Went to lung dr and Gi dr

Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Well I saw the lung dr Monday. She is very thorough and said that my lung problems are not one thing but many factors: some COPD, still have some pneumonia, asthma? and put me on a neubulizer for home and ordered all kinds of tests, blood, lung functions, x rays etc. But said she was going to take serial cxrs to see if the fluid would dry up. My coughing is better but sob is still a big factor. She also said that the vocal cord paralysis can cause shortness of breath also. I talk like a muppett, Ron thinks it is hilarious and does a really good imitation. LOL!! Then went to the GI dr who is very sweet and he is sending me for a barium swallow and esophagram because I still have swallowing issues and some vomiting. So I will be busy the next two weeks. My weight is getting worse but just have gotten the Nestle high caloric supplement delivered 520 calories a can and will try to bulk up before I see the surgeon next week. I have got to get more weight on. I eat a pretty good amount but still can't gain and with all the other issues have lost even more. So keep me in your prayers and I will update you all when the drs tell me the results of some of these tests. take care, prayers always,


  • Trish_from_Pittsburgh
    Trish_from_Pittsburgh Member Posts: 56
    Prayers coming your way!

    Glad to hear from you. I've been thinking about you a lot. I pray for you daily and I will continue my prayers for you. I will be with you in spirit while you go through with these tests in the next two weeks. Keep good thoughts and take good care of yourself.

    Hugs and prayers,
  • Pghmomma
    Pghmomma Member Posts: 141

    Prayers coming your way!

    Glad to hear from you. I've been thinking about you a lot. I pray for you daily and I will continue my prayers for you. I will be with you in spirit while you go through with these tests in the next two weeks. Keep good thoughts and take good care of yourself.

    Hugs and prayers,

    I have been thinking alot about you. Im glad that they seem to be on the right path with you. I know all about how your feeling, Been there done that with my dad. I will continue to pray for you and please keep us posted, I wish you all the best over the next two weeks

    God Bless
  • dwhite0002
    dwhite0002 Member Posts: 126 Member
    Keep on!

    Prayers are with you. Keep fighting! These after effects are certainly disheartening. I understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
    hang in there Donna! I was
    hang in there Donna! I was hoping the sob would get better....seems like I am cursing there just now! I have to warn you---don't drink the whole high calorie shake all at once---it may cause "dumping" syndrome. My dad, like you has gotten very thin and he was told to try the ensures again---but it causes the dumping syndrome. I tried to get him to just have 1/2 can at a time---but I think he is a little superstitious and stubborn :) --plus-it is not at all a comfortable thing to go through! Maybe just add 1/4 a can to each meal to see if you tolerate it---and possibly gradually increase?
    take care!
  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    K_ann1015 said:

    hang in there Donna! I was
    hang in there Donna! I was hoping the sob would get better....seems like I am cursing there just now! I have to warn you---don't drink the whole high calorie shake all at once---it may cause "dumping" syndrome. My dad, like you has gotten very thin and he was told to try the ensures again---but it causes the dumping syndrome. I tried to get him to just have 1/2 can at a time---but I think he is a little superstitious and stubborn :) --plus-it is not at all a comfortable thing to go through! Maybe just add 1/4 a can to each meal to see if you tolerate it---and possibly gradually increase?
    take care!

    Boy wish I would have known!!!
    Boy wish I would have known about the dumping syndrome because that is what exactly happened!!
    I want to gain weight so bad, it got delivered yesterday so I poured a whole can over ice and proceeded to drink all 8 oz down. Showed Ron the glass and was so proud. One hour later, the dumping started and lasted the rest of the evening. All I could think of was, my 520 calories going down the drain!!!!! I have only had one episode of dumping since my surgery in Dec and can tolerate all dairy products but guess it is too caloric heavy. I don't have trouble with Ensure. So today I will measure off 4 oz and try that.

    Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. At least now I have started to get help and some answers. So I will be trying my best to get the weight back on and hoping they have answers for the breathing. Kim it is so funny you mentioned the dumping, I should have thought of it, learned a valuable lesson. take care and prayers always,
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Donna70 said:

    Boy wish I would have known!!!
    Boy wish I would have known about the dumping syndrome because that is what exactly happened!!
    I want to gain weight so bad, it got delivered yesterday so I poured a whole can over ice and proceeded to drink all 8 oz down. Showed Ron the glass and was so proud. One hour later, the dumping started and lasted the rest of the evening. All I could think of was, my 520 calories going down the drain!!!!! I have only had one episode of dumping since my surgery in Dec and can tolerate all dairy products but guess it is too caloric heavy. I don't have trouble with Ensure. So today I will measure off 4 oz and try that.

    Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. At least now I have started to get help and some answers. So I will be trying my best to get the weight back on and hoping they have answers for the breathing. Kim it is so funny you mentioned the dumping, I should have thought of it, learned a valuable lesson. take care and prayers always,

    Hi Donna,
    Thanks so much for

    Hi Donna,
    Thanks so much for your update. I too have been thinking of you. The dumping syndrome is a normal reaction. I think it is because your stomach can not handle the high calorie, high fat content. This would happen to my dad when he drank ensure. Just slowly add it to your diet, along with the ensure. I do think GNC carries weight gain supplements. Glad you feel comfortable with the lung dr. Sounds like they are on the right track. Hope the neubulizer breathing treatments help. I love the Muppets! Which one are you? How about Zoey, she has red hair. Best of luck in the next couple of weeks. Keep in touch. Prayers will continue daily.
  • cjmac49
    cjmac49 Member Posts: 100
    On the road to feeling better

    Hopefully you're on the road to feeling better. If the Nestles is too much for your stomach I saw somewhere that people are using Glucerna (?). It is for diabetics so it does not contain a lot of sugar. Might help you gain without dumping.

    Best of luck.
  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    cjmac49 said:

    On the road to feeling better

    Hopefully you're on the road to feeling better. If the Nestles is too much for your stomach I saw somewhere that people are using Glucerna (?). It is for diabetics so it does not contain a lot of sugar. Might help you gain without dumping.

    Best of luck.

    smaller amounts work with the Nestles supplement
    I got 4 oz down without a problem. The strange thing about the dumping is that this is the lactose free one. So dairy was not involved but someone mentioned the high fat content and high calories so at least I know I can tolerate it in small amounts. It is about $43 with S&H
    so I want to use it and I need the weight. Thanks Dave White our j tube expert and also who gave me this products name for more weight gain. He also said there is Nutrin 2.0 available with the same calorie amount. Maybe someone is out there who is in my predicament and could use this too. I will weight myself tomorrow to see if I got some weight back. As far as the Muppett voice, guess I'm Kermit, I always loved him. Some say it is just a very high voice but it is the only way I can talk, if I go lower it is too much effort to push the words out, all thanks to the 10 inch incision in my neck. But I will take this side effect gladly to survive cancer!!! thanks again for the thoughts and prayers!! take care,
    MARYJOSTL Member Posts: 13
    Donna70 said:

    smaller amounts work with the Nestles supplement
    I got 4 oz down without a problem. The strange thing about the dumping is that this is the lactose free one. So dairy was not involved but someone mentioned the high fat content and high calories so at least I know I can tolerate it in small amounts. It is about $43 with S&H
    so I want to use it and I need the weight. Thanks Dave White our j tube expert and also who gave me this products name for more weight gain. He also said there is Nutrin 2.0 available with the same calorie amount. Maybe someone is out there who is in my predicament and could use this too. I will weight myself tomorrow to see if I got some weight back. As far as the Muppett voice, guess I'm Kermit, I always loved him. Some say it is just a very high voice but it is the only way I can talk, if I go lower it is too much effort to push the words out, all thanks to the 10 inch incision in my neck. But I will take this side effect gladly to survive cancer!!! thanks again for the thoughts and prayers!! take care,

