I need to lose weight and need a support group

pshurtz Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Im new to the board and am just short of 3 years since my first diagnosis. I was overweight before I was diagnosed but put on more weight during chemo. I know that it is imperative for me to get on a diet and exercise program and to lose maybe 40 pounds. Anyone have any suggestions or want to be an online weight loss buddy?

thanks. be healthy


  • Scotch Freckles
    Scotch Freckles Member Posts: 273 Member
    Weight, What Weight
    Hi Patty,

    I never lost any weight while on chemo, etc. I told my oncologist I had expected to lose at least 10 pounds but nothing. What a let down. Anyway, I too need someone besides my husband, who just quites eating for a couple of days and has lost what he wants. I need to lose at least 40 also.

    I too am out 3 years (4/1).

    Scotch Freckles
  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441

    Weight, What Weight
    Hi Patty,

    I never lost any weight while on chemo, etc. I told my oncologist I had expected to lose at least 10 pounds but nothing. What a let down. Anyway, I too need someone besides my husband, who just quites eating for a couple of days and has lost what he wants. I need to lose at least 40 also.

    I too am out 3 years (4/1).

    Scotch Freckles

    i cannot recommend it enough!


    I know some ppl think it is a myth about grapefruit and weight loss but it really isn't.About 5 yrs ago,i wanted to lose some weight and i read about it.I started eating half a lrage tin of grapefruit in a morning before my ceral and the rest of my meals were pretty much the same.Within about 2 months i had lost half a stone.In fact i had to stop eating it in the end as i wasn't huge to begin with and i went too thin.
    You can find plenty of info on it online if you do a search.

    I wanted to start it up again but i have been on Thyroxine for the last 2 years and the pharmasist said you shouldnt eat grapefruit or drink the juice when on thyroxine as it can prevent it from working properly. Having said that,i bought some yesterday (first time in 5 years) and i ate half a tin 1 1/2 hours after my tablet this morning.But i think i may switch to eating it at lunch to give my tablet time to absorb first.

    Bye the way,when i asked my Dr about grapefruit interaction with drugs he said there was none! You really need to ask a pharmacist as they know more about the drug than a Dr.

    good luck
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    m-star said:

    i cannot recommend it enough!


    I know some ppl think it is a myth about grapefruit and weight loss but it really isn't.About 5 yrs ago,i wanted to lose some weight and i read about it.I started eating half a lrage tin of grapefruit in a morning before my ceral and the rest of my meals were pretty much the same.Within about 2 months i had lost half a stone.In fact i had to stop eating it in the end as i wasn't huge to begin with and i went too thin.
    You can find plenty of info on it online if you do a search.

    I wanted to start it up again but i have been on Thyroxine for the last 2 years and the pharmasist said you shouldnt eat grapefruit or drink the juice when on thyroxine as it can prevent it from working properly. Having said that,i bought some yesterday (first time in 5 years) and i ate half a tin 1 1/2 hours after my tablet this morning.But i think i may switch to eating it at lunch to give my tablet time to absorb first.

    Bye the way,when i asked my Dr about grapefruit interaction with drugs he said there was none! You really need to ask a pharmacist as they know more about the drug than a Dr.

    good luck

    Me too. I just finished up
    Me too. I just finished up the last of my reconstruction surgery, so I'm out of excuses for no exercise and indulgent eating! I gained 20 lbs during the whole year's process and I was already 20 lbs. overweight so I need to go for 40 too. It's my summer goal, so any tips to get me going would be appreciated...
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Hi, Patty and welcome to
    Hi, Patty and welcome to this wonderful group of amazing prople. We have one very brave member, Different Ballgame, that is on Weight Watchers and actually posts an update weekly. Perhaps that could be the start of looking for a buddy. Good luck and it's always encouraging to read about survivors and you are one. Take care.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    m-star said:

    i cannot recommend it enough!


    I know some ppl think it is a myth about grapefruit and weight loss but it really isn't.About 5 yrs ago,i wanted to lose some weight and i read about it.I started eating half a lrage tin of grapefruit in a morning before my ceral and the rest of my meals were pretty much the same.Within about 2 months i had lost half a stone.In fact i had to stop eating it in the end as i wasn't huge to begin with and i went too thin.
    You can find plenty of info on it online if you do a search.

