I am starting chemotherapy april 14th

jbutter Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi im new to this site but have read alot of your posts and really need some one to talk to. Im having the port put in this monday the 12th and then i start chemo paril 14th all i know is im getting AC not sure if anyone is on this, just need to talk , im really scared


  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Welcome, Jbutter, to this
    Welcome, Jbutter, to this site of amazing women and a couple men, too. It is a very scary time because all of this is the unknown. I have completed my chemo but it wasn't the exact same cocktail as yours; mine was taxotere and cytoxan. Just know that chemo nowadays is not quite as bad as it was previously and nothing like in the movies. Today, you are given several pre-meds to keep nausea at bay along with some of the other side effects. Hair loss is a given on most of the chemo cocktails but even this is temporary. I'm sure someone will come along that can give you their specifics on this exact same cocktail but also know that no two people are alike. You won't know how your body will react until you have your first infusion. Just take a breath and know that we will be here 24/7 to provide our personal experience and to support you as you go through your treatments. Take care.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I had A/C back in 2003. It
    I had A/C back in 2003. It shrunk my 6cm tumor and a 3cm tumor. I was diagnosed as stage 3a but after A/C I was a stage 2. So it did shrink the tumors. I was scared too but hang in there. Lots of other survivors here who also had A/C. I didn't have a port though.

    I had to have Taxotere after surgery because I had 2 of 15 nodes infected even after the first treatment of A/C.
  • Deb1969
    Deb1969 Member Posts: 165
    Marcia527 said:

    I had A/C back in 2003. It
    I had A/C back in 2003. It shrunk my 6cm tumor and a 3cm tumor. I was diagnosed as stage 3a but after A/C I was a stage 2. So it did shrink the tumors. I was scared too but hang in there. Lots of other survivors here who also had A/C. I didn't have a port though.

    I had to have Taxotere after surgery because I had 2 of 15 nodes infected even after the first treatment of A/C.

    I had 6 rounds of AC, its
    I had 6 rounds of AC, its not too bad, but still scary the first time. I do have a port, ask for EMLA cream it really helps to numb area prior to access. First treatment took all day, runs IV slower to make sure youre not gonna have a reaction. Doctor gave me Emend for nausea to take on days 2 & 3 after chemo. Drink plenty of fluids.

    Im stage 4, mets to my liver. I also took 4 treatments of Taxol. Recently had PET scan done and was clear.
  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384
    You came to the right place.
    I too was scared about starting chemo. I had my first dose of A/C on 1/28/10. I am now finished with the four doses of A/C and had my first of four doses of Taxol last Thursday. With that much of my treatment behind me, I now realize that my fear of treatment was actually worse than the actual treatment itself. The wonderful members of this discussion board helped me get past my fears and I hope we can all empower you to conquer the beast. Now, as far as the A/C goes, we all seem to react differently to our various chemo drugs but I would advise you strongly to make certain your oncologist takes every precaution to prevent nausea. Take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing.
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    You've come to a really good place here. There's so much knowledge, comfort, and inspiration here it's unbelievable. I was diagnosed last April 2nd, had the port put in in May and had my first AC May 22nd. I did four rounds of that followed by 4 rounds of taxol. As someone else here said the fear of the unknown was worse than the actual treatment. Your oncology team will do everything in their power to make you as comfortable through this as possible. Keep them apprised of everything going on with you no matter how small or unrelated it may seem to you. Probably the only side effect that's a given is the hair loss, but it does come back and it's interesting to see how it's changed when it does. Good luck. Know you're in our prayers.
  • jbutter
    jbutter Member Posts: 10
    jamiegww said:

    You came to the right place.
    I too was scared about starting chemo. I had my first dose of A/C on 1/28/10. I am now finished with the four doses of A/C and had my first of four doses of Taxol last Thursday. With that much of my treatment behind me, I now realize that my fear of treatment was actually worse than the actual treatment itself. The wonderful members of this discussion board helped me get past my fears and I hope we can all empower you to conquer the beast. Now, as far as the A/C goes, we all seem to react differently to our various chemo drugs but I would advise you strongly to make certain your oncologist takes every precaution to prevent nausea. Take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing.

