Geting nervous again!

hockeygolf7 Member Posts: 52
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi to all, I have been reading all of the posts almost everyday and eventhough I don't respond often, I still am delighted to have a place to go that is so open and honest about what we are going through. I just wanted to say that I have bloodwork again in about 10 days and I am getting so nervous about it I can't sleep. I don't want to talk to anybody else about this because I don't want them to be concerned about me right now. We just lost a close friend to stomache cancer last week and I guess I am still reeling from that. I have been cancer free since October, 2009 and all my tests are good. Why can't I relax? Well, thanks for listening and I do wish all of you the best.


  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    I know just how you're
    I know just how you're feeling. I hate and dread going to the hospital for my results. Eventhough my CA 125 has always come down, one day I expect it to go up. So I dread it. Things are never as bad as you imagine. Our imagination is our worse enemy sometimes. Its like it is protecting us and gives us the 'worse case scenario' to think about so we are not shocked if it happens. And often we are plesantly surprised when something good happens.

    Try not to think about it or dwell on it. I've got until June 16th before my next results so I am putting it to the back of my mind until it gets closer. The worse thing is sitting in the waiting room. Last time I had to wait 1 and half hours to go in and see my doctor.

    All of your results have been good so far so keep that in mind. Good luck

    Tina xx
  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member
    Getting Nervous........
    Just wanted to let you know I STILL get nervous every time I go for my CA125 or CT scan and i have been cancer free(NED) since Oct. 2008 I think it is just human nature to worry but try not to stress out too much.......I always tell my self I can't change what the test is going to reveal but I CAN deal with what ever comes up. Be sure to let us know how it all goes.
    (((HUGS))) Joan
  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
    JoanC said:

    Getting Nervous........
    Just wanted to let you know I STILL get nervous every time I go for my CA125 or CT scan and i have been cancer free(NED) since Oct. 2008 I think it is just human nature to worry but try not to stress out too much.......I always tell my self I can't change what the test is going to reveal but I CAN deal with what ever comes up. Be sure to let us know how it all goes.
    (((HUGS))) Joan

    deep breaths
    i know how ya feel
    take some deep breaths and put some relaxing music on and pray
    it helps me

    we are a ll in the same boat here
    i get nervoous also
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Lots of people get anxious over upcoming tests, maybe try an ativan at bedtime. I know this has helped others mellow out, for me when I can't sleep I take a half of one just to help fall asleep and then feel better because I got a better nights sleep.

    Cancer free since October 2009 is amazing, you should be celebrating the life the Lord has given you given and toss all your worries to the wind {Ya I know easier said then done} Every day I say thank yous to the Lord for all the blessings He has sent our way and that starts my day focused on positive things, so the negative doesn't have much room. :D

    Sending prayers for peace, tranquility and good test results. Hugs Bonnie
  • hockeygolf7
    hockeygolf7 Member Posts: 52
    BonnieR said:

    Lots of people get anxious over upcoming tests, maybe try an ativan at bedtime. I know this has helped others mellow out, for me when I can't sleep I take a half of one just to help fall asleep and then feel better because I got a better nights sleep.

    Cancer free since October 2009 is amazing, you should be celebrating the life the Lord has given you given and toss all your worries to the wind {Ya I know easier said then done} Every day I say thank yous to the Lord for all the blessings He has sent our way and that starts my day focused on positive things, so the negative doesn't have much room. :D

    Sending prayers for peace, tranquility and good test results. Hugs Bonnie

    Thanks for the advice. I am
    Thanks for the advice. I am so happy to have a place to go and say whatever I need to say. You are all wonderful and you are all in my prayers. I will definitely post the results, whatever they may be. Love you all.
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  • Susan523
    Susan523 Member Posts: 231 Member
    we know exactly how you feel....
    plus you don't want to worry your family with this.

    Personally, I am so overly anxious, that I have the lab fax me my results on the day
    my blood is drawn. I can't wait for a doctor's appointment. It generally takes about 3 hours, and I can monitor my potassium & magnesium this way, too.

    Sometimes it's bad news, sometimes it's good, but it lets me know the facts and stop
    worrying and thinking about the 'upcoming appointment'.

    Best of luck to you. We all are hoping & praying that you are still NED!

    ~Susan xoxo
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    Susan523 said:

    we know exactly how you feel....
    plus you don't want to worry your family with this.

    Personally, I am so overly anxious, that I have the lab fax me my results on the day
    my blood is drawn. I can't wait for a doctor's appointment. It generally takes about 3 hours, and I can monitor my potassium & magnesium this way, too.

    Sometimes it's bad news, sometimes it's good, but it lets me know the facts and stop
    worrying and thinking about the 'upcoming appointment'.

    Best of luck to you. We all are hoping & praying that you are still NED!

    ~Susan xoxo

    I agree with Susan
    I agree with you Susan. It is the worry of waiting to hear the results. The results are what they are and we can't change that, but the anxiety of the wait is awful.

    I would rather know the facts as soon as I can then I can prepare for what ever needs to be done.

    Tina xx
  • hockeygolf7
    hockeygolf7 Member Posts: 52
    Hi everyone, I said I would
    Hi everyone, I said I would let you know the results after my 3 month checkup. Well all is good and I am still dancing with NED. My CA125 level did go up but only from a 2 to a 9. Everything seems to be fine for now. I will be breathing easier for the next few months til the next check up. Thank you all for your kind responses and your prayers. I continue to pray for all of you. I am feeling good enough now to plan a vacation. The smile on my husbands face was the best. Love you all.
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member

    Hi everyone, I said I would
    Hi everyone, I said I would let you know the results after my 3 month checkup. Well all is good and I am still dancing with NED. My CA125 level did go up but only from a 2 to a 9. Everything seems to be fine for now. I will be breathing easier for the next few months til the next check up. Thank you all for your kind responses and your prayers. I continue to pray for all of you. I am feeling good enough now to plan a vacation. The smile on my husbands face was the best. Love you all.

    wonderful news
    Dear Elaine, thank you for sharing your good news. I pray you continue to dance a long long dance with NED. Hugs Bonnie
  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
    BonnieR said:

    wonderful news
    Dear Elaine, thank you for sharing your good news. I pray you continue to dance a long long dance with NED. Hugs Bonnie

    Great news Elaine
    Elaine I am so glad for you