Nothing to complain about

dorion Member Posts: 183
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi Ladies
Well this is a switch isn't it, with nothing to complain about. Just wanted to let you know that I continue to feel great, appitite is fantastic, eating pretty much what I want with a bit of caution though.
I'm sitting at the oncologists office now, I just got through with seeing him and he didn't have anything to say that would cause me any concern so it seems I'm good to go.

Today is head shaving day, Meghan really wants to make a big production out of it, loud lol.....and crazy make up, not sure if I'm up for either especially the loud music. She's such a nut. Well my Beautifuls, I hope all of you are well and by the by, any word on Bonnie's progress? I haven't seen any updates lately and I'm concerned. Anyway, you know that I love all of you very very much and I'll be back soon. Let's pray that I continue to feel strong!


  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645

    Thanks for the update. Great news that you are feeling great! Praise the Lord!

  • minky1225
    minky1225 Member Posts: 70
    LPack said:


    Thanks for the update. Great news that you are feeling great! Praise the Lord!


    Love good news!
    It's a little too infrequent lately that we get good cheers to you and Meghan!
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    minky1225 said:

    Love good news!
    It's a little too infrequent lately that we get good cheers to you and Meghan!

    There's something about you, girl: LOVE YOU!
    I keep rooting for you, Linda, cause there's something very special about you. I'm just so glad you're doing so great!
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    minky1225 said:

    Love good news!
    It's a little too infrequent lately that we get good cheers to you and Meghan!

    There's something about you, girl: LOVE YOU!
    I keep rooting for you, Linda, cause there's something very special about you. I'm just so glad you're doing so great!
  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    Hi Linda,
    You look fantastic

    Hi Linda,

    You look fantastic and the news looks even better!

    As for Meghan, I say you guys should go for it :-D

    Again, I am so glad to see you feeling great and nothing to complain about. Isn't that phrase just liberating?


  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    What good news! I wish I could be there for the BIG shaving event...... now that I think of it I should have made my hair pink/purple or maybe red before I shaved it....hmmmm.
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    prayers prayers and praise
    Dear Linda, not only prayers but praise ... how wonderful to read your post. I say make a big production. God Bless

    Prayers ♥ Hugs Bonnie
  • MichaelaMarie
    MichaelaMarie Member Posts: 163
    BonnieR said:

    prayers prayers and praise
    Dear Linda, not only prayers but praise ... how wonderful to read your post. I say make a big production. God Bless

    Prayers ♥ Hugs Bonnie

    It was so wonderful to read your post today! I'm happy that you are doing so much better. I say, have the production!!!!!! Tons of hugs, MM
  • MK_4Dani
    MK_4Dani Member Posts: 314
    Maybe you should try

    Maybe you should try to get a mohawk like Leesa? I am with you on the loud teenager music: if I hear RA RA AH AH AH ROMA ROMAMAMA GA GA OH LA LA...I might have to run away from home! I am so glad you are feeling better and eating! How is Meghan's rabbit?
  • dorion
    dorion Member Posts: 183
    MK_4Dani said:

    Maybe you should try

    Maybe you should try to get a mohawk like Leesa? I am with you on the loud teenager music: if I hear RA RA AH AH AH ROMA ROMAMAMA GA GA OH LA LA...I might have to run away from home! I am so glad you are feeling better and eating! How is Meghan's rabbit?

    Hello my Darlings
    Well thank you for your well wishes. And today I swallowed the pill and shaved my head, don't know why it was more difficult this time around, been there twice already, but I found myself crying, strange. All I could see is a holocaust (spelling) survivor, with all this weight loss and then add insult to injury, no hair, I look pretty close to it, now if they were making a movie on the holocaust, I would be a great candidate for a

    The taxol is wipping me out, I find myself so sleepy these past couple of days, I pray that it's only the chemo and I'm not slipping away back to that tiredland that I was in before I went into the hospital.

    If anyone here has any suggestions on how I am going to put some weight on, please let me know. I have an appitite but not putting any pounds on and it scares me.

    Mary, I'm surprised you remembered that bunny, he's fine but now I wonder what the heck I was thinking as it's way too much work, now with 2 kittens and a hampster, the rabbit is just too much. I don't know what to do, but we still love him and all, just that I don't have the time or energy to even let him out of the cage cos he poops all over the place and I have to chase around with a vacume cleaning all day long. But I might be stuck with him because Meghan isn't easy to convince that's in his best interest to give him up. Anyway I'll check in tomorrow. I love you all soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, always.

  • Susan523
    Susan523 Member Posts: 231 Member
    Good news; but gain some weight:
    So happy to hear that you're feeling so great!!

