Don't Give Up!

Stephanie123 Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Cancer is very serious i know that..i have since the day i was born so anyone thats a cancer survivor its great that you made it but anyone thats still fighting cancer...keep fighting and don't give up...someone i was close too gave up after it came back for the third time, Yes it might be tiring and i know i have NO idea what its like but i do know that if i ever got cancer i would fight till the very end because cancer doesn't deserve an easy battle so keep fighting and don't give up!


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    I am amazed by your wisdom and determination, We are not giving up here, We have been encouraging each other and moving forward.
    Thank you for reminding us to keep focus and stay positive.
    Best of luck to you.
    New Flower
  • ms_independent
    ms_independent Member Posts: 214
    You are a sweetheart
    You are just a sweetheart for thinking of other when you are hurting. I am so sorry someone you cared for lost her battle. I am sure she did the best she could and I'm sure she didn't want to leave you. I'm sorry she is gone and I know you will miss her.

    I've had a relatively easy fight compared to many on this site. And I am in awe of the fighting spirit they show. I hope I never have to fight that hