Seeing the surgeon again tomorrow

Cindy Ann
Cindy Ann Member Posts: 101
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well Guys, I get to see the breast surgeon tomorrow am. I still am very sick. Thrush(can't believe it)a bad cough and bronchitis. Plus allergist says no MRI with contrast. When first saw her after my diagnosis. We had a plan lumpectomy with radiation. Now I am worried that this will change the plan. Sick for a week now. Now no gadilinum in MRI test. I am worried she will now put off surgery and the type of surgery will change. I am dreading tommorrow. I am not terrified or filled with anxiety just a dread. I cannot believe I have thrush(yeast inf) on my tongue and a bad one at that. Taking meds all week to cure not effective as of yet.. I have DCIS. I am hoping she will just at least do another mammogram tomorrow. The mammogram unit is attached to the breast center I go to. I am afraid it is growing bigger as we speak.I in my rational mind know per the biopsy it is a slow growing cancer and non invasive. But my hesart says what if the biopsy is wrong.. I have read about too many people who had biopsys say one thing only to have the pathology after surgery come back different. Some positive healing energy would be appreciteed. I want my surgery over. But see no way to do it with bronchitis and thrush.. Then the MRI issue.. This is really a nasty situation for me..
Hugs and Blessings,
Cindy Ann


  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    Hi Cindy Ann,
    Take a deep breath and try (and that's the hardest part) to slow down. I first felt the lump, June 6, 09, my first excisional biopsy, July 6, re-excisional and Sentinel Node biopsy, 8-3 and mastecomy on 9-11, no MRI and Triple neg IDC, Grade 3, very agressive and I was fine, nothing grew (of course it was removed with the first excisional biopsy) but what I'm trying to say is your tumor grade is low, you'll be ok. You're probably right they are going to want to wait until that infection is gone.

    Waiting is sooooooooo hard. But it will be ok. Just concentrate on taqking care of the thrush. This may be a little delay but you'll get there. Many of us don't have MRI's and a week or two is not going to make a big difference or no difference at all. Talk to your surgeon tomorrow and she will tell you the same thing.

    Good luck tomorrow and keep us posted.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • Cindy Ann
    Cindy Ann Member Posts: 101
    Skeezie said:

    Hi Cindy Ann,
    Take a deep breath and try (and that's the hardest part) to slow down. I first felt the lump, June 6, 09, my first excisional biopsy, July 6, re-excisional and Sentinel Node biopsy, 8-3 and mastecomy on 9-11, no MRI and Triple neg IDC, Grade 3, very agressive and I was fine, nothing grew (of course it was removed with the first excisional biopsy) but what I'm trying to say is your tumor grade is low, you'll be ok. You're probably right they are going to want to wait until that infection is gone.

    Waiting is sooooooooo hard. But it will be ok. Just concentrate on taqking care of the thrush. This may be a little delay but you'll get there. Many of us don't have MRI's and a week or two is not going to make a big difference or no difference at all. Talk to your surgeon tomorrow and she will tell you the same thing.

    Good luck tomorrow and keep us posted.

    Hugs, Judy :-)

    Thank you Judy!!! I feel so foolish. Reading your post and seeing how long it took you to get it all done makes me realize I am thinking too hard about this.. Worrying too much. I will write you back tommorrow with what the surgeon says. It feels good for another person to tell me they had no MRI. My Mom never did either. She had a very aggresive cancer the size of a lemon and attached to the chest wall. NO DCIS low grade like me. She did great. She is a 10 year survior.She and I have parted ways after I was through nursing her back to health.So I cannot ask her if she remembers this or that. But that's ok. It's a long long story.. I just feel better. I knew if I posted my fears here someone would throw out a life line..

    Thank you,
    Cindy Ann
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Skeezie said:

    Hi Cindy Ann,
    Take a deep breath and try (and that's the hardest part) to slow down. I first felt the lump, June 6, 09, my first excisional biopsy, July 6, re-excisional and Sentinel Node biopsy, 8-3 and mastecomy on 9-11, no MRI and Triple neg IDC, Grade 3, very agressive and I was fine, nothing grew (of course it was removed with the first excisional biopsy) but what I'm trying to say is your tumor grade is low, you'll be ok. You're probably right they are going to want to wait until that infection is gone.

    Waiting is sooooooooo hard. But it will be ok. Just concentrate on taqking care of the thrush. This may be a little delay but you'll get there. Many of us don't have MRI's and a week or two is not going to make a big difference or no difference at all. Talk to your surgeon tomorrow and she will tell you the same thing.

    Good luck tomorrow and keep us posted.

