What should I do

azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I have someone on facebook that keeps sending me e mails abut i am going to die from the chemo, it is poison and will kill me etc. I have written telling her this upsets me and please do not tell me this kind of stuff again, did she listen?? no, i got an even worse one this week telling me since I am so skinny and frail even a cod could kill me
I told her i had decided to extend my life with chemo , she just will not stop this negative talk.
What sould I do about it, i do not want to delete her as a friend but i may have no choice. I want to be like my Heavenly Father and turn the other cheek, but i do nt need all this stress.

Should i warn her one more time that if she does not stop I will have to drop her as friend or just should i drop her now?/
do not now what to do


  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    Block her. If you don't
    Block her. If you don't know how to do that, let me know and I will give you step-by-step instructions. Some people have no shame, I am sad to say.

  • kathryn1
    kathryn1 Member Posts: 88 Member
    If she won't stop, and it will make you feel bad to drop her as a friend, just delete her emails without reading them. You don't need any more stress. I wouldn't feel too bad dropping her if she's not being a friend to you, especially now.
    Hugs, Kathryn
  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
    kathryn1 said:

    If she won't stop, and it will make you feel bad to drop her as a friend, just delete her emails without reading them. You don't need any more stress. I wouldn't feel too bad dropping her if she's not being a friend to you, especially now.
    Hugs, Kathryn

    do not really know her well
    Well i want to do what I think Jesus would do what about if I wrote her and tell her this is the last time i am going to tell her, that if she wants to stay my friend she has to stop talking like this, do you think this would be ok with Jesus.

    I though at first maybe she didn't now she was upsetting me, then the last one was worse than any.

    Many peole have extended their lives with chemo including my sister she got 11 more years. I am hopging to at least get 10 more years with mine.

    Do you think it would be christian to block her or shuld i give her one more warning

    Carlene do you mind if i get yoru e address mine is snookie43@cox.net
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    azgrandma said:

    do not really know her well
    Well i want to do what I think Jesus would do what about if I wrote her and tell her this is the last time i am going to tell her, that if she wants to stay my friend she has to stop talking like this, do you think this would be ok with Jesus.

    I though at first maybe she didn't now she was upsetting me, then the last one was worse than any.

    Many peole have extended their lives with chemo including my sister she got 11 more years. I am hopging to at least get 10 more years with mine.

    Do you think it would be christian to block her or shuld i give her one more warning

    Carlene do you mind if i get yoru e address mine is snookie43@cox.net

    Be glad to.....
    I am sending my email to you via the message feature on these boards, since I have heard that the powers that be don't like for us to post personal info.

    Oops...that didn't work. It says you don't accept private messages. So here's my e mail, and if I get my hand slapped, I'm gonna blame you. (Just kidding...what's the worst they can do to me? I have cancer....nothing scares me.)


  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    Throw Out the Negative Stuff

    I would not hesitate to block this individual.

    How dare this person assume that you even are in shape to hear this type of negativity and worry?

    Are they really worth considering being a compassionate and caring friend if they send this type of message to you?

    You have enough to worry about my dear, throw out the garbage talk and block it.

  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    azgrandma said:

    do not really know her well
    Well i want to do what I think Jesus would do what about if I wrote her and tell her this is the last time i am going to tell her, that if she wants to stay my friend she has to stop talking like this, do you think this would be ok with Jesus.

    I though at first maybe she didn't now she was upsetting me, then the last one was worse than any.

    Many peole have extended their lives with chemo including my sister she got 11 more years. I am hopging to at least get 10 more years with mine.

    Do you think it would be christian to block her or shuld i give her one more warning

    Carlene do you mind if i get yoru e address mine is snookie43@cox.net

    And I definitely think it
    And I definitely think it would be okay with Jesus if you blocked this woman's messages on Face Book.

    Jesus never told anyone to refuse whatever was available back then in the way of medicine.

    Jesus could be pretty ruthless when the occasion called for it. Think of the money-changers He drove out of the temple.

