Dr. Axel Rolle for lung mets

sarcomasister Member Posts: 7 Member
edited March 2014 in Sarcoma #1
I've been hearing lots about Dr. Axel Rolle in Germany who has resected many lung mets. Has anyone had any experience going there?


  • ChrisRu
    ChrisRu Member Posts: 1
    HI, I am from Germany and I
    HI, I am from Germany and I have multiple mets in the lung... around 30 each side (Parotis). I have surgery by Prof. Rolle on Wednesday 27th May. His method looks very promising. Hit me up if you are looking for further info (will be responding in 2 weeks when I am back..)

  • Iwona
    Iwona Member Posts: 1
    ChrisRu said:

    HI, I am from Germany and I
    HI, I am from Germany and I have multiple mets in the lung... around 30 each side (Parotis). I have surgery by Prof. Rolle on Wednesday 27th May. His method looks very promising. Hit me up if you are looking for further info (will be responding in 2 weeks when I am back..)


    Hallo Chris!~
    meine Mama hat

    Hallo Chris!~

    meine Mama hat lungenkrebs (adenocarcinoma), eine bekannte von uns aus deutschland sagte es mir uber prof. Rolle... alle arzte sagten, dass dieses krebs man nicht operieren lassen kann... wir kommen aus Polen und wollen versuchen etwas mehr als nur Chemotherapie. wie lange muss man warten auf solche operation? wie kann man es tun- privat? du hast bestimmt telefon numer?
    hilf mir BITTE...
    hoffe Dir geht es gut. Grusse!
    e-mail: onka_onka@wp.pl
  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • jess phillips
    jess phillips Member Posts: 2
    ChrisRu said:

    HI, I am from Germany and I
    HI, I am from Germany and I have multiple mets in the lung... around 30 each side (Parotis). I have surgery by Prof. Rolle on Wednesday 27th May. His method looks very promising. Hit me up if you are looking for further info (will be responding in 2 weeks when I am back..)


    DR ROlle
    HI Chris, can you tell me how your operation went and what the outcomes were. My mother is travelling to Dresden tomorrow and I want some info, don't be shy any information will do.


  • Jayne2
    Jayne2 Member Posts: 3

    DR ROlle
    HI Chris, can you tell me how your operation went and what the outcomes were. My mother is travelling to Dresden tomorrow and I want some info, don't be shy any information will do.



    Dr Rolle
    Hi. I would appreciate any information on Dr Rolle and/or treatment for multiple lung mets. I have done extensive research on the internet but would be very interested in personal views and accounts. My sister is currently awaiting confirmation from Dr Rolle on whether she is eligible for treatment. If so, she will then need to decide whether she proceeds with the laser resection or a clinical drugs trial. Does anyone have any costings of the treatment in Germany? Any help or advice would be gratefully received.
  • jess phillips
    jess phillips Member Posts: 2
    Jayne2 said:

    Dr Rolle
    Hi. I would appreciate any information on Dr Rolle and/or treatment for multiple lung mets. I have done extensive research on the internet but would be very interested in personal views and accounts. My sister is currently awaiting confirmation from Dr Rolle on whether she is eligible for treatment. If so, she will then need to decide whether she proceeds with the laser resection or a clinical drugs trial. Does anyone have any costings of the treatment in Germany? Any help or advice would be gratefully received.

    hi Jayne my mom is due hopefully to have the operation with Dr Roll eon monday she is in the hospital in dresden at the moment, so I will let you know how it goes. I believe it 11,000 euros per lung.

    Hope this helps my moms blog is http://famouslastwordsjt.blogspot.com/


  • Jayne2
    Jayne2 Member Posts: 3

    hi Jayne my mom is due hopefully to have the operation with Dr Roll eon monday she is in the hospital in dresden at the moment, so I will let you know how it goes. I believe it 11,000 euros per lung.

    Hope this helps my moms blog is http://famouslastwordsjt.blogspot.com/



    Thank you Jess. My sister
    Thank you Jess. My sister Alexis is flying out on Monday to have operation by Dr Rolle on Weds. Hopefully she'll be able to see you and your Mum. We don't live far from your Mum here in the UK so maybe they had the same type of NHS 'treatment' here!?
    Hope your Mum's op goes well.
  • tom-in-ojai
    tom-in-ojai Member Posts: 1
    Dr. Rolle surgeries
    I have a rare sarcoma (hemangiopericytoma) that has metastacized. In spring 2007 I went to Germany twice for two thorocotomies with Dr. Rolle and team - 30-40 mets on each side removed. A truly wonderful experience - his technical brilliance as well as genuine human kindness. Plus the whole German after-care experience, 3 weeks rehabilitation, excellent food (they packed a picnic basket for an outing to the lake) and caring staff. A high point in my journey with this disease. Hopefully FDA approval for his technology in the US soon, on solid organ tumors too.
  • LdG
    LdG Member Posts: 3
    ChrisRu said:

    HI, I am from Germany and I
    HI, I am from Germany and I have multiple mets in the lung... around 30 each side (Parotis). I have surgery by Prof. Rolle on Wednesday 27th May. His method looks very promising. Hit me up if you are looking for further info (will be responding in 2 weeks when I am back..)