    Hugs, Judy :-)

    Hey cindy
    Judy is right the waiting is the hardest, but you can not go into surgery sick. I was Dx in April and I did not have surgery until June ( lumpectomy ). I had both IDC and DCIS. You have got to trust in your doctors. It is good to pay attention to what they are doing for you, but at the same time you have to believe you are getting the best treatment possible. Having said that, this is what will help you get through. Hang in there, Hugs
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Hey cindy
    Judy is right the waiting is the hardest, but you can not go into surgery sick. I was Dx in April and I did not have surgery until June ( lumpectomy ). I had both IDC and DCIS. You have got to trust in your doctors. It is good to pay attention to what they are doing for you, but at the same time you have to believe you are getting the best treatment possible. Having said that, this is what will help you get through. Hang in there, Hugs

    Fear of the unknown, the waiting, the craziness in my head -- all worse than reality. At least, that was my own experience. I was called back for another mammogram and ultrasound on January 18th. Surgery was FINALLY on March 4th. Drove me nuts. I honestly thought I could feel cancer cells spreading, moving in all over my body. The surgeon thought I was nuts. I thought her staff took too damn long to arrange things.

    You know the end of the story: it all worked out. Lumpectomy, clear margins, clean nodes, low Oncotype Dx score, radiation almost over (8 to go). It was my own head and heart that caused me problems.

    Get well so the doctors can take care of you. You will be fine.

  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    aisling8 said:

    Fear of the unknown, the waiting, the craziness in my head -- all worse than reality. At least, that was my own experience. I was called back for another mammogram and ultrasound on January 18th. Surgery was FINALLY on March 4th. Drove me nuts. I honestly thought I could feel cancer cells spreading, moving in all over my body. The surgeon thought I was nuts. I thought her staff took too damn long to arrange things.

    You know the end of the story: it all worked out. Lumpectomy, clear margins, clean nodes, low Oncotype Dx score, radiation almost over (8 to go). It was my own head and heart that caused me problems.

    Get well so the doctors can take care of you. You will be fine.


    Hi Cindy Ann,
    Never,never feel foolish about any thought you have or question you ask your doc's or here on this board. I'll bet there is no such thing as a new question or thought posted here that hasn't been posted many times before. Some of the ladies here that have been here for several years can probably back me up on that. In fact I have a new thought/worry that popped into my head a few days ago, I've discussed it with my surgeon a couple of days ago and will discuss it with my onc when i see her next month. But I'm going to post it here to see if anyone has expereinced it.

    In the meantime, keep gargling, the antibiotics and whatever you have to do to get well and let us know what your doc says tomorrow. It seems our thoughts (and imaginations) always run way ahead of our normal thought process about this and it's probably a good thing because it keeps us on our toes and asking questions, which is a great thing because we always have to be watching out for ourselves.

    Get some sleep tonite and let us know,

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 2
    Skeezie said:

    Hi Cindy Ann,
    Never,never feel foolish about any thought you have or question you ask your doc's or here on this board. I'll bet there is no such thing as a new question or thought posted here that hasn't been posted many times before. Some of the ladies here that have been here for several years can probably back me up on that. In fact I have a new thought/worry that popped into my head a few days ago, I've discussed it with my surgeon a couple of days ago and will discuss it with my onc when i see her next month. But I'm going to post it here to see if anyone has expereinced it.

    In the meantime, keep gargling, the antibiotics and whatever you have to do to get well and let us know what your doc says tomorrow. It seems our thoughts (and imaginations) always run way ahead of our normal thought process about this and it's probably a good thing because it keeps us on our toes and asking questions, which is a great thing because we always have to be watching out for ourselves.

    Get some sleep tonite and let us know,

    Hugs, Judy :-)

    seeing the surgeon and delays
    Hi, deep breath and do some yoga breating to relax.
    I had bad mamo JUne 2008, the machine for the biopsy...broke and my biopsy got delayed, twice to you believe?
    I ended up with 3 lumpies, (I have DCIS) and did not start rads till almost Oct. Made me wackie for sure. But was my outcome changed due to delay? no. Did my BP go up? yeaper

    Now over all the rads, doing femara and this month it will be 2 years from the start.
    Start your own list of relaxation things. It will help.
    Since I have a mamo upcoming I also have a massage, facial planned for the weekend before the mamo.

    DCIS has a hi level of successful treatment so thing only strong thoughts.
    Next recommendation...stay busy during all the testing.

    Go take a hike! Really, you will make it girl~~
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    Cindy Ann
    Everyone here will tell you the waiting is the hardest part. Not knowing the next step and sitting in limbo. Never a good feeling, but do not feel foolish about worrying, this is something that anyone who hasn't been there, doesn't understand, you will get through this, it is scary, no other way to put it. Sounds like you have had more than your share of problems so far.
    We will all be here for you, just try to relax a bit (easier said than done I know). Take care and let us know how your appointment turns out tomorrow.