I feel so scared and alone!!!!!!!!!!!!

anniem123 Member Posts: 19
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I found a lump on My breast and went for a breast examine. Witnin 1 week I went through a mamogram, an ultrasound and a biopsy and was diagnosed with breast cancer. I never expected that. I turned 44 on March 9th, the same week I was diagnosed. I felt my world crashing in. I still feel it. Iv'e been through 2 surgeries so far, Lumpectomy and total lymph node removal on my right side. Chemo and radiation to start soon. i feel so scared and alone. I don't have a husband or boyfiend to lean on and take care of me. I don't think I can do this. The worst is yet to begin. How do others do it by themselves?


  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    The good news is that you
    The good news is that you are not alone. We are here and we'll be with you every step of the way through your treatments. There are several ladies on this site that are alone and have made it through their treatments. I'm sure they will be along shortly to share their stories with you. In the meantime, know that there are many more of us that are here to share our experiences and offer you support and encouragement. Take care and continue to post letting us know your treatment schedule once it has been set. You are not alone!!!
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    Many Hugs!
    I'm so sorry you are facing this. I'm sure you are totally freaked out. I was too. It all felt very surreal. It must be so hard to feel alone. Do you have family or friends who can step up and help? How about a church? Ask your surgeon about support groups. One thing I can tell you for sure is that you'll find a ton of support here. The ladies on this board are right here for you with advice and support! You can do this! You'll be amazed at how strong you are (even if you don't believe it yet). Welcome to this board, and please post frequently!
  • weazer
    weazer Member Posts: 440
    It's Amaizing how strong you are.
    I'm sorry to here that you are alone.
    I found myself alone as well, when my son was sent to prison and my husband also.
    I was alone in my house with my two dogs, Thank God for them.
    My sisters and Mother and friends would help me if I needed anything.
    I'm the type of person that would never ask for anything, I learned how too when I was feeling so sick.
    Do you go to church or have friends or family members that are close too you?
    If so, when they ask is there anything I can do for you, take them up on it.
    Take care and my prayers are with you.
  • Barb A
    Barb A Member Posts: 123
    You're not alone here!
    Anniem, you are not alone here. You have definately come to a good place for support and encouragement.

    One thing that I might suggest is if you are comfortable doing so, tell us your city and state. Perhaps if there are people on this board who are close by, they could contact you via email and you would have someone closer to correspond with. As mentioned by others, ask about support groups or groups at church, your work, etc too.

    Come back here and post. We're here for you.

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Being diagnosed with cancer is overwhelming for anyone. We all feel that we cannot go on. Believe me, there were times when I felt like I couldn't take another step. And yet, I did. And you will, too. The good news is that your diagnosis and treatment plan seem to be moving fast. It is good to have a solid plan in place. Once you have a treatment plan, you can start working on self preservation -- on keeping yourself as emotionally steady and healthy as possible. This doesn't mean remaining positive at all times or putting on a false attitude of cheerfullness, but agknowleging your feelings, being good to yourself, allowing yourself to cry, and treating yourself with the utmost care, respect, and gentleness. Joining a support group could really help you feel less isolated. Talk to your oncologist's office to get started. Often, there is a support group right at the hospital or clinic where you will get treatment. Reach out to friends. There is no shame in needing support. We all do at times.

    I feel your trepidation about starting chemo. I think you will find that chemo is not as bad as you now believe it will be. I had a 3 chemo cocktails at once and I can tell you honestly that I don't feel it was "the worst." It is doable and you will absolutely get through it. Good luck and come on here as often as you'd like.

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Barb A said:

    You're not alone here!
    Anniem, you are not alone here. You have definately come to a good place for support and encouragement.

    One thing that I might suggest is if you are comfortable doing so, tell us your city and state. Perhaps if there are people on this board who are close by, they could contact you via email and you would have someone closer to correspond with. As mentioned by others, ask about support groups or groups at church, your work, etc too.

    Come back here and post. We're here for you.


    Just to let you know that
    Just to let you know that this site also has a way where members can private message (PM) each other. So if you want to correspond more privately just go to 'home' and under communicate is email options. All you need is the user ID.
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    Don't be scared, you can get
    Don't be scared, you can get through this! I too am all alone, my family is too far away (and self-absorbed) to be of any assistance to me. I just finished my chemo and am preparing for my mastectomy. Trust me, chemo is not that bad, you can do it! I haven't had radiation yet (that will come after surgery) but I am told that is a walk in the park, so to speak. I wish I could reach through the computer and give you a big hug, I know how you feel. I hope that you will find, as I did, that you are a strong woman and can get through this. Remember, everyone on this site is here for you!!
  • susanleeann
    susanleeann Member Posts: 58
    nope, not totally alone.
    nope, not totally alone. lots of friends you are just now meeting here. when you get into chemo you'll meet more. the chat room here is a friendly place as well. check out your local cancer society office. are there meetings, educational programs you might attends, find useful information and maybe find others in the same place or willing to provide friendship and support. cyber prayers and hugs. stay in touch here and keep us all updated on your progress.
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    As others have said, you are most definitely not alone now that you've found this site. Ther is a wealth of support and information here. Even though I have been fortunate to have my husband by my side, and other family for moral support, I got so much from the ladies and gentlemen on this site that I know I would have had a much tougher time if I hadn't found them.

    A note about chemo - everyone is different, but many, many, of those on this site have survived chemo. I was one of the lucky ones that had minimal side effects, but even those that had it worse than me have said that it was doable, and the doctors these days have so many more tools to deal with side effect these days that you should not have to suffer with things like nauseau and pain.

    If you can't find a "live" support group near you, you can always come here, day or night, to ask questions, talk about your fears, share a laugh, and help celebrate the victories that inspire all of us.

    You can do this, and we are here to hold your hand as much as you need it.

    Take care,
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    so sorry
    So sorry..lto hear you have to belong to the pink lady club... but you have found a wonderful site.. with a team of caring woman who will pick you up when you are feeling down, answer any questions you may have, give you support when you need to vent.. and one day.. you will pass the knowledge you have learned to a newbie....

    you are never alone... this is the time to call upon and lean on your friends and extended family, most are so willing to help many just don't know how.. reach out to someone... Also call your local American Cancer Society.. they can help you with rides to chemo if you need them.. with there program road to recovery...

    Truth... we all feel alone when hit with this diagnosis... feeling like the world is collapsing around us and unable to see the road ahead in the fog....

    Fact... we have to do this... what is our alternative, YES,,, chemo is scary, but do able! although i remember stating that numerous time myself... i can remember my first chemo treatment like it was yesterday.. and the surreal feeling and increase anxiety that filled me.. and picking up my cell phone and texting a friend.. i really can't do this.. as i cried through the entire 3 hour treatment... I was 36 when diagnosed..

    I would recommend... if you call your local hospital and reach out to them.. i know that my hospital has a group of fellow survivors that will accompany you to test, chemo, ect... also post frequently! when you get the names of you chemo drugs.. give a little post all the ladies who have been on those drugs will gladly give you a little personal insight into what to expect.. and not from the clinical aspect..

    you can usually find someone on here at all hours.. because on thing this little beast does to all of us is give us insomnia... and if your like most of us.. its the late hours when your mind is racing with too many thoughts to sleep.. a cyber friend is out there to to put your mind at ease... or find some comfort in reading the other post to know what your are feeling others are too

    So sorry that you are going through this.. but please remember you are never alone.. and shouldn't feel that way...
  • youngnana
    youngnana Member Posts: 41
    I send you a hug,

    I send you a hug, and am so sorry to meet you here, but am oh so glad you found this site. I am fairly new here, diagnosed 2/23/10, bi-lateral mastectomy 3/16, and now waiting for result of the gene testing to help determine if chemo is beneficial to me, so I definatly know the fear you feel. I remember those first days, weeks, could believe it was real. Couldnt really be happeing to me. Even though I have a wonderful husband, and close family, I truly felt alone in this, until....I found this site. It has been a godsend for me. The women here are the most wonderful, caring people I have ever experienced. When they say they are sending prayers, they really are, and I felt so much at peace just knowing they were there for me. Many of us still have a long way to go, and many more have completed this most difficult journey. Your are stronger than you think, but leaning is fine....we are all here to support you and will do our best to lighten this very heavy load. Prayers to you for strength and peace.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    As others have said, you are most definitely not alone now that you've found this site. Ther is a wealth of support and information here. Even though I have been fortunate to have my husband by my side, and other family for moral support, I got so much from the ladies and gentlemen on this site that I know I would have had a much tougher time if I hadn't found them.

    A note about chemo - everyone is different, but many, many, of those on this site have survived chemo. I was one of the lucky ones that had minimal side effects, but even those that had it worse than me have said that it was doable, and the doctors these days have so many more tools to deal with side effect these days that you should not have to suffer with things like nauseau and pain.

    If you can't find a "live" support group near you, you can always come here, day or night, to ask questions, talk about your fears, share a laugh, and help celebrate the victories that inspire all of us.

    You can do this, and we are here to hold your hand as much as you need it.

    Take care,

    You found this site, so, you
    You found this site, so, you will never be alone. We all understand and we will all help you thru your treatment the best that we can. Look for a support group at your cancer center or ask your oncologist's about one in your town. They are great! Good luck!

    Hugs, Diane
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    Oh, can I relate!
    When I read your post, I felt like I was just taken back in a time capsule to last June when I was diagnosed. I am divorced with 3 kids (21, 18 & 11). I didn't know how I could possibly pull this off and if I even would because I was so scared this was it for me. I went through 6 treatments of TAC every 3 weeks and I am now 2 days away from finishing radiation. I didn't have immediate reconstruction, so I've still got that in my future, but I made it and you will too! It's surely not a 'joy' ride, but it's amazing that it's not as bad as you're thinking. I'm sure you will have friends/relatives to help but you will probably be surprised that you won't need to lean on them too much. I even continued to work through all my treatments and didn't take much time off. I'm not boasting here, but just want you to know that it's not all doom & gloom and there IS light at the end of the tunnel. And, as so many have already said, coming here when you feel alone suddenly makes you feel not so all alone!

