Fatty Patty (aka pattyanny) where are you???

Glenna M
Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Hi Patty,

I've been thinking about you nonstop since yesterday morning. Please post as soon as you can to let us all know how you are.

Hoping to do another Happy Dance today. I went to sleep early last night so I would have plenty of energy to dance all day ;-)

Stay strong my friend and remember He is always there for you.



  • pattyanny
    pattyanny Member Posts: 544
    Well..... Here I is!
    Ready? Set? .......DANCE! I found out yesterday that there was NO uptake in glucose!
    Nothing glowed on the Pet Scan - so I am clean 6 months out! (you may all do the Happy Dance now! Lets Dance! Whoo hoo! :-)--<
    I am awaiting the results of the CT scan, which the preliminary results showed something very small on the lungs. (Yikes!) The oncologist was not concerned, since it was not there in January, but will keep on eye on it.
    I was supposed to participate in the Gemini/MRI volunteer study of this new machine which combines the MRI & CT, but was rejected :( due to being too skinny! They said they needed
    people "with more body mass." LOL!
    Also - keep dancing everyone (it is very difficult to type and dance ya know!) I gained 13 pounds in 5 weeks!!!!
    Thank you all for your prayers, and kind words of support! I could not have done it w/o my CSN family. Thank you Glenna! ((HUGS)) Love & More Prayers, Fatty Patty
    Thank you Jesus!
    "I love the Lord, because He has heard
    My voice and my supplications
    Because He has inclined His ear to me,
    Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live." Psalm 116
  • Scambuster
    Scambuster Member Posts: 973
    pattyanny said:

    Well..... Here I is!
    Ready? Set? .......DANCE! I found out yesterday that there was NO uptake in glucose!
    Nothing glowed on the Pet Scan - so I am clean 6 months out! (you may all do the Happy Dance now! Lets Dance! Whoo hoo! :-)--<
    I am awaiting the results of the CT scan, which the preliminary results showed something very small on the lungs. (Yikes!) The oncologist was not concerned, since it was not there in January, but will keep on eye on it.
    I was supposed to participate in the Gemini/MRI volunteer study of this new machine which combines the MRI & CT, but was rejected :( due to being too skinny! They said they needed
    people "with more body mass." LOL!
    Also - keep dancing everyone (it is very difficult to type and dance ya know!) I gained 13 pounds in 5 weeks!!!!
    Thank you all for your prayers, and kind words of support! I could not have done it w/o my CSN family. Thank you Glenna! ((HUGS)) Love & More Prayers, Fatty Patty
    Thank you Jesus!
    "I love the Lord, because He has heard
    My voice and my supplications
    Because He has inclined His ear to me,
    Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live." Psalm 116

    Yi Hoooo !!
    Well done Patty and Glenna. Very happy for you both to have the GOOD news !!
    Big Hugs
  • soccerfreaks
    soccerfreaks Member Posts: 2,788 Member
    pattyanny said:

    Well..... Here I is!
    Ready? Set? .......DANCE! I found out yesterday that there was NO uptake in glucose!
    Nothing glowed on the Pet Scan - so I am clean 6 months out! (you may all do the Happy Dance now! Lets Dance! Whoo hoo! :-)--<
    I am awaiting the results of the CT scan, which the preliminary results showed something very small on the lungs. (Yikes!) The oncologist was not concerned, since it was not there in January, but will keep on eye on it.
    I was supposed to participate in the Gemini/MRI volunteer study of this new machine which combines the MRI & CT, but was rejected :( due to being too skinny! They said they needed
    people "with more body mass." LOL!
    Also - keep dancing everyone (it is very difficult to type and dance ya know!) I gained 13 pounds in 5 weeks!!!!
    Thank you all for your prayers, and kind words of support! I could not have done it w/o my CSN family. Thank you Glenna! ((HUGS)) Love & More Prayers, Fatty Patty
    Thank you Jesus!
    "I love the Lord, because He has heard
    My voice and my supplications
    Because He has inclined His ear to me,
    Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live." Psalm 116

    Congratulations, Patty, on all counts!