    Hi Thanks everyone for the kind words to get throught this
    I have stage 2 breast cancer had a double masectomy and one lymph node had cancer. My oncologist said i was going to get the ac chemo 4 treatments 1 every 3 weeks. didnt say anything about the taxol. did say something about i tested estrogen positive so i half to take some kind of pills i think after chemo. Did anybody have the emediate reconstruction with the expnaders? wow these things are painful and now im told i cant have them out and have implants put in untill 6 weeks after chemo treatment is finished. last fill i had the one breast incision came open tiny bit this is why i had to wait to start chemo now im afraid to have them filled again. on top of everything i get a letter from insurance co today that says something my oncologist ordered a patch called sancuso i called docter office but the lady that takes care of medication is already gone but my insurance is saying it will not pay for this! I guess now the fun begins with fighting the insurance co for what i need . I really dont need this stress right now! Someone mentiond asking for cream to put on port area befor they pump the chemo in me? why is this? is it painful?
  • jbutter
    jbutter Member Posts: 10
    Deb1969 said:

    I had 6 rounds of AC, its
    I had 6 rounds of AC, its not too bad, but still scary the first time. I do have a port, ask for EMLA cream it really helps to numb area prior to access. First treatment took all day, runs IV slower to make sure youre not gonna have a reaction. Doctor gave me Emend for nausea to take on days 2 & 3 after chemo. Drink plenty of fluids.

    Im stage 4, mets to my liver. I also took 4 treatments of Taxol. Recently had PET scan done and was clear.

    wonderful news !!
    Im so happy for you the pet scan came back clear that is just wonderful im so glad i found this sight, there is alot of imformation that everyone is so kind to share. I hope when im done with all this i can be there for someone else just starting out. i just got on here today and already im feeling so much better just know there is a place i can go to talk to someone who is going through or has went through what i am going through. I am trying to be strong for my husband and children and grandchildren but it is so hard sometime. they all say you have been through so much with the masectomies you are strong you will do just fine with the chemo! I jusr smile and say im sure i will all along thinking I hoe the good lord will give me strength to get through this !! I pray alot!! I t is so inspiring to see all of you being so positive even though im sure all of you have had your moments,but you are helping me be strong and this i thank you all for , jan
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    jbutter said:

    Hi Thanks everyone for the kind words to get throught this
    I have stage 2 breast cancer had a double masectomy and one lymph node had cancer. My oncologist said i was going to get the ac chemo 4 treatments 1 every 3 weeks. didnt say anything about the taxol. did say something about i tested estrogen positive so i half to take some kind of pills i think after chemo. Did anybody have the emediate reconstruction with the expnaders? wow these things are painful and now im told i cant have them out and have implants put in untill 6 weeks after chemo treatment is finished. last fill i had the one breast incision came open tiny bit this is why i had to wait to start chemo now im afraid to have them filled again. on top of everything i get a letter from insurance co today that says something my oncologist ordered a patch called sancuso i called docter office but the lady that takes care of medication is already gone but my insurance is saying it will not pay for this! I guess now the fun begins with fighting the insurance co for what i need . I really dont need this stress right now! Someone mentiond asking for cream to put on port area befor they pump the chemo in me? why is this? is it painful?

    I think it is EMLA cream
    I think it is EMLA cream they put on your port to numb it.

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    You've come to a really good place here. There's so much knowledge, comfort, and inspiration here it's unbelievable. I was diagnosed last April 2nd, had the port put in in May and had my first AC May 22nd. I did four rounds of that followed by 4 rounds of taxol. As someone else here said the fear of the unknown was worse than the actual treatment. Your oncology team will do everything in their power to make you as comfortable through this as possible. Keep them apprised of everything going on with you no matter how small or unrelated it may seem to you. Probably the only side effect that's a given is the hair loss, but it does come back and it's interesting to see how it's changed when it does. Good luck. Know you're in our prayers.

