Need help deceiphering terms! : /

COOK1313 Member Posts: 28
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
The message from my doctor said I have a large complex lesion on my right ovary. He also said there was some fluid above the right ovary. I'm supposed to call him Monday morning to discuss the next step. Can any of you ladies help me with what this is or means? I also found out that I have three enlarged nodes in my neck. Not freaking out yet. Just unsure of what this means exactly.


  • kathryn1
    kathryn1 Member Posts: 88 Member
    There is no way of knowing exactly what this is for sure without a biopsy. Have you had a CA125 bloodtest done? Any symptoms?
    I wouldn't worry until you talk to your doctor, but we're here if you need us!
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    The only thing I know is that the fluid will have come from cancer cells. Sorry if this is a shock for you, but cancer cells weep fluid and also prevent your body re-absorbing it. Hope your doctor can give you a better explanation.
    Take care Tinaxxx
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    I've heard of a complex cyst. There are different types of cyst. A complex one is one that requires further investigation. Maybe the area in question is an area that started out as a complex cyst but grew into a lesion? I don't wish to scare you but that is how my thinking would go. Best of luck!!!
  • COOK1313
    COOK1313 Member Posts: 28
    nancy591 said:

    I've heard of a complex cyst. There are different types of cyst. A complex one is one that requires further investigation. Maybe the area in question is an area that started out as a complex cyst but grew into a lesion? I don't wish to scare you but that is how my thinking would go. Best of luck!!!

    Thanks Ladies!!!
    I have had MANY symptoms that I had just attributed to being a working mother to a two year old. I have A LOT of lower back pain, I'm either going to the bathroom six times a day or constipated. When I "feel" like I'm constipated and finally go, it's always soft so I couldn't understand the constipation. I won't even start about the gas problems. One would think I buy stock in Bush's baked beans!!! I'm always tired (hubby and I have even gone to look at mattresses to help me sleep better and see if it would help my back any), I feel like I pee every 20 minutes and when I go, I still feel like I need to pee. There is no pain at all so I knew it wasn't a UTI. I haven't had any bleeding (other than my cycle) and not any "pain" so to speak. I have twinges that irritate me but I just feel like my pelvic area has pressure. It's hard to explain, lol. I have lost weight but even though I'm thin, I feel like my belly is bulging. I know these could be from a multitude of things. My husband's grandmother died of OVCA so I also know that it can come about quickly (which mine has).

    I emailed my husband's aunt (who is a nurse practioner) and asked her about some of the verbage from the voicemail. She said that many test reports now will use "lesion" interchangeably for "tumor" or "mass". She said the reasoning is because patients can access their results from the testing facility as soon as the radiologist signs off on the report, often before the referring doctor has a chance to see them. Seeing "tumor" on the report often creates "mass hysteria" (her pun, lol) and people diagnose themselves with cancer. I have a knack for many things, this I will leave to those who are educated to fill me in (the doctors and women like you!!!).

    Thank you so much for your honesty. I am not a hand-wringer but don't like sugar-coated explanations. If I don't know what might be, I can't ask the right questions! You provide a light for those of us who are a little lost in this maze and I am truly grateful!
  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
    COOK1313 said:

    Thanks Ladies!!!
    I have had MANY symptoms that I had just attributed to being a working mother to a two year old. I have A LOT of lower back pain, I'm either going to the bathroom six times a day or constipated. When I "feel" like I'm constipated and finally go, it's always soft so I couldn't understand the constipation. I won't even start about the gas problems. One would think I buy stock in Bush's baked beans!!! I'm always tired (hubby and I have even gone to look at mattresses to help me sleep better and see if it would help my back any), I feel like I pee every 20 minutes and when I go, I still feel like I need to pee. There is no pain at all so I knew it wasn't a UTI. I haven't had any bleeding (other than my cycle) and not any "pain" so to speak. I have twinges that irritate me but I just feel like my pelvic area has pressure. It's hard to explain, lol. I have lost weight but even though I'm thin, I feel like my belly is bulging. I know these could be from a multitude of things. My husband's grandmother died of OVCA so I also know that it can come about quickly (which mine has).

    I emailed my husband's aunt (who is a nurse practioner) and asked her about some of the verbage from the voicemail. She said that many test reports now will use "lesion" interchangeably for "tumor" or "mass". She said the reasoning is because patients can access their results from the testing facility as soon as the radiologist signs off on the report, often before the referring doctor has a chance to see them. Seeing "tumor" on the report often creates "mass hysteria" (her pun, lol) and people diagnose themselves with cancer. I have a knack for many things, this I will leave to those who are educated to fill me in (the doctors and women like you!!!).

    Thank you so much for your honesty. I am not a hand-wringer but don't like sugar-coated explanations. If I don't know what might be, I can't ask the right questions! You provide a light for those of us who are a little lost in this maze and I am truly grateful!

    I know what you mean about
    I know what you mean about sugar coated explanations. My ppc was out of the office the day I had the CT scan and the doctor on call called me 2 hours after the CT to tell me "possible cyst, fluid in the abdomen, recommended paracentesis." Then I asked for a copy of the preliminary report to be faxed to me. I got some straight answers after that. I didn't like them, but I had some direction as far as what i needed to do!

    I can't offer you any insight to the terms your doctor used. I can only offer you my prayers and best wishes that your news ends up being good news!


  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    COOK1313 said:

    Thanks Ladies!!!
    I have had MANY symptoms that I had just attributed to being a working mother to a two year old. I have A LOT of lower back pain, I'm either going to the bathroom six times a day or constipated. When I "feel" like I'm constipated and finally go, it's always soft so I couldn't understand the constipation. I won't even start about the gas problems. One would think I buy stock in Bush's baked beans!!! I'm always tired (hubby and I have even gone to look at mattresses to help me sleep better and see if it would help my back any), I feel like I pee every 20 minutes and when I go, I still feel like I need to pee. There is no pain at all so I knew it wasn't a UTI. I haven't had any bleeding (other than my cycle) and not any "pain" so to speak. I have twinges that irritate me but I just feel like my pelvic area has pressure. It's hard to explain, lol. I have lost weight but even though I'm thin, I feel like my belly is bulging. I know these could be from a multitude of things. My husband's grandmother died of OVCA so I also know that it can come about quickly (which mine has).

    I emailed my husband's aunt (who is a nurse practioner) and asked her about some of the verbage from the voicemail. She said that many test reports now will use "lesion" interchangeably for "tumor" or "mass". She said the reasoning is because patients can access their results from the testing facility as soon as the radiologist signs off on the report, often before the referring doctor has a chance to see them. Seeing "tumor" on the report often creates "mass hysteria" (her pun, lol) and people diagnose themselves with cancer. I have a knack for many things, this I will leave to those who are educated to fill me in (the doctors and women like you!!!).

    Thank you so much for your honesty. I am not a hand-wringer but don't like sugar-coated explanations. If I don't know what might be, I can't ask the right questions! You provide a light for those of us who are a little lost in this maze and I am truly grateful!

    I too am a Mom to young children 6 and 4 yrs old. I did seek medical attention for my symptoms but, unfortunately, I was misdiagnosed with irritable bowel. For me this diagnosis made sense because my Mom suffers from irritable bowel. I too suffered with bouts of severe constipation alternating with diarrhea. It wasn't until I had a full blown bowel obstruction wth vomiting when a CT scan was finally done. One thing I learned from this whole ordeal is to not dismiss changes in your body no matter what your doctor is saying.

    Hopefully, if it is OVCA, it will be contained to that one ovary which will give you a great advantage.

    GOOD LUCK!!!