    Take care,

  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    pattyanny said:

    Well..... Here I is!
    Ready? Set? .......DANCE! I found out yesterday that there was NO uptake in glucose!
    Nothing glowed on the Pet Scan - so I am clean 6 months out! (you may all do the Happy Dance now! Lets Dance! Whoo hoo! :-)--<
    I am awaiting the results of the CT scan, which the preliminary results showed something very small on the lungs. (Yikes!) The oncologist was not concerned, since it was not there in January, but will keep on eye on it.
    I was supposed to participate in the Gemini/MRI volunteer study of this new machine which combines the MRI & CT, but was rejected :( due to being too skinny! They said they needed
    people "with more body mass." LOL!
    Also - keep dancing everyone (it is very difficult to type and dance ya know!) I gained 13 pounds in 5 weeks!!!!
    Thank you all for your prayers, and kind words of support! I could not have done it w/o my CSN family. Thank you Glenna! ((HUGS)) Love & More Prayers, Fatty Patty
    Thank you Jesus!
    "I love the Lord, because He has heard
    My voice and my supplications
    Because He has inclined His ear to me,
    Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live." Psalm 116

    Too skinny??????
    LOL - You gained 13 pounds in 5 weeks and their calling you skinny ;-)

    I am so relieved to finally hear your good news, I felt almost as anxious as I would if it were my results I was waiting for. Your good news really made this a perfect day for me.

    Don't spend too much time worrying about the small spot on your lung. When they did my first CT scan for my left lung they also found a small spot on my right lung, my doctor told me he was not concerned, he was quite sure it wasn't cancer but they will check it each time they do a scan.

    Do you realize that you have people dancing all across the country? I never really thought about it before but we have all made friends from all over the country so you have started a nationwide happy dance ;-)

    (((((Big, Big Hug))))

    Love and prayers to you Fatty Patty,
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Glenna M said:

    Too skinny??????
    LOL - You gained 13 pounds in 5 weeks and their calling you skinny ;-)

    I am so relieved to finally hear your good news, I felt almost as anxious as I would if it were my results I was waiting for. Your good news really made this a perfect day for me.

    Don't spend too much time worrying about the small spot on your lung. When they did my first CT scan for my left lung they also found a small spot on my right lung, my doctor told me he was not concerned, he was quite sure it wasn't cancer but they will check it each time they do a scan.

    Do you realize that you have people dancing all across the country? I never really thought about it before but we have all made friends from all over the country so you have started a nationwide happy dance ;-)

    (((((Big, Big Hug))))

    Love and prayers to you Fatty Patty,

    Joining in the Dance
    Great news - thanks for sharing. I had a one-month CAT scan last week - results came back Monday - no tumors detected. Here's to more clean checks for us all. I have another CAT and my first post-treatment PET in June.
  • stevenl
    stevenl Member Posts: 587
    Pam M said:

    Joining in the Dance
    Great news - thanks for sharing. I had a one-month CAT scan last week - results came back Monday - no tumors detected. Here's to more clean checks for us all. I have another CAT and my first post-treatment PET in June.

    The dance
    Hey Patty,

    Dancin here too!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!

  • delnative
    delnative Member Posts: 450 Member
    stevenl said:

    The dance
    Hey Patty,

    Dancin here too!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!


    Oh, that is such good news!
    Prayer works.
    'Nuff said.