    Stess is bad for OVCA, and this woman is causing you a LOT of stress. Kick her to the curb.

  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member

    Throw Out the Negative Stuff

    I would not hesitate to block this individual.

    How dare this person assume that you even are in shape to hear this type of negativity and worry?

    Are they really worth considering being a compassionate and caring friend if they send this type of message to you?

    You have enough to worry about my dear, throw out the garbage talk and block it.


    I don't understand un-kindness
    I just don't understand why a person would write a message that is so unkind????????? What sort of person (friend or otherwise) would do this and for what possible reason. I think Jesus would say JUST BLOCK HER. That is a Christain thing to do. By blocking her you are turning the other cheek in a way. If you were to respond in an equally un kind way then that WOULDN'T be Christain, but ignoring her by blocking her is the best way to handle in my opinion.

    Take care & keep strong Tina xx
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    block or drop
    Dear Lynda, I would either block or drop her.... first maybe explain how you want to be there for her but the content of the discussions is wearing you out and depressing you. Then I would give her the phone number for a cancer care hotline or maybe NOCC, where she can get the support needed. Love Bonnie
  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
    BonnieR said:

    block or drop
    Dear Lynda, I would either block or drop her.... first maybe explain how you want to be there for her but the content of the discussions is wearing you out and depressing you. Then I would give her the phone number for a cancer care hotline or maybe NOCC, where she can get the support needed. Love Bonnie

    This is what she wrote if you can stand reading it
    I am sorry I just got to this email. And I am so sorry for you. I did not want to offend you or scare you, but I have been there and seen how chemo hurts more than it has helped. many who have had to deal with cancer. I lost my Mother, aunt and an Uncle to cancer.

    But I will pray you survive all those poisons because they are poisons! Just remember his words! He said he would not allow HIS own to suffer above anything or be hurt by the world for we are "Overcomers because he overcame the world! " I also want to say , YOU can control what you allow! I just want to tell you, YOU DO have a chocie. You can take chemo or not. I refused to take chemo and surgery. I took control over my own health with G*Ds guidance and help. Hes the one that taught me all about herbs. Some people dont believe in herbs. I do! But then my faith is stronger than most people and I have been healed so many times by G*D! I also know if your not ready to die, G*D wont take you! But you have to know the word that keeps you! The word of G*D is stronger than any medicine or chemo! His word is what is more important than any chemo or medicine. Just know faith is the substance of things HOPED for, but not alway seen. Its hard sometimes to see what and how G*D heals, and G*D is a personal G*D. You prefer chemo, thats your business and you will have to trust G*D to get you thru it! Some people know they can handle more suffering than others. I know I could not handle chemo. The taste alone would throw my system off. I have no faith in such chemicals. I know what they do. They are like insecticides! I prefer the taste of herbs even though they taste nasty too, but I know they are more for promoting health, and life ( for me, my health was important to do more natural. I dotn have faith in man made chemicals). Chemo is killing off all life, its why they have to wait to see if your blood is responding and reproducing blood for you cant live without it! Please dotn take any mroe chemo until your blood is higher than waht they expect! Becasue your very thin, you have ntohing to sustain you if you cnat produce blood. If you ahev no flesh on yoru bones the chemo may be killing your ability to survive if you have no means to build up blood your body is dying! I ahet to tell you that but your Dr knows you need so much meat on yoru boens to survive. If your just skin and bone and no muscular meat on yoru bones, your slowly dying! And if you dont have any blood parasites may kill you off by being in the blood! (I knwo what I am tlaking about and many Drs dotn wnat to tell you every thing). They forget somehtings! If the chemo is killing off the parasite ist also killing you means to survive. I hate to say it but its true. and if you dont have any meat on your bones, you may not survive or you may survive and be very weak and if you catch a cold in a weakened state may die! I pray you dont die, but you should be told what to expect! If its not, I hope you have a sense to Listen to your body sounds and know when to quit taking chemo. I lost a friend because she listened to the Drs and took one last shot and it killed her! Please have enough faith in G*D to not continue to kill yourself if you sense you may die. Your spirit will try to save you but if you dont listen, I fear for you! I just hope you have enough trust in G*d for the rest of your healing. Vibrations in worship music also helps to heal, so I hope your listening to Worship music for there is healing in Music vibrations, esp praise songs. Make sure you listen to worship songs while you are taking the chemo at least! For G*D dwells in the praises of his people. Good vibrations are just as healing and may so than any vibration. I learned about vibrations and Praise songs when my daughter left me. I was in church and praying and crying out to G*D to restore my family (after my daughter ran away with an older man) and I saw musical notes rise to G*D as I was praying. My eyes were closed and I was not sure how I was seeing it all; but I saw my prayer rise like musical notes. I have been healed so many times ( I had an acute appendicitis when I was 17, a stroke when I was 28 and after having hit my head my son let off a M-80 firecracker near my ear and lost my hearing. But I got it back. I also survived three head traumas from several car accidents, abuse from my Father, and most recently a lung infection after I was overcome by carbon monoxide (Our furnace had a hole in the heat exchanger, which killed my dog but we survived). I nearly died and that was after I was told I had cancerous lumps in my both breast. I refused chemo and surgery! I refused to believe in cancer! I also survive froma bad fall in 2008 after the lung infection. I am prayerfully hoping and praying G*D will heal the bone sours on my spine for I ahev a spointed bone that presses on my spinal column but G8d has healed me before and I believe he will heal me again! He honours our faith in him.
    Did you ever think that maybe you dont have cancer, but just had adhesions due to a gall stone? Or a blockage? Many times Drs says its cancer but it ends up being something else? There is no way they can really prove that its cancer! Did you know that? There is no real blood test to test for cancer! The only way many say its cancer is because something is growing inside you. Did you ever get exposed to any parasites? Believe it or not many cancers happen after being infested by some bug! Its what happened to my Granddaughter and myself.

