wouldn't you think. . .

heidijez Member Posts: 441
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
. . .that your doctors know what is best/right for you??? my medical oncologist kept telling me that when i finished chemo, we would do either another pet scan or breast mri before the mastectomy (i have inflammatory breast cancer, so no focal point for the tumor). well, the breast surgeon said no, we have to do the mastectomy, no testing. well, after a few weeks, and some bad feelings about the situation, i decided to go for a second opinion. imagine my dismay when new surgeon says what do you mean your doctor hasn't contacted you since you finished chemo and why haven't you had another mri or petscan?

i am so glad i listened to that little voice in my head and sought out another opinion. we are now in the process of collecting all my medical information, and i will meet with him on tuesday.

as much as i don't want to have a mastectomy, i also don't want to endanger my life by putting my faith in the wrong person. (i also did not feel very comfortable with the radiation oncologist the breast surgeon sent me to for a consultation)

this is all scary enough when you are dealing with it by yourself!


  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    I am glad you listened to
    I am glad you listened to that lil voice in your head too! We have to be our own health advocates most of the time and a 2nd opinion is always a good thing, as you found out. BC is scary, but, with competent doctors and continuing with a treatment plan aimed to rid you of the cancer, you will be triumphant! Good luck Heidi!

  • camsgram
    camsgram Member Posts: 106
    Keep up the good work! You
    Keep up the good work! You are doing the right thing by taking charge of your situation. I have wonderful doctors but always get a second opinion. You know whatas best for you.
    take care and keep being strong
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    I can't believe that would happen to you but I guess I should know better - I make my living reviewing what medical providers do and they are not all created equal. I guess from all my years in the medical profession, I always felt like the doctors who would work with cancer patients had to be some of the best and most dedicated. I'm glad your inner voice told you what to do. I was lucky that my daughter (a nurse practitioner) referred me to an oncologist who specializes in breast cancer, fights for her patients and I trust implicitly. When I need to go somewhere else, I just ask her to send me where she would send her sister....

    I hope this new doctor is the one you need to help you through this....

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    IBC is SO Aggressive!
    Am I reading right? You're a few WEEKS out of chemo and haven't seen your surgeon since the end of it? DX'd on Aug 8, 09, saw my surgeon Aug 11, 09 before I saw the rads and chemo Drs - he refused to even talk about surgery until after chemo. A/C went good with a lot of shrinkage and I saw surgeon again before last A/C and had rad. mod. mast. 2 weeks after last A/C. 3 weeks after surgery I started 12 weekly Taxol. I didn't have any scans run between any of that but rads Dr wanted a CT scan to be sure what might be left for him to deal with. I had a bone scan done after rads because I was having back pain and my PA wanted to be sure it was just my arthitis - which it was just the arthritis. None of my Drs want to see me til Aug and Sept.

    All my Drs (including my PA who I've had for 13+ yrs) say that you hit IBC 'Fast and Hard' as it is so aggressive. There is no way that I 'wanted' a mast. but I felt taht I had to do all that I could.

    Listen to your quite little voice - it tells you so much.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    I can't believe that would happen to you but I guess I should know better - I make my living reviewing what medical providers do and they are not all created equal. I guess from all my years in the medical profession, I always felt like the doctors who would work with cancer patients had to be some of the best and most dedicated. I'm glad your inner voice told you what to do. I was lucky that my daughter (a nurse practitioner) referred me to an oncologist who specializes in breast cancer, fights for her patients and I trust implicitly. When I need to go somewhere else, I just ask her to send me where she would send her sister....

    I hope this new doctor is the one you need to help you through this....


    This is unbelievable! You
    This is unbelievable! You have to take charge! Hoping that the new doctor will be more helpful to you and that you can trust his decisions in your treatment. Good luck!