We meet ANGELS in the most unusual places!
I was In LA in Dec and used a bathroom where there was one other woman. We smiled at each other and said hello and she asked how was I doing. I told her "any day without chemo is a good day!" and she looked at me and said, "NO! Any day WITH chemo is a good day, think of all the people who are dying because they can't afford it or can't get it for one reason or another." She said this with a beautiful smile and told me how great I looked. WOW! With that one sentence she changed my whole attitude on Chemo. An angel for sure....
I was talking to my mom and
I was talking to my mom and laughingly mentioned 'Well, I'm bald. boobless, etc..." she said "at least you are alive! and that has been my mantra when I get down about my body image etc.... well at least i am alive!!!!! but i am still jealouse of mama G's hair!!!! all along. you go girl!!!!0 -
Great Topic! I have a couple!
So, one day I was on taxol (toward the end) and was totally spent after doing AC and then I think I was at week 10 of taxol. I was feeling sorry for myself...sick, sore, tired, beat down. I dropped my daughter off at school that morning, came home and sat on the couch all day looking at the clock waiting until it was time to pick her up. I didn't eat a thing that day. All I wanted was a coffee and didn't have any at home. I decided I would get one on the way to car line. Well, I waited too long at home and didn't have enough time to make it to McD's so I figured I'd stop at the corner and get a Starbucks. Now, brace yourselves...I had never had a Starbucks before that day. I KNOW! Anyway, I pulled in there and had no idea what I wanted...just a decaf with 1/2 1/2. The girl at the drive thru speaker said they didn't have decaf made. WHAT? That's like saying a bank is out of money! Anyway, I sighed...I guess she could tell I was discouraged. She told me about this other coffee the had and said she'd fix that up and if I didn't like it that would be fine. So, I said ok and drove around to the window. There she was. A young woman (early 20's) and she smiled at me with my scarve, no make up, burning red face, sad eyes....and said, "Hey beautiful." I smiled and said hi back. She said, "Having a rough day?" I said yep. She said, "Breast cancer?" Again, I said yep. She said, "I just lost my sister to breast cancer last week." She told me her sister was 36 (my age) and had a daughter my daughter's age. I never told her that was my age or that I had a daughter that same age. I was in shock! She told me she fought hard for 5 years. When my coffee was ready she said, "I hope your day gets better." I said, "It just did!" I pulled away and realized how lucky I was to be going to pick my daughter up from school!
The other angel story was just 2 weeks ago when I had to start seeing my therapist for my lymphedema...EVERYDAY! The place I go has a security guard sign in area before you can go up stairs. I signed in. Said hello to the female (elderly) guard. We talked back and forth laughing and what not. I never really looked at her too much. I went upstairs with compression sleeve in tow. I just knew I'd get massaged put my sleeve on and call it a day. WRONG! The therapist wrapped me up like a mummy and told me I'd need to see her each day for 4 weeks and probably wear the mummy wrapping at least 2 weeks. Of course I was discouraged! I went downstairs and was signing out. The same guard was there and she said, "Well, what's going on with the arm?" I told her briefly what the problem was and made some comment about it being a stupid arm. She just smiled and told me it would get better. I looked at her and she was an amputee from the elbow area down on the same arm! I felt like scum. Here I am complaining and she is living without part of her arm. She knew that I noticed and we just smiled at each other. Ever since then when I see her there we smile and talk and I appreciate my arm a little more!
These are my 2 angels....besides my husband and daughter!0 -
Many Angles
I have many angles and they exists withing my company and where I work... encouragement from everyone...even a "Hat Day" in the office for me!!!--I was going bald by then... 8-)...
My company has blown me away... they supported me... allowing me to take leave without pay even though I had been with them 6 months--normally you have to be with them for a year... establishing leave donation and then donating a bunch of hours to me---that really blew me away... when we were told the contract we were working on was going away, company vise president found me within an hour and told me they were going to take care of me... and they have...
then there's the angles from my church who sat with me during the lovely tests to determine if the cancer went anywhere else, during my chemo treatments, a couple of them shaved their heads with me...
Now we need to be angles to others... even if we are still going through treatment....0 -
My favorite
There have been soooo many angels in my life, but I guess my favorite angel is the 21 year old male college student who was recieving treatments at the same center I was at. The first time I saw him his Mother brought him in in a wheel chair. He was probably 6 ft. 6, but probably didn't weigh 140 lbs. that day. Everything about him said he was sick and defeated. I talked to him and his Mom (Mostly Mom, he was usually too tired to talk) whenever we happened to have treatments at the same time. We saw each other once a week for about 2 months. He had one set back after another and seemed to be shrinking before my eyes. He was going to have to drop out of school and stay home. He was hospitalized and our schedules didn't overlap again for about a year. The next time I saw him he walked in to the room on his own with a smile and a sparkle in his eye. He was there for his last treatment and had been declared cancer free. I don't know who was more excited about his return to school, him or me!