    Hi JButter and welcome
    Sorry for the reason your here, but it's a great place to be. Lot's of good information and a place to vent when needed. I finished Chemo this passed November. I did Ac and then Taxol and Herceptin and now just herceptin and Tomaxifen. The AC was doable. I was on a antinausea drug by the name of Emend. This is a drug you would take the day of your AC treatment, then again the next day and then the next. 3 pills. Worth every dime. Ask you onc about this. As far as the rest of treatment, about my third day after treatment I would feel like I was getting the flu. No real nausea problem. I would be very tired and would kinda be down for about 3 days and then pretty much back to some kind of normal. I would have treatment every two weeks so this would continue every 3 day after. I lost my taste for some foods. I also had a problem taking in fluids. I had to force myself to drink. It was that nothing tasted good. I have a port. I had no problem having this done. I was not even put to sleep, just kinda in and out. I felt no pain at all. After there was a very small amount of discomfort. Sometimes there is still discomfort with it but it's better than looking for veins all the time. I never used the numbing meds you can get to put on your skin before the port needle is put in for treatment but I heard it works well if this bothers you. I seem to do ok with out, it only hurt for a second. I know how scared you are, but it is doable and you will come though it ok. For me the hair loss was the worst, but it's on it's way back now. Hang in there, try not to worry to much. Hugs
  • SBCALynne
    SBCALynne Member Posts: 1
    Hi...Me too
    Hello jbutter!

    I'm going through this as well and I'm terrified. I guess today you went in for your chemo. I hope it went well. When I got that sentinal radio active shot thing... well I fainted. I'm hoping this isn't going to be like that for me. Please let me know how it went & we can start a buddy system if you'd like. I find out tomorrow from my Onc when it all starts for me. You didn't have to wait but 2 days for your port thing to heal? Cra*!

    Right there with ya...
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Hi JButter you certainly
    Hi JButter you certainly have found a great place for info and support. I had 4 rounds of A/C, 1 round of taxol, and 3 rounds of taxotere. It was administered every 3 weeks.

    The onc initially gave me zofran, then compazine for nauseau but neither worked for me. We changed to Emend combined with kytril which did the trick for my nauseau. Take in as much fluid as possible after chemo. I have a port and had my blood drawn the same day I had chemo. The nurse used a numbing solution over the port and all I felt was a little pinch. My side efects usually kicked in on the 3rd day after chemo. If you have problems with anything, let your oncology team know asap so that they can alter meds. I also got a neulasta shot the day after each chemo. One of the gals on the board suggested I take claritin to help with the bone and muscle aches from the neulasta. I must say it did help.

    I kept soup, apple sauce, toast, tea, and crackers, on hand for after chemo side effects.

    I was also frightened by the unkown.Chemo is such a scary word. It was defininelty the fear of the unknown. Like everyone on these boards will tell you, chemo is doable!

    Please let us know how you did today. Hugs
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    natly15 said:

    Hi JButter you certainly
    Hi JButter you certainly have found a great place for info and support. I had 4 rounds of A/C, 1 round of taxol, and 3 rounds of taxotere. It was administered every 3 weeks.

    The onc initially gave me zofran, then compazine for nauseau but neither worked for me. We changed to Emend combined with kytril which did the trick for my nauseau. Take in as much fluid as possible after chemo. I have a port and had my blood drawn the same day I had chemo. The nurse used a numbing solution over the port and all I felt was a little pinch. My side efects usually kicked in on the 3rd day after chemo. If you have problems with anything, let your oncology team know asap so that they can alter meds. I also got a neulasta shot the day after each chemo. One of the gals on the board suggested I take claritin to help with the bone and muscle aches from the neulasta. I must say it did help.

    I kept soup, apple sauce, toast, tea, and crackers, on hand for after chemo side effects.

    I was also frightened by the unkown.Chemo is such a scary word. It was defininelty the fear of the unknown. Like everyone on these boards will tell you, chemo is doable!

    Please let us know how you did today. Hugs

    Hope all went well for you
    Hope all went well for you today.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    Marcia527 said:

    I had A/C back in 2003. It
    I had A/C back in 2003. It shrunk my 6cm tumor and a 3cm tumor. I was diagnosed as stage 3a but after A/C I was a stage 2. So it did shrink the tumors. I was scared too but hang in there. Lots of other survivors here who also had A/C. I didn't have a port though.

    I had to have Taxotere after surgery because I had 2 of 15 nodes infected even after the first treatment of A/C.

    Wishing you luck with chemo
    Wishing you luck with chemo jbutter!
  • violeta oaie
    violeta oaie Member Posts: 1
    You will survive.

