!! I trust that He is in control of our lives and that He loves Lyle more than I do. I will know more this afternoon when I go to the hospital. Lyle is at dialysis in the I'm trying to get some work done! I'm blessed with an amazing team!!


    Oh Susie
    Wish I could come

    Oh Susie
    Wish I could come to you and give you a huge hug. Rest your head on my shoulder, and we could cry our eyes out! I know that would feel good. would have to be back to business. You and Lyle are on a mission. I am glad he is staying in the hospital for now. How wonderful it is to have your parents there with you. You are truly blessed. I do not feel Lyle is up to continuing the chemo treatments right now. Let him recover, and heal from whatever has been going on with his stomach. Poor guy. I can feel your pain. I was there in December when my dad was in the hospital with a blocked bile duct.

    I am lost for words right now. I will continue to pray for you both. Keep in touch when you can. Hugs to Lyle and mom and dad too!
  • MOE58
    MOE58 Member Posts: 589 Member

    I love you guys...
    Thanks for your support. I spoke with Lyle this morning and his nurse...not good. Lyle's stomach has stopped processing the food again. they have tried to give him all his meds for nausea and pain in the feeding tube...nothing is being absorbed. He had a rough night. I guess shortly after I left the hospital he began throwing up. The nurse pulled back the contents of his stomach to see what was going on and there was about 6 hours of food in his stomach still. I feel discouraged...I know Lyle does too. I have a call into the oncologist...I guess my question is...Is it worth doing those two more chemo treatments if it is going to bring his health soooo low...or do we press on and try to continue? William...thank you for your specific prayer. God heard you...and Lyle won't be coming home today. I don't have constant nursing for home. My parents will be helping. They are my angels!! It isn't just being at home...but Lyle spends about 20hrs a week in just treatments alone between dialysis, radiation, and chemo. They will help drive him around as needed. They are also up for helping with the feedings and the giving of meds. I couldn't do this without them. Their goal is to help me as much as possible so that I can continue to work as much as I can. I am the only income other than Lyle's disability. I am a bit overwhelmed...but I know God will not give me more than I can handle! I'm kind of flattered that He thinks I can handle this much! HA!! I trust that He is in control of our lives and that He loves Lyle more than I do. I will know more this afternoon when I go to the hospital. Lyle is at dialysis in the I'm trying to get some work done! I'm blessed with an amazing team!!


    I have to agree with Sherri and William
    He needs to stay there at the hospital no matter what you couldn't do it by yourself and your parents will be worn out they aren't spring chickens. You can only do so much and you weren't online when our very special friend KITTEN had blockage also she went home and then had to come back.

    Just hang in there pull up your BIG GIRL PANTIES, and put your faith in GOD. He is up all night anyway.

    Take care
  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    My thoughts and


    My thoughts and prayers are with you right now. This is such a tough road for our loved ones and so hard to see them so weak. Big hugs are coming your way --- one day we will all have to meet in person.

    See if you can get home health care nurses to come in and give him therapy once they discharge him from the hospital, to help take care of hi,. I pushed my dad the last time he got out of the hospital (way before I thought they should send him home) and he has 4 different nurses visiting multiple times a week to make sure he is okay, check his vitals, help him walk and do some exercises, give him a bath etc.

    Keep the faith,
  • dragonflymom
    dragonflymom Member Posts: 46
    Hi Susie, I pray that Lyle
    Hi Susie, I pray that Lyle gets some good new soon. My goodness you have had a rough time lately. Prayers for a swift recovery and peace for you both.