    Did you ever check out that link to Dr Hulda clark? Many Drs wont admit that cancer can be casued by bugs! They refuse to admit it, but I am convinced. I feel its better to be more informed than just blindly walk in and get chemo and surgery. I alway get a second or third opinion for any surgery, for I have seen how many Drs abuse their power over their patients. I have seen it too many times to trust them fully! I just hope you dont end up dead is all, just because of their ignroance abotu parasiets! I hope you survive. I pray you survive!

    Are you eating okay? If you want to build up your blood you have got to be able to eat vegetables and be able to get certain foods in you to get your blood built up! I hope you dotn take any mroe chemo if your blood is not higher than avergae! Herbs is all I do know and trust. Motherwort is great for helping the liver, and its where the blood is manufactured in the body, but if they took any part of your liver out, I dont know how your going to fight chemo! Sometimes people out live cancer if they do nothing than when they take chemo and surgery. Cancer is nto new. They ahev foudn odler generations have cancer, they jsut never labeled it cancer then.

    You would have been better to take radiation and not chemo! More people survive with radiation. I just hope your trusting G*d fully! You said YOUR Doctor decided on how and what will extend your life. have you no say in it? I am just glad your trusting G*D, and his words do not return void, so keep on trusting G*D. I will pray for you no matter what. I hope your still my friend and listen to that wee smal voice inside you. Its why he gives us a conscious, which in tuned to G*Ds voice. I pray your lsitening to it and not just your Drs. Try and not be influenced by just your Dr, for they dont know it all! And I know many foreign Drs dont like "lily white" Americans, and kill them intentionally! so I hope your listening to your heart more!