    --Jim (doing the Snoopy Dance) in Delaware
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    pattyanny said:

    Well..... Here I is!
    Ready? Set? .......DANCE! I found out yesterday that there was NO uptake in glucose!
    Nothing glowed on the Pet Scan - so I am clean 6 months out! (you may all do the Happy Dance now! Lets Dance! Whoo hoo! :-)--<
    I am awaiting the results of the CT scan, which the preliminary results showed something very small on the lungs. (Yikes!) The oncologist was not concerned, since it was not there in January, but will keep on eye on it.
    I was supposed to participate in the Gemini/MRI volunteer study of this new machine which combines the MRI & CT, but was rejected :( due to being too skinny! They said they needed
    people "with more body mass." LOL!
    Also - keep dancing everyone (it is very difficult to type and dance ya know!) I gained 13 pounds in 5 weeks!!!!
    Thank you all for your prayers, and kind words of support! I could not have done it w/o my CSN family. Thank you Glenna! ((HUGS)) Love & More Prayers, Fatty Patty
    Thank you Jesus!
    "I love the Lord, because He has heard
    My voice and my supplications
    Because He has inclined His ear to me,
    Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live." Psalm 116


    Congratulations on the good news patty, the happy dancer is starting now….
  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720
    Hondo said:


    Congratulations on the good news patty, the happy dancer is starting now….

    Dancing in Montana with the
    Dancing in Montana with the cat!
  • pattyanny
    pattyanny Member Posts: 544
    pattyanny said:

    Well..... Here I is!
    Ready? Set? .......DANCE! I found out yesterday that there was NO uptake in glucose!
    Nothing glowed on the Pet Scan - so I am clean 6 months out! (you may all do the Happy Dance now! Lets Dance! Whoo hoo! :-)--<
    I am awaiting the results of the CT scan, which the preliminary results showed something very small on the lungs. (Yikes!) The oncologist was not concerned, since it was not there in January, but will keep on eye on it.
    I was supposed to participate in the Gemini/MRI volunteer study of this new machine which combines the MRI & CT, but was rejected :( due to being too skinny! They said they needed
    people "with more body mass." LOL!
    Also - keep dancing everyone (it is very difficult to type and dance ya know!) I gained 13 pounds in 5 weeks!!!!
    Thank you all for your prayers, and kind words of support! I could not have done it w/o my CSN family. Thank you Glenna! ((HUGS)) Love & More Prayers, Fatty Patty
    Thank you Jesus!
    "I love the Lord, because He has heard
    My voice and my supplications
    Because He has inclined His ear to me,
    Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live." Psalm 116

    You are all great friends!
    Hi all,
    Sorry I have not been on lately, but I am so glad we had this chance to do the Happy Dance" together, all over the country! Lol! I am happy, but have leg cramps today!
    I appreciate the good wishes, the prayers, and the humor, which got me thru to this point. I have learned not to look back, not to look too far ahead, but live in the moment.
    All of you here are exceptional people, and although this disease sucks, it has humbled me, brought me closer to the Lord, made a wimp into a fighter,and best of all, brought people (yes YOU!) into my life that I would never have had shared so many emotions! I have learned so much from each of you.
    I am on my way to the Nursing Home to take care of Mom. Her birthday is tomorrow (81!), and the weekend crew stinks. I showed up last nite at 6:30 pm, and she was out of the wheelchair, off her O2, getting dressed, in the bathroom by herself. All Illegal moves!
    She is a prime candidate for a fall, and a broken hip. I will be at the Administrators Office today. as I keep a journal on all names, and comments made from staff. (Something else you all have taught me to do - document!) Soon they will have my picture posted on at the entrance with a big X thru it! Hee hee!
    I thank God with her dementia & Alzhemers, she has forgotten my circumstances. Another blessing! :)
    May God bless you all, and know how precious each one of you are to me! Love & Prayers, Patty
  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    pattyanny said:

    You are all great friends!
    Hi all,
    Sorry I have not been on lately, but I am so glad we had this chance to do the Happy Dance" together, all over the country! Lol! I am happy, but have leg cramps today!
    I appreciate the good wishes, the prayers, and the humor, which got me thru to this point. I have learned not to look back, not to look too far ahead, but live in the moment.
    All of you here are exceptional people, and although this disease sucks, it has humbled me, brought me closer to the Lord, made a wimp into a fighter,and best of all, brought people (yes YOU!) into my life that I would never have had shared so many emotions! I have learned so much from each of you.
    I am on my way to the Nursing Home to take care of Mom. Her birthday is tomorrow (81!), and the weekend crew stinks. I showed up last nite at 6:30 pm, and she was out of the wheelchair, off her O2, getting dressed, in the bathroom by herself. All Illegal moves!
    She is a prime candidate for a fall, and a broken hip. I will be at the Administrators Office today. as I keep a journal on all names, and comments made from staff. (Something else you all have taught me to do - document!) Soon they will have my picture posted on at the entrance with a big X thru it! Hee hee!
    I thank God with her dementia & Alzhemers, she has forgotten my circumstances. Another blessing! :)
    May God bless you all, and know how precious each one of you are to me! Love & Prayers, Patty

