
rene9 Member Posts: 214
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi, I just finished chemo last Friday (May 7) and I have some numbness and tingling in my fingers and toes. My oncologist said it will take up to 6 months for this to wear off, but said that vitamin B6 helps to relieve this sooner...We'll see!



  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Good luck! I hope the B6
    Good luck! I hope the B6 does help. Is that all he recommended? I didn't have chemo, so, I don't know exactly what you are going thru. Just wanted to wish you good luck. I am sure if others have or had it, they will post to you.

    Sue :)
  • Deb1969
    Deb1969 Member Posts: 165
    Ritzy said:

    Good luck! I hope the B6
    Good luck! I hope the B6 does help. Is that all he recommended? I didn't have chemo, so, I don't know exactly what you are going thru. Just wanted to wish you good luck. I am sure if others have or had it, they will post to you.

    Sue :)

    I finished chemo in March. I
    I finished chemo in March. I still have some numbness/tingling in my hand and feet. Had problems with turning pages of a book and counting money. It has improved. Doctor recommended Neurontin for this.
  • rene9
    rene9 Member Posts: 214
    Deb1969 said:

    I finished chemo in March. I
    I finished chemo in March. I still have some numbness/tingling in my hand and feet. Had problems with turning pages of a book and counting money. It has improved. Doctor recommended Neurontin for this.

    Just B6
    Yes, she just recommended B6 so I'll keep updates coming.

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    Congrats on finishing Chemo! Just finished mine last Tuesday as well. Thanks for posting this. I haven't mentioned it to the Onc, but my fingers are still numb & I had no idea about the Vitamin b6. Worth trying! Hope it doesn't take 6 months though!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Yes...the terms we learn
    Yes...the terms we learn through this journey..."peripheral neuropathy"...I remember it well! The worst for me was that it affected my ankles when I sat down. Even riding in the car for a few blocks would trigger it ( and of course lying in bed for hours at night) I would have to stand up, lean against the car door and wait 10 seconds or so before I could walk! No pain, just the numbness and tingling...very irritating. I got scared once during that time when we went snorkeling in Mexico...I was swimming along, and got to the shore, but couldn't stand up to get out of the water! There was nothing for me to lean up against! Freaked me out! I just knew a wave was going to come rolling in and I would drown because I couldn't stand and get out of the ocean! Reggie saw my panicked face and pulled me out of the water...OMG
    But, sure enough, it wore off within some months ( can't recall how many). One morning I got out of bed and Voila! No problem walking or standing!! YAY YAY YAY!

    So yes...this too shall pass!

  • mickeymom
    mickeymom Member Posts: 117
    Time is the treatment
    I had tingling and numbness in my hands and feet. I took B6 and Glutamine powder. I started both while I was still in chemo (after 1 taxol treatment with 3 left after that.) I think it did help some, but it wasn't a miracle cure. Time seems to be doing the trick just as fast. I finished chemo on Sept. 24, 2009 and stopped taking glutamine in November and B6 in January. I still have some numbness in a few fingers and one foot but it is MUCH better than it was and some days I don't feel anything. My oncologist says it will probably keep going like that for a while and hopefully one day be gone for good!
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Numb lips, ringing ears?
    Anyone have numbness and tingling in their lips during chemo? It isn't constant but is strange. I suppose it might be from the Benedryl or some other med. Also, has anyone had ringing in their ears during chemo? I've never seen it mentioned on this board.
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149

    Numb lips, ringing ears?
    Anyone have numbness and tingling in their lips during chemo? It isn't constant but is strange. I suppose it might be from the Benedryl or some other med. Also, has anyone had ringing in their ears during chemo? I've never seen it mentioned on this board.

    I've had ear ringing
    but not too severe. It happens just occasionally. The chemo nurses ask me a bunch of questions everytime i go in, and that is one of them. They don't seem alarmed by the fact that it is happening, and don't really have a solution. I'm sure they would be concerned if it was bad.
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    I've had some tingling in my
    I've had some tingling in my fingers. I am doing acupuncture weekly, and if they start to tingle, the acupuncturist will treat it for me, and it does go away. Mine is NOT severe though, and there is no numbness. It is no fun to have acupuncture needles put in your fingertips!
  • rene9
    rene9 Member Posts: 214
    JanInMN said:

    I've had some tingling in my
    I've had some tingling in my fingers. I am doing acupuncture weekly, and if they start to tingle, the acupuncturist will treat it for me, and it does go away. Mine is NOT severe though, and there is no numbness. It is no fun to have acupuncture needles put in your fingertips!