    To help you get your blood built up, all I know is that green vegetables, beef liver, grape juice, berries, garlic , onions and leeks help. Motherwort is an herb that helps the liver. I cant see it working against any chemical but the Liver is what helps with the blood. and fights cancers. I pray you bide your time. And dont be in a hurry to die! At Each meal, pray over your food before you eat and do listen to worship music, those things I know help. Believe it or not musical vibrations will help you touch the Garment of Jesus/ G*D! May You be Healed in the name of Jesus! Thats my only hope for you that you do heal! May G*d be with you even in your ignorance. Hugs and rpayers
  • COOK1313
    COOK1313 Member Posts: 28
    azgrandma said:

    This is what she wrote if you can stand reading it
    I am sorry I just got to this email. And I am so sorry for you. I did not want to offend you or scare you, but I have been there and seen how chemo hurts more than it has helped. many who have had to deal with cancer. I lost my Mother, aunt and an Uncle to cancer.

    But I will pray you survive all those poisons because they are poisons! Just remember his words! He said he would not allow HIS own to suffer above anything or be hurt by the world for we are "Overcomers because he overcame the world! " I also want to say , YOU can control what you allow! I just want to tell you, YOU DO have a chocie. You can take chemo or not. I refused to take chemo and surgery. I took control over my own health with G*Ds guidance and help. Hes the one that taught me all about herbs. Some people dont believe in herbs. I do! But then my faith is stronger than most people and I have been healed so many times by G*D! I also know if your not ready to die, G*D wont take you! But you have to know the word that keeps you! The word of G*D is stronger than any medicine or chemo! His word is what is more important than any chemo or medicine. Just know faith is the substance of things HOPED for, but not alway seen. Its hard sometimes to see what and how G*D heals, and G*D is a personal G*D. You prefer chemo, thats your business and you will have to trust G*D to get you thru it! Some people know they can handle more suffering than others. I know I could not handle chemo. The taste alone would throw my system off. I have no faith in such chemicals. I know what they do. They are like insecticides! I prefer the taste of herbs even though they taste nasty too, but I know they are more for promoting health, and life ( for me, my health was important to do more natural. I dotn have faith in man made chemicals). Chemo is killing off all life, its why they have to wait to see if your blood is responding and reproducing blood for you cant live without it! Please dotn take any mroe chemo until your blood is higher than waht they expect! Becasue your very thin, you have ntohing to sustain you if you cnat produce blood. If you ahev no flesh on yoru bones the chemo may be killing your ability to survive if you have no means to build up blood your body is dying! I ahet to tell you that but your Dr knows you need so much meat on yoru boens to survive. If your just skin and bone and no muscular meat on yoru bones, your slowly dying! And if you dont have any blood parasites may kill you off by being in the blood! (I knwo what I am tlaking about and many Drs dotn wnat to tell you every thing). They forget somehtings! If the chemo is killing off the parasite ist also killing you means to survive. I hate to say it but its true. and if you dont have any meat on your bones, you may not survive or you may survive and be very weak and if you catch a cold in a weakened state may die! I pray you dont die, but you should be told what to expect! If its not, I hope you have a sense to Listen to your body sounds and know when to quit taking chemo. I lost a friend because she listened to the Drs and took one last shot and it killed her! Please have enough faith in G*D to not continue to kill yourself if you sense you may die. Your spirit will try to save you but if you dont listen, I fear for you! I just hope you have enough trust in G*d for the rest of your healing. Vibrations in worship music also helps to heal, so I hope your listening to Worship music for there is healing in Music vibrations, esp praise songs. Make sure you listen to worship songs while you are taking the chemo at least! For G*D dwells in the praises of his people. Good vibrations are just as healing and may so than any vibration. I learned about vibrations and Praise songs when my daughter left me. I was in church and praying and crying out to G*D to restore my family (after my daughter ran away with an older man) and I saw musical notes rise to G*D as I was praying. My eyes were closed and I was not sure how I was seeing it all; but I saw my prayer rise like musical notes. I have been healed so many times ( I had an acute appendicitis when I was 17, a stroke when I was 28 and after having hit my head my son let off a M-80 firecracker near my ear and lost my hearing. But I got it back. I also survived three head traumas from several car accidents, abuse from my Father, and most recently a lung infection after I was overcome by carbon monoxide (Our furnace had a hole in the heat exchanger, which killed my dog but we survived). I nearly died and that was after I was told I had cancerous lumps in my both breast. I refused chemo and surgery! I refused to believe in cancer! I also survive froma bad fall in 2008 after the lung infection. I am prayerfully hoping and praying G*D will heal the bone sours on my spine for I ahev a spointed bone that presses on my spinal column but G8d has healed me before and I believe he will heal me again! He honours our faith in him.
    Did you ever think that maybe you dont have cancer, but just had adhesions due to a gall stone? Or a blockage? Many times Drs says its cancer but it ends up being something else? There is no way they can really prove that its cancer! Did you know that? There is no real blood test to test for cancer! The only way many say its cancer is because something is growing inside you. Did you ever get exposed to any parasites? Believe it or not many cancers happen after being infested by some bug! Its what happened to my Granddaughter and myself.

