plastic surgeon consult & reconstruction

jphilpo Member Posts: 177
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just needed to hear that I am not alone! ( I know you guys will help with that)! I have my pl consult next week , my oncoligist visit & surgeon consult. This is all in preperation for my possible right breast mastectomy & tram flap surgery this summer. I already had a left mastectomy, chemo & rads. I will be a year into all this in July. I am SO nervous about another upcoming surgery, but I know I need to have the other mastectomy. I am new on Femara , so that makes me very emotional. I am SO ready to get this behind me! I can't help but think about it every day. Thanks for listening.


  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    You are most definatately
    You are most definatately not alone. You have many sisters, and brothers, right by your side. Unfortunately, you have already been down this road. The good news is that you know that you can do it. It's just actually going through it again that's hard. Know that we will be here to support and encourage you as you need. You are in my thoughts and I'm hoping for some relief for you very soon!! Take care.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    MyTurnNow said:

    You are most definatately
    You are most definatately not alone. You have many sisters, and brothers, right by your side. Unfortunately, you have already been down this road. The good news is that you know that you can do it. It's just actually going through it again that's hard. Know that we will be here to support and encourage you as you need. You are in my thoughts and I'm hoping for some relief for you very soon!! Take care.

    Like MyTurnNow said, you are
    Like MyTurnNow said, you are never alone. We are here for you, day and night. You have been thru this before, unfortunately, so, you know you can do it. We are here to support and to help you to get thru this time too. Praying for you and sending you hugs!
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    So let me understand this
    So let me understand this better... when you had the first mastectomy, did you have immediate reconstruction? And now you want to have the other removed and reconstructed as well? I had only the one removed, and actually wanted both done, but my surgeon talked me out of it. The more I have thought about it, the more I am considering having it done at the same time I go for reconstruction. Was just wondering if we're in the same boat is all.
  • n01kar
    n01kar Member Posts: 26
    Marlene_K said:

    So let me understand this
    So let me understand this better... when you had the first mastectomy, did you have immediate reconstruction? And now you want to have the other removed and reconstructed as well? I had only the one removed, and actually wanted both done, but my surgeon talked me out of it. The more I have thought about it, the more I am considering having it done at the same time I go for reconstruction. Was just wondering if we're in the same boat is all.

    if i knew...
    Hi Marlene, if i knew what iknew today , i would have gone for a bilateral mastectomy. I had my 1 st mastectomy and opted for immediate reconstruction 6 yrs ago (2003). Last october, i was diagnosed with bc again. This time around, i was not a candidate for a lumpectomy, my only option was a masectomy. I again opted for immediate reconstruction. I have had numerous problems this time a round with the reconstruction. I think us women, hold on to our breasts as a means of remaining as feminine as possible under the circumstances, and sometimes that gets into our decision making process, which is not always in our best interest.

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    Wishing you good luck with
    Wishing you good luck with your consultation with your doctors. Let us know how you are doing.