I'm 21... and scared.

Golda Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
About a month ago I went in for my annual. My doctor found a relatively large lump in my left breast. She told me to wait 2 weeks and come back, I still had in and it was a little bigger. I was told that is was most likely a cyst.

I just had my ultrasound Thursday. I have a tumor with hot spots. From what I can tell, my chances of cancer just went up. As I understand tumors with hot spots are usually cancer. I am going to have a biopsy Monday morning. The wait is driving my crazy. I don't even no if I have cancer and I can't function.

I was fine at my ultrasound, and making my appointment for my biopsy. But, when I got home my world just turned over. It didn't help that by mom and boyfriend of 3 years told me that waiting was not an option. I have made my biopsy appointment for the following Thursday, but I moved it. Now I just can't get back to the feeling I had at the doctor. At the doctors it was just another test, but this test has turned into to my life.

I could use some advice about keeping me and my family calm. Any other advice and/or comments are welcome.


  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    I know ur scared, but keep all appts. I maybe confused, but did u have a appt for a biopsy Mon and u cancelled it? Take a deep breath and wait for biospy results. I don' know what to tell u about ur mom, but u shouldn't be having to take care of her, it should be the other way around. Keep foused on yourself and make and keep appts till you find out what is going on with ur mass. Yes, hot spots aren't usually good, but wait ( really hard to do) and see the results. My thoughts are with you. take a real deep breath, go for a vigourus walk. If ur anxiety is real bad, see ur Dr and maybe they can give u something for it. Best to you kiddo, Katz
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Katz77 said:

    I know ur scared, but keep all appts. I maybe confused, but did u have a appt for a biopsy Mon and u cancelled it? Take a deep breath and wait for biospy results. I don' know what to tell u about ur mom, but u shouldn't be having to take care of her, it should be the other way around. Keep foused on yourself and make and keep appts till you find out what is going on with ur mass. Yes, hot spots aren't usually good, but wait ( really hard to do) and see the results. My thoughts are with you. take a real deep breath, go for a vigourus walk. If ur anxiety is real bad, see ur Dr and maybe they can give u something for it. Best to you kiddo, Katz

    I know this is very
    I know this is very frightening to you, but, you will and can get thru it. You have found a great support group here. Good luck with your biopsy! Let us know.

    Hugs, Megan
  • contrail
    contrail Member Posts: 129
    Upcoming Biopsy
    There is nothing more frightening than to have a doctor tell you you might have cancer. Everyone can tell you to take a deep breath and wait for the results of the biopsy. That's not as easy as it sounds. I'm glad you rescheduled the biopsy for Monday, because after that there will still be a wait for the results. I will tell you a fast growing tumor is less likely to be cancerous. They are usually slow growing, but find out the results of the biopsy and do everything your doctor tells you to do. This is your life and you're just beginning it. My prayers are with you, and PLEASE let us know what happens. We're with you 100%. Connie
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    contrail said:

    Upcoming Biopsy
    There is nothing more frightening than to have a doctor tell you you might have cancer. Everyone can tell you to take a deep breath and wait for the results of the biopsy. That's not as easy as it sounds. I'm glad you rescheduled the biopsy for Monday, because after that there will still be a wait for the results. I will tell you a fast growing tumor is less likely to be cancerous. They are usually slow growing, but find out the results of the biopsy and do everything your doctor tells you to do. This is your life and you're just beginning it. My prayers are with you, and PLEASE let us know what happens. We're with you 100%. Connie

    the waiting is the worst part
    It's all the fear of the unknown. So hard to wait. But we have to. I just sorta went numb until it was time for answers. I did what I had to do the best I could. And even though I was told "Sorry, you have cancer," it was almost a relief because at least I now knew something. I know, sounds weird. But that's how much I hate the unknown...

    I send you positive thoughts and lots of good energy,

  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    Think positive
    And never stop thinking positive. It has gotten me through so much! I was in denial for the longest time. I always had cystic breasts and I was certain that's all it was going to be. Yea, when I found out it was cancer, I freaked a bit! But then, I went back to my normal positive self, and I knew I would beat it. I hope you are luckier than us and that your results are benign. My daughter will be 21 in August and I just can't even fathom her going through this at such a young age, but as a mom of 3, I have always wished I could keep harms way away from them and take it on myself. But please know that if it is cancer, you can and will beat it! Don't be shy about taking something to calm your nerves... it does help. Staying positive and focused is key in my opinion. PLEASE let us know how you make out. Sending lots of good wishes and blessings!

    Hugs, Mar
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Marlene_K said:

    Think positive
    And never stop thinking positive. It has gotten me through so much! I was in denial for the longest time. I always had cystic breasts and I was certain that's all it was going to be. Yea, when I found out it was cancer, I freaked a bit! But then, I went back to my normal positive self, and I knew I would beat it. I hope you are luckier than us and that your results are benign. My daughter will be 21 in August and I just can't even fathom her going through this at such a young age, but as a mom of 3, I have always wished I could keep harms way away from them and take it on myself. But please know that if it is cancer, you can and will beat it! Don't be shy about taking something to calm your nerves... it does help. Staying positive and focused is key in my opinion. PLEASE let us know how you make out. Sending lots of good wishes and blessings!