    Did you ever check out that link to Dr Hulda clark? Many Drs wont admit that cancer can be casued by bugs! They refuse to admit it, but I am convinced. I feel its better to be more informed than just blindly walk in and get chemo and surgery. I alway get a second or third opinion for any surgery, for I have seen how many Drs abuse their power over their patients. I have seen it too many times to trust them fully! I just hope you dont end up dead is all, just because of their ignroance abotu parasiets! I hope you survive. I pray you survive!

    Are you eating okay? If you want to build up your blood you have got to be able to eat vegetables and be able to get certain foods in you to get your blood built up! I hope you dotn take any mroe chemo if your blood is not higher than avergae! Herbs is all I do know and trust. Motherwort is great for helping the liver, and its where the blood is manufactured in the body, but if they took any part of your liver out, I dont know how your going to fight chemo! Sometimes people out live cancer if they do nothing than when they take chemo and surgery. Cancer is nto new. They ahev foudn odler generations have cancer, they jsut never labeled it cancer then.

    You would have been better to take radiation and not chemo! More people survive with radiation. I just hope your trusting G*d fully! You said YOUR Doctor decided on how and what will extend your life. have you no say in it? I am just glad your trusting G*D, and his words do not return void, so keep on trusting G*D. I will pray for you no matter what. I hope your still my friend and listen to that wee smal voice inside you. Its why he gives us a conscious, which in tuned to G*Ds voice. I pray your lsitening to it and not just your Drs. Try and not be influenced by just your Dr, for they dont know it all! And I know many foreign Drs dont like "lily white" Americans, and kill them intentionally! so I hope your listening to your heart more!

    To help you get your blood built up, all I know is that green vegetables, beef liver, grape juice, berries, garlic , onions and leeks help. Motherwort is an herb that helps the liver. I cant see it working against any chemical but the Liver is what helps with the blood. and fights cancers. I pray you bide your time. And dont be in a hurry to die! At Each meal, pray over your food before you eat and do listen to worship music, those things I know help. Believe it or not musical vibrations will help you touch the Garment of Jesus/ G*D! May You be Healed in the name of Jesus! Thats my only hope for you that you do heal! May G*d be with you even in your ignorance. Hugs and rpayers

    The good Lord gave us a heart, soul, and a mind. All three have amazing powers. My aunt has battled breast cancer twice and chose a more positive path during her second battle. Negativity is the WORST toxin we can allow into our body. Chemotherapy is not easy on the body but lack of support from friends and loved ones hurts the body and soul. Do not allow the bitterness of others to influence your decisions. True friends cry with you and never say I told you so. Choosing to eliminate this negativity doesn't mean you're turning your back on her. It simply means you're embracing something new. I wish you all the best!
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    azgrandma said:

    This is what she wrote if you can stand reading it
    I am sorry I just got to this email. And I am so sorry for you. I did not want to offend you or scare you, but I have been there and seen how chemo hurts more than it has helped. many who have had to deal with cancer. I lost my Mother, aunt and an Uncle to cancer.

