Best way to support my Wife?



  • AngelBaby
    AngelBaby Member Posts: 47
    ScottyR said:

    Thanks for all your insight. I will take to heart your advice. My daughter(14 going on 18!) and I will take it day by day. Scotty (My name is Scott but my wife calls me Scotty!)

    We are here
    I'm glad to see the your "extended family" has given you answers to some of your questions. The snappiness will get better. Remember to keep your daughter informed as much as she can determine for herself. I shielded my boys from a lot but now that I'm going through reconstruction they have a lot of questions. So answer any questions that she has..
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    Hubby said:

    Holding it together
    We got through the lumpectamy and sentinal node removal (negative biopsy)this week; this is rough; trying to hold her together, saying the right thing, holding myself together. This is all new territory; what my wife really wants is to have not been diagnosed with breast cancer, and I can't fix that. She keeps saying she's sorry, and I keep telling her to stop saying she's sorry; she didn't do anything wrong. I'm just doing what I can; dishes,laundry, getting the kids off to school... but, I do need a copy of the revised rule book; not the one that was revised three weeks ago, or two weeks ago, or Tuesday; but the one that was revised this morning before I left for work; and I could also use the suppliment so I know what to expect when I get home. Thank God it's Friday!

    Amazing Men
    I just wanted to add that sometimes I am sure you will feel that nothing you say is right but just remember there truly are only two emotions LOVE and FEAR and truly everything we do is based on one or the other.
    I had a partner but most times I never felt more alone. That was my problem not my partners for she did the best she could have done in the sircumstances and I have to now remind myself that it is often my expectations that is the problem.
    Thank YOU to husbands like you. You give us all HOPE!
  • katznc
    katznc Member Posts: 70
    Scotty, Joe and Hubby
    Joe first. Everyone here already knows how awesome you are. Scotty and Hubby bless you both.

    Take a little time to remember who your partner is normally. Then tune in to what is going on at the moment. Talk alot if she is willing. Instead of saying..stop saying your sorry you have nothing to be sorry for, try... I know you are sorry but you don't need to is wasted energy..because you need to be selfish to fight the beast, you first, so you will be here with me. Yah know... that sort of thing.

    After I got through the first period of the "sky is falling" I wanted everyone to treat me as normal as possible and I want to still hear all their problems and complaints cuz thats life and its good to remember that other people have issues too. But not at first. I still wish someone would offer to takers!

    Wasted energy is my creed and I've working on it for about 7 years. It fits all problems.
    Nasty boss..mean people..bad drivers..getting in the wrong line at the grocery store..people who just don't get it..hate..anger.. and now cancer. I look at the issue no matter how small and its either worth my energy or it isn't. If it isn't then I chuck it. They say practice makes perfect and I am still practicing but it gets easier. You can apply it anything for you and your wife.

    Hugs and best wishes to you all.
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    best wayto support my wife
    I just want to say you are on the right path. I was diaganosed on 3/23 and my husban was at my side then and has been ever since. We do not want to make this journey alone and need you there for us.

    Good luck and hugs to you and your wife
  • LynnPlatt
    LynnPlatt Member Posts: 6
    ScottyR you are getting great advice from all the people here. My husband has been my rock through out my journey. When I was first diagnosed he was more scared than I was. He had already walked this journey with a previous partner that lost the battle. He did not let me know just how scared until we had all the info the doctors could give us. He went to all my appointments, my 3 surgeries and takes me to all my chemo appts. He doesn't show his fear to me, but does share it with others. To me he always shows a kind, comforting, gentle person. At times he just puts me on his lap and holds me without saying anything. At night he will just reach out in bed and hold my hand in his sleep. He has picked up all the extra household chores, cooking and laundry, and my beloved yard work. We have a special bond that nothing can undo. I feel like this has brought us closer instead of driving us apart. All the little things he does, reassures me and gives me strength to keep fighting. Sometimes we just cry together. It is wonderful that you are asking for support. Many men would not do this. Sometimes it is just the most simple things as a kiss or hug, a little smile or gentle brush of his hand that reassures me that I am the woman he loves no matter what the cancer and treatments do.
    I remember when he talked about his other partner loosing her hair and how helpless he felt because he couldn't change it or take away her pain. We sat and talked about this, and he helped me decide to shave my head before the hair loss. Get both of you a support system and use them. When the time comes, and she is better you can return the support to another. Keep up the good work. Take care of yourself emotional and physically for you both. May God walk with you on this journey and keep both of you close. Take each day as it comes, enjoy the good times and push through the rough ones.
  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    LynnPlatt said:

    ScottyR you are getting great advice from all the people here. My husband has been my rock through out my journey. When I was first diagnosed he was more scared than I was. He had already walked this journey with a previous partner that lost the battle. He did not let me know just how scared until we had all the info the doctors could give us. He went to all my appointments, my 3 surgeries and takes me to all my chemo appts. He doesn't show his fear to me, but does share it with others. To me he always shows a kind, comforting, gentle person. At times he just puts me on his lap and holds me without saying anything. At night he will just reach out in bed and hold my hand in his sleep. He has picked up all the extra household chores, cooking and laundry, and my beloved yard work. We have a special bond that nothing can undo. I feel like this has brought us closer instead of driving us apart. All the little things he does, reassures me and gives me strength to keep fighting. Sometimes we just cry together. It is wonderful that you are asking for support. Many men would not do this. Sometimes it is just the most simple things as a kiss or hug, a little smile or gentle brush of his hand that reassures me that I am the woman he loves no matter what the cancer and treatments do.
    I remember when he talked about his other partner loosing her hair and how helpless he felt because he couldn't change it or take away her pain. We sat and talked about this, and he helped me decide to shave my head before the hair loss. Get both of you a support system and use them. When the time comes, and she is better you can return the support to another. Keep up the good work. Take care of yourself emotional and physically for you both. May God walk with you on this journey and keep both of you close. Take each day as it comes, enjoy the good times and push through the rough ones.

    I tried to post again
    I tried to make a follow up post, but it disappeared into cyberspace. I need more hours in the day,and more days in the weekend. Some things like yardwork and house cleaning are just getting postponed. And I don't really need a place to "vent" as much as a place to get in touch with my feelings with this whole "my wife has cancer" thing. So far I haven't really had the time to think about what I think (if that makes any sense). The only person I usually talk to about my problems is my wife, and that just won't work right now. From the biopsy results on 4/1 to the surgery on 4/20 to now, time has just been a blur. Anyway, I got the almost all of the laundry done, the front lawn cut, bra and healthy food shopping done, dinners made and the kids off to school with lunches this morning. It feels better to list what I did get done than what I didn't. But really, the stress isn't about too much stuff to do and too little time, it's about my wife and holding her together, and that is really rough.
  • greyhoundluvr
    greyhoundluvr Member Posts: 402
    Bumping Up
    Bumping Up
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    My suggestions
    Just asking shows what a great guy your wife has!

    Danny has always been my biggest cheerleader. I asked him once how, during some of our really rough times, he always seemed to be so confident that I would beat this. He finally admitted it was because he couldn't stand to think any other way. That touched me so much.

    He always fixes me soup when I'm sick or tired. He is always there with me when I ask him to be (some docs are really scary).

    He also tells me I am pretty and great looking--even when I look awful.

    Just to give you some hope, I was diagnosed in 1987 (4 nodes and large tumor). In 2009, I was diagnosed with bone metastasis (after 22 years), but I am doing fine.

    We have been married 36 years and I am sure my lengthy survival is in part due to him.