    I also needed to gain weight desperately, after dropping over 20lbs last fall. The girl that draws my blood at the lab told me about EAS SOY PROTEIN. You can get it at Wal-Mart.
    It's near the vitamins section, I think...

    I mix it with whole milk so that I get more calories. If you can't do dairy, you can mix it with water or any liquid. I didn't like it at first; I have the Chocolate flavor, but once I got used to the sort-of-gritty texture, I actually began liking it. It has more calories & protein than Instant Breakfast, Boost, or Ensure (I think! Chemo-brain...)

    I actually use it as a meal replacement when I just can't eat. I swear it saved my life.

    Keep up the great attitude, and keep in touch!!!
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    Susan523 said:

    Good news; but gain some weight:
    So happy to hear that you're feeling so great!!

    I also needed to gain weight desperately, after dropping over 20lbs last fall. The girl that draws my blood at the lab told me about EAS SOY PROTEIN. You can get it at Wal-Mart.
    It's near the vitamins section, I think...

    I mix it with whole milk so that I get more calories. If you can't do dairy, you can mix it with water or any liquid. I didn't like it at first; I have the Chocolate flavor, but once I got used to the sort-of-gritty texture, I actually began liking it. It has more calories & protein than Instant Breakfast, Boost, or Ensure (I think! Chemo-brain...)

    I actually use it as a meal replacement when I just can't eat. I swear it saved my life.

    Keep up the great attitude, and keep in touch!!!

    Is Megace ever prescribed for OVC?
    I know they give Megace to people with eating disorders as well as to those with ER-positive cancers. It helps starve the cancer cells that love estrogen, and it also perks up your appetitie to the rip-roaring stage where you want to eat anything not tied down. My oncologist mentioned it this week for me,...for the estrogen inhibitor side; NOT for the weight gain! (I've recently put on 10 pounds that I don't need.)

    I was VERY fatigued with the weekly low-dose taxol, having to lay down each day around 3 and taking a short nap before I could be productive again. But I'd go back on weekly taxol if I need to since it did such a good job of beating back my cancer quickly. So please don't worry that the fatigue means anything bad is going on again. (((((Linda))))).

    I have my bunny in a cage with a pull-out tray like a bird cage that I empty every day, but I still have to get in there every couple of days and clean it out to get the urine smell and chalky pee residue out and clean up the little bunny hairs when she is shedding. I have a 4' square and 4' tall outdoor exercise yard (really meant for dogs) that I have set up near my computer, and I cut a plywood floor for it so the bunny wouldn't ruin my hardwoods. I have the bunny cage and exercise yard attached to each other on each side with 'S' hooks with both doors open, so my bunny has access to the larger space all the time. She never poops or pees in the exercise yard; bunny's are naturally clean little creatures. But even litter-trained, I could never let her run free in my house as she chews up everything she can. You might try a set-up like that. But you are right: every day that I am emptying her tray and wiping down her cage, I think "This is TOO much WORK!" But she's so cute and funny, and I do love her so much. In the past I always kept my rabbits in OUTDOOR rabbit hutches, and that really IS almost effortless, as the poops fall down into the garden below through the wire floor and you just have to hose the hutch down once a week or so. That's another option to consider.
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    Great news
    Great news I am pleased to read you are feeling so positive :)
  • dorion
    dorion Member Posts: 183

    Great news
    Great news I am pleased to read you are feeling so positive :)

    Thanks Tina and Linda
    Thanks for your posts Ladies. Linda you make me laugh with your inventiveness with your cage. That is just too darn industrious for me to get all that lol.....that sounds like I need to move into a larger place. That's half the battle, our place is pretty small, I am currently looking for a new place to live but nervous about it. Although I have the energy now, what happens if it's time to move and I'm all out of gas and or in the hospital. That's the thing with this damn disease, it's really hard to make plans.
    Right now it's 3 a.m, because all I do is nap all day and night, I wake up at these early hours and I'm ready to go, so I am going to try to get back to sleep and thanks for the tip on that drug, I will bring it up to my oncologist or can my GP take care of that?

    Lovs you guys
  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    Hi Linda,
    I am so glad to

    Hi Linda,

    I am so glad to see your appetite is healthy.

    Usually that's a good sign that the body is making every attempt to heal, but it takes time so don't think it will happen overnight.

    Ensure was my drink of choice to pack on weight. It can in these great flavors that I actually enjoyed and later had to wean myself from. (Because I liked them so much).

    Yes, I am up again (steriods).

    Take my dear,