    But I will pray you survive all those poisons because they are poisons! Just remember his words! He said he would not allow HIS own to suffer above anything or be hurt by the world for we are "Overcomers because he overcame the world! " I also want to say , YOU can control what you allow! I just want to tell you, YOU DO have a chocie. You can take chemo or not. I refused to take chemo and surgery. I took control over my own health with G*Ds guidance and help. Hes the one that taught me all about herbs. Some people dont believe in herbs. I do! But then my faith is stronger than most people and I have been healed so many times by G*D! I also know if your not ready to die, G*D wont take you! But you have to know the word that keeps you! The word of G*D is stronger than any medicine or chemo! His word is what is more important than any chemo or medicine. Just know faith is the substance of things HOPED for, but not alway seen. Its hard sometimes to see what and how G*D heals, and G*D is a personal G*D. You prefer chemo, thats your business and you will have to trust G*D to get you thru it! Some people know they can handle more suffering than others. I know I could not handle chemo. The taste alone would throw my system off. I have no faith in such chemicals. I know what they do. They are like insecticides! I prefer the taste of herbs even though they taste nasty too, but I know they are more for promoting health, and life ( for me, my health was important to do more natural. I dotn have faith in man made chemicals). Chemo is killing off all life, its why they have to wait to see if your blood is responding and reproducing blood for you cant live without it! Please dotn take any mroe chemo until your blood is higher than waht they expect! Becasue your very thin, you have ntohing to sustain you if you cnat produce blood. If you ahev no flesh on yoru bones the chemo may be killing your ability to survive if you have no means to build up blood your body is dying! I ahet to tell you that but your Dr knows you need so much meat on yoru boens to survive. If your just skin and bone and no muscular meat on yoru bones, your slowly dying! And if you dont have any blood parasites may kill you off by being in the blood! (I knwo what I am tlaking about and many Drs dotn wnat to tell you every thing). They forget somehtings! If the chemo is killing off the parasite ist also killing you means to survive. I hate to say it but its true. and if you dont have any meat on your bones, you may not survive or you may survive and be very weak and if you catch a cold in a weakened state may die! I pray you dont die, but you should be told what to expect! If its not, I hope you have a sense to Listen to your body sounds and know when to quit taking chemo. I lost a friend because she listened to the Drs and took one last shot and it killed her! Please have enough faith in G*D to not continue to kill yourself if you sense you may die. Your spirit will try to save you but if you dont listen, I fear for you! I just hope you have enough trust in G*d for the rest of your healing. Vibrations in worship music also helps to heal, so I hope your listening to Worship music for there is healing in Music vibrations, esp praise songs. Make sure you listen to worship songs while you are taking the chemo at least! For G*D dwells in the praises of his people. Good vibrations are just as healing and may so than any vibration. I learned about vibrations and Praise songs when my daughter left me. I was in church and praying and crying out to G*D to restore my family (after my daughter ran away with an older man) and I saw musical notes rise to G*D as I was praying. My eyes were closed and I was not sure how I was seeing it all; but I saw my prayer rise like musical notes. I have been healed so many times ( I had an acute appendicitis when I was 17, a stroke when I was 28 and after having hit my head my son let off a M-80 firecracker near my ear and lost my hearing. But I got it back. I also survived three head traumas from several car accidents, abuse from my Father, and most recently a lung infection after I was overcome by carbon monoxide (Our furnace had a hole in the heat exchanger, which killed my dog but we survived). I nearly died and that was after I was told I had cancerous lumps in my both breast. I refused chemo and surgery! I refused to believe in cancer! I also survive froma bad fall in 2008 after the lung infection. I am prayerfully hoping and praying G*D will heal the bone sours on my spine for I ahev a spointed bone that presses on my spinal column but G8d has healed me before and I believe he will heal me again! He honours our faith in him.
    Did you ever think that maybe you dont have cancer, but just had adhesions due to a gall stone? Or a blockage? Many times Drs says its cancer but it ends up being something else? There is no way they can really prove that its cancer! Did you know that? There is no real blood test to test for cancer! The only way many say its cancer is because something is growing inside you. Did you ever get exposed to any parasites? Believe it or not many cancers happen after being infested by some bug! Its what happened to my Granddaughter and myself.