    Dr Axel Rolle
    Hi Chris
    My brother is in Brazil and has sarcoma synovial. He has mets in the lungs and the docs just asked him to wait a few months to see if the tumor does not return to his arm (primary).
    They will only operate him if the tumor does not come back.
    I had heard about a doc in Germany who I now believe is the one your mentioned.
    Could you please share your experience and let me have the tel/address of the doc?
    Many thanks for your help and trust you are doing well.
    Bets wishes

  • LdG
    LdG Member Posts: 3

    Dr. Rolle surgeries
    I have a rare sarcoma (hemangiopericytoma) that has metastacized. In spring 2007 I went to Germany twice for two thorocotomies with Dr. Rolle and team - 30-40 mets on each side removed. A truly wonderful experience - his technical brilliance as well as genuine human kindness. Plus the whole German after-care experience, 3 weeks rehabilitation, excellent food (they packed a picnic basket for an outing to the lake) and caring staff. A high point in my journey with this disease. Hopefully FDA approval for his technology in the US soon, on solid organ tumors too.

    Dr Axel Rolle
    Hi Tom
    My brother is in Brazil and has sarcoma synovial. He has mets in the lungs and the docs just asked him to wait a few months to see if the tumor does not return to his arm (primary).
    They will only operate him if the tumor does not come back.
    I had heard about a doc in Germany who I now believe is the one your mentioned.
    Could you please share your experience and let me have the tel/address of the doc?
    Many thanks for your help and trust you are doing well.
    Bets wishes

  • lesslie
    lesslie Member Posts: 6
    LdG said:

    Dr Axel Rolle
    Hi Tom
    My brother is in Brazil and has sarcoma synovial. He has mets in the lungs and the docs just asked him to wait a few months to see if the tumor does not return to his arm (primary).
    They will only operate him if the tumor does not come back.
    I had heard about a doc in Germany who I now believe is the one your mentioned.
    Could you please share your experience and let me have the tel/address of the doc?
    Many thanks for your help and trust you are doing well.
    Bets wishes


    hey Lucile, please tell your
    hey Lucile, please tell your brother that he does not have to wait so many monthes! these doctors are crazy or they do not know anything ! please send your brother somewhere else, if there are no right hospitals in Brazil, go in the USA or Europe, if you can! and there your brother will be really good cared.
  • suefromva
    suefromva Member Posts: 2

    Dr. Rolle surgeries
    I have a rare sarcoma (hemangiopericytoma) that has metastacized. In spring 2007 I went to Germany twice for two thorocotomies with Dr. Rolle and team - 30-40 mets on each side removed. A truly wonderful experience - his technical brilliance as well as genuine human kindness. Plus the whole German after-care experience, 3 weeks rehabilitation, excellent food (they packed a picnic basket for an outing to the lake) and caring staff. A high point in my journey with this disease. Hopefully FDA approval for his technology in the US soon, on solid organ tumors too.

    My brother: LMS in IVC with Lung Mets>l Dr Rolle
    I read on another site that Dr Rolle wouldnt treat until the primary is gone...yet the surgeons seem to want to delay surgery on the Primary until the mets are gone. cart and horse problem. Do you know Rolle's position on that?
  • tdch
    tdch Member Posts: 10
    Epithelioid sarcoma
    My husband has epithelioid sarcoma in his right hand and it has spread to his lymph nodes and lungs. Anyone had this terrible cancer or treatment for it? We live in the UK but i have heard a lot about Dr Rolle in Germany and am interested in the removal of lung mets with laser treatment
  • tdch
    tdch Member Posts: 10
    Dr Rolle
    Hello did you find any information on Dr Rolle and how are you doing one year on?
    CTONKS Member Posts: 2
    Jayne2 said:

    Thank you Jess. My sister
    Thank you Jess. My sister Alexis is flying out on Monday to have operation by Dr Rolle on Weds. Hopefully she'll be able to see you and your Mum. We don't live far from your Mum here in the UK so maybe they had the same type of NHS 'treatment' here!?
    Hope your Mum's op goes well.