    Yeah hopefully it won't take 6 months, but if it does, I'll make it, it's not severe. It's that feeling when your feet go to sleep kinda feeling. My fingertips are not severe either. My oncologist told me to be careful not to rest my hand on anything hot and not realize I was burning myself. I told her not to worry, the feeling isn't gone like that! I will continue the B6 and hope it helps.Also, my fingernails are half dark, like a shade over them. My nails continue to grow and I keep them cut anyway. My oncologist told me if my toe nails were okay I could get a pedicure and I did about 2 weeks ago. The lady asked why the skin under my foot was darker in spots and we talked the whole time. It was the first time we talked and I didn't know she could speak english so good!

  • rene9
    rene9 Member Posts: 214
    rene9 said:

    Yeah hopefully it won't take 6 months, but if it does, I'll make it, it's not severe. It's that feeling when your feet go to sleep kinda feeling. My fingertips are not severe either. My oncologist told me to be careful not to rest my hand on anything hot and not realize I was burning myself. I told her not to worry, the feeling isn't gone like that! I will continue the B6 and hope it helps.Also, my fingernails are half dark, like a shade over them. My nails continue to grow and I keep them cut anyway. My oncologist told me if my toe nails were okay I could get a pedicure and I did about 2 weeks ago. The lady asked why the skin under my foot was darker in spots and we talked the whole time. It was the first time we talked and I didn't know she could speak english so good!


    Something's working!
    I have more feeling in my finger tips and toes. They are still a little numb and tingly, but better than 3 1/2 weeks ago. I'm thinking time and taking B6 are helping...

  • shortscake
    shortscake Member Posts: 228
    numbess and tinging
    I have a problem with numbess and tinging in my hands and feet its a very weird feeling at times when i go in to the doctor i always tell him and he always ask me about if i am able to pic up pills and can i write my name or other things and i am like yes. dont know if there is anything to make this stop if you know what can be done to stop this please let me know.thanks so very much...girl power
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    numbess and tinging
    I have a problem with numbess and tinging in my hands and feet its a very weird feeling at times when i go in to the doctor i always tell him and he always ask me about if i am able to pic up pills and can i write my name or other things and i am like yes. dont know if there is anything to make this stop if you know what can be done to stop this please let me know.thanks so very much...girl power

    I have numbness and pain in
    I have numbness and pain in my feet/ankles and hands/wrists. I got very debilitated and am in PT. I often was staggery with a loss of balance which PT has helped. I still compensate by looking especially on uneven or unfamiliar ground I lose orientation if my eyes are closed. My feet although numb are coming back , but feel hypersensative. if I step on something I really feel it. I describe it like the "princess and the pea" all this is getting better and did not worsen after chemo. My feet used to throb esp my big toes making hard to sleep and this hasnt been happening for quite some time. (I finished Jan 21/10) so it is getting better slowly. I also take B6. I tremember an older post by Chen when she said she would "walk like a drunken sailor " and then it went away, so it gives me hope, especially since I am a nurse and want to get back to work and this condition impedes it. " excuse me while I stagger in your room" " no I have not been into the narcotics" and to be on my feet 12 plus hours would be impossible with the pain. I am encouraged withthe slow steady decline, sometimes it isnt fast enough but in our house we say"it is what it is"
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    carkris said:

    I have numbness and pain in
    I have numbness and pain in my feet/ankles and hands/wrists. I got very debilitated and am in PT. I often was staggery with a loss of balance which PT has helped. I still compensate by looking especially on uneven or unfamiliar ground I lose orientation if my eyes are closed. My feet although numb are coming back , but feel hypersensative. if I step on something I really feel it. I describe it like the "princess and the pea" all this is getting better and did not worsen after chemo. My feet used to throb esp my big toes making hard to sleep and this hasnt been happening for quite some time. (I finished Jan 21/10) so it is getting better slowly. I also take B6. I tremember an older post by Chen when she said she would "walk like a drunken sailor " and then it went away, so it gives me hope, especially since I am a nurse and want to get back to work and this condition impedes it. " excuse me while I stagger in your room" " no I have not been into the narcotics" and to be on my feet 12 plus hours would be impossible with the pain. I am encouraged withthe slow steady decline, sometimes it isnt fast enough but in our house we say"it is what it is"

    Wondering how you all are doing now! UPDATE, please
    I'm still feeling numbness on the left side of my body. Total function, no pain, but tingling numbness! I'm taking B6 AND neurontin. NO HELP! I am under a lot of stress, though.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Mama G said:

    Wondering how you all are doing now! UPDATE, please
    I'm still feeling numbness on the left side of my body. Total function, no pain, but tingling numbness! I'm taking B6 AND neurontin. NO HELP! I am under a lot of stress, though.

    I just started neurontin and
    I just started neurontin and I dont like it. i also take B6. i am wondering if glutamine helps this? someone else suggested magnesium for foot pain/neuropathy.Mama I hope this improves soon for you !