4th expansion....owwweeee!

m-star Member Posts: 441
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Had my 4th fill yesterday....ouch! Was only gonna go for a 40ml top up this time but when she asked me how it felt at 40,i said fine.Before you know it,i'd got the full 60 in! LOL
I now have a grand total oooffffff.........330 ML!!!That a full can of Coke!! =D

I started stretching withing 10 mins of my fill,and have stretched about every 20mins since.Even through the night when i awoke,i stertched.It eases it off no end.Just pushing my shoulders right back and holding for 10 seconds,then releasing,really helps slacken it off.

Had to sleep sitting up on the sofa last night though.May try the bed tonight.

i put this expansion up on youtube this morning so if anyone wants to take a look:


Its not much different to the other one,i'm just a little fuller!


  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Wow, you did it!
    Can of Coke -- you're funny! Can you tell yet if you'll get more expansions?

    It's so good and brave of you to put the expansions on youtube -- a useful public service to the many women who will be wondering about this process.
  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441

    Wow, you did it!
    Can of Coke -- you're funny! Can you tell yet if you'll get more expansions?

    It's so good and brave of you to put the expansions on youtube -- a useful public service to the many women who will be wondering about this process.

    yeah im booked in for

    yeah im booked in for another one in 3 weeks. My PS wanted me back in 2 ,but there were no appointments or no clinic that day or something.So it had to be 3 weeks. Unless i get a letter through telling me to go to a different clinic for it which she said may be possible.
    That one MIGHT be my final one,but my PS said they MAY do another one after that,but they'd see how the next one goes.

    I'm going for the full shebang next time then in case its my last one!!! LOL
    That will take me up to 390. If she decides its the last one,i might ask if they can just round me up to 400 the week after and see what she says!! ha ha.
    If you dont ask,you dont get!

    I do feel rather volutuous today! =D its great! Im still trying to find photo's of women who have had their exchange with anatomical implants. Pref cohesive gel ones,so i can see what they look like.


    My friend asked if they were filling me with vodka when they saw my video!!!!! lol
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    I know you were dreading this after the pain you had the last time but it sounds like it went a lot better. I found that it got a lot easier the farther I got out from surgery, too!
  • ms_independent
    ms_independent Member Posts: 214
    m-star said:

    yeah im booked in for

    yeah im booked in for another one in 3 weeks. My PS wanted me back in 2 ,but there were no appointments or no clinic that day or something.So it had to be 3 weeks. Unless i get a letter through telling me to go to a different clinic for it which she said may be possible.
    That one MIGHT be my final one,but my PS said they MAY do another one after that,but they'd see how the next one goes.

    I'm going for the full shebang next time then in case its my last one!!! LOL
    That will take me up to 390. If she decides its the last one,i might ask if they can just round me up to 400 the week after and see what she says!! ha ha.
    If you dont ask,you dont get!

    I do feel rather volutuous today! =D its great! Im still trying to find photo's of women who have had their exchange with anatomical implants. Pref cohesive gel ones,so i can see what they look like.


    My friend asked if they were filling me with vodka when they saw my video!!!!! lol

    it sounds like you're doing pretty good this time. keeping a sense of humor helps. I'm having to buy new shirts, most of mine are too tight now. NEVER had that problem before---I can't decide if it's a good thing or a bad thing :)
    Hugs, El
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    Hey girl,

    You're in the homestretch! You'll feel so much better once those things are finally out! I slept on the couch until I got my expanders out. It was the only way I could get comfortable. (6 weeks on the couch and I got really caught up on all my shows!) 800mg ibuprofen and a heating pad helped a ton too. My first nip reconstruct is scheduled for 6/19. Thinking about ya.
    Grape Ape
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    m-star said:

    yeah im booked in for

    yeah im booked in for another one in 3 weeks. My PS wanted me back in 2 ,but there were no appointments or no clinic that day or something.So it had to be 3 weeks. Unless i get a letter through telling me to go to a different clinic for it which she said may be possible.
    That one MIGHT be my final one,but my PS said they MAY do another one after that,but they'd see how the next one goes.

    I'm going for the full shebang next time then in case its my last one!!! LOL
    That will take me up to 390. If she decides its the last one,i might ask if they can just round me up to 400 the week after and see what she says!! ha ha.
    If you dont ask,you dont get!

    I do feel rather volutuous today! =D its great! Im still trying to find photo's of women who have had their exchange with anatomical implants. Pref cohesive gel ones,so i can see what they look like.


    My friend asked if they were filling me with vodka when they saw my video!!!!! lol

    and p.s.
    I referred to the refill needle as the "Home Depot" needle...anyone that can make it through that can do ANYTHING!!!!
  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441

    it sounds like you're doing pretty good this time. keeping a sense of humor helps. I'm having to buy new shirts, most of mine are too tight now. NEVER had that problem before---I can't decide if it's a good thing or a bad thing :)
    Hugs, El

    sadly i can still fit into
    sadly i can still fit into mine as they were always too big around the bust anyway,but they're getting more snug! lol
  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441

    I know you were dreading this after the pain you had the last time but it sounds like it went a lot better. I found that it got a lot easier the farther I got out from surgery, too!

    ha ha yeah i was dreading it BIG time! But so far so good. Im sure keep stretching every 15-20 mins after this fill helped loads. Its nowhere near as tight feeling as all the other fills were.And nowhere near as much pain and discomfort either.
    I will do the same next time just to see if it was merely a coincidence or not!
  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441

    Hey girl,

    You're in the homestretch! You'll feel so much better once those things are finally out! I slept on the couch until I got my expanders out. It was the only way I could get comfortable. (6 weeks on the couch and I got really caught up on all my shows!) 800mg ibuprofen and a heating pad helped a ton too. My first nip reconstruct is scheduled for 6/19. Thinking about ya.
    Grape Ape

    yes and that home stretch
    yes and that home stretch really does feel good! To think i may only have another 2 fills (maybe even just 1) is great! much as though i'd LIKE to keep going so i could be bigger......its still good to be nearing an 'end'. i know i still have the exchange to go,then possible nips (still not decided yet) but the end is in sight (all be it through binoculars!)

    I tend to sleep on the couch the night i get a fill and maybe the next night these days but thats all.Didn't take much pain relief last night and not taking any more till my next fill.

    Wow so you'll be standing proud come June 19th???!!! LOL Let me know how it goes.Will they do it under local anaesthetic? **winces at the thought!**

    much ((hugs))
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    m-star said:

    yes and that home stretch
    yes and that home stretch really does feel good! To think i may only have another 2 fills (maybe even just 1) is great! much as though i'd LIKE to keep going so i could be bigger......its still good to be nearing an 'end'. i know i still have the exchange to go,then possible nips (still not decided yet) but the end is in sight (all be it through binoculars!)

    I tend to sleep on the couch the night i get a fill and maybe the next night these days but thats all.Didn't take much pain relief last night and not taking any more till my next fill.

    Wow so you'll be standing proud come June 19th???!!! LOL Let me know how it goes.Will they do it under local anaesthetic? **winces at the thought!**

    much ((hugs))

    You are one beautiful brave
    You are one beautiful brave lady! Hoping that the last one or two are easier on you!

    Hugs, Diane
  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441
    DianeBC said:

    You are one beautiful brave
    You are one beautiful brave lady! Hoping that the last one or two are easier on you!

    Hugs, Diane

    Thanks Diane! I'm hoping so
    Thanks Diane! I'm hoping so too!!! lol