    How is your sister?
    Hi My name is Christine. I live in the U K. I have lung mets which at the moment are being treated with Radio Frequency Ablation in the U K but R F A has its limitations. I am looking for a different way of being treated if more appear.I am wondering how your sister got on with her operation with Doctor Rolle? What sort of treatment is it? Any information would be appreciated.I do hope your sister is well. Christine.
    CTONKS Member Posts: 2
    tdch said:

    Dr Rolle
    Hello did you find any information on Dr Rolle and how are you doing one year on?

    Dr Rolle.Information.
    Hi has anybody got information about Dr Rolles treatment for lung mets. I would be interested to hear from anyone that has had the treatment. Does it work? How does it work? Any information would be greatly appreciated Christine.
  • olgaT
    olgaT Member Posts: 5
    CTONKS said:

    Dr Rolle.Information.
    Hi has anybody got information about Dr Rolles treatment for lung mets. I would be interested to hear from anyone that has had the treatment. Does it work? How does it work? Any information would be greatly appreciated Christine.

    Laser assisted surgery/Dr.Rolle
    Did you guys find the info about Dr.Rolle you've been looking for?
    My son is his patient since 2005 and he had 2 rounds of the lung surgeries there in Germany - he had very multiple lung mets and our surgeons in Canada could not help him, but Dr.Rolle could and my son is surviving with the very good quality of life after he had more then 100 very small mets removed since 2005.
    If you need more info, ask me.
    To find dr Rolle contact him directly his info on the surgeons network is here
    he is great and their hospital is one of its kind, they only do lungs there.
  • JNR2011
    JNR2011 Member Posts: 3
    tdch said:

    Epithelioid sarcoma
    My husband has epithelioid sarcoma in his right hand and it has spread to his lymph nodes and lungs. Anyone had this terrible cancer or treatment for it? We live in the UK but i have heard a lot about Dr Rolle in Germany and am interested in the removal of lung mets with laser treatment

    My husband has Epitheliod
    My husband has Epitheliod Sarcoma. It began in his upper right thigh. He was diagnosed on 11/09 and had surgery for removal of the tumor on 2/10. On his second post-surgery scan we had mets to the lungs on 11/10. He was given Doxuribicin with the hopes that the tumors would shrink by 15% to operate. It shrunk by 50%. He had surgery 2/11 (you can tell that this is a yearly thing with diagnosis and surgeries). On his 2nd post-surgery scan last week, the diseased has progressed and spread through his lungs. Nowhere else, thank God. I will find out tomorrow what the next step will be, but I am sending over my husband's scans to Dr. Rolle immediately. I hear amazing things about him.
  • JNR2011
    JNR2011 Member Posts: 3
    tdch said:

    Epithelioid sarcoma
    My husband has epithelioid sarcoma in his right hand and it has spread to his lymph nodes and lungs. Anyone had this terrible cancer or treatment for it? We live in the UK but i have heard a lot about Dr Rolle in Germany and am interested in the removal of lung mets with laser treatment

    My husband has Epitheliod
    My husband has Epitheliod Sarcoma. It began in his upper right thigh. He was diagnosed on 11/09 and had surgery for removal of the tumor on 2/10. On his second post-surgery scan we had mets to the lungs on 11/10. He was given Doxuribicin with the hopes that the tumors would shrink by 15% to operate. It shrunk by 50%. He had surgery 2/11 (you can tell that this is a yearly thing with diagnosis and surgeries). On his 2nd post-surgery scan last week, the diseased has progressed and spread through his lungs. Nowhere else, thank God. I will find out tomorrow what the next step will be, but I am sending over my husband's scans to Dr. Rolle immediately. I hear amazing things about him.
  • JNR2011
    JNR2011 Member Posts: 3
    tdch said:

    Epithelioid sarcoma
    My husband has epithelioid sarcoma in his right hand and it has spread to his lymph nodes and lungs. Anyone had this terrible cancer or treatment for it? We live in the UK but i have heard a lot about Dr Rolle in Germany and am interested in the removal of lung mets with laser treatment

    My husband has Epitheliod
    My husband has Epitheliod Sarcoma. It began in his upper right thigh. He was diagnosed on 11/09 and had surgery for removal of the tumor on 2/10. On his second post-surgery scan we had mets to the lungs on 11/10. He was given Doxuribicin with the hopes that the tumors would shrink by 15% to operate. It shrunk by 50%. He had surgery 2/11 (you can tell that this is a yearly thing with diagnosis and surgeries). On his 2nd post-surgery scan last week, the diseased has progressed and spread through his lungs. Nowhere else, thank God. I will find out tomorrow what the next step will be, but I am sending over my husband's scans to Dr. Rolle immediately. I hear amazing things about him.