Today I received my Chemo Treatment Plan-any advice to those had my cocktail?

I will have Port Cath Inserted on 5/17 or 5/18 (schedule still pending)
First round of chemo will be on 5/20/2010. (READY TO GET THIS STARTED AND OVER WITH)
Adriamycin and Cytoxan) every 2 weeks for (4) four cycles.
Taxol (sp) shot every Friday for 12 weeks. What is this shot another form of chemo drug?
Then a rest for a few weeks an then 5 to 7 weeks of radiation 5 days a week.
What are some things to do prior and what can I expect after? I also have been given scripts for Phenergan (for nauseous after treatments)
Emla cream, used on port area 1 to 2 hours prior to chemo
Zofran (not sure what this one is for) i think it to take before I go to Chemo for nausea?
any helpful hints or experiences would be greatly appreciated. Dr said hair would fall out in about 20 days after first treatment, I am thinking sooner, cause my hair sheds now, like a cat. lol
I'm sorry you have to be here.
I also was dxed IDC, stage IIIa, 2 nodes involved. I had lumpectomy and 14 nodes removed last April 22nd. I did 4 rounds A/C then 12 weeks of taxol.
Your hair will fall out, mine did 13 days after 1st round. Everyone handles the rest differently. I was mostly tired, with some heartburn, teary eyes. I received my nausea meds right before each chemo round and really didn't have any nausea after. During radiation, use lots of whatever cream is recommended. That may also make you tired, but I found chemo worse.
Drink lots of water, let your doctor know of anything going on with you, no matter how small you may think it is. Also, let them know of any discomfort or problems you're having. There are so many meds out there to make things easier. If you need them, use them.
I'm sorry you're going through this. This site is a wonderful place to be -- so much knowledge, so many strong women.
Remember, you'll get through this. When I look back now, alot of it seems very sureal. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
marge0 -
Almost same....less Taxol....
But I was 'lucky' that nothing worked for my upset, I learned a few things:
Ginger Ale....sip...let some bubbles come out before sipping...
Candied ginger...small nibbles
I also never let my stomach get empty...I always fixed a pot of scalloped potatoes the day before chemo...then ate a little bit whenever I could.
That said, when I start my A/C, I had just finished a full treatment of Carboplatin and 5FU for rectal cancer. I was already 45 pounds lighter, and still trying out my new plumbing...
But, truly, I agree that you should always keep in mind that there IS and end to this...and life will be easier to live again! I'm 5 years out, with no reoccurance, and living life grand! I just booked a cruise of the Mediterainean....
Hugs, Kathi0 -
i had your exact cocktail, and...KathiM said:Almost same....less Taxol....
But I was 'lucky' that nothing worked for my upset, I learned a few things:
Ginger Ale....sip...let some bubbles come out before sipping...
Candied ginger...small nibbles
I also never let my stomach get empty...I always fixed a pot of scalloped potatoes the day before chemo...then ate a little bit whenever I could.
That said, when I start my A/C, I had just finished a full treatment of Carboplatin and 5FU for rectal cancer. I was already 45 pounds lighter, and still trying out my new plumbing...
But, truly, I agree that you should always keep in mind that there IS and end to this...and life will be easier to live again! I'm 5 years out, with no reoccurance, and living life grand! I just booked a cruise of the Mediterainean....
Hugs, Kathi
just finished the radiation 2 days ago. Looking back it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I expected it to be. I will say they start off with the roughest part with the a/c cocktail
It's the hardest part of the whole treatment by far. TAKE the meds they ordered. WATER WATER WATER!!! Chew on ice chips during the RED meds. You will be fine the day of and the day after, but the 2nd day it usually starts to hit. I had problems eating AND drinking after the first treatment. But each one was different! So weird. Ginger ale for sure,
any fruit that you like is good , too. WHATEVER tastes good, just eat it! I found apples and bananas in small pieces were palatable. Every morning I had an egg, usually a hard-boiled one and a piece of toast with apple butter. If you like ginger a lot of people used it and loved it, but not me...
I wish I could give you my ph number... if you want to talk to someone I'd be more than happy to help you in any way I can.
