losing my mom & fighting the same disease she has.

GRACEful Hope
GRACEful Hope Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
i lost my mom is december of 2008, to ovarian cancer. i was diagnosed a few years after her, at 16 and we were never very close but now having lost her, i find myself in a struggle sometimes to find anyone who truly understands. i have an amazing support system, but there is only so much a person can support if they don't have the disease.

i was wondering how certain people cope with there cancers, or when they are feeling a bit cut off from the world.. what helps?


  • cancer survivor x 4
    cancer survivor x 4 Member Posts: 177
    Same Thing Happened To Me
    Good Morning,
    The same thing happened to me. I lost my mom to ovarian cancer 13 years ago. She was only 53. I was dx with ovarian cancer in 2009. I am okay right now and ever thankful. It helps to talk to my grandmother, her mother, she is 89 years old. Is your grandmother still alive? Sometimes I can feel my mother hanging around. All she does is smile. It's crazy, but I can feel her presence. You will find support and people who understand on this board. What kind of ovarian cancer did you have at 16? Thank-You, Paula
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    I understand. I come from a large family with 3 sisters and 2 brothers. I am 43yrs old with 3 kids. Two of which are 6 and 4yrs old. Sometimes I get so sad that my siblings are busy planning and going to with their lives while I am stuck in my nightmare. I am grateful I am feeling well, I truly am. But my life is forever altered. I've been seeing a PhD to help deal with the anxiety/grief. It helps. It is true that people don't understand.