Anybody decide not to reconstruct??

BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I'm turning 55 this month - and am 3 months out of chemo. Did the bilat mast with no reconstruction. Couldn't take it all in at that time so determined to wait to make the decision. Now I'm not sure I want to go through the surgery for reconstruction - or what kind of reconstruction I would even want to undergo. Are there those out there who opted to just be 11 and flat chested for the rest of their lives?


  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member
    Website recommendation
    Beth, you might want to look at It's a website for and by women who have chosen not to get recontruction. They are beautiful and certainly prove that there is a quality life without breasts.

    I almost went that route, mostly because I run and I hate bras. Finally, I decided to get immediate reconstruction. The expanders are annoying, but I've found that I very much like having a shape. I'll get implants in July after my chemo is finished. I am 56.

    Best of luck to you in this decision!
  • Christine Louise
    Christine Louise Member Posts: 426 Member

    Website recommendation
    Beth, you might want to look at It's a website for and by women who have chosen not to get recontruction. They are beautiful and certainly prove that there is a quality life without breasts.

    I almost went that route, mostly because I run and I hate bras. Finally, I decided to get immediate reconstruction. The expanders are annoying, but I've found that I very much like having a shape. I'll get implants in July after my chemo is finished. I am 56.

    Best of luck to you in this decision!

    A little warning, however
    In supporting their decision, they do paint a bit of a negative picture about reconstruction. Be sure to balance this info by reading about women who have done reconstruction successfully. Talk to your plastic surgeon about this, also.
  • Third_Generation
    Third_Generation Member Posts: 121

    A little warning, however
    In supporting their decision, they do paint a bit of a negative picture about reconstruction. Be sure to balance this info by reading about women who have done reconstruction successfully. Talk to your plastic surgeon about this, also.

    Beth, I opted not to
    Beth, I opted not to reconstruct. had bilaterals Jan 5th this year. My grandmother, mother, and maternal aunt all had mastectomies with no reconstruct so it seemed natural to me to choose the same. I knew what it looked like early on and years later. I am not wearing any prosthetics at this time as just stopped building fluid up on the left side. I plan on wearing the prosthetics with some clothes but will go "commando" most of the time. My picture shows me at work and you can see I am nice and flat. I wear camisoles and love the comfort of those.
    Whatever you decide, it will be a good decision because it is yours. But if you do decide not to reconstruct, know you will be as beautiful as ever.
    Have a wonderful day,
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302

    Beth, I opted not to
    Beth, I opted not to reconstruct. had bilaterals Jan 5th this year. My grandmother, mother, and maternal aunt all had mastectomies with no reconstruct so it seemed natural to me to choose the same. I knew what it looked like early on and years later. I am not wearing any prosthetics at this time as just stopped building fluid up on the left side. I plan on wearing the prosthetics with some clothes but will go "commando" most of the time. My picture shows me at work and you can see I am nice and flat. I wear camisoles and love the comfort of those.
    Whatever you decide, it will be a good decision because it is yours. But if you do decide not to reconstruct, know you will be as beautiful as ever.
    Have a wonderful day,

    Opted Out
    Hi Beth!

    I decided not to have reconstruction. I'm not nuts about doctors or hospitals - I had only had my tonsils out when I was 5 until I found out I had bc and had a masectomy two years ago when I was 57. Do I miss not looking "normal" - you bet! However wtih clothes on and wearing the fake boob, no one would know. I just don't want to risk an unnecessary surgery with complications or infections and have my life tied up not being able to do things after another surgery. Plus my husband is fine with me the way I am so that helps a lot. However, this is a very personal decision and one that only you can make. If I had been younger or if my husband wanted me to I may have made a different decision.

    Hugs to you.
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302

    Beth, I opted not to
    Beth, I opted not to reconstruct. had bilaterals Jan 5th this year. My grandmother, mother, and maternal aunt all had mastectomies with no reconstruct so it seemed natural to me to choose the same. I knew what it looked like early on and years later. I am not wearing any prosthetics at this time as just stopped building fluid up on the left side. I plan on wearing the prosthetics with some clothes but will go "commando" most of the time. My picture shows me at work and you can see I am nice and flat. I wear camisoles and love the comfort of those.
    Whatever you decide, it will be a good decision because it is yours. But if you do decide not to reconstruct, know you will be as beautiful as ever.
    Have a wonderful day,

    Opted Out
    Hi Beth!

    I decided not to have reconstruction. I'm not nuts about doctors or hospitals - I had only had my tonsils out when I was 5 until I found out I had bc and had a masectomy two years ago when I was 57. Do I miss not looking "normal" - you bet! However wtih clothes on and wearing the fake boob, no one would know. I just don't want to risk an unnecessary surgery with complications or infections and have my life tied up not being able to do things after another surgery. Plus my husband is fine with me the way I am so that helps a lot. However, this is a very personal decision and one that only you can make. If I had been younger or if my husband wanted me to I may have made a different decision.

    Hugs to you.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    I had a bilateral mastectomy
    I had a bilateral mastectomy when I was 57 (I'm now 59). I am still ambivalent. I still have pain issues with my shoulders, so I wonder if more surgery is a good way to go when I'm not completely mended. Plus, I always wonder if I would feel a new lump if I was rebuilt. One thing about being flat, it's easy to do sbe. Still, every now and then I wish I had breasts. Whatever you decide will be right for you and whatever you do, do it for yourself! xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    lynn1950 said:

    I had a bilateral mastectomy
    I had a bilateral mastectomy when I was 57 (I'm now 59). I am still ambivalent. I still have pain issues with my shoulders, so I wonder if more surgery is a good way to go when I'm not completely mended. Plus, I always wonder if I would feel a new lump if I was rebuilt. One thing about being flat, it's easy to do sbe. Still, every now and then I wish I had breasts. Whatever you decide will be right for you and whatever you do, do it for yourself! xoxoxoxo Lynn

    at 59 I opted out, too.
    Just felt that they had served their purpose: attracted my husband, breastfed 4 kids (2 to 3 years each!) and held up the test of time by providing the cleavage I needed in those low cut outfits! I'm feeling the same as the above stated, if I don't need more surgery/pain/doctor visits/ect. I'm not gunna do it! I also HATE anesthesia! I always wake up scared and sad. I've never regretted my decision. SURE I wish I had my boob back, but not a fake one! Good luck in your decision making.
  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    Mama G said:

    at 59 I opted out, too.
    Just felt that they had served their purpose: attracted my husband, breastfed 4 kids (2 to 3 years each!) and held up the test of time by providing the cleavage I needed in those low cut outfits! I'm feeling the same as the above stated, if I don't need more surgery/pain/doctor visits/ect. I'm not gunna do it! I also HATE anesthesia! I always wake up scared and sad. I've never regretted my decision. SURE I wish I had my boob back, but not a fake one! Good luck in your decision making.

    So personal
    Thank you everybody for your thoughts. It is a very personal decision. I think I'll probably just go with the flow and in time if I feel like it's something I want to do for me, I'll do it - but in the meantime, I'm going to be contented with my fake boobies and live my life!!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    BethInAz said:

    So personal
    Thank you everybody for your thoughts. It is a very personal decision. I think I'll probably just go with the flow and in time if I feel like it's something I want to do for me, I'll do it - but in the meantime, I'm going to be contented with my fake boobies and live my life!!

    Living your life is the most
    Living your life is the most important thing Beth! I had a lumpectomy, so, I wasn't faced with your decision. Whether you have more surgery or not is really just up to you. It is your decision to make. Good luck to you in whatever you might decide!

    Sue :)