one year ago and here i go again



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    My heart goes out to you...
    So very sorry you have to deal with this yet again, Teresa. As others have already stated - it is what we all fear. Yet, those - like our dear RE and others - who have battled more than once and won inspire hope for all of us.

    Here - you are surrounded by support and encouragement.

    Sending prayers your way...

    Kind regards, Susan

    Hi Teresa
    I am very sorry for your new cancer. I understand the devastation, still please stay positive. You can beat and fight this again and we will be h for you. Mastectomy is a major surgery, but it double. I had it with immediate reconstruction in 2008.
    Sending you a big hug,
    New Flower
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    I Am So Sorry
    I am so sorry to hear this. We are here for you whenever you need us.

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    GrandmaJ said:

    BC returns
    So sorry you have to go through this again. Good thoughts and prayers are with you.

    I was wondering if you had chemo the first time and/or radiation and what stage your bc was ?

    I think all of us are scared this will happen to us.


    So sorry to see that you had
    So sorry to see that you had a recurrence. My prayers and positive thoughts are with you!
  • ms_independent
    ms_independent Member Posts: 214
    so sorry
    I'm so sorry you have to go through this again. I had bilat mastectomy with tissue expanders placed. As has already been said, the tissue expanders made recovery more painful. It is certainly do-able. We'll be here every step of the way if you want us to be.

    Hugs, El
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    RE said:

    Oh Teresa I am so very sorry this has occurred. I myself had a similar situation, my recurrence happened 6 months after finishing all treatments, mine had gone to my chest wall and sentinel node. I too was on tamoxifen and I too quit taking it, it does not work for everyone. My sister was on it for 5 years and did great well on it. After aggressive treatment the second time I remained cancer free for 9 years, it returned in 07 on my right side and I too had a mastectomy. It was not as bad or painful as I had thought it may be, not to say it didn't hurt. Be kind to yourself, let others do all the heavy lifting for awhile etc. I also found that a small soft pillow beneath my armpit helped cushion the area and allowed for more comfort. This is doable and you can come out of it okay, trust me I have been there.



    Teresa, I just wanted to add
    Teresa, I just wanted to add that I hope that you continue to post on here to let us know how you are doing. We are all here for you!
  • CathyO
    CathyO Member Posts: 1
    Teresa, I am recovering from
    Teresa, I am recovering from a double mastectomy that I had March 9th. I had to have the right one removed due to a lump and 3 areas of calcifications that had clustered and were also malignant. There was a questionable area on my left breast that they just couldn't get to biopsy because it was so deep and they would have had to put me on the operating table to just do the biopsy. But I had already decided to just take the left one off too since there is a family history and I didn't want to have to worry about it the rest of my life. I found my lump by accident from an itch I had under my arm - I wasn't even due for my yearly mammogram until 5 months later. I'm 51 and realize how lucky I am since all my lumph nodes/cat scan/bone scan were clear and it was Stage I and I don't even have to have chemo. So if this is the way to save your life, you just have to do it. As hard as the thought is to lose your breasts, its harder to think of not being here when there is so much more life to live. I'm not going to lie - it was very painful after. The only way I can explain it is to say it feels like there is a truck laying on your chest! I had the combined feeling of that same truck on my back because of the reconstruction I chose. The first 2 weeks were the hardest, but it does get better. It's 8 weeks and i still feel a pressure/tightness on my breasts and under both arms, but it is all normal and it just takes time. It is very strange to see different breasts there and feel so deformed while they are healing, but this is what I had to do to survive. So please if I can help you in any other way let me know and I wish you the best of luck in this journey.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    carkris said:

    This is my third go round,
    This is my third go round, 1994 cancer on right. 1995 local recurrence, 2009 cancer on left. I did fine withthe mastectomy. the drains were in longer than I wanted. recurrence is devastating, but you can do it. I had so much support, at home and here. sometimes I think I was born with defective boobs and wonder how people walk around with normal ones. anyway hugs and yes Mama Cancer sucks.

    What Mama G said is so true,
    What Mama G said is so true, cancer sucks! But, stay strong and fight it again with all that you have in you! You are a survivor after all!
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    CathyO said:

