i feel so pretty now :)

Emilyfimily Member Posts: 141
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I've kind of been wanting to get my ears pierced to add a little feminitity lately, but I asked my husband last week and he told me he doesn't like pierced ears, so I said, "oh, okay, no biggy. I won't do it". Well, yesterday we got out of the truck at Cici's Pizza, and this old guy asked my husband, "is that your boy there?" ...Good grief (rolling eyes). I'm short, scrawny from chemo, and have no hair, so I've been mistaken for a 14 year old boy on several accounts by now. But that, my friends, was the last straw. I tried to play it off, but my husband could tell I was a little down. So, he took a left instead of a right when we left after lunch. I said, "where are we going?" His answer - "you'll see..." Well, he drove me to the mall, marched me right in to the Claires, and said, "My beautiful wife needs her ears pierced, please." :) What a sweetheart. Amazing what a sweet gesture from a loving husband can do. My little posts are so tiny, really, but I feel so pretty now. Funny what little things like that can do for the ol' self esteem. Just needed to feel like a girl, I guess. :)


  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    What a sweet, sweet story!
    What a sweet, sweet story! Good for you~ and a big HURRAH! to your husband for not telling you to blow the old man off, or to get over it~but because he was obviously in touch with BOTH of your feminine sides and now you have pierced ears! And the real reason you feel so pretty? It's because you ARE so pretty!

    Hugs, and congrats on No More Chemo!

  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    Soon you will have hair again, Emily. I hope it grows in curly! Hugs. Gracie
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member

    Soon you will have hair again, Emily. I hope it grows in curly! Hugs. Gracie

    You guys rock
    I like that story!! I have brothers and sons. You do NOT look like a young boy.

  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    that is sweet
    sometimes the guys "get it" don't they? Gotta love them then. I actually have 7 piercings in both ears, had a few extra done when I was bald because the dangly earrings made me feel like I had hair. hahah.
    Sounds like your husband is there for you, and that rocks!
  • arkansasgirl
    arkansasgirl Member Posts: 84
    No Hair No Boobs!!!
    Hi Emilyfimily

    I have gotten the same response and then they say sorry. I just tell them it's okay.
    I have taken it with a grain of salt if you know what I mean. I'm usually by myself and
    then call hubby and tell him and I always say to him: NO HAIR NO BOOBS WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR THEN TO BE MISTAKEN FOR A MAN!!!LOL The things we have to go through not only
    the sickness and pain but all the other crazy things such as this. I try to laugh about
    the situation and make the best of it. I guess my ball cap didn't help matters.
    I'm always joking with my cousins when we go somewhere. I will tell them stop we have to
    go back home and I would say I forgot to brush my hair. You can imagine the look I got.
    Anything to help pass the day and keep a smile on our loved ones faces.
    Sometimes it is the little things that matters most.

    God Bless You
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    I agree with chen you are
    I agree with chen you are pretty. Now you enjoy those pierced ears pretty lady. Get brave and wear some fancy earrings when the piercing heals.
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Thank you for sharing that
    Thank you for sharing that sweet story. I feel less than attractive quite often, and especially when my hair was just coming in and I stopped wearing hats and scarves. I usually made sure I had earrings on whenever I went any place. I'm glad that getting your ears pierced made a difference and helped you to feel like the beautiful woman you are!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Thanks for sharing your
    Thanks for sharing your sweet story, Emily. I'm glad that the piercing seemed to help and like Natly said, wear some beautiful earrings when your ears heal up. The good thing, too, is if you decide once the treatments are over that you really don't want pierced ears, they will grow back. Good luck in getting through the treatments. I'm only a few months out myself but am starting to grow my hair and also get some normalcy back in my life. You will too!!!
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    Thanks for sharing your
    Thanks for sharing your sweet story, Emily. I'm glad that the piercing seemed to help and like Natly said, wear some beautiful earrings when your ears heal up. The good thing, too, is if you decide once the treatments are over that you really don't want pierced ears, they will grow back. Good luck in getting through the treatments. I'm only a few months out myself but am starting to grow my hair and also get some normalcy back in my life. You will too!!!

    Very Sweet! Your hubby gets
    Very Sweet! Your hubby gets major points for that! I wore earings and make up every time I went out. It really helped to make me feel pretty. Arkanasgirls reply reminds me that we have to have our sense of humor to get through this. My sister saw a ball cap that said "Bad Hair Day" that she was going to get for me but thought I would be affended. I said we should have one made that says "No Hair Day" then laughed and laughed. We never did it but had fun imagining the responses to it.
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Bling Bling
    I don't go out without rocking the biggest earrings I've got -- more than one pair sometimes! I've also starting wearing multiple scarves -- one as a "headband" over another, or a long one making "ponytails" hanging down beneath a soft hat. I attach a pin or brooch if it's not too heavy. Why not have some fun with it, I'm thinking?! If I'm getting the looks anyway, I'm strutting my stuff.

    PS, I'm sure you've been told to be careful with your new piercings, ya?
  • Emilyfimily
    Emilyfimily Member Posts: 141

    Bling Bling
    I don't go out without rocking the biggest earrings I've got -- more than one pair sometimes! I've also starting wearing multiple scarves -- one as a "headband" over another, or a long one making "ponytails" hanging down beneath a soft hat. I attach a pin or brooch if it's not too heavy. Why not have some fun with it, I'm thinking?! If I'm getting the looks anyway, I'm strutting my stuff.

    PS, I'm sure you've been told to be careful with your new piercings, ya?

    yup, I'm being extra careful. But holy smokes! did I ever get chewed out by my doctor today! "You knew better than that" "That's a risk" "You'll be lucky to keep those from getting infected" etc etc. Felt like I was getting chewed out by my dad. It was hard not to start laughing during the lecture. Felt like I was in high school again, haha. I'm being extra careful with them, though.

    Thanks ladies, for your kind words!! I'm glad you liked my story :) I sure do. Ah, I have such a crush on my sweety. :)

    Today I actually had my post chemo scans, and Friday I will find out if I'm in remission or not. But, *of course* I will be!! You gals take care!
  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    Cute story

    One thing that we need to remember is what kinds of kids this "old guy" has probably seen over the years - girls with very short hair, boys with very long hair and everyone wearing makeup and jewelry (everyone remember the 80's?). My daughter got mistaken for a boy until she was about 14 simply because she had a shorter hair cut and didn't wear makeup like her friends.

    Congrats on your new pierced ears.