Do you think a Dr. would let me do one less week of Rads than supposed to?



  • JillyB
    JillyB Member Posts: 50
    Rague said:

    Have you talked about
    Have you talked about starting earlier? You said that you were done with chemo - i know we are all different but I started rads one week to the day after my last Taxol - so it's a thought to ask about. Or ask about putting it off til you're back from vacation?

    Someone mentioned asking about doubling up - that would scare me BIG time - potential of BAD burns that could prevent you from going on the vacation all together. 5 weeks ago I finished 25 rads (no boosters) and the last 3 really burned me BAD - I still have sores though most of the area is basically healed finally. I wouldn't have been able to have enjoyed anything that you want to - the pools/etc. as for the first 3 weeks the entire radiation area was an open burn.

    I had no problems with fatigue while doing rads - no i wasn't up to what I was before all this started last Aug but every day got better. If I did too much and got tired a nice little snooze took care of it.

    Talk to your Drs - they are the ones that know YOUR case/situtation!

    Enjoy getting away.

    Hi everyone,
    Thank you so much. I have my appointment with the Rad. Onc. tomorrow and will thoroughly discuss this with him. I know I would be very tired the first week and wasn't planning on going to the steam room burnt. I ddint'n know the last week was a big push. But I also didnt know maybe I could double up a couple of weeks, and start early. I DO NOT want to compromise my TReatment, as it was very aggressive/advanced. It's just time. And money. I hate money. And it would be so different if I wasn't 36 living with my parents thru this.WHich I am so grateful for, but so need to get away from when it hits me what just happened when I am done. I will let you all know what happens when I get back from teh Dr. tomorrow. Hopefully we can work something out. I have been obsesseed with this. And I apologize for not writing back sooner. This month between has been crazy with appointments. I also had back surgery last year that went wrong,so I have been taking care of that, as in the past few months, probably because of so much sleeping and laying down, it has gotten much worse and the pain is almost unbearable. But that's that.
    Again, thank you all so much. I didn't mean to come across as a brat that just wanted to go on vacation. I feel like I did. I am just a mess, as i am sure you all know what that means and feels like, and I just don't want to be HERE when I inevitably go through the gammet of emotions when the Treatment is truly over.....September is an option, I just don't know how a new job will feel about that, or where I will be living, or anything at all! lol.....
    Can't wait to find out myself actually....
    Love to all,
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    JillyB said:

    Hi everyone,
    Thank you so much. I have my appointment with the Rad. Onc. tomorrow and will thoroughly discuss this with him. I know I would be very tired the first week and wasn't planning on going to the steam room burnt. I ddint'n know the last week was a big push. But I also didnt know maybe I could double up a couple of weeks, and start early. I DO NOT want to compromise my TReatment, as it was very aggressive/advanced. It's just time. And money. I hate money. And it would be so different if I wasn't 36 living with my parents thru this.WHich I am so grateful for, but so need to get away from when it hits me what just happened when I am done. I will let you all know what happens when I get back from teh Dr. tomorrow. Hopefully we can work something out. I have been obsesseed with this. And I apologize for not writing back sooner. This month between has been crazy with appointments. I also had back surgery last year that went wrong,so I have been taking care of that, as in the past few months, probably because of so much sleeping and laying down, it has gotten much worse and the pain is almost unbearable. But that's that.
    Again, thank you all so much. I didn't mean to come across as a brat that just wanted to go on vacation. I feel like I did. I am just a mess, as i am sure you all know what that means and feels like, and I just don't want to be HERE when I inevitably go through the gammet of emotions when the Treatment is truly over.....September is an option, I just don't know how a new job will feel about that, or where I will be living, or anything at all! lol.....
    Can't wait to find out myself actually....
    Love to all,

    Good luck with your rads
    Good luck with your rads appointment. I hope he can either set your treatment up a week earlier for you or ease your mind with your questions.