    Teresa, I am recovering from
    Teresa, I am recovering from a double mastectomy that I had March 9th. I had to have the right one removed due to a lump and 3 areas of calcifications that had clustered and were also malignant. There was a questionable area on my left breast that they just couldn't get to biopsy because it was so deep and they would have had to put me on the operating table to just do the biopsy. But I had already decided to just take the left one off too since there is a family history and I didn't want to have to worry about it the rest of my life. I found my lump by accident from an itch I had under my arm - I wasn't even due for my yearly mammogram until 5 months later. I'm 51 and realize how lucky I am since all my lumph nodes/cat scan/bone scan were clear and it was Stage I and I don't even have to have chemo. So if this is the way to save your life, you just have to do it. As hard as the thought is to lose your breasts, its harder to think of not being here when there is so much more life to live. I'm not going to lie - it was very painful after. The only way I can explain it is to say it feels like there is a truck laying on your chest! I had the combined feeling of that same truck on my back because of the reconstruction I chose. The first 2 weeks were the hardest, but it does get better. It's 8 weeks and i still feel a pressure/tightness on my breasts and under both arms, but it is all normal and it just takes time. It is very strange to see different breasts there and feel so deformed while they are healing, but this is what I had to do to survive. So please if I can help you in any other way let me know and I wish you the best of luck in this journey.

    ♥ Teresa ♥
    I always hate to read that one of my bc sisters has a recurrence. I have had bc twice Teresa, first in 1985 and again in 2009. My 2nd cancer was a new cancer, not a recurrence. I fought both times and have evolved a survivor, stronger than ever before. Keep a smile on your face and throw everything you can at the beast! You will get thru this! I know how disheartening it is to hear those words again, but, so many of us have and are living happy and full lives. I know I am! Let us know if we can help, other than offering cyber hugs and good wishes. Take care Teresa!

    Love, Jeanne ♥
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Jeanne D said:

    ♥ Teresa ♥
    I always hate to read that one of my bc sisters has a recurrence. I have had bc twice Teresa, first in 1985 and again in 2009. My 2nd cancer was a new cancer, not a recurrence. I fought both times and have evolved a survivor, stronger than ever before. Keep a smile on your face and throw everything you can at the beast! You will get thru this! I know how disheartening it is to hear those words again, but, so many of us have and are living happy and full lives. I know I am! Let us know if we can help, other than offering cyber hugs and good wishes. Take care Teresa!

    Love, Jeanne ♥

    I am so sorry Teresa. I
    I am so sorry Teresa. I think this is always in the back of all of our minds. Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment.

    Hugs, Debby
  • Balentine
    Balentine Member Posts: 393
    CathyO said:

    Teresa, I am recovering from
    Teresa, I am recovering from a double mastectomy that I had March 9th. I had to have the right one removed due to a lump and 3 areas of calcifications that had clustered and were also malignant. There was a questionable area on my left breast that they just couldn't get to biopsy because it was so deep and they would have had to put me on the operating table to just do the biopsy. But I had already decided to just take the left one off too since there is a family history and I didn't want to have to worry about it the rest of my life. I found my lump by accident from an itch I had under my arm - I wasn't even due for my yearly mammogram until 5 months later. I'm 51 and realize how lucky I am since all my lumph nodes/cat scan/bone scan were clear and it was Stage I and I don't even have to have chemo. So if this is the way to save your life, you just have to do it. As hard as the thought is to lose your breasts, its harder to think of not being here when there is so much more life to live. I'm not going to lie - it was very painful after. The only way I can explain it is to say it feels like there is a truck laying on your chest! I had the combined feeling of that same truck on my back because of the reconstruction I chose. The first 2 weeks were the hardest, but it does get better. It's 8 weeks and i still feel a pressure/tightness on my breasts and under both arms, but it is all normal and it just takes time. It is very strange to see different breasts there and feel so deformed while they are healing, but this is what I had to do to survive. So please if I can help you in any other way let me know and I wish you the best of luck in this journey.

    What type of reconstruction did you have? I just went to the plastic surgeon and he is recommending a muscle sparing free tram flap for my right side. I am curious to know what you did and how you feel about the results so far.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Balentine said:

    What type of reconstruction did you have? I just went to the plastic surgeon and he is recommending a muscle sparing free tram flap for my right side. I am curious to know what you did and how you feel about the results so far.

    I can't believe that your bc
    I can't believe that your bc came back. It has only been a year. I am so sorry Teresa. Please know that we are all going to support you thru this. Sending you prayers!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    jnl said:

    I can't believe that your bc
    I can't believe that your bc came back. It has only been a year. I am so sorry Teresa. Please know that we are all going to support you thru this. Sending you prayers!

    Hugs, Leeza

    So sorry to hear
    your news. Just be proactive and know you will get through this!!!!! We are all here for you - stay positive and please keep us all posted - we love and care for you - I had a unilateral mast. in April 2009 - the drain thing is really the worst. (I did have chemo but no rads) Please know we are all keeping you in our prayers and sending you gentle love and just keep believing you are strong and can do this - we are all in this together - and when a sister has to go through it again it only makes us all want to fight even harder and stronger!!!!
    much love,
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member

    So sorry to hear
    your news. Just be proactive and know you will get through this!!!!! We are all here for you - stay positive and please keep us all posted - we love and care for you - I had a unilateral mast. in April 2009 - the drain thing is really the worst. (I did have chemo but no rads) Please know we are all keeping you in our prayers and sending you gentle love and just keep believing you are strong and can do this - we are all in this together - and when a sister has to go through it again it only makes us all want to fight even harder and stronger!!!!
    much love,

    You poor thing
    I know you must be scared. I would be too to have bc return. Just know that you have the love and support of all of your bc sisters here to guide you thru this. You will be victorious in ridding yourself of this cancer again. I just know it!