    Leg cramps ;-)
    I can't even walk today from all of the dancing I have done lately but I am so happy to have a reason to dance for you.

    I understand what you are going through with your mother. My mother also had Alzheimer's and it was really hard on all of my family but at times (one of my brothers died of cancer and another was diagnosed with cancer) it was a blessing when she didn't understand things or forgot them immediately. She couldn't remember any of us (she had 6 kids) near the end but the day before she passed away we were all called to the hospital to make a decision on whether to try to save her or let her slip peacefully away. All 6 of us made it to the hospital to visit her and she was more lucid than ever and called us all by our names. She passed away later that night, we all swear she did this so we wouldn't have to make that horrible decision. At least we had the wonderful feeling that she knew all of us in the end and that she was now with our father and brother.

    Give 'em *ell today and don't let them walk all over you. Unfortunately there are good and bad people in all nursing homes so you have to be very vigilant in your mothers behalf to make sure the bad ones are weeded out. I know they can't be in the patients room 24/7 but my mother fell and broke her hip and developed pneumonia while she was in the hospital which never completely cleared up and flared up occasionally for the next couple of years.

    I never look back either, a good friend told me not to spend my life looking through the rear view mirror at what used to be, instead look out the windshield at what can be. I told him I was going to tear my mirror off and never look back.

    It's okay if they put your picture with an X through it at the nursing home as long as they don't post your picture at the Post Office - LOL

    God bless you also Patty, you are always in my prayers.

    Take care my friend and keep us posted on your battle with the nursing home.
  • pattyanny
    pattyanny Member Posts: 544
    Glenna M said:

    Leg cramps ;-)
    I can't even walk today from all of the dancing I have done lately but I am so happy to have a reason to dance for you.

    I understand what you are going through with your mother. My mother also had Alzheimer's and it was really hard on all of my family but at times (one of my brothers died of cancer and another was diagnosed with cancer) it was a blessing when she didn't understand things or forgot them immediately. She couldn't remember any of us (she had 6 kids) near the end but the day before she passed away we were all called to the hospital to make a decision on whether to try to save her or let her slip peacefully away. All 6 of us made it to the hospital to visit her and she was more lucid than ever and called us all by our names. She passed away later that night, we all swear she did this so we wouldn't have to make that horrible decision. At least we had the wonderful feeling that she knew all of us in the end and that she was now with our father and brother.

    Give 'em *ell today and don't let them walk all over you. Unfortunately there are good and bad people in all nursing homes so you have to be very vigilant in your mothers behalf to make sure the bad ones are weeded out. I know they can't be in the patients room 24/7 but my mother fell and broke her hip and developed pneumonia while she was in the hospital which never completely cleared up and flared up occasionally for the next couple of years.

    I never look back either, a good friend told me not to spend my life looking through the rear view mirror at what used to be, instead look out the windshield at what can be. I told him I was going to tear my mirror off and never look back.

    It's okay if they put your picture with an X through it at the nursing home as long as they don't post your picture at the Post Office - LOL

    God bless you also Patty, you are always in my prayers.

    Take care my friend and keep us posted on your battle with the nursing home.

