Not Wearing Prosthetics

Third_Generation Member Posts: 121
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have not been wearing any of my 3 sets of new breast prosthetics. I had bilaterals Jan 5th 2010, and lots of extra fluid, drained 5 times, drains reinserted etc. kept wrapped up to help absorbtion. Everything is good this week, but I am not going to wear the prosthetics until I am sure I will not start building up fluid on the left breast site again. My thought is: will I ever be comfortable wearing the prosthetics..I am so comfy wearing just my camisoles now.
I did name my 3 sets of prosthetics.. the water set are called Esther and Williams (those of you old enough to remember her movies will get that), the daily ones were named in a drawing at my work. I gave everyone who submitted an entry a bag of double bubble gum! the winner was Eva and Zsa Zsa Gabor ( if Magda shows up, I know something has slipped lol). The last pair is a smaller, narrower set they thought would be more comfy while getting used to these - they each had a card in them with the signature of the person who created them.. one is Bella and one is Josie. ...but when I said they were Bella and Josie... a co worker heard Bella Lugosi... so now, that is their name. LOL
Back to my thought, if I do not wear the prosthetics except for special occasions, will they be comfortable, or do I need to start wearing them once I can to get used to them.. Your thoughts appreciated if you wear or don't wear the prosthetics.
Have a very happy day.


  • Sharon_D
    Sharon_D Member Posts: 55
    My experience
    I only have one but I found that once I started wearing it, if I skipped a day, I got a back ache. I guess I was lopsided and it hurt like the devil. Now that I wear it most of the time, it feels very natural. I even scratched my "boob in a box" the other day thinking it itched until I realized it itched UNDER the "boob"!
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    I started wearing mine too
    I started wearing mine too soon after surgery, and was very turned off. After 3-4 months of not wearing them, I decided it was time, and they felt comfortable right away. I guess I just needed to heal all the way. Now I wear them almost every day. I also think it is fine to not wear them at all. Sometimes I just go "boobless". I love that you named yours! Very cool!
  • Third_Generation
    Third_Generation Member Posts: 121
    JanInMN said:

    I started wearing mine too
    I started wearing mine too soon after surgery, and was very turned off. After 3-4 months of not wearing them, I decided it was time, and they felt comfortable right away. I guess I just needed to heal all the way. Now I wear them almost every day. I also think it is fine to not wear them at all. Sometimes I just go "boobless". I love that you named yours! Very cool!

    Thank you both for your
    Thank you both for your replies. I think that I will have to just wait awhile..especially since it is getting hotter here already and I think I would melt wearing them this summer.. we get up to 118 at times...
    Jan, I love your says "ta-da!"
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    You NAMED your prosthetics? LOL!
    Boy, do you fit right in on this board -- I don't have prosthetics, but, if I did, naming them is just crazy and twisted enough that it's TOTALLY something I would do! And you even had a CONTEST -- love it!

    BTW, I'm not old enough to remember Esther Williams, but I'm a huge sucker for MGM musicals, so I got that one!

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    You NAMED your prosthetics? LOL!
    Boy, do you fit right in on this board -- I don't have prosthetics, but, if I did, naming them is just crazy and twisted enough that it's TOTALLY something I would do! And you even had a CONTEST -- love it!

    BTW, I'm not old enough to remember Esther Williams, but I'm a huge sucker for MGM musicals, so I got that one!


    love the names!!! I think
    love the names!!! I think its harder as Mama G put it to be a uniboober and go without a prosthesis as you may get off kilter. I wear mine less as I am in radiation. but have no problem switching back and forth.(bilateral) I also had fluid and I would leave things as they are.but it may be be helpful to ask the doc as maybe the compression helps??????
  • Third_Generation
    Third_Generation Member Posts: 121
    carkris said:

    love the names!!! I think
    love the names!!! I think its harder as Mama G put it to be a uniboober and go without a prosthesis as you may get off kilter. I wear mine less as I am in radiation. but have no problem switching back and forth.(bilateral) I also had fluid and I would leave things as they are.but it may be be helpful to ask the doc as maybe the compression helps??????

    Traci, glad you knew Esther
    Traci, glad you knew Esther Williams..gotta love those old musicals!

    Carkris, I think i finally am not producing fluid!!! and have not wrapped for 5 days whoo hoo! I think I will give it longer though before I add the "girls" to my wardrobe..but glad to hear you can switch back and forth.. I have such beautiful bras to hold the dears..hate to waste them. Hope you are doing as well as can be with the radiation, my mom would get so sick from it.
    Take care,
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    How Cool!
    How cool you named your fake boobs and I'm jealous you have three different sets! I think I named my one and only but it's been two years now and I don't even think in the morning when I put on my bra with the fake boob in it about it's name. I will say that I live in NC where the summers are hot and humid so I will stuff my bra with these "shells" I got from my fake boob shop. They work when I exercise and don't bring on a hot flash in the summer. I don't think anyone can tell if I have a real left boob, a fake one or just some stuffing!!!!lol And I've never had a problem with wearing the prothesis all the time from the beginning.

    Hugs to all.
  • Third_Generation
    Third_Generation Member Posts: 121

    How Cool!
    How cool you named your fake boobs and I'm jealous you have three different sets! I think I named my one and only but it's been two years now and I don't even think in the morning when I put on my bra with the fake boob in it about it's name. I will say that I live in NC where the summers are hot and humid so I will stuff my bra with these "shells" I got from my fake boob shop. They work when I exercise and don't bring on a hot flash in the summer. I don't think anyone can tell if I have a real left boob, a fake one or just some stuffing!!!!lol And I've never had a problem with wearing the prothesis all the time from the beginning.

    Hugs to all.

    Sigh. still producing some
    Sigh. still producing some fluid on the left side, near the incision still not wearing the girls..not even the Power Puff Twins! I am stretching and exercising since the dr agrees it does not seem to matter what I do. and really need those stretches or I get so tight (the skin across the chest) that it hurts. When I do my stretches and exercise it feels so much better. took the grandkids in the pool the other day, and just wore an old swim suit with the little bra cups they come long as no one poked me, I kept two outies! I can remember my mom in her swimsuit, and I would say "Mom, you have an innie, fix it" LOL Miss and love her still!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member

    Sigh. still producing some
    Sigh. still producing some fluid on the left side, near the incision still not wearing the girls..not even the Power Puff Twins! I am stretching and exercising since the dr agrees it does not seem to matter what I do. and really need those stretches or I get so tight (the skin across the chest) that it hurts. When I do my stretches and exercise it feels so much better. took the grandkids in the pool the other day, and just wore an old swim suit with the little bra cups they come long as no one poked me, I kept two outies! I can remember my mom in her swimsuit, and I would say "Mom, you have an innie, fix it" LOL Miss and love her still!

    Brenda, I just wanted to say
    Brenda, I just wanted to say that I LOVE reading your posts. They are so upbeat and informational. You have the right attitude to get yourself through this. Wishing for the fluid production to stop so you can try out your new girls. Good luck.