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    MAJW said:


    Personally I would ask your oncologist and radiologist about starting your rads one week EARLIER......I only had to wait 2 1/2 weeks from finishing chemo to starting radiation.....I was an eager beaver in wanting ALL treatment over others have stated the fatigue factor set in about week 4, but I found that fatigue less debilating than the chemo fatigue......I was very fortunate, I did not burn badly at all......turned really pink, then the last 7 boosters turned the tumor area VERY RED......I was ever so faithful during radiation to use the creams that I was given.........I put it on 4 times a day, starting immediately after each treatment, before I got redressed......I NEVER failed to do this....A lot also depends on your skin tone......I tan easily....You probably will be advised to SKIP the sauna and steam baths...You don't want ANYTHING that warm on the radiated is very tender and sensitive...Fair people have a much harder time, I
    believe...EVERYONE is different and reacts differently.....But again, I would ask about starting a week earlier rather than skipping the last week.......I don't think your radiation oncologist would recommend that at all.....but it is your decision.....I think MIMIVAC gave some really sound advice, especially being as young as you are......You don't want any regrets down the road.......

    I wish you the best in making your decision.......and when EVER you go on your vacation, I hope you have a wonderful, peaceful, restorative time!

    I hope that your appointment
    I hope that your appointment is what you want and that you can start early or maybe just postpone your vacation a week. Rads are an important part of treatment. Good luck!

  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    jnl said:

    Good luck with your rads
    Good luck with your rads appointment. I hope he can either set your treatment up a week earlier for you or ease your mind with your questions.


    Let us know what happened.
    I'm curious as to if they are flexible with the rads. I will finish up at the end of this month, but will take a day or two off for my daughter's graduation from college. I haven't even broached the subject yet, but I'll be following this to see what your dr says.
    Good luck and God bless.
  • JillyB
    JillyB Member Posts: 50
    Mama G said:

    Let us know what happened.
    I'm curious as to if they are flexible with the rads. I will finish up at the end of this month, but will take a day or two off for my daughter's graduation from college. I haven't even broached the subject yet, but I'll be following this to see what your dr says.
    Good luck and God bless.

    HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED at the appointment
    OMG! I just wrote this whole thing explainging everything, and then I pressed Preview, and it all disappeared! I am fuming. I can't write that again, it took like 1/2 hour! So for now, I'll just do the Rads Onc.Doctor appointment. He agreed to do 2 weeks earlier, so I end on June 2nd. It was such an easy conversation. He was so comfortable to be with. He talked first, gave me his facts and details I needed to know, then I asked him my questions. He actually offered to start 2 weeks early, as he thinks the Vacation is a great idea, but a Lake House, not Waterville Valley, with all the amenities I won't be able to use. So, I was really glad actually to have that decision made for me, as making these types of decisions are my weakest point. (For those of you not at all familiar with New Hampshire, it has 2 Main Attraction areas. One is the White Moutains, which Waterville Valley Ski Village is in, and the other is the Lakes Regions made up of a countless number of lakes, but about 6 or 7 Big ones, Lake Winnipesaukke being the biggest, and the one I grew up vacationing on, and will be spending June on!) And I love Lake Winnipesaukee, which is where I am renting my amazing house, which is a whole other story I had written, but so do not have the energy to re-write right now. But you really should hear it. I feel the couple that owns it are my guardian angels, but even stronger than than right now and showed up out of the blue at the right time. I asked The Dr. what the chances are in general of HAVING to take a day or two because of my fair skin, and he said very low, his patients rarely have delays in Treatment.
    So,I couldn't have asked for a better outcome of the appointment, and I am so ready to just get started. And if you want to hear the story of getting this dream house, let me know, I am still in amazement that something like this happened to me, never does, and I have to find a way to Pay it Forward. I'm not a huge organized religeon fan, but very spiritual, and have beliefs more like the Native Americans, and I absolutely believe in the whole Pay it Forward kind of thing. Any suggestions that don't involve money from my non-existent bank account? lol..(I know, sometimes, I just say too much.) But c'mon, I haven't worked in more than 2 years due to one illness or another!
    So thanks for our support, and especially, all your completely honest answers. Those were so appreciated. I admit, I do sometimes live in a fantasy world, so seeing words like alot of yours really help to bring me back down to the real world we live in. Thank you.
    xo and peace to you all,
  • JillyB
    JillyB Member Posts: 50

    OK here goes
    You said be honest: you're balancing a week against the rest of your life. I did lumpectomy, chemo, radiation last year, and I'm here to tell you the worst you will feel during rads is the last week of treatment and the two weeks following the end of treatment. The fatigue was overwhelming, like having your insides scraped out and nothing left. I'm not saying you can't travel, I did myself during chemo, but I am saying those three weeks will be a lot of resting. You are unlikely to feel like doing any sustained activities. I completely understand your desire not to change your life. Right now life is full of appts needles and medication. Even for me, a year later, I'm hitting amilestone tomorrow--bloodwork mammo and bone density, and if all goes well I get to wait a whole 6 months before I do it all again. We do these things because they're much better than the possible alternative. Maybe this is the year you look at an alternative and go two weeks in august instead of a month in July. Rad treatment is no joke, recuperation at home may make more sense than holding on to your original plans.
    Good luck!

