She's gone

ssfbeagle Member Posts: 50
edited March 2014 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1
My Mom passed away yesterday afternoon at 3:15. Her year long battle with uterine cancer is over. She was with her loving family at the time of her passing. I will love her forever and try to be more like her. I hope she can forgive me for any hurt I may have caused her. I pushed her too hard sometimes because I thought she was stronger than she actually was. I hope she heard my final words to her, "I love you always and forever."
I wish you ladies good luck in your fight with this disease. For now, I'm done with cancer.


  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    My deepest sympathy
    I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. You were a special daughter, and I am sure she knew how much you loved her. May you have many good memories to treasure and carry you through these difficult days. Take care of yourself. In peace and caring.
  • norma2
    norma2 Member Posts: 479
    Sorry, to hear your sad
    Sorry, to hear your sad news. May you find comfort and peace. Praying for you and your family during this difficult time.
  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569
    I am so sorry
    I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my mother June 09 to this horrible disease. My sister and I spent the last day in the hospital with her, dazed, shocked and confused. We told her that we loved her and that it was okay for her to go. I believe in my heart she did hear and understand me when I told her I loved her and that I always loved her and always would. That I wish I'd been a better daughter. Your mother is at peace now, no more suffering. It may not seem possible or fair or right but it is what it is and you'll find the courage and strength to go on It's not easy but you can do it.
    Prayers and Hugs,
  • daisy366
    daisy366 Member Posts: 1,458 Member

    I am so sorry
    I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my mother June 09 to this horrible disease. My sister and I spent the last day in the hospital with her, dazed, shocked and confused. We told her that we loved her and that it was okay for her to go. I believe in my heart she did hear and understand me when I told her I loved her and that I always loved her and always would. That I wish I'd been a better daughter. Your mother is at peace now, no more suffering. It may not seem possible or fair or right but it is what it is and you'll find the courage and strength to go on It's not easy but you can do it.
    Prayers and Hugs,

    So Sorry
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you were with her when she died. I think that is a wonderful thing. YOu did all you could and I'm sure she knew that and that you loved her very much.

    Thank you for your good wishes to us. I hope you never have to deal with cancer again.

    Many blessings and peace to you. Mary Ann
  • nempark
    nempark Member Posts: 681
    She is resting
    My heart goes out to you and your family, but mom is resting peacefully ---no more pains or sorrow. You will see as time goes by how well you are going to heal. God bless you and the family.
  • aprillorey
    aprillorey Member Posts: 104
    nempark said:

    She is resting
    My heart goes out to you and your family, but mom is resting peacefully ---no more pains or sorrow. You will see as time goes by how well you are going to heal. God bless you and the family.

    My heart Goes out to you and
    My heart Goes out to you and your family at this very hard time. Your mom is now at rest in Gods Kingdom i will pray for peace over your family and you and sweetie im sure your mom heard your words she knows you love her very much and you pushed her because you loved her very much she knows that im sure sweetie sending you HUGS
  • TiggersDoBounce
    TiggersDoBounce Member Posts: 408
    Sending hugs your way
    Rest in the knowledge you were with her at the end, by her side.

    Hang in...

  • Cecile Louise
    Cecile Louise Member Posts: 133
    Peace to you
    May you find peace in the knowledge that you have been the best daughter any Mother could ever wish for. I'm sure that any hurt you may have ever caused her was forgotten long ago and the fact that you were with her every step of the way meant everything to her. She was blessed to have you, even if you feel you may have pushed too hard at times. And I know that she did hear your last words to her, as she felt your love around her always. May you find comfort in the knowledge that you did everything you could to ease her suffering and that she is now at rest. Hugs, thoughts and prayers to you at this difficult time.

  • Songflower
    Songflower Member Posts: 608

    Peace to you
    May you find peace in the knowledge that you have been the best daughter any Mother could ever wish for. I'm sure that any hurt you may have ever caused her was forgotten long ago and the fact that you were with her every step of the way meant everything to her. She was blessed to have you, even if you feel you may have pushed too hard at times. And I know that she did hear your last words to her, as she felt your love around her always. May you find comfort in the knowledge that you did everything you could to ease her suffering and that she is now at rest. Hugs, thoughts and prayers to you at this difficult time.


    Peace and Love
    I am sorry for your loss. I know your mother loved you. Your last words were just what she needed to hear. She is with you now and forever in your heart.

  • barb55
    barb55 Member Posts: 91
    sincere condolences
    Yesterday was my first mother's day without my mom- and it felt awful. Please accept my sincerest condolences and heal the pain and carry on your mothers goodness.
  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    barb55 said:

    sincere condolences
    Yesterday was my first mother's day without my mom- and it felt awful. Please accept my sincerest condolences and heal the pain and carry on your mothers goodness.

    Deepest Sympathy~
    I know you have a heavy heart, but know your mom is now at peace. Life throws us all things we have to learn to handle and some are more difficult vs. others....but we learn to go forward!!

    Thanks for your kind words about us and hope you never encounter this disease...

