Libby's 2nd Opinion

LPack Member Posts: 645
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1

This may be too long, sorry.

Okay, my husband and I went for my 2nd opinion last Thursday to THE JAMES - Ohio State is a Comprehensive Cancer Center designated by the National Cancer Institute. I saw Dr. Larry Copeland who is the Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at The Ohio State Univerity. He spearheaded the Clinical Trial Research Program in Gyn/Onc at the James Cancer Hospital. The former chief of staff at The James, editor of the Textbook of Gynecology, Editor for the journal Gynecologic Oncology and much, much more.

Pretty much told me that he would basically have done what my onc/gyn has done except not put me on Hexalen after she said I was NED in late 2008. He would not have let time go by between my scheduled chemos during the recurrence I have been on since June 2009, but would have lower my dose until I could have stayed on schedule. AND he does not like Neumega and neither does his patients! (Best news I heard!!) ☺ But he does give Neulasta and Neupogen.

Since I have not been on Doxil I might qualify for a study trial. Some criteria are: must be in recurrence, not have been on Doxil, BRACA positive is a plus. I have to have my CT scan and CA 125 done first. Either would need to show evidence of disease. I need to look over the information, pray and talk to my family and friends (girls any input?? ☺).

First though, I have really liked my onc/gyn but I know with her being in private practice and moving in other medical directions, that she is not going to be up on the most current cancer developments. I also know that at the James I will get more attention in every area. Our daughter lives about 1/2 hour away from the center and that would be good. We travel now to Pittsburgh for my appointments (1 1/2 hours to 2 depending on traffic). Travel to Columbus would be about the same.

Of most importance would be our insurance company. Regardless of the study, my husband and I are ready to move on. I had friends and family ask me, but what did he say about you, Libby. I answered if you mean did he say, Libby you need to do this and that and then you will be cured or live this much longer, or whatever. No he did not say anything like that. He did say I would need to be on something and from my path. report (he needs the slides yet) he knows I still have options. And I know that no doctor knows how long any of us have here on this earth in this body of ours! I could have a heart attack typing right now if God was ready for me!

That is where we are right now. I see my onc/gyn this Wednesday and she does not know yet about the results of this past appointment but she is the one who made the referral. I was to get a CT and chest xray tomorrow but she (her office) forgot to get the referral for that!! (Out of network so a referral is needed for those tests). Just found out after I got my REDIcat Friday and canceled tests. But I will get my blood work tomorrow morning. Also was scheduled for more chemo (14 done and still going) Friday or following Monday. Dr. Copeland said he advises me not to.

Confused yet???

Love you ladies!!

And I am still living for ETERNITY,


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Well you certainly have much to think about. It must be very overwhelming. But please know that I am sending oodles of prayers and hugs as you get opinions, make decisions, and trust in the Lord for all things. I'm especially glad that you are comfortable with your choice of physicians and locations. That is so important, especially when you have to travel back and forth such a distance.

    I will be waiting to hear more, as I'm sure all the other wonderful women on this site will be. Till then, I know that your faith will keep you at peace and with hope.



    FYI - I reside in Michigan, but I'm originally from Columbus, OH. I still have lots of family there.
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    second opinions
    I've had a few second opinions (I guess that is 3rd and 4th?) and although it is good to get other opinions, sometimes it complicates the process for moving forward. I pray that you have peace and will know the right thing to do.

    Love and hugs,
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Prayers from me too :-D
    Dear Libby,

    You are truely amazing and such an inspiration to all! Yes in His Grip as you continue to live for eternity. I pray this second opinion opens more doors of possibilities as you Live your Life to the fullest! Prayers ♥ Hugs Bonnie