Any one take Chemo pill Capecitabine

Chrispea Member Posts: 123 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I might be jumping the gun here, but prior to my surgery, my oncologist said that I might need more chemo, and if so, it would be this pill.

My lump did not shrink. In fact, it grew from 4 cm to 7 cm. (sucks huh?)

I had my mastectomy on April 1st, and 8 out of 15 lymphodes were positive... all this AFTER chemo. Totally sucks.

I'm really glad that it's all out of me, but like I said, the surgeon is pretty sure I'll need more chemo after my oncologist reads the new pathology report.

I asked the surgeon why didn't they take the lump out back in September... then it wouldn't have grown and spread to the lymphnodes. In September they were pretty clear, there was one that lit up...

Her reply was that had they did it that way, I would have gotten the chemo anyway (which I knew) but they wouldn't have known that it didn't work, and a year from now I could have gotten the cancer back.

So, in a weird way, I guess it's a good thing that this happened.

They also mentioned that they can grow my tumor in a lab, then see which chemo works best on it. I don't know if my onc will do this or not. Seems better to me than giving me all different kinds of chemo.

I was just wondering if anyone on the board has to take or has taken capecitabine???



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Sorry that Chemo did not work as it was thought. Hopefully another round will be more efficacious and take care of cancer. If they have technology to test Chemo drugs against your tumor I would insist of doing it. Especially since your tumor was resistant to the standard treatment. I had surgery before Chemo, so yea we do not know was it responsive to the drugs or not. Still believe that psychological it was better for me.
    Wishing you the best.
    New Flower