    Best always,
  • maggie_wilson
    maggie_wilson Member Posts: 596
    so very sorry for the loss of your mother
    sisters, especially to the one who just lost her mother,

    this year was the first mother's day without my mother as well, she died last august of double pneumonia. although she was in her 90s, the loss of one's mother is irreparable. i do know your mother knew how much you loved and cared for her, how could she not? please do not blame yourself for anything you might have said or done that you now, in hindsight, feel was too much. you did your best, and she knew it. it seems that no one loses someone she loves without some regrets, real or imagined. i think it must be another way of keeping that loved one close.

    i agree with linda that this is a real community; a community that understands what each of us is going through, whatever stage in the process we may find ourselves. i know i turn to this discussion group for comfort and solace, as well as education, because i know i will pretty much understand what any one of us is going through, whether physically or emotionally, just as i know i will be understood in a way no one not dealing with this personally can truly know.

    so for you, who just lost your dear mother, and for the rest of us, i wish us
    peace of mind, and as much joy in each day that we can muster, not to mention a return to lasting good health.

    big hugs right back to you.

  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    jazzy1 said:

    Deepest Sympathy~
    I know you have a heavy heart, but know your mom is now at peace. Life throws us all things we have to learn to handle and some are more difficult vs. others....but we learn to go forward!!

    Thanks for your kind words about us and hope you never encounter this disease...

    Best always,

    (((Hugs and Prayers)))
    I am so sorry for your loss. So so sorry.

    Your loss is very personal. But we are here with you in this loss....a real loss on this Discussion Board, a loss within our little community here.

    I remember when everyone on this Discussion Board was either in their initial treatment protocol or in remission. We were either all battling hard, or we had won our last battle. And hope was high and reassurance was everywhere. It was easier to come here then, wasn't it?

    Now we've matured as a group and we support each other as recurrence and loss become a part of our shared reality. It's scarier and harder now that we aren't all winning this battle as decisively. I want to thank each of the strong women here for rolling with the punches. With eyes wide open we support each other and don't let the possibilities scare us or shake our hope and joy in each day. Big courage; big brave reality.

    We all share in your grief more than you know. How we support each other in these truly hard times define us as a community. 'Virtual' community or not, we can be real. And I believe this is a real community. Love you guys. ((((Hugs)))) to all who need a hug tonight.
  • deanna14
    deanna14 Member Posts: 732

    so very sorry for the loss of your mother
    sisters, especially to the one who just lost her mother,

    this year was the first mother's day without my mother as well, she died last august of double pneumonia. although she was in her 90s, the loss of one's mother is irreparable. i do know your mother knew how much you loved and cared for her, how could she not? please do not blame yourself for anything you might have said or done that you now, in hindsight, feel was too much. you did your best, and she knew it. it seems that no one loses someone she loves without some regrets, real or imagined. i think it must be another way of keeping that loved one close.

    i agree with linda that this is a real community; a community that understands what each of us is going through, whatever stage in the process we may find ourselves. i know i turn to this discussion group for comfort and solace, as well as education, because i know i will pretty much understand what any one of us is going through, whether physically or emotionally, just as i know i will be understood in a way no one not dealing with this personally can truly know.

    so for you, who just lost your dear mother, and for the rest of us, i wish us
    peace of mind, and as much joy in each day that we can muster, not to mention a return to lasting good health.

    big hugs right back to you.


    So sorry...
    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I pray the Lord will give you peace and in time you will be able to smile at the wonderful memories of your mother.

    God Bless You and your family
  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member
    Those are very sad words to hear.
    In reading your comments you mentioned that you thought you may have pushed her too hard. Don't for a minute feel any sort of guilt, consider for just a minute how truly awful you would have felt if you had not pushed her hard and just allowed her to die without the best possible effort. You did what was best for both of you. Please don't feel badly for anything you did to keep your mother with you as long as possible. Give yourself grace. Smile at the times you had and talk to her about everything you feel about her life and now loss of it.


  • sleem
    sleem Member Posts: 92
    Just read your comment. She loved your Mom so much and your words demonstrate this. She knows you were there for her in all ways. Give yourself the peace of heart that you were with her and said those special words that all of us moms wish to hear.
  • minniejan
    minniejan Member Posts: 88
    sleem said:

    Just read your comment. She loved your Mom so much and your words demonstrate this. She knows you were there for her in all ways. Give yourself the peace of heart that you were with her and said those special words that all of us moms wish to hear.

    sorry for your loss
    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time and am proud of you that you can share your thoughts on this website about both yourself and your mother. Bless you and your family.
  • kumar
    kumar Member Posts: 107
    minniejan said:

    sorry for your loss
    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time and am proud of you that you can share your thoughts on this website about both yourself and your mother. Bless you and your family.

    God Bless You

    God bless you.

    Thanks Kumar
  • firstsister
    firstsister Member Posts: 13
    My deepest sympathy.
    I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother. I know, and she knew, that you did your best for her. Be assured and comforted that she heard you say you loved her.