Just the beginning the FIGHT

Jenni1010 Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
We are a little over a month into the beginning of this fight. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and last week had a mastectomy. They took the lymphnodes too. Well the news today is that 5 of the 7 were cancerous. So now withink 3 weeks she will begin chemo therapy. She's scared, we are all scared. The numb feeling is like being lost in an ocean and no one can hear me scream. I would like to find some ways to help my mom thru this with dignity and respect. She's been here for me all my life now i am stepping up for her...


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    It's good your mom has you
    It's good your mom has you to help her through treatment. One thing treatment does is cause fatigue. If you help her with cleaning or meals when she is ill it would be a real help. If you have time go with her to treatments. I had to have someone drive me to chemo because I couldn't drive home. Radiation was different and I could drive myself. If you have any specific questions then ask. There is always someone with the experience to answer. Try not to get stressed out and make sure you take care of yourself also.
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    Of Course
    Jenni - Of course you, your Mom and your whole family are scared. That's normal. The hardest part of the whole thing for me was having to tell my two daughters, both in their late twenties at the time of my dx. Both lived about 6 hours away from me. The youngest, having no kids, took several days off work and was here when my husband brought me home from the hospital. Just having her here,lifted my spirits but she also cooked and left the house spotless for me. Three weeks later, my oldest daughter, her husband and the two grandchildren came and again, lifted my spirits just by being here. Knowing they all cared to take time out of their busy schedules meant the world to me. I can tell that you are the same, thoughtful and caring, and just by the little things, your mother will know that you are there for her. Sometimes you will just need to listen and other times you can do something like be there at an appointment or help her with little things that need to be done. You can be your mother's advocate if need be with the doctors.

    This board is filled with caring people and good advice. I didn't have chemo so I can't help you there but others can give you info. I will keep you and your mother in my prayers.
    Hugs, Sally
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Jenni, first of all, welcome
    Jenni, first of all, welcome to this site of amazing members. You are going to be a tremendous help to your mom, I can tell just by your searching for information to help her through her journey. Please know that having chemo is not a death sentenance. I had 4 rounds of taxotere and cytoxan. The worst side effect for me was the total loss of my hair. I know that probably sounds vain in the scheme of things, but it truly did effect me. I was not sick one time and managed to work throughout my treatment. I had my treatments on Thursday and took that day and Friday off from work and returned on Monday. I also continued to exercise, with the approval of my oncologist. Some days were better than others but it was good for me mentally and physically. My point is that chemo nowadays is not like we have seen in the movies or perhaps experienced years ago, it is now very do-able. Prior to even beginning the infusion, there are pre-meds given to hopefully avoid some of the nasty effects. Also, there is an arsenal of drugs available to combat any side effects experienced. Continue to post and we'll be here to help you help your mom through her journey. Take care.

    P.S. You might want to even suggest that your mom join us!!
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Just wanted to welcome you to the site. You are in good company here. I agree with what the ladies here have said. I think the most important thing for your mom is for you to just be there for her, when she is sad, when she cries, when she needs a hug those kinds of things. I know my mom did that for me when I went through my chemo. One time she let me put my hot forehead on her cold skin so I could cool down. It's those little things that turn out to be the most important.

    Stay on the site and hollar when you need us.

    Owe, be sure to take care of yourself, too. If you get rundown or get into a funk, you won't be very helpful to your mom.

    Take care,

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Marcia527 said:

    It's good your mom has you
    It's good your mom has you to help her through treatment. One thing treatment does is cause fatigue. If you help her with cleaning or meals when she is ill it would be a real help. If you have time go with her to treatments. I had to have someone drive me to chemo because I couldn't drive home. Radiation was different and I could drive myself. If you have any specific questions then ask. There is always someone with the experience to answer. Try not to get stressed out and make sure you take care of yourself also.

    I agree with Marcia.
    I agree with Marcia. Anything you can do to help your Mom would be great. Clean her house, do her grocery shopping, give her backrubs, just anything that will relieve her of any other stress. Good luck to your Mom and you!