    Hugs, Mar

    Hi, I am so sorry you have
    Hi, I am so sorry you have to deal with this at your age. All I can tell you is the waiting is very hard, for you and your family. This is a scary time, but you will get through it. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please post and let us know how your doing.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    aisling8 said:

    the waiting is the worst part
    It's all the fear of the unknown. So hard to wait. But we have to. I just sorta went numb until it was time for answers. I did what I had to do the best I could. And even though I was told "Sorry, you have cancer," it was almost a relief because at least I now knew something. I know, sounds weird. But that's how much I hate the unknown...

    I send you positive thoughts and lots of good energy,


    Everyone is right, the
    Everyone is right, the waiting is the worst part. But, you can and will get thru this. We are all here to support you and to hold your hand when you need it.

    Sending you hugs and strength to get thru this.

    Hugs, Diane
  • Flakey_Flake
    Flakey_Flake Member Posts: 130
    It's a Waiting Game

    I just can't imagine what news like you got would affect me at 21 yrs old. I was 56 when I learned I had cancer, and with all those years behind me, it was still something that turned my world inside-out. I guess there is nothing that can prepare you for that kind of news.

    Your family must mean alot to you. They will also have to adjust to what is happening. It may not be easy for them, probably because they love you and do not want anything bad to happen to you. But bad things happen to good people. I hope you will allow themto comfort you, and do things for you at this time. It is not a time to "be strong" for others. It is a time for others to be strong for you. That can be a difficult thing to swallow if you are one who likes to make everything alright. (yeah, that would be me) But you will actually be making them feel better to be doing something for you. They want to, and if you don't let them they will feel worse.

    Yes, your world is spinning. But it could be worse. At least they didn't tell you that you have a couple weeks to get your affairs in order. The cure for breast cancer isn't fun, but it is doable. Just keep all your appointments, and make sure you are comfortable with your medical care givers. If you want a second opinion, go for it. Any doctor that would be offended isn't a good doctor. It will be a waiting game, but sometimes you can't get around that. Stay busy with anything you can, and let the wheels turn.

    I hope you keep posting here. You have found a good place, with many pink sisters who will support you in your journey.

  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    Hang in there Golda
    I can't add much that all these wonderful ladies have not already said. I am VERY impatient so I know how hard the wait is. This is all still a little new to me, was diagnosed in Jan. had surgery in Mar. and 1st chemo last Fri. I can tell you this though, you have found a wonderful support group here. Glad you have good support at home too. Hang in there you can and will beat whatever is going on. God Bless
  • NancyJane4
    NancyJane4 Member Posts: 14
    Hi Golda
    Your definately in my prayers tonight. I was 31 when they found my bc. (10 years ago) The waiting game is tough, you go through a roller coaster of emotions. My biggest suggestion is to pray and know that you are not alone. Please keep us posted.

  • jworkman
    jworkman Member Posts: 10
    I too am 21 ..
    Your story sounds just like mine (I hope you have different results though) I found a lump and went to my lady doctor .. they had NO clue what it was so they sent me to the breast center to have an ultrasound. The doctor still wasn't sure so I had my biopsy that day in the office. I was fine during the biopsy (it was a little painful but not too bad) I got my results back 2 days later. I was positive for breast cancer and it's a really rare form. It's called Metaplastic Carcinoma. I did 4 chemo treatments and that didn't help. I had a masectomy 4 weeks ago. I'm doing pretty good right now. It's a lot of emotional things going on at this point. My boyfriend of 5 years is doing really well with this. He keeps telling me how brave I am and how strong I am. He says I'm his hero. My mom was a mess the first couple weeks. She's calmed down and come to realize that we'll be okay. I think it's just a support thing. The first few weeks I needed to be there to support my mom because she was more of a mess than I was. Now .. after the HUGE changes to my body I'm the one who needs the support and she's there for me. I think the biggest thing is to just say how you feel. Be strong when you feel strong .. cry when you feel weak. I thought that I had to stay strong all the time and it isn't so. I'm starting to realize that I have people around me who will be strong for me when I can't be. It's a really tough thing to go through but I think it shows you a lot about yourself and your friends/family. If you'd like to chat feel free to give me a shout. I can give you my email.
  • 1maladywc
    1maladywc Member Posts: 9
    21 and worried
    Hang in there, Take one day at a time. In 2001 I found a lump in my breast, called my Dr. (of 10 years) to make an appointment. was told I had to wait a month. Well dumn me I waited. and then went in. had the test and was told Oh don't worry is nothing to worry about. I then called my daughter in Kc. she said you get right up her, the next day I went to her Dr. She told me you have breast cancer. Had all the surgerys, lost my left breast. 16 lymp nodes out 8 postive. Her2 positive stage 4.cancer. did the chemo raid. and came out on the other end.
    A much more positive women. Thank God for my daughter, She is a RN. and she was with me the whole way. I was married for 45 years and He did not support me at all, divorced now.
    Any way, in 2007 I had another lymp removed that I had before I had my breast surgery. and the
    Dr. said Oh that is nothing. I hired another surgen and had that lymp off. cancer. Dr. put me on Herceptin. 2008 broke my arm . bone cancer. stayed on herceptin. 2010. was losing the use of my left arm and hand. Told the Dr's that since 2008 One day in my herceptin treatment I told the Dr's I was done. I told my daughter the same thing I think they both thought I was going to just check out of life, NO Way. I told them I'm going to the cancer center in Zion Ill. Went there they found out I have 3 large size lyump nodes pushing on my nerves controlling my arm and hand. put me on tykerb and xeloda pill form of chemo.If one thing is not working try some thing else. Don't worry about speaking up. You have cancer It don't have you. Dr's make mistakes. you have the choice to check others out. now laugh a lot pray alot.
    and keep those family and friends close (the ones that help you). and it is time for ,you
    take that time and don't worry about asking for help from them. We are all here for you to.
    I'm a lady with cancer. 1maladywc
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    1maladywc said:

