Ibuprophen and bad kidneys

smurfin57 Member Posts: 29
edited March 2014 in Kidney Cancer #1
I just wanted to ask any of you about your thoughts on using ibuprophen after being diagnosed with kidney cancer. I am having pain and thats what my General doctor has advised me to take. I am hearing that this is a bad idea? If I shouldn't take this what should I take? I am still waiting to talk to a specialist. Thanks Steve


  • alli_45242
    alli_45242 Member Posts: 14
    My doctor said to not take any nsaids (ibuprofen or aleve) and to only take tylenol occassionally.
  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,045 Member

    My doctor said to not take any nsaids (ibuprofen or aleve) and to only take tylenol occassionally.

    Kidney disease
    Hi- I've had one kidney removed due to cancer; my husband has Stage III kidney disease because he did not understand the mechanism of the kidneys and how everything we eat or drink is filtered thru the kidney. He finally cut out all the salt and his disease is stable for now. The only OTC that either of us take is Tylenol, which is allowed by the nephrologist, my oncologist and our primary physician.
  • TroVax106
    TroVax106 Member Posts: 4
    Ibuprofen and bad kidneys
    I only have one kidney after my fight with rcc and my doctor said ibuprofen is the worst thing you can do to your remaining kidney.
  • bigneil
    bigneil Member Posts: 6
    Ibuprophen and bad kidneys
    My Oncologist firmly told not to take anything which he hasn't prescribed. He is also a man who suggests no one should have to chase the pain and he has presribed me with some very powerful pain killers. If your Dr won't give you a prescription that will stop the pain, I would check with another Dr
  • pattymel
    pattymel Member Posts: 18
    ibuprofen use with kidney disease
    Ibuprofen should never be used in patient's with kidney disease because it is metabolized or processed through the kidneys and can cause damage with long-term use and especially it should not be used in patient's with one kidney only. Tylenol is metabolized or processed by the liver and bypasses the kidney totally, which is why it is recommended. There are also stronger forms of pain medication with tylenol in them that you can take. My husband takes Darvocet-N 100 and does great with it.
  • starman
    starman Member Posts: 15
    Steve, at first I was concerned about your doctors advice since EVERYONE says to stay away from ibuprofen and aspirin if you have one kidney, but then I re-read your post and perhaps you have kidney cancer but still have two kidneys? In that case I guess your doctor was right. But if not, and you lost a kidney, you might want to look for another doctor.