    You will survive.
    I'm from Romania and escuse me for my English.
    In 2008 i finished chemo and radioterapy.
    I made 4 AC, 4 taxotere and 25 radioterapy.
    I was in3a stage.
    I was 46 kg and I'm 165 cm tall and that time i had 39 years.
    Now I'm 41 and I don't want to die. Not yet.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    Deb1969 said:

    I had 6 rounds of AC, its
    I had 6 rounds of AC, its not too bad, but still scary the first time. I do have a port, ask for EMLA cream it really helps to numb area prior to access. First treatment took all day, runs IV slower to make sure youre not gonna have a reaction. Doctor gave me Emend for nausea to take on days 2 & 3 after chemo. Drink plenty of fluids.

    Im stage 4, mets to my liver. I also took 4 treatments of Taxol. Recently had PET scan done and was clear.

    Wanting to wish you good
    Wanting to wish you good luck with your chemo!
  • reddebbb
    reddebbb Member Posts: 14
    me too
    i'll be starting my chemo tomorrow (19th) so you're one step ahead of me. i'm also getting ac every 2 weeks, for 2 months, then th for another 2 months. how did you do for the first time? i'm ready to get this going to see what MY effects will be. it seems like everyone is a little different. i'm prepared for it all, and hoping for the least amount. did you feel any different the next day, or did it take a few days?
  • reddebbb
    reddebbb Member Posts: 14
    jbutter said:

    Hi Thanks everyone for the kind words to get throught this
    I have stage 2 breast cancer had a double masectomy and one lymph node had cancer. My oncologist said i was going to get the ac chemo 4 treatments 1 every 3 weeks. didnt say anything about the taxol. did say something about i tested estrogen positive so i half to take some kind of pills i think after chemo. Did anybody have the emediate reconstruction with the expnaders? wow these things are painful and now im told i cant have them out and have implants put in untill 6 weeks after chemo treatment is finished. last fill i had the one breast incision came open tiny bit this is why i had to wait to start chemo now im afraid to have them filled again. on top of everything i get a letter from insurance co today that says something my oncologist ordered a patch called sancuso i called docter office but the lady that takes care of medication is already gone but my insurance is saying it will not pay for this! I guess now the fun begins with fighting the insurance co for what i need . I really dont need this stress right now! Someone mentiond asking for cream to put on port area befor they pump the chemo in me? why is this? is it painful?

    you and i seem to have a similar story.i had a double mastectomy, 1 lymph node involved and immediate reconstruction. the expanders REALLY hurt in the beginning. i've had 3 blow-ups so far and this last one actually made them hurt less. i also can't get them out until after the chemo is done.i was really upset , but there is no choice. i've had other things to take my mind off of them. this last week and a half i had my ovaries and fallopian tubes out , and the port put in. i've got the BRCA gene, which the surgeon tested for just before my mastectomy. instead of doing just one breast i decided to do both. tomorrow i'll start my chemo. my birthday is 10 days after my chemo and i've decided to shave my head on that day! i thought that would be very symbolic. my port hurts me since i've had it in for 3 days. the thought of putting a needle in it now scares me.
  • dmiller5223
    dmiller5223 Member Posts: 1
    Hello...I am on my 4th treatment. I have stage 4 Colon Cancer. I will say that getting chemo is the hardest thing I have ever gone through. It is not easy....but you and I will make it.

    The only advice that I can pass onto you is just take one day at a time. Eat well...stop the junk and eat healthy. By eating right and exercising (even when I do not want to)...is the best advice I can give you. Along with taking chemo, eating right and exercising...you should look up a Dr. Johanna Budwig. My husband did a lot of research on other things you could do. She came up with this idea of making the strong cells stronger by coming up with a mixture...organic cottage cheese, flax seed, flax see oil and cayenne pepper. My husband blends me one every night...not a bad taste neither.

    I believe the chemo works, I also believe a lot comes from us inside ourselves. I am following all the rules, I have cut all junk out of my diet, I exercise and I take that shake every night. I feel healthier than I ever have excluding the chemo feeling.

    I get my chemo every other week...Tuesday afternoon I sit in the chair and then they send me home with a pump. Wednesday I sit in the chair and they send me home with a pump. On Thursday the pump comes out. By Thursday I am whipped. It takes days for me to get a bit normal and just when I do it is time for the next week. So yes it is very very hard, but I know it will be worth it. I have faith in god too. Without having faith, I would not be where I am today.

    I would love to hear how you are doing and if I can help in anyway, please let me know. This is a very path we are on right now...so we need to help one another. Bless you on your journey. Love JoAnn