    LMBO Glenna!
    So sorry to here about your Mom, and fully sympathize and understand. I can only hope my Mom goes peacefully in her sleep, as yours did, since the Drs. say it is a matter of time.
    Mom was admitted Easter Sunday with pneumonia. She was on BPAC to force her to breathe, and on morphine for a small heart attack. She did not open her eyes for 4 days, and we refused the feeding tube (Mom's wishes). The Dr said they would keep her comfortable, until the end. We prepared our hearts, had lunch and returned to her bedside. After taking off her mask, cleaning and lotioning, she opened her eyes! OMG! "What am I doing here?" she asks.
    I thought we would faint! Even the Dr. ran out and called the nurses in saying "You gotta see this!" He was shocked! Lazarus! Lol! So glad we did not call our brothers who would have labeled us "hysterical females" We took pictures b4 and after, she was sitting up eating her tray of food! Tough Irish - what can I say?
    My 1 brother has not been to see her at all (in 2 yrs), and my other brother has visited 2X. Thank God for my Sis who lives 2 hours away, has a severe back injury, and comes every week. We make a great tag team since she is an RN, and can follow up medically with the staff. She will be calling Administration today with all her complaints, concerns, and names of staff who were not doing there job. I am the financial person, trying to guard what little money she has left after working for 25 years! Continued.....
  • pattyanny
    pattyanny Member Posts: 544
    pattyanny said:

    LMBO Glenna!
    So sorry to here about your Mom, and fully sympathize and understand. I can only hope my Mom goes peacefully in her sleep, as yours did, since the Drs. say it is a matter of time.
    Mom was admitted Easter Sunday with pneumonia. She was on BPAC to force her to breathe, and on morphine for a small heart attack. She did not open her eyes for 4 days, and we refused the feeding tube (Mom's wishes). The Dr said they would keep her comfortable, until the end. We prepared our hearts, had lunch and returned to her bedside. After taking off her mask, cleaning and lotioning, she opened her eyes! OMG! "What am I doing here?" she asks.
    I thought we would faint! Even the Dr. ran out and called the nurses in saying "You gotta see this!" He was shocked! Lazarus! Lol! So glad we did not call our brothers who would have labeled us "hysterical females" We took pictures b4 and after, she was sitting up eating her tray of food! Tough Irish - what can I say?
    My 1 brother has not been to see her at all (in 2 yrs), and my other brother has visited 2X. Thank God for my Sis who lives 2 hours away, has a severe back injury, and comes every week. We make a great tag team since she is an RN, and can follow up medically with the staff. She will be calling Administration today with all her complaints, concerns, and names of staff who were not doing there job. I am the financial person, trying to guard what little money she has left after working for 25 years! Continued.....

    Glenna (continued)
    I know am meant to take care of her now, and Sis and I are doing all we can to make her happy. I know I will not look back and be sorry in this instance, cause we are doing the best job we can possibly do.
    Thank you for your support, prayers, and words of wisdom! You have become a true friend.
    I hope you have rested up from all that dancing! Lol!
    You are in my prayers, as always. I am especially worried about Mike and Sweetblood. May
    the peace and healing of the Lord be them! God bless Glenna, and keep pressing forward!
    We are exceptional woman who can overcome anything! Love, Patty
  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    pattyanny said:

    Glenna (continued)
    I know am meant to take care of her now, and Sis and I are doing all we can to make her happy. I know I will not look back and be sorry in this instance, cause we are doing the best job we can possibly do.
    Thank you for your support, prayers, and words of wisdom! You have become a true friend.
    I hope you have rested up from all that dancing! Lol!
    You are in my prayers, as always. I am especially worried about Mike and Sweetblood. May
    the peace and healing of the Lord be them! God bless Glenna, and keep pressing forward!
    We are exceptional woman who can overcome anything! Love, Patty

    Love the new pic!!!
    You look awesome!!! Your new picture is fabulous, I wouldn't call you Fatty Patty - LOL - you look like you are at the perfect weight.

    The story about your mom is incredible, it gave me chills. I find it hard to believe that it was just coincidence that this happened on Easter weekend. God definitely has other plans for your mother. Tough Irish is good, that's probably where you get your fighting spirit.