    ♥ Kristin ♥
  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471
    Kristin N said:

    You poor thing
    I know you must be scared. I would be too to have bc return. Just know that you have the love and support of all of your bc sisters here to guide you thru this. You will be victorious in ridding yourself of this cancer again. I just know it!

    ♥ Kristin ♥

    thank you
    thank you all .i had chemo radiation and started taking tamoxifen with my first cancer it was stage 2 IDC. this time i will have no chemo radiation or nodes removed on the right side this is a new cancer also.i wont have reconstruction right now.i am not sure if i ever will have it .i am 42 years old. i pray i can get through this.thank you all again for all the support.

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    teresa41 said:

    thank you
    thank you all .i had chemo radiation and started taking tamoxifen with my first cancer it was stage 2 IDC. this time i will have no chemo radiation or nodes removed on the right side this is a new cancer also.i wont have reconstruction right now.i am not sure if i ever will have it .i am 42 years old. i pray i can get through this.thank you all again for all the support.


    You will get thru this
    You will get thru this Teresa. You have to fight it and we will do what we can to help you to fight it. Please stay strong!

    Sue :)
  • sherik
    sherik Member Posts: 26
    I had a mastectomy last September
    Crap - sorry to hear about the new diagnosis. You'll get through this. I had a right breast mastectomy in September - dispersed DCIS. I was out of work for 8 wks but started doing work from home pretty immediately. I think I was on the big gun painkillers for just 5 days before shifting to just tylenol - definitely not as effective, but painkillers cause mad constipation which was worse than the breast or pain due to the drains (I had 3). I was up and about pretty quickly. I had immediate reconstruction with the placement of a tissue expander and then later reconstruction. I had the drains out after 10 days and felt much more comfortable. I'm actually having my third and hopefully final surgery Friday. Keep your thoughts and heart positive. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Teresa... I haven't been
    Teresa... I haven't been around much and saw your post this morning... I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this again... my heart goes out to you... but you know that all of these amazing pink sisters are here for you... You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • pshurtz
    pshurtz Member Posts: 3
    that's exactly what happened to me...
    they call it contralateral breast cancer. yikes. I know your in a bad dream---honestly, my hair hadnt grown back from the chemo when i got the 2d round of bad news. ok, it could have been worse, i reasoned, i couldve had mets...I elected a mastectomy the first time, so i kinda felt like a pro going thru it the 2d time. It sucks and took me several weeks each time to heal--but it wasnt that bad. The pain is modest and controllable with med.You can do it! Thank god we arent canines--the thought of doing this 8 times might have driven me to put my head in the oven...I was back to work in 5 weeks---4 weeks the second time. IT helps to talk it out with people who have gone thru what you are dealing with...
    be brave...
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    Very Sorry
    Teresa, I'm so sorry to hear your news. Please try and stay as positive as possible. I was dx a little over two years ago. I had a masectomy and no reconstruction and had little pain and made a quick recovery ( at least from the surgery - getting over the whole dealing with having bc is another story). After my srugery I was back in my room quickly and ate a big dinner that night. By evening the only pain meds I needed was Tylenol. I was released the next morning. I took it easy for about a week as I had the drain in - once the drain came out, I felt pretty much back to my new normal.I hope all goes as smoothly for you. Pillows help a lot and if you can find a camisole top from a breast shop that works well as they have pockets for drains. Make sure you drink lots of water and walk after you get home. You will beat this. Hugs, Sally
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    teresa41 said:

    thank you
    thank you all .i had chemo radiation and started taking tamoxifen with my first cancer it was stage 2 IDC. this time i will have no chemo radiation or nodes removed on the right side this is a new cancer also.i wont have reconstruction right now.i am not sure if i ever will have it .i am 42 years old. i pray i can get through this.thank you all again for all the support.


    ♥ Teresa ♥
    You will get thru this Teresa and come out dancing with NED! You have to try and stay positive and fight this with everything in you. I know it isn't easy, as, I just went thru my 2nd round of bc last year, but, it can be done! Lean on us for support and encouragement! And, please let us know how you are doing when you feel like it.</♥</font>

    Love, Jeanne ♥</♥</font>