    Be strong and think positive. It really does wonders!

    Hugs, Mar
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    e_hope said:

    so sorry
    So sorry..lto hear you have to belong to the pink lady club... but you have found a wonderful site.. with a team of caring woman who will pick you up when you are feeling down, answer any questions you may have, give you support when you need to vent.. and one day.. you will pass the knowledge you have learned to a newbie....

    you are never alone... this is the time to call upon and lean on your friends and extended family, most are so willing to help many just don't know how.. reach out to someone... Also call your local American Cancer Society.. they can help you with rides to chemo if you need them.. with there program road to recovery...

    Truth... we all feel alone when hit with this diagnosis... feeling like the world is collapsing around us and unable to see the road ahead in the fog....

    Fact... we have to do this... what is our alternative, YES,,, chemo is scary, but do able! although i remember stating that numerous time myself... i can remember my first chemo treatment like it was yesterday.. and the surreal feeling and increase anxiety that filled me.. and picking up my cell phone and texting a friend.. i really can't do this.. as i cried through the entire 3 hour treatment... I was 36 when diagnosed..

    I would recommend... if you call your local hospital and reach out to them.. i know that my hospital has a group of fellow survivors that will accompany you to test, chemo, ect... also post frequently! when you get the names of you chemo drugs.. give a little post all the ladies who have been on those drugs will gladly give you a little personal insight into what to expect.. and not from the clinical aspect..

    you can usually find someone on here at all hours.. because on thing this little beast does to all of us is give us insomnia... and if your like most of us.. its the late hours when your mind is racing with too many thoughts to sleep.. a cyber friend is out there to to put your mind at ease... or find some comfort in reading the other post to know what your are feeling others are too

    So sorry that you are going through this.. but please remember you are never alone.. and shouldn't feel that way...

    I am happy that you found
    I am happy that you found this site as it has and still is helpful to so many of us. I am sorry that you have to face all of this. Just be sure and post here when you have questions or just need to vent. We are all bc survivors as you are too!

    Sue :)
  • tat2granny
    tat2granny Member Posts: 77
    Marlene_K said:

    Oh, can I relate!
    When I read your post, I felt like I was just taken back in a time capsule to last June when I was diagnosed. I am divorced with 3 kids (21, 18 & 11). I didn't know how I could possibly pull this off and if I even would because I was so scared this was it for me. I went through 6 treatments of TAC every 3 weeks and I am now 2 days away from finishing radiation. I didn't have immediate reconstruction, so I've still got that in my future, but I made it and you will too! It's surely not a 'joy' ride, but it's amazing that it's not as bad as you're thinking. I'm sure you will have friends/relatives to help but you will probably be surprised that you won't need to lean on them too much. I even continued to work through all my treatments and didn't take much time off. I'm not boasting here, but just want you to know that it's not all doom & gloom and there IS light at the end of the tunnel. And, as so many have already said, coming here when you feel alone suddenly makes you feel not so all alone!

    Be strong and think positive. It really does wonders!

    Hugs, Mar

    My two cents worth
    I'll put mine here too. I am alone too. My wonderful boyfriend died last month! He was there for me thru the surgery and first round of chemo. Now I am getting ready to go thru my 4th next week. It has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with. But I am here today to tell you that you are a strong woman and you can do it to. One of the best things that happened to me was finding my local breast cancer support group. Those lovely ladies came to the funeral, held my hand and let me cry as much as I needed! I would suggest that you find your local group, they are a God send! And we ladies here are always here to support you and listen to you even if all you want to do is vent! This is the place. Come here often and read about all the courage these ladies share. It does help. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Sending hugs and kisses your way. And just remember you are never alone! We all have walked the path you are on!
  • tressa4568
    tressa4568 Member Posts: 2
    You're not alone
    I had my first chemo treatment today. It wasn't so bad and I had no issue during it. I feel great so far. I'm taking Taxotere and Cytoxan. This is a wonderful site even though this is the first time I have posted a comment. I come here and read it every day and it's gave me some great advice and it helps so much to know that I'm not alone in my journey. It gives me strength and I'm so thankful for website like this one. Fifteen years ago women didn't have this kind of information and support. The brave women on this site will help you :)
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    Not Alone
    You're not alone anymore - you had the good sense to find this website with fabulous people who have good advice. I wish I had known about this two years ago when I was dx. We all relate to your fears and remember too well the day we heard those three little words that rocked our worlds. You will get thru this, one day at a time. I'm sending you hugs, positive thoughts and hoping you will find the support you need here and from your friends where you live. Take care. Sally