    I'm glad you have your sister to help you even though it must be hard on her with her back problems. You are right, you will never have reason to feel guilty as you have always been there for your mother and she is blessed to have a daughter like you.

    I've also been worried about Mike and Sweetblood, Mike seems to be doing a little better but I haven't seen any posts from Sweetblood since she posted about her concern that she may have breast cancer. My heart definitely goes out to both of them and I say an extra prayer for them each day.

    As always, you are in my prayers daily and yes, we ARE exceptional women in so many ways, not just our battle with cancer but our faith and love of family are exceptional also. I consider myself lucky to have such a wonderful friend.

    Stay strong and keep up the good fight. Love and (((cyber hugs))) to you.
  • pattyanny
    pattyanny Member Posts: 544
    Glenna M said:

    Love the new pic!!!
    You look awesome!!! Your new picture is fabulous, I wouldn't call you Fatty Patty - LOL - you look like you are at the perfect weight.

    The story about your mom is incredible, it gave me chills. I find it hard to believe that it was just coincidence that this happened on Easter weekend. God definitely has other plans for your mother. Tough Irish is good, that's probably where you get your fighting spirit.

    I'm glad you have your sister to help you even though it must be hard on her with her back problems. You are right, you will never have reason to feel guilty as you have always been there for your mother and she is blessed to have a daughter like you.

    I've also been worried about Mike and Sweetblood, Mike seems to be doing a little better but I haven't seen any posts from Sweetblood since she posted about her concern that she may have breast cancer. My heart definitely goes out to both of them and I say an extra prayer for them each day.

    As always, you are in my prayers daily and yes, we ARE exceptional women in so many ways, not just our battle with cancer but our faith and love of family are exceptional also. I consider myself lucky to have such a wonderful friend.

    Stay strong and keep up the good fight. Love and (((cyber hugs))) to you.

    Just gotta say.....
    Thanks Glenna! You are so exceptional, and spiritual, and supportive! Just got home after Nursing Home. Mom's Birthday. She looked fantastic, and had a great day. I am drained. Talk tomorrow - stay strong, I need you by my side! My heart is full, Love Patty, trying to get Fatty! Lol!
  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    pattyanny said:

    Just gotta say.....
    Thanks Glenna! You are so exceptional, and spiritual, and supportive! Just got home after Nursing Home. Mom's Birthday. She looked fantastic, and had a great day. I am drained. Talk tomorrow - stay strong, I need you by my side! My heart is full, Love Patty, trying to get Fatty! Lol!

    You'll never be Fatty - LOL
    Happy to hear your mother had such a wonderful day for her birthday and that you were able to celebrate with her. Certainly hope you were able to get a good nights rest, you don't want to wear yourself down and lose any of those hard earned pounds ;-) I went out to brunch with my 3 sisters yesterday, it's the first time we have all been able to get together in over 10 years because one of my sisters has been moving all over the country lately. She finally decided to come back to NH to live so we celebrated. It was a fantastic day but hard to talk much when you have 4 women together - lol.

    You never have to worry Patty, I will always be by your side and I know I will always be able to count on you.

    Love and Big Hugs to you, Glenna
  • pattyanny
    pattyanny Member Posts: 544
    Glenna M said:

    You'll never be Fatty - LOL
    Happy to hear your mother had such a wonderful day for her birthday and that you were able to celebrate with her. Certainly hope you were able to get a good nights rest, you don't want to wear yourself down and lose any of those hard earned pounds ;-) I went out to brunch with my 3 sisters yesterday, it's the first time we have all been able to get together in over 10 years because one of my sisters has been moving all over the country lately. She finally decided to come back to NH to live so we celebrated. It was a fantastic day but hard to talk much when you have 4 women together - lol.

    You never have to worry Patty, I will always be by your side and I know I will always be able to count on you.

    Love and Big Hugs to you, Glenna

    Sounds like a wonderful Sisterhood Day! Glad your sister is back so you can share many more days like that! It really renews the spirit! Thanks for always being there for me.
    You are a special person Glenna! Love, Hugs, & Prayers, Patty