    I wanted to start it up again but i have been on Thyroxine for the last 2 years and the pharmasist said you shouldnt eat grapefruit or drink the juice when on thyroxine as it can prevent it from working properly. Having said that,i bought some yesterday (first time in 5 years) and i ate half a tin 1 1/2 hours after my tablet this morning.But i think i may switch to eating it at lunch to give my tablet time to absorb first.

    Bye the way,when i asked my Dr about grapefruit interaction with drugs he said there was none! You really need to ask a pharmacist as they know more about the drug than a Dr.

    good luck

    I am glad you had such a
    I am glad you had such a positive experience with grapefruits...I love grapefruit! My Reggie does too, but he takes a statin drug to lower his cholesterol and can not eat grapfruit as that would interfere with the effectivness of the drug. I agree with you 100% regarding pharmacists; they really, really know their stuff as far as meds are concerned! Which isn't such a shock, is it? I have called our locals pharmacies more than once to ask med related questions...even ones which seem "silly", such as "Is it alright if I take a pain reliever on top of this antibiotic, and do I need to take it with food?" They are always gracious and answer my questions!

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Bless your heart for wanting
    Bless your heart for wanting to take even more charge of your life and lose weight too! It is a challenge for many of us, that's for sure!

    Do you have anyone you can walk with? I have a neighbor who walks with me 3X a week, and I cannot begin to tell you how I have come to love the exercise, not to mention just getting together and laughing almost first thing in the AM. Of course there are the "tricks" we can use when we are alone, but they truly work/help. Park farther away from the entrance to the market, use stairs instead of elevators, and one I lie is, use a salad plate insead of a dinner plate for portion control!

    One of our Kindred Spirits, "A Different Ballgame" joined Weight Watchers and not only did she post her starting weight, she lets us know every Monday her weight loss and how much she walked that week. It, I imagine keeps her on track knowing that she has made a personal commitment to tell ALL OF US how she is doing! She impresses me greatly!

    My sister recently joined WW online, but honestly, I don't know how seriously commited she is to it; her Ladies Only gym membership is going unused as well. Sigh...

    Good Luck to you; I hope you find the program which works for you, and we support you every step of the way!

  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441
    chenheart said:

    I am glad you had such a
    I am glad you had such a positive experience with grapefruits...I love grapefruit! My Reggie does too, but he takes a statin drug to lower his cholesterol and can not eat grapfruit as that would interfere with the effectivness of the drug. I agree with you 100% regarding pharmacists; they really, really know their stuff as far as meds are concerned! Which isn't such a shock, is it? I have called our locals pharmacies more than once to ask med related questions...even ones which seem "silly", such as "Is it alright if I take a pain reliever on top of this antibiotic, and do I need to take it with food?" They are always gracious and answer my questions!


    Yes,these days,if i'm ever
    Yes,these days,if i'm ever given any kind of prescription from my doc,i'll always ask the pharmacist if it is ok to take it with what i currentky take(and i always still ask about grapefruit!lol).

    Yes i hear you cannot eat it if you take Warfarin or other blood thinners too. I am just trying the grapefruit again slowly as i've gained a few pounds since being off work with my surgery. I think for me,it will be a short term thing.Once i lose weight it stays off pretty well but i find it real hard to lose it. I think i will move to eating it before lunch and dinner rather than breakfast when i take my thyroxine. But the rest of my diet will remain the same.I dont do the 'proper',800 cals a day diet as its ridiculous and unhealthy.
  • kel
    kel Member Posts: 2
    I would suggest checking out Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home dvds. She has many on the market and I can do these workouts even though I have a bum ankle and HATE to exercise. She uses very simple steps but can really get you up and moving and that is key. She has done some videos that go with Nutrisytem and Weight Watcher's programs as well. I discovered her when I used Nutrisystem a couple of years ago. I lost a lot of weight then (40 pounds in 5 months). I am now getting my energy levels back to where I want to exercise again (after several months of surgery and treatments) and have bought a couple of her newer dvd sets. I am doing very well and focusing on being healthier more than just losing weight. I have lost four pounds in just a few weeks. There is an online "Walk Club" that you can join for support if you want to try that. There is a yearly fee but there are free videos on the website that make it worth the price if you just use those. The women there have been very supportive.