    Did you ever check out that link to Dr Hulda clark? Many Drs wont admit that cancer can be casued by bugs! They refuse to admit it, but I am convinced. I feel its better to be more informed than just blindly walk in and get chemo and surgery. I alway get a second or third opinion for any surgery, for I have seen how many Drs abuse their power over their patients. I have seen it too many times to trust them fully! I just hope you dont end up dead is all, just because of their ignroance abotu parasiets! I hope you survive. I pray you survive!

    Are you eating okay? If you want to build up your blood you have got to be able to eat vegetables and be able to get certain foods in you to get your blood built up! I hope you dotn take any mroe chemo if your blood is not higher than avergae! Herbs is all I do know and trust. Motherwort is great for helping the liver, and its where the blood is manufactured in the body, but if they took any part of your liver out, I dont know how your going to fight chemo! Sometimes people out live cancer if they do nothing than when they take chemo and surgery. Cancer is nto new. They ahev foudn odler generations have cancer, they jsut never labeled it cancer then.

    You would have been better to take radiation and not chemo! More people survive with radiation. I just hope your trusting G*d fully! You said YOUR Doctor decided on how and what will extend your life. have you no say in it? I am just glad your trusting G*D, and his words do not return void, so keep on trusting G*D. I will pray for you no matter what. I hope your still my friend and listen to that wee smal voice inside you. Its why he gives us a conscious, which in tuned to G*Ds voice. I pray your lsitening to it and not just your Drs. Try and not be influenced by just your Dr, for they dont know it all! And I know many foreign Drs dont like "lily white" Americans, and kill them intentionally! so I hope your listening to your heart more!

    To help you get your blood built up, all I know is that green vegetables, beef liver, grape juice, berries, garlic , onions and leeks help. Motherwort is an herb that helps the liver. I cant see it working against any chemical but the Liver is what helps with the blood. and fights cancers. I pray you bide your time. And dont be in a hurry to die! At Each meal, pray over your food before you eat and do listen to worship music, those things I know help. Believe it or not musical vibrations will help you touch the Garment of Jesus/ G*D! May You be Healed in the name of Jesus! Thats my only hope for you that you do heal! May G*d be with you even in your ignorance. Hugs and rpayers

    I will say this as nicely as
    I will say this as nicely as I possibly can.......your friend should be ashamed of herself. Real friends support one another unconditonally.

    Secondly, your friend does not know what she is talking about. Cancer is not caused by parasites. Cancer CAN be diagnosed beyond a shadow of a doubt, in particular, via biopsy. All cancers start as one single mutated cell. The mutation is obvious under the microscope.

    Radiation is not a successful treatment for ovarian cancer. If it were, we would all be receiving radiation. Instead, none of us are.

    The sky is not falling. Your chemo treatments are not killing you.

    I am a life-long Christian, but I could not get into chemo fast enough. This woman's message is not Christ-like. She is not Christ-like. "In your ignorance"??? The nerve of her!

  • MK_4Dani
    MK_4Dani Member Posts: 314

    I will say this as nicely as
    I will say this as nicely as I possibly can.......your friend should be ashamed of herself. Real friends support one another unconditonally.

    Secondly, your friend does not know what she is talking about. Cancer is not caused by parasites. Cancer CAN be diagnosed beyond a shadow of a doubt, in particular, via biopsy. All cancers start as one single mutated cell. The mutation is obvious under the microscope.

    Radiation is not a successful treatment for ovarian cancer. If it were, we would all be receiving radiation. Instead, none of us are.

    The sky is not falling. Your chemo treatments are not killing you.

    I am a life-long Christian, but I could not get into chemo fast enough. This woman's message is not Christ-like. She is not Christ-like. "In your ignorance"??? The nerve of her!


