I'm new here

mlowe8716 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi. I just joined the CSN today. I am a 37 year old caregiver to my mother who has been living with stage IIIC ovarian cancer for over 6 years now. Mom moved in with us right BEFORE her initial diagnosis which, in retrospect, was a blessing b/c she has been in our care since the beginning. Over the years, she has had 6 abdominal surgeries and is currently on her 7th chemo regiment. Her doctor has admitted that he is "scraping the bottom of the barrel" for treatment options, but her attitude is still positive.

The hardest part for me has been that she has recently had some major changes in her core personality. It is almost like having a rebellious teen-ager in the house. She seems to have lost her ability to use sound judgement. Unfortunately, I can no longer allow my younger children to spend time with her unsupervised because of her actions. It's hard on all of us. My older kids (ages 13, 9 and 8) have lived with their grandmothers cancer, so they have a better understanding, but the little ones don't get it. Unfortunately, my mother doesn't seem to understand either. Mom is having an MRI of her brain tomorrow. I don't have very good feelings about the results.



  • birdnighter
    birdnighter Member Posts: 12
    So very sorry
    Oh my goodness. You certainly are torn between your love for your Mom and your Children.I am so very sorry.. but as hard as this cancer is on the person with it..I do believe it is oftentimes much harder on the caregiver.While you want to take care of Mom.. It is imperative that you put you, your children and a spouse first.While it sounds selfish, I myself am a Stage 3 OVCA currently at the final 2 mos of treatment..(fingers crossed ) and i fully recognize this obligation to your kids. Granted it is tough. Maybe some one from the support services at the hospital has some suggestion or help.. I 'm sure that some of the other ladies might have some ideas as well..Meanwhile take care and keep posting...Bless you ...Susan
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    personality changes

    My father-in-law had esophageal cancer that metastasized to his lungs and then his brain. It was hard on all of us. Our 4 children who were at that time 23, 22, 19, 17 watched him change gradually. We lived three doors away from him so they had lived by their Pappy since the ages of 4, 3, 5 months and the youngest not yet born.

    We had to put him in a nursing home as he needed 24 hour care and supervision.

    Don't know what the results will be for your mom. Praying for the best. Sometimes it is hard to make hard decisions. I pray for wisdom for you.

    Living for Eternity,
  • Barbara53
    Barbara53 Member Posts: 652
    sneaking up on us
    Yes, yes, I know what you mean! My mother (3c, age 79) is now having trouble remembering numbers, nouns, other things that look like brain issues. It is a very difficult thing to evaluate and monitor. Good luck with this stressful situation. You might get good help with specifics in the caregiver forum.