My friend Dana

Sharon_D Member Posts: 55
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My friend Dana won her battle against cancer last night around midnight. She's dancing in Heaven now where there is no suffering or pain. She won!

She had kidney cancer that spread through out her body, but she refused to fight. She gave up from the very beginning.

I'll miss her but she's so happy now.


  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Oh Sharon, I am so very
    Oh Sharon, I am so very sorry.I guess she did it the way she wanted to. I'm glad your happy for her. Hugs
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Prayers for Dana...
    May she, now free of disease and all pain, rest in peace.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Sharon_D
    Sharon_D Member Posts: 55

    Prayers for Dana...
    May she, now free of disease and all pain, rest in peace.

    Kind regards, Susan

    I wouldn't exactly say that I am "happy for her". We are two totally different people with totally different outlooks. To me, NOT fighting is not an option. I have fought so very hard the last year to get to where I am now, it makes me furious to see someone who just gives up and refuses to try.

    She missed dr appointments, she didn't show up for her treatments and she fought with her oncologist! But she didn't fight the cancer. If she had put half of that energy into fighting the cancer, she might have had a totally different outcome. She was only 48 yrs old!

    I am so angry with her, I couldn't even go to her funeral, but SHE wanted it that way and now she is happy. Not me, but that's just me.
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear your friend's story. It must have been heart-wrenching for you to watch her go through that.

    You just keep on fighting. You obviously know how hard it would be on your friends, let alone your family, to lose you.

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Prayers for Dana...
    May she, now free of disease and all pain, rest in peace.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Sending prayers for Dana! I
    Sending prayers for Dana! I am so sorry
  • Fabu
    Fabu Member Posts: 29
    Sharon_D said:

    I wouldn't exactly say that I am "happy for her". We are two totally different people with totally different outlooks. To me, NOT fighting is not an option. I have fought so very hard the last year to get to where I am now, it makes me furious to see someone who just gives up and refuses to try.

    She missed dr appointments, she didn't show up for her treatments and she fought with her oncologist! But she didn't fight the cancer. If she had put half of that energy into fighting the cancer, she might have had a totally different outcome. She was only 48 yrs old!

    I am so angry with her, I couldn't even go to her funeral, but SHE wanted it that way and now she is happy. Not me, but that's just me.

    I am so sorry!! I can only imagine how painful this must be for you. It must have been very frustrating watching Dana and not being able to "make" her fight. She did what she wanted as we all must.

    God bless you.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Sharon_D said:

    I wouldn't exactly say that I am "happy for her". We are two totally different people with totally different outlooks. To me, NOT fighting is not an option. I have fought so very hard the last year to get to where I am now, it makes me furious to see someone who just gives up and refuses to try.

    She missed dr appointments, she didn't show up for her treatments and she fought with her oncologist! But she didn't fight the cancer. If she had put half of that energy into fighting the cancer, she might have had a totally different outcome. She was only 48 yrs old!

    I am so angry with her, I couldn't even go to her funeral, but SHE wanted it that way and now she is happy. Not me, but that's just me.

    She is now free and with
    She is now free and with God! Very sorry for your loss