    21 and worried
    Hang in there, Take one day at a time. In 2001 I found a lump in my breast, called my Dr. (of 10 years) to make an appointment. was told I had to wait a month. Well dumn me I waited. and then went in. had the test and was told Oh don't worry is nothing to worry about. I then called my daughter in Kc. she said you get right up her, the next day I went to her Dr. She told me you have breast cancer. Had all the surgerys, lost my left breast. 16 lymp nodes out 8 postive. Her2 positive stage 4.cancer. did the chemo raid. and came out on the other end.
    A much more positive women. Thank God for my daughter, She is a RN. and she was with me the whole way. I was married for 45 years and He did not support me at all, divorced now.
    Any way, in 2007 I had another lymp removed that I had before I had my breast surgery. and the
    Dr. said Oh that is nothing. I hired another surgen and had that lymp off. cancer. Dr. put me on Herceptin. 2008 broke my arm . bone cancer. stayed on herceptin. 2010. was losing the use of my left arm and hand. Told the Dr's that since 2008 One day in my herceptin treatment I told the Dr's I was done. I told my daughter the same thing I think they both thought I was going to just check out of life, NO Way. I told them I'm going to the cancer center in Zion Ill. Went there they found out I have 3 large size lyump nodes pushing on my nerves controlling my arm and hand. put me on tykerb and xeloda pill form of chemo.If one thing is not working try some thing else. Don't worry about speaking up. You have cancer It don't have you. Dr's make mistakes. you have the choice to check others out. now laugh a lot pray alot.
    and keep those family and friends close (the ones that help you). and it is time for ,you
    take that time and don't worry about asking for help from them. We are all here for you to.
    I'm a lady with cancer. 1maladywc

    I too am sorry
    I can remember that feeling at the age of 36 and 14 years ago that was very young. I was angry I was facing such a thing but knew that my whole life had prepared me for that moment. My mother a palliative nurse, my grandmother a breast/bone casualty.
    Knowledge is really power and the sooner they find the better is all. I found away of coming to terms with all I had control over and what I din't. There is a cancer poem/verse of All The Things Cancer Cannot Do. My sister sent it to me and I pasted it to the fridge and read it constantly. I have to say that kept things in perspective for me for being a realist wasn't easy.
    Hold on tight to love around you knowing what a force that is. I found that the lie in life was babies needed us when in fact I don't know where I would have been without the love and support of my mother and father along with my son and partner. The train of life rolls along and either your on the train or off of it. Hoping, wishing and praying things to be different just isn't enough.
    Our minds whirl around and we can imagine all sorts of things and yes as there is postive we all have to be truly living when we can live in the good and bad of our lives.
    It is amazing what we can learn,
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    24242 said:

    I too am sorry
    I can remember that feeling at the age of 36 and 14 years ago that was very young. I was angry I was facing such a thing but knew that my whole life had prepared me for that moment. My mother a palliative nurse, my grandmother a breast/bone casualty.
    Knowledge is really power and the sooner they find the better is all. I found away of coming to terms with all I had control over and what I din't. There is a cancer poem/verse of All The Things Cancer Cannot Do. My sister sent it to me and I pasted it to the fridge and read it constantly. I have to say that kept things in perspective for me for being a realist wasn't easy.
    Hold on tight to love around you knowing what a force that is. I found that the lie in life was babies needed us when in fact I don't know where I would have been without the love and support of my mother and father along with my son and partner. The train of life rolls along and either your on the train or off of it. Hoping, wishing and praying things to be different just isn't enough.
    Our minds whirl around and we can imagine all sorts of things and yes as there is postive we all have to be truly living when we can live in the good and bad of our lives.
    It is amazing what we can learn,

    ♥ Golda ♥
    You are so young to be going thru this. It just breaks my heart to read of anyone new going thru this, yet alone someone at your age. Good luck with your biopsy. I will be praying for you!

    Love, Jeanne ♥