    I can't believe it...
    I can't believe that a "Christian" would write such things.

    Surround yourself with people who make you feel better, physically and emotionally. That it bothers you is enough to block/de-friend this person. Let another person who is in good fighting health fight this battle....you have enough to battle right now!

  • cancer survivor x 4
    cancer survivor x 4 Member Posts: 177
    What A Bunch Of Garbage
    That whole posting just gave me one big headache. Let me tell you about my mother. She had ovarian cancer 13 years ago and refused to have surgery. She was dead with-in a year. You can not have ovarian cancer and not have surgery. Well, I guess you could, but it would kill you. You have to try and remove it. I have had breast cancer 3 times and ovarian cancer 1 time, all in a 20 year time period. I never died from the chemo and I am still here today. I have been reading your problems with your blood counts. Some of us go thru chemo and never have a problem with their blood counts and some people do. I don't think chemo is good for anyone, but it kills fast growing cells and cancer cells are fast growing. Our god is a loving and forgiving god. He would not be upset with you. Just tell your friend you would rather not discuss those topic's and talk about something else. Thank-You, Paula
  • lindachris
    lindachris Member Posts: 173
    Block her
    And if she keeps it up somehow, report her. She deserves to be dumped from Facebook.
  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member

    What A Bunch Of Garbage
    That whole posting just gave me one big headache. Let me tell you about my mother. She had ovarian cancer 13 years ago and refused to have surgery. She was dead with-in a year. You can not have ovarian cancer and not have surgery. Well, I guess you could, but it would kill you. You have to try and remove it. I have had breast cancer 3 times and ovarian cancer 1 time, all in a 20 year time period. I never died from the chemo and I am still here today. I have been reading your problems with your blood counts. Some of us go thru chemo and never have a problem with their blood counts and some people do. I don't think chemo is good for anyone, but it kills fast growing cells and cancer cells are fast growing. Our god is a loving and forgiving god. He would not be upset with you. Just tell your friend you would rather not discuss those topic's and talk about something else. Thank-You, Paula

    That is what i did
    I told her i had warned her one tme already, and this was goign to be the last time i tell her, i do not want to discuss my cancer or situation.

    I am not sorry i got chemo as my doctor thinks he is 95 percent certan when he does pet scan it will show no cancer. yes i am having problems with blood but he thinks maybe it was one of the pills i was taing , will find out tomorrow when get blood checked as i quit taking the pill

    thanks for a bunch of womderful supporting frends
    I love yu all
  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member

    Block her
    And if she keeps it up somehow, report her. She deserves to be dumped from Facebook.

    Internet Bully
    this may be considered internet bully
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    azgrandma said:

    do not really know her well
    Well i want to do what I think Jesus would do what about if I wrote her and tell her this is the last time i am going to tell her, that if she wants to stay my friend she has to stop talking like this, do you think this would be ok with Jesus.

    I though at first maybe she didn't now she was upsetting me, then the last one was worse than any.

    Many peole have extended their lives with chemo including my sister she got 11 more years. I am hopging to at least get 10 more years with mine.

    Do you think it would be christian to block her or shuld i give her one more warning

    Carlene do you mind if i get yoru e address mine is snookie43@cox.net

    I agree that you can just delete the emails before you read them.

    However, if she is really your friend, I would say, 'I appreciate your concern, I've considered all sides of the issue and have prayed about it as well. I'm doing what I feel is best for my situation. I would prefer that you refrain from sending the negative emails, as my recovery/survival depends on a great deal on the support of everyone around me. You may not agree with my approach, but as a friend I am hoping you will find it in your heart to put your concerns aside and just pray for me and support my decision'.

    Well, I can say more, but I think you get the idea. The Lord knows your heart. And the simple fact that you are concerned about 'hurting her feelings' is proof that you are compassionate. Your friend can sure learn something from you on this. If not, it's time to 'HIT DELETE'.

    My best to you. Lots of hugs & prayers!