    Do some research and see what you think. No matter what you decide, GOOD LUCK.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    kel said:

    I would suggest checking out Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home dvds. She has many on the market and I can do these workouts even though I have a bum ankle and HATE to exercise. She uses very simple steps but can really get you up and moving and that is key. She has done some videos that go with Nutrisytem and Weight Watcher's programs as well. I discovered her when I used Nutrisystem a couple of years ago. I lost a lot of weight then (40 pounds in 5 months). I am now getting my energy levels back to where I want to exercise again (after several months of surgery and treatments) and have bought a couple of her newer dvd sets. I am doing very well and focusing on being healthier more than just losing weight. I have lost four pounds in just a few weeks. There is an online "Walk Club" that you can join for support if you want to try that. There is a yearly fee but there are free videos on the website that make it worth the price if you just use those. The women there have been very supportive.

    Do some research and see what you think. No matter what you decide, GOOD LUCK.

    Yes! I love Leslie Sansone,
    Yes! I love Leslie Sansone, too! I have Exercise TV as one of my On Demand channels, and I do her walking excercises when the weather is bad, or I just feel the need! Glad you mentioned her! I am too vain NOT to exercise LOL, and I have found that it really does rev my energy level and give me needed strength. My sweetie is really active as well, and it is nice to be able to keep up with him for the most part! LOL My sister and I got some of those Sketcher Shape- Ups a few weeks ago, and I wear them when I walk the dog...they take come getting used to, but I think they are pretty good. Being that I am almost 6 years older than my guy I have to make sure its still true when I tell him that I know he can do YOUNGER than me, he just can't do BETTER! LOL LOL

  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    A while back, Pammy started
    A while back, Pammy started a "biggest loser" contest on here. We reported our loss/gains weekly and as a fun incentive, I made an awareness bracelet for the winner. That might be fun to do again if anyone is interested.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    elm3544 said:

    A while back, Pammy started
    A while back, Pammy started a "biggest loser" contest on here. We reported our loss/gains weekly and as a fun incentive, I made an awareness bracelet for the winner. That might be fun to do again if anyone is interested.

    How did I forget that??? You
    How did I forget that??? You are sooo right! Maybe we should...bathing suit season (RUN FOR COVER!!!) is right around the corner! LOL

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    m-star said:

    i cannot recommend it enough!


    I know some ppl think it is a myth about grapefruit and weight loss but it really isn't.About 5 yrs ago,i wanted to lose some weight and i read about it.I started eating half a lrage tin of grapefruit in a morning before my ceral and the rest of my meals were pretty much the same.Within about 2 months i had lost half a stone.In fact i had to stop eating it in the end as i wasn't huge to begin with and i went too thin.
    You can find plenty of info on it online if you do a search.

    I wanted to start it up again but i have been on Thyroxine for the last 2 years and the pharmasist said you shouldnt eat grapefruit or drink the juice when on thyroxine as it can prevent it from working properly. Having said that,i bought some yesterday (first time in 5 years) and i ate half a tin 1 1/2 hours after my tablet this morning.But i think i may switch to eating it at lunch to give my tablet time to absorb first.

    Bye the way,when i asked my Dr about grapefruit interaction with drugs he said there was none! You really need to ask a pharmacist as they know more about the drug than a Dr.

    good luck

    I read that it grapefruit is not good for estrogen positive cancer. Please be careful and ask you doctor.
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    I'm with you Patty
    I thought through surgery (they were taking stuff away), that I would lose weight. no. I figured chemo would do the trick, nauseau, food smelling and tasting bad...no. I had my sweet hubby constantly feeding me, saying I need to keep up my strength, and he cooks all the really good fattening foods, and I have gained 10 lbs.
    So I need to go back to eating right, and exercising. I have a friend who walks my neighborhood with me, and since all our streets are on hills, we get a good workout.
    So I have my (yes I am saying it again) final surgery Friday, and then I am going back to eating right and doing more walking.
    Good luck in yours, and if we can be weight loss buddies, it may help!