I wish, I wish, I wish

meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Today is my birthday. Here are my birthday wishes

I wish i had saved more money

I wish i had never charged anything! Just got my statement that said it would take 23 years to pay off the card with the minimum payment.

I wish my husband had medical insurance through his word so i did not have to work full time.

I wish my 19 year old daughter would pay her own cell phone bill and car insurance. it would save us $250 a month. Since she is college i feel obligated to pay for it, even though she goes shopping and parties all weekend.

I wish my house was paid off, still owe another 13 years.

i wish my breast cancer did not spread to my bones, no wait....i wish i never had breast cancer

I wish i did not worry so much, feel so sad, be so tired.

I wish my supervisor wasn't so mean. Out of room...i wish my head didn't hurt. sigh...


  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Happy Birthday, I wish all your wish's come true.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    I wish you a Happy Birthday,
    I wish you a Happy Birthday, and many, many, more!!!

    I wish you didn't have a wish list of regrets~ but that truly is Life Personified, isn't it? All of us, if we are honest, wish we could have "do-overs" and that some of the things we didn't quite think through, or perhaps thought were correct at the time had played out differently.

    As for your mean supervisor? She has to go to bed every night, and wake up every day with her mean-spirited personality...and you, meena, get to lie down and wake up with your good heart and clean conscience! That in itself is a blessing!

    I wish none of us had ever had reason to find these boards...I also wish, that as long as we are here that we can continue to feel the freedom to post whatever is on our heart and minds,knowing that the Kindred Spirits here will respond with empathy!

    Hugs to you!

  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    I wish
    I wish that all your birthday wishes come true. Happy birthday
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Happy birthday!
    I don't

    Happy birthday!

    I don't have a 19 year old any more but it sounds like it's your choice to help by paying the cell bill. She needs the cell for emergencies and the insurance is a law. So you are helping keep her safe.

    I also wish you had never got breast cancer. Or me either.

    Don't worry or feel sad. That is in your control and when you stop you will probably feel less tired.

    Can't change the supervisor only ourselves. So have a extra big piece of birthday cake and I wish you happiness and joy. So make sure you blow out all them candles!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    I wish
    I wish that all your birthday wishes come true. Happy birthday

    HAPPY Birthday
    All your wishes come true. Have a wonderful day full of pleasant surprises and celebrations!
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Happy Birthday Meena. Your
    Happy Birthday Meena. Your wish list tells me that you may be another year older but you are also another year wiser. The best part is that you know what you know. Wishing is great but the awareness of those wishes makes you smarter. I'm "wishing" you a Happy Birthday because you deserve a Happy day!
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    Happy Birthday, Meena!
    There are so many things we can regret and/or wish we had, but most importantly, we need to be thankful for what we have. You have a daughter who is going to school to better her life, you have a husband that loves you, you own a home and you have a job that many are out of... sure sounds to me like if you turn these all around, you are a very rich woman! Yea, the breast cancer sucks and the fact that it spread sucks even more, but if you use all your riches wisely, you can and WILL kick BUTT! Where's my optimistic Meena that has given me so much good advice? Celebrate your birthday, lady! They are all much more precious than ever before! Count your blessings instead of your misfortunes, as you truly are very blessed!

    Big Hugs, Mar
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Happy Birthday, dear pink sister!

    I join your other sisters in wishing you all the good things your heart desires. Even if we can't turn back the clock and actually change the decisions we made or the things that happened to us in the past, we can learn from them as you have and resolve to have a brighter future.

    I hope your head stops hurting in time to enjoy some cake and ice cream to celebrate. Life may not be perfect, but there is always some joy to be found. Some days we just have to look harder than others.

    Take care,
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Happy Birthday
    I wish you could just win a big lotto jackpot and then most of you other wishes would be covered.

    Hope you have a beautiful day, full of wonderful memories.


  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Happy Birthday!
    I wish I could be as eloquent as Chen but that will never happen. So I wish you a happy birthday and many more happier ones to come. I am relatively new to this whole BC thing and very much appreciate all of the kinds words, wisdom and insight that come from those of you who have been farther down the path.

  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003

    Happy Birthday!
    I wish I could be as eloquent as Chen but that will never happen. So I wish you a happy birthday and many more happier ones to come. I am relatively new to this whole BC thing and very much appreciate all of the kinds words, wisdom and insight that come from those of you who have been farther down the path.


    thank you everyone for your
    thank you everyone for your input. Just a follow-up, i had a wonderful dinner out with my hubby and 2 kids a a seafood place, we had crabs, mussels and fries and it was awesome. i took pics and hope to post them soon. I got so many phone calls, cards, presents, gift cards. I am sad it is over, but it was a lovely day. Birthdays are awesome. My wishes above were regrets and i am trying to put them behind me. take care
  • rrogers34
    rrogers34 Member Posts: 135
    Happy Birthday
    May God Bless you!