    OK here goes
    I've been meaning to say this to you, Congrats on it being a clean Year!!! WOO HOO for you! That is something to celebrate. You must be relieved. Even though I was late in seeing this post and even later for finally remembering to write this note, I want to send my best to you and your family and hopefully things can keep on getting back to normalcy, or whatever your life was before the DX! lol...
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    JillyB said:

    HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED at the appointment
    OMG! I just wrote this whole thing explainging everything, and then I pressed Preview, and it all disappeared! I am fuming. I can't write that again, it took like 1/2 hour! So for now, I'll just do the Rads Onc.Doctor appointment. He agreed to do 2 weeks earlier, so I end on June 2nd. It was such an easy conversation. He was so comfortable to be with. He talked first, gave me his facts and details I needed to know, then I asked him my questions. He actually offered to start 2 weeks early, as he thinks the Vacation is a great idea, but a Lake House, not Waterville Valley, with all the amenities I won't be able to use. So, I was really glad actually to have that decision made for me, as making these types of decisions are my weakest point. (For those of you not at all familiar with New Hampshire, it has 2 Main Attraction areas. One is the White Moutains, which Waterville Valley Ski Village is in, and the other is the Lakes Regions made up of a countless number of lakes, but about 6 or 7 Big ones, Lake Winnipesaukke being the biggest, and the one I grew up vacationing on, and will be spending June on!) And I love Lake Winnipesaukee, which is where I am renting my amazing house, which is a whole other story I had written, but so do not have the energy to re-write right now. But you really should hear it. I feel the couple that owns it are my guardian angels, but even stronger than than right now and showed up out of the blue at the right time. I asked The Dr. what the chances are in general of HAVING to take a day or two because of my fair skin, and he said very low, his patients rarely have delays in Treatment.
    So,I couldn't have asked for a better outcome of the appointment, and I am so ready to just get started. And if you want to hear the story of getting this dream house, let me know, I am still in amazement that something like this happened to me, never does, and I have to find a way to Pay it Forward. I'm not a huge organized religeon fan, but very spiritual, and have beliefs more like the Native Americans, and I absolutely believe in the whole Pay it Forward kind of thing. Any suggestions that don't involve money from my non-existent bank account? lol..(I know, sometimes, I just say too much.) But c'mon, I haven't worked in more than 2 years due to one illness or another!
    So thanks for our support, and especially, all your completely honest answers. Those were so appreciated. I admit, I do sometimes live in a fantasy world, so seeing words like alot of yours really help to bring me back down to the real world we live in. Thank you.
    xo and peace to you all,

    Jilly, that's GREAT news!!
    Jilly, that's GREAT news!! It's just what we wanted to hear. When you are feeling up to it, please share your story of the lake house. I always love a good story. Keep us posted on your progress and good luck!! Just remember to take time to rest with rads as some people become really fatigued.
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    MyTurnNow said:

    Jilly, that's GREAT news!!
    Jilly, that's GREAT news!! It's just what we wanted to hear. When you are feeling up to it, please share your story of the lake house. I always love a good story. Keep us posted on your progress and good luck!! Just remember to take time to rest with rads as some people become really fatigued.

    Great news, Jilly. Sounds
    Great news, Jilly. Sounds like a wonderful vacation. Relative to having to delay treatment: I have very light skin, and I had no problem with burning. Hope you react the same!

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    Jilly, that's GREAT news!!
    Jilly, that's GREAT news!! It's just what we wanted to hear. When you are feeling up to it, please share your story of the lake house. I always love a good story. Keep us posted on your progress and good luck!! Just remember to take time to rest with rads as some people become really fatigued.

    Great news Jilly!

    Great news Jilly!