To mention a few more:
The people I work with are also angels. I work in a public school. I am a Christian and prayer is very important to me, but I never was more surprised than when the Assistant Principal and several teachers called me to a classroom for a "meeting" and they surrounded me and prayed for me, right there in the school. The Principal also allowed me to wear hats, though it is against the dress code, and I told him I had a wig (I never did like the feel of it).
The Church Choir had a "hat day" in my honor where they all wore hats, and my Husband shaved his head with me.
May everyone be blessed with angels when they need them. seof0 -
absolutelyGod Heals said:Many Angles
I have many angles and they exists withing my company and where I work... encouragement from everyone...even a "Hat Day" in the office for me!!!--I was going bald by then... 8-)...
My company has blown me away... they supported me... allowing me to take leave without pay even though I had been with them 6 months--normally you have to be with them for a year... establishing leave donation and then donating a bunch of hours to me---that really blew me away... when we were told the contract we were working on was going away, company vise president found me within an hour and told me they were going to take care of me... and they have...
then there's the angles from my church who sat with me during the lovely tests to determine if the cancer went anywhere else, during my chemo treatments, a couple of them shaved their heads with me...
Now we need to be angles to others... even if we are still going through treatment....
BEAUTIFUL and moving stories. Thank you for sharing them!0 -
Such An Angel~~Long story.
My husband is my angel!!! I found my lump in Oct & at the time I had dropped my self-employment insurance because of the economy. We had planned on getting married in July 2010. However, his insurance didn't have a waiting period, so he insisted we get married asap. He said he was going to be right beside me if it was cancer & he wanted me to have the best health care possible. It was one of the toughest decisions I've ever made, but I did it. We were married on Oct. 14th & I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Oct. 26th. When my surgeon told him it was breast cancer, he went out to the waiting room & faced my family with the horrible news(it broke his heart), he drove me to the hospital the morning of my mastectomy & never left my side, he took me to my chemo appts, he was by my side at both ER visits & as I walked (3) miles in a breast cancer walk on Saturday he was beside me as I started the walk & as I crossed the finish line. Afterwards, he told me how proud he was of me for making it, because I just had my 4th round of chemo 3 weeks ago. My husband & I just found each other in February 2009 on Facebook. When I was a freshman in high school he took me to his senior prom & after he graduated we lost touch with each other. My mom lost her battle with breast cancer 21 yrs ago & I know she is my angel in Heaven. I believe she & God brought him back into my life to help me survive the journey ahead of me. He is one of my "Earth Angels." I have gained over 30 lbs, I am bald, & I have many scars...he looks at me & still sees the girl he was crazy about in high school. He refers to my scars as "badges of courage." My husband has given me strength, love, support, & insurance(which gave me the most incredible team of drs.) Tomorrow, I go to my oncologist to find out if I am dancing with NED. My angel made it possible.0 -
Love StoryTinabug said:Such An Angel~~Long story.
My husband is my angel!!! I found my lump in Oct & at the time I had dropped my self-employment insurance because of the economy. We had planned on getting married in July 2010. However, his insurance didn't have a waiting period, so he insisted we get married asap. He said he was going to be right beside me if it was cancer & he wanted me to have the best health care possible. It was one of the toughest decisions I've ever made, but I did it. We were married on Oct. 14th & I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Oct. 26th. When my surgeon told him it was breast cancer, he went out to the waiting room & faced my family with the horrible news(it broke his heart), he drove me to the hospital the morning of my mastectomy & never left my side, he took me to my chemo appts, he was by my side at both ER visits & as I walked (3) miles in a breast cancer walk on Saturday he was beside me as I started the walk & as I crossed the finish line. Afterwards, he told me how proud he was of me for making it, because I just had my 4th round of chemo 3 weeks ago. My husband & I just found each other in February 2009 on Facebook. When I was a freshman in high school he took me to his senior prom & after he graduated we lost touch with each other. My mom lost her battle with breast cancer 21 yrs ago & I know she is my angel in Heaven. I believe she & God brought him back into my life to help me survive the journey ahead of me. He is one of my "Earth Angels." I have gained over 30 lbs, I am bald, & I have many scars...he looks at me & still sees the girl he was crazy about in high school. He refers to my scars as "badges of courage." My husband has given me strength, love, support, & insurance(which gave me the most incredible team of drs.) Tomorrow, I go to my oncologist to find out if I am dancing with NED. My angel made it possible.