    gi dr
    I hope everything works out for you my prayers are with you.I have found I get the dumping syndrome also from trying to eat too much and not realizing I'm full I just want to eat.Not a fun thing. I am finding a lot of things they do not inform us will happen to us from this Surgery. Boy do I have a list when I go back for my 6 month fu. Stay Well and Happy
    and I'm sure your voice is cute and I am with you with the side effect and to be able to survive cancer Mary Jo
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Donna70 said:

    smaller amounts work with the Nestles supplement
    I got 4 oz down without a problem. The strange thing about the dumping is that this is the lactose free one. So dairy was not involved but someone mentioned the high fat content and high calories so at least I know I can tolerate it in small amounts. It is about $43 with S&H
    so I want to use it and I need the weight. Thanks Dave White our j tube expert and also who gave me this products name for more weight gain. He also said there is Nutrin 2.0 available with the same calorie amount. Maybe someone is out there who is in my predicament and could use this too. I will weight myself tomorrow to see if I got some weight back. As far as the Muppett voice, guess I'm Kermit, I always loved him. Some say it is just a very high voice but it is the only way I can talk, if I go lower it is too much effort to push the words out, all thanks to the 10 inch incision in my neck. But I will take this side effect gladly to survive cancer!!! thanks again for the thoughts and prayers!! take care,

    Thanks for the information about weight gain supplements

    I have been trying t gain weight and had the same experience with high calorie supplements.

    I am going to have to try to drink them in smaller amounts. Like you; I hate to see all those calories (not to mention the money) going down the drain an hour after I drink them.

    I have been going to try a product called Benecalorie that can be mixed in with food. It is also expensive at $41.25 per case (24 servings) but it may not cause dumping.

    But I think I am going to try your suggestion first and try reduced servings of the Carnation product.

    I hope the shortness of breath resolves itself soon. I know that has a big impact on your ability to move around and feel at least a little bit independent

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    AKA "paul61"

    McCormick, South Carolina

  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    paul61 said:

    Thanks for the information about weight gain supplements

    I have been trying t gain weight and had the same experience with high calorie supplements.

    I am going to have to try to drink them in smaller amounts. Like you; I hate to see all those calories (not to mention the money) going down the drain an hour after I drink them.

    I have been going to try a product called Benecalorie that can be mixed in with food. It is also expensive at $41.25 per case (24 servings) but it may not cause dumping.

    But I think I am going to try your suggestion first and try reduced servings of the Carnation product.

    I hope the shortness of breath resolves itself soon. I know that has a big impact on your ability to move around and feel at least a little bit independent

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    AKA "paul61"

    McCormick, South Carolina


    Paul try just sipping it thru the day
    Hi Paul,
    The weight has been such a big issue and now the gi dr is talking putting the j tube back in and I just got it out, so I am really motivated. I eat a lot of food but can't gain the weight. Try sipping the high caloric stuff. I got all 8 oz down by keeping a cup of it in the fridge and sipping it all day long, no dumping or cramps. My lung dr suggested also carrying around a thermos cup with Ensure in it and drinking that a lot. Hope this helps and you gain some weight. take care,
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Donna70 said:

    Paul try just sipping it thru the day
    Hi Paul,
    The weight has been such a big issue and now the gi dr is talking putting the j tube back in and I just got it out, so I am really motivated. I eat a lot of food but can't gain the weight. Try sipping the high caloric stuff. I got all 8 oz down by keeping a cup of it in the fridge and sipping it all day long, no dumping or cramps. My lung dr suggested also carrying around a thermos cup with Ensure in it and drinking that a lot. Hope this helps and you gain some weight. take care,

    Your Voice
    Hi Donna,
    I wanted to tell you that I remember my dad's voice being high pitched right after he had the stent put in his esophagus. It did not last too long. His normal voice came back within a couple of weeks. I love Kermit too! It's not easy being green! Thinking of you. Weight gain weight gain!