God bless,
Lorraine0 -
I had the same treatment anMama G said:i had your exact cocktail, and...
just finished the radiation 2 days ago. Looking back it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I expected it to be. I will say they start off with the roughest part with the a/c cocktail
It's the hardest part of the whole treatment by far. TAKE the meds they ordered. WATER WATER WATER!!! Chew on ice chips during the RED meds. You will be fine the day of and the day after, but the 2nd day it usually starts to hit. I had problems eating AND drinking after the first treatment. But each one was different! So weird. Ginger ale for sure,
any fruit that you like is good , too. WHATEVER tastes good, just eat it! I found apples and bananas in small pieces were palatable. Every morning I had an egg, usually a hard-boiled one and a piece of toast with apple butter. If you like ginger a lot of people used it and loved it, but not me...
I wish I could give you my ph number... if you want to talk to someone I'd be more than happy to help you in any way I can.
God bless,
I had the same treatment an finishing radiation now. I did not do well with the chemo, but found that if I posted someone always had experienced the symptoms and gave great advice. I had different meds for nausea though. no premed, but took Emend, decadron and zofranday of and a few days after. had constipation and diahrea. but the z0fran makes people constipated so eat foods that help or stool softeners, as I had to have rectal surgery after chemo was done. anyways through it all we get through honestly never thought I would and I did it and am much stronger and have more faith in myself. i appreciate the people who helped me. I have to say most people do better in chemo than me, so dont let it scare you it can be done!!!!!0 -
Hey Goblue
I also the same regime as you. The AC seemd to be the hardest on me. My white blood cell count just couldn't recover sometimes. I received shots ot nuelesta the day after chemo, which is supposed to help get the white count up there for you next chemo. I had to ask for a week off as I felt just too weak to go through it again, but managed to finish all four.
I particularily liked yogurt on AC. I also stocked up on the individual servings of pudding and jello. That way I didn't feel guilty if I couldn't finish the whole thing. The key is to eat a little through out the day. When I really started missing "real" food, would often go for mashed potatoes. I drank gallons of water. I prefered mine at room temp, for some odd reason. My stomach would feel full most of the time, and the room temperature water seemed to sit better. I also got some baby wipes as I spent alot of time in bed, and would use one to make me feel a little wiping of the neck and arms felt refreshing. The anit-nausea drugs helped alot, but tended to keep me awake because of the steroids in them. It didn't take me long to ask for something to help me sleep. I also had constipation, something I had never experienced in my life. (lucky me) I didn't know a thing about all the constipation cures out there, and trying to pick one out was just too overwhelming, so I just told my doc to tell me something he knew would work, and don't try to educate me on it.
I also had my first experience with chemo-brain on A/C. That is a sort of forgetfulness fog that can envelope you. Scared the livin' liver out of me, as no one had mentioned it to me, so thought I was loosing my mind. I am still forgetful two months after I've ended chemo, but my family and friends put up with it. (lucky me again)
If you have someone who can prepare a few meals and bring them to you, that is a good thing too. The few times I tried to cook, even something as simple as an egg, I had lost interest in eating by the time it was done. My boyfriend would make a meal at his house, and bring it over so my son and I didn't forget what a real meal looked like. Had he cooked it here, the cooking smells would have done me in.
My hair was coming out by the handfuls after my second chemo, so had my son shave my head. Only thing I didn't like was the stubble that comes in. It was like not all of my hair would have come out, and what was left was pretty uncomfortable for a while. I also had shoulder length hair when I ws dx, so immediately got a short hair cut so it wouldn't feel quite so strange to do a "no hair" style. Get some head covers, and play around with them before you need them helps.
Of course, we all react differently to the same thing. Don't expect anything, and don't be surprised by anything. Listen to your body, it will tell you what you need. I can't express enough the benifit of lots and lots of water.
Make sure you have comfy things to wear around the house. Something you will feel okay to get up and around in, but more importantly something you feel good sleeping in. There were a few weeks I didn't even bother getting dressed.
Your port might feel a little strange at first. But once you get used to it, you will find it is a wonderful thing. If poking and prodding with needles makes you squeamish, ask for emla cream to apply to your port a couple hours before you are scheduled for it to be accessed. It numbs the skin, and you feel nothing but a slight pressure when they insert the needle. Most don't need it, but it sure helped me getting started. I figure any pain I can avoid is a good pain.
Sorry for rambling on. I wish you all the best, and don't forget to pray now and then. It all fells so overwhelming at the start. But it is doable, even at the worst of times. Take it one hour at a time, and always tell your doctor if there is anything you are having trouble with. If they don't listen, give 'em a good "Agent Gibbs" head slap and tell them again. (I have memorized almost every episode of NCIS since starting this journey) My onc had a tendancy to ignore some things. But I think he has learned to not ignore aanything I say anymore.
Once again Go blue, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers - and you keep posting.
Sharon0 -
I had
A/C-4 rounds,1x every 2 weeks. I lost my hair right before I went in for my second round.
A tip that I usually put on here is to get your teeth cleaned preferably before chemo starts-chemo,especially the A/C drugs, can do a number on your mouth and I figured I might as well do all I could before I got started.
Yes,the anti nausea meds,Emla to "numb" the port site,and Zofran I'm not sure,but someone must have already told you here..
Welcome to this site.It is a blessing!0 -
This is my second of 6
This is my second of 6 treatment of AC and then 6 of Taxol. I am getting a bad headache with cytoxn the nurse said next treatment she will slow down on the giving the dose by 15 min longer could help. I got really nauseous the first treatment zofran or composin did not help then they swith it to a patch called sancuso which is helping alot but is really expensive so the onc gave me samples. I also had constipation nothing was helping so i had to get IV fluids and the DR said to take mirlax daily to keep regulated which is working great you can buy the gernic brand works just as well and is cheaper. Sams club has 2 big bottles of their brand for 19.99. I wish you the best and drink lots of water.0 -
I've been thinking about
I've been thinking about you. Look how far you've come already! You are doing great! I know this has nothing to do with the post, but I do think of you often and I want you to know what worked for me is to just take baby steps and set goals and celebrate with each goal you reach. Before you know it you'll be on the other side! Stay strong! Hugs your way!0 -
about the constipation...TawnyS said:I've been thinking about
I've been thinking about you. Look how far you've come already! You are doing great! I know this has nothing to do with the post, but I do think of you often and I want you to know what worked for me is to just take baby steps and set goals and celebrate with each goal you reach. Before you know it you'll be on the other side! Stay strong! Hugs your way!
This may sound gross, but I found the most amazing results from those little glycerin suppositories. My sister was having a HORRIBLE problem with it and they helped her, too.0 -
Breathe, sweet soul....
There are many who have trod this path before you, and are now finished and leading happy, hair-filled lives!
Look at this as just a period in your life. Sort of like braces, or Junior High (I HATED Junior!).
Treat your body well, as many others have said, water, water, made all the difference for me. Rest when you are tired...don't try to be a superwoman...your body is going thru heck for you...
I planned a trip to my favorite spa for after treatment was over. This gave me something to look forward to...and I did it, too!
We are here for you, my dear...any questions, and a bunch of hugs!
Hugs, Kathi0 -
Same coctail, same starting date
Hi Gobule,
I have poorly diferated invasive carsoloma. Stage 3. My first surgery was 4/15/10. Tumor the size of a small orange, yet no one could feel it, thank God for mamograms! Doc took out all 14 if my lymphnodes, each had cancer in them. The next surgery, 4/22, they took out more tissue and put in my port. They did another surgery, 5/2/20, to take out more tissue. Some cancer was still present but the docs think chemo will take care of it. I had blood drawn from my port yesterday. It did not hurt me, lucky I guess. I will be using the A/C coctail, once every 3 weeks for 4 sessions, then the Taxo doe 4 more sessions, then rad. My Onc told me that since I had all 14 nodes had cancer in them that the cancer could have traveled in my bloodstream, if so, thebn different meds will be used. This terrifies me. On Monday I have to call to set up 3 tests, a ct of my brain, something for my heart and a bone scan ( full body ). Today is the first time that I have cried. I did go and talk to my therapist this morning. (smile) He is glad that I found this site with all these wonderful ladies, their support and their information.
Debbie0 -
A/C and Taxol
I had A/C, surgery, Taxol, and rads. I'm IBC.
A/C for me wasn't bad. I had no nausea, tiredness (that rest/naps relieved) for 2 days each infusion, and eyes that poured water (OTC moisturizing eye drops helped) - not to forget bye-bye hair. With the A/C I was given 3 different anti nausea meds before and for a couple of days after and an anti allergic med. I just kicked back in the recliner and read or watched the TV - while snacking on the goodies they gave me. The only 'problem' I had with the Neulasta shot was 2 hours after I got it I went to sleep for a couple of hours - never had any pain at all from it though - so I just made sure I went straight home after I got it.
2 weeks after the 4th A/C, I had a mod.rad. mast. and 3 weeks after it I started 12 weekly Taxol.
Taxol was not nice - 5 days a week I was totally and completely exhausted - resting/napping did not help. With it, I only had 1 anti nausea med (pill) but had 3 IV anti allergy meds. For Taxol I got a bed because as soon as they started the IV Benadryl I'd go "nighty- night" until about 20 mins. before the end of the Taxol.
A week after my last Taxol I started rads. 25 daily doses - no problems til the very end and after - I really 'cooked' after and had BAD burns that took 6 weeks to finally all be healed.
The Center I went to had a numbing spray for port and that's all I used - it wasn't bad at all but I had a CT done at the hospital and they wanted to use my port for dye injection - they had no spray and it HURT. Now, My flushes are done at the VA clinic (I'm the only one they are doing now) so my PA gave me Lidocaine/prilocaine cream to use and it is definately better than even the numbing spray. Have to put a dab over port 1 -2 hrs before and cover it with saran wrap and do not feel anything.
I was kept hooked to a BP machine the entire time of infusion so don't be surprised if you are. I also always ran below norm temps - still do - at least I'm back into the high 97's. I'm still having appetite problems - I just don't get hungry - only loosing about 2 - 3 lbs a month now.
Remember - we are all different.
(Zofran is anti nausea)0 -
Wishing you good luck withoutdoorgirl said:I had
A/C-4 rounds,1x every 2 weeks. I lost my hair right before I went in for my second round.
A tip that I usually put on here is to get your teeth cleaned preferably before chemo starts-chemo,especially the A/C drugs, can do a number on your mouth and I figured I might as well do all I could before I got started.
Yes,the anti nausea meds,Emla to "numb" the port site,and Zofran I'm not sure,but someone must have already told you here..
Welcome to this site.It is a blessing!
Wishing you good luck with your chemo.0 -
Had :Brain Freeze" too.grandmasueb said:This is my second of 6
This is my second of 6 treatment of AC and then 6 of Taxol. I am getting a bad headache with cytoxn the nurse said next treatment she will slow down on the giving the dose by 15 min longer could help. I got really nauseous the first treatment zofran or composin did not help then they swith it to a patch called sancuso which is helping alot but is really expensive so the onc gave me samples. I also had constipation nothing was helping so i had to get IV fluids and the DR said to take mirlax daily to keep regulated which is working great you can buy the gernic brand works just as well and is cheaper. Sams club has 2 big bottles of their brand for 19.99. I wish you the best and drink lots of water.
The first time I had it I got brain freeze too. The nurses had warned me that it might happen and if it did to push the call button immediately and they'd slow it down. It went away almost immediately when they cut the flow down. Never had it again so guess they always kept the flow slower.0 -
your expected side effects
Hi! I just noticed your posting and wanted to wish you all the best....I just finished 4 cycles of the chemo, cytoxin and taxotere, and was fine for a few days during and after the infusion....I recieved decadron by pill and IV to limit the reactions to the drugs and that helped a lot. No nausea----this seems to be under control now (in the old days, this was MISERABLE)---zofran is the drug that keeps the nausea at bay and I think they put it in the IV before your chemo drugs. The biggest thing for me was the fatigue but you know it won't last too long---I was back on my feet after a week (I am 67 so recovery may be longer for an oldster like me) The fatigue piles up on you after the 4th dose, tho, and I've been told that effects are cumulative. It's been 10 days since my last treatment and I'm still just hanging out---I can do about an hour of housework or yard work and that's it for the day---back to the couch! I never was like this before and I know it is temporary but it is depressing----feels like your body has been sapped of the good stuff. Try to remember.....side effects are temporary and I know everyone says this but when you are hit with some of them, it is scary. The worst was before starting therapy and not knowing. Hang in there----there are lots of us out here who want you to come through healthy (mentally is just as important is physically) mary s.0 -
I had 4 rounds of Adriamycin
I had 4 rounds of Adriamycin and Cytoxan and 4 rounds of taxol. The AC was a bit rough on me. Remember to take your anti-nausea meds as prescribed and it will help. Some people are not bothered by AC. The Taxol was much better for me. Didn't feel sick or vomit, just fatigue and bone pain. Taxol is also given through an I.V. and must be given very slowly. My infusion was given over about 4 hours. Not sure why you were told it is a shot.0 -
Forgot to add -
I lost sense of taste - there was no flavor/taste to anything at all. That's back now and it gradually started soon after last Taxol.
Lost appetite - still don't have it back yet. This is a worry to Hubby and he calls me several times a day to check to see if I've eaten anything and remind me to. He was very close to my Mom and saw the last the last 4 years of her life and see what her disease did to Daddy and I (and him). She had Aneroxia Nervosa. so my lose of appetite really worries him.0 -
Wishing you good luckAutumskisses said:Same coctail, same starting date
Hi Gobule,
I have poorly diferated invasive carsoloma. Stage 3. My first surgery was 4/15/10. Tumor the size of a small orange, yet no one could feel it, thank God for mamograms! Doc took out all 14 if my lymphnodes, each had cancer in them. The next surgery, 4/22, they took out more tissue and put in my port. They did another surgery, 5/2/20, to take out more tissue. Some cancer was still present but the docs think chemo will take care of it. I had blood drawn from my port yesterday. It did not hurt me, lucky I guess. I will be using the A/C coctail, once every 3 weeks for 4 sessions, then the Taxo doe 4 more sessions, then rad. My Onc told me that since I had all 14 nodes had cancer in them that the cancer could have traveled in my bloodstream, if so, thebn different meds will be used. This terrifies me. On Monday I have to call to set up 3 tests, a ct of my brain, something for my heart and a bone scan ( full body ). Today is the first time that I have cried. I did go and talk to my therapist this morning. (smile) He is glad that I found this site with all these wonderful ladies, their support and their information.
Wishing you good luck autumskisses with your tests. Remember we are here to support and help you however we can.
Hugs, Debby0 -
.Mama G said:i had your exact cocktail, and...
just finished the radiation 2 days ago. Looking back it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I expected it to be. I will say they start off with the roughest part with the a/c cocktail
It's the hardest part of the whole treatment by far. TAKE the meds they ordered. WATER WATER WATER!!! Chew on ice chips during the RED meds. You will be fine the day of and the day after, but the 2nd day it usually starts to hit. I had problems eating AND drinking after the first treatment. But each one was different! So weird. Ginger ale for sure,
any fruit that you like is good , too. WHATEVER tastes good, just eat it! I found apples and bananas in small pieces were palatable. Every morning I had an egg, usually a hard-boiled one and a piece of toast with apple butter. If you like ginger a lot of people used it and loved it, but not me...
I wish I could give you my ph number... if you want to talk to someone I'd be more than happy to help you in any way I can.
God bless,
.0 -
For all of youRague said:Forgot to add -
I lost sense of taste - there was no flavor/taste to anything at all. That's back now and it gradually started soon after last Taxol.
Lost appetite - still don't have it back yet. This is a worry to Hubby and he calls me several times a day to check to see if I've eaten anything and remind me to. He was very close to my Mom and saw the last the last 4 years of her life and see what her disease did to Daddy and I (and him). She had Aneroxia Nervosa. so my lose of appetite really worries him.
Praying and sending cyber hugs to all of you ladies on chemo!0
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