Tinabug ... your post was one of the most beautiful love stories I've ever heard. You truly have met "Mr.Wonderful" ... your Prince ... your Angel. You already know how blessed you are ... and I speak for all the rest of us ... when I say "thank you for sharing your love story."
It made my day!
teena0 -
Your StoryTinabug said:Such An Angel~~Long story.
My husband is my angel!!! I found my lump in Oct & at the time I had dropped my self-employment insurance because of the economy. We had planned on getting married in July 2010. However, his insurance didn't have a waiting period, so he insisted we get married asap. He said he was going to be right beside me if it was cancer & he wanted me to have the best health care possible. It was one of the toughest decisions I've ever made, but I did it. We were married on Oct. 14th & I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Oct. 26th. When my surgeon told him it was breast cancer, he went out to the waiting room & faced my family with the horrible news(it broke his heart), he drove me to the hospital the morning of my mastectomy & never left my side, he took me to my chemo appts, he was by my side at both ER visits & as I walked (3) miles in a breast cancer walk on Saturday he was beside me as I started the walk & as I crossed the finish line. Afterwards, he told me how proud he was of me for making it, because I just had my 4th round of chemo 3 weeks ago. My husband & I just found each other in February 2009 on Facebook. When I was a freshman in high school he took me to his senior prom & after he graduated we lost touch with each other. My mom lost her battle with breast cancer 21 yrs ago & I know she is my angel in Heaven. I believe she & God brought him back into my life to help me survive the journey ahead of me. He is one of my "Earth Angels." I have gained over 30 lbs, I am bald, & I have many scars...he looks at me & still sees the girl he was crazy about in high school. He refers to my scars as "badges of courage." My husband has given me strength, love, support, & insurance(which gave me the most incredible team of drs.) Tomorrow, I go to my oncologist to find out if I am dancing with NED. My angel made it possible.
Tinabug - Thank you for sharing - it brought tears to my eyes. Things happen occasionally that remind me there is a bigger plan out there and your story was one of them!0 -
You Made Me Almost CryTinabug said:Such An Angel~~Long story.
My husband is my angel!!! I found my lump in Oct & at the time I had dropped my self-employment insurance because of the economy. We had planned on getting married in July 2010. However, his insurance didn't have a waiting period, so he insisted we get married asap. He said he was going to be right beside me if it was cancer & he wanted me to have the best health care possible. It was one of the toughest decisions I've ever made, but I did it. We were married on Oct. 14th & I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Oct. 26th. When my surgeon told him it was breast cancer, he went out to the waiting room & faced my family with the horrible news(it broke his heart), he drove me to the hospital the morning of my mastectomy & never left my side, he took me to my chemo appts, he was by my side at both ER visits & as I walked (3) miles in a breast cancer walk on Saturday he was beside me as I started the walk & as I crossed the finish line. Afterwards, he told me how proud he was of me for making it, because I just had my 4th round of chemo 3 weeks ago. My husband & I just found each other in February 2009 on Facebook. When I was a freshman in high school he took me to his senior prom & after he graduated we lost touch with each other. My mom lost her battle with breast cancer 21 yrs ago & I know she is my angel in Heaven. I believe she & God brought him back into my life to help me survive the journey ahead of me. He is one of my "Earth Angels." I have gained over 30 lbs, I am bald, & I have many scars...he looks at me & still sees the girl he was crazy about in high school. He refers to my scars as "badges of courage." My husband has given me strength, love, support, & insurance(which gave me the most incredible team of drs.) Tomorrow, I go to my oncologist to find out if I am dancing with NED. My angel made it possible.
Tina, what an angel you have! Your story touched my heart, not to mention my eyes. To call your scars your badges of courage - WOW.
Most important of all, he was very smart to insist that you get married right away so that you could have the best health care possible. Your story is a love story - one for the movies.
Good luck on tomorrow.
Lots of Hugs,
Janelle0 -
Thanks!Mama G said:absolutely
BEAUTIFUL and moving stories. Thank you for sharing them!
Just reading all these stories lifted me up. Having a little pain today and feeling kind of down, but I'm smiling now after reading all these wonderful things.
I teach First Grade and my whole class of "angels" are praying for me and I can feel the power of their prayers.
All this positive energy is amazing and so good to hear! THANKS!!!0 -
Wow tinabug. Very fewDifferent Ballgame said:You Made Me Almost Cry
Tina, what an angel you have! Your story touched my heart, not to mention my eyes. To call your scars your badges of courage - WOW.
Most important of all, he was very smart to insist that you get married right away so that you could have the best health care possible. Your story is a love story - one for the movies.
Good luck on tomorrow.
Lots of Hugs,
Wow tinabug. Very few things make me speechless. Your story is beautiful. Thanks, pitt0 -
Big lump in my throatTinabug said:Such An Angel~~Long story.
My husband is my angel!!! I found my lump in Oct & at the time I had dropped my self-employment insurance because of the economy. We had planned on getting married in July 2010. However, his insurance didn't have a waiting period, so he insisted we get married asap. He said he was going to be right beside me if it was cancer & he wanted me to have the best health care possible. It was one of the toughest decisions I've ever made, but I did it. We were married on Oct. 14th & I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Oct. 26th. When my surgeon told him it was breast cancer, he went out to the waiting room & faced my family with the horrible news(it broke his heart), he drove me to the hospital the morning of my mastectomy & never left my side, he took me to my chemo appts, he was by my side at both ER visits & as I walked (3) miles in a breast cancer walk on Saturday he was beside me as I started the walk & as I crossed the finish line. Afterwards, he told me how proud he was of me for making it, because I just had my 4th round of chemo 3 weeks ago. My husband & I just found each other in February 2009 on Facebook. When I was a freshman in high school he took me to his senior prom & after he graduated we lost touch with each other. My mom lost her battle with breast cancer 21 yrs ago & I know she is my angel in Heaven. I believe she & God brought him back into my life to help me survive the journey ahead of me. He is one of my "Earth Angels." I have gained over 30 lbs, I am bald, & I have many scars...he looks at me & still sees the girl he was crazy about in high school. He refers to my scars as "badges of courage." My husband has given me strength, love, support, & insurance(which gave me the most incredible team of drs.) Tomorrow, I go to my oncologist to find out if I am dancing with NED. My angel made it possible.
I find it amazing that, even with this horrible beast, we can count ourselves 'lucky' that we have such love and support.
Sue0 -
My little Angel.
Hi everyone.My little Angel would be my 6yr. old grandson.He wanted to see my bald head.And wanted to take my hat off so he could see it.When taking my hat off he said oh mamaw I am sorry you don,t have hair,and kissed the top of my head.Then he told me he would Pray every day for Jesus to give me hair .The tears were over flowing down my face.And the whole time I went through this he was so concerned about my hair.He suffers with extreem ADHD.And has such a hard timd dealing.He is so sensitive , about me being sick.Idon,t know who was the happiest when I got my hair back me or him.he has a very special place in my heart.I had to share .0 -
What a Angel he is.Tinabug said:Such An Angel~~Long story.
My husband is my angel!!! I found my lump in Oct & at the time I had dropped my self-employment insurance because of the economy. We had planned on getting married in July 2010. However, his insurance didn't have a waiting period, so he insisted we get married asap. He said he was going to be right beside me if it was cancer & he wanted me to have the best health care possible. It was one of the toughest decisions I've ever made, but I did it. We were married on Oct. 14th & I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Oct. 26th. When my surgeon told him it was breast cancer, he went out to the waiting room & faced my family with the horrible news(it broke his heart), he drove me to the hospital the morning of my mastectomy & never left my side, he took me to my chemo appts, he was by my side at both ER visits & as I walked (3) miles in a breast cancer walk on Saturday he was beside me as I started the walk & as I crossed the finish line. Afterwards, he told me how proud he was of me for making it, because I just had my 4th round of chemo 3 weeks ago. My husband & I just found each other in February 2009 on Facebook. When I was a freshman in high school he took me to his senior prom & after he graduated we lost touch with each other. My mom lost her battle with breast cancer 21 yrs ago & I know she is my angel in Heaven. I believe she & God brought him back into my life to help me survive the journey ahead of me. He is one of my "Earth Angels." I have gained over 30 lbs, I am bald, & I have many scars...he looks at me & still sees the girl he was crazy about in high school. He refers to my scars as "badges of courage." My husband has given me strength, love, support, & insurance(which gave me the most incredible team of drs.) Tomorrow, I go to my oncologist to find out if I am dancing with NED. My angel made it possible.
Wow what a beatiful story.I had to reply after wiping the tears off after reading your story.They should make a movie of this story.how lucky you both are to have each other.not very many have a Love like that.And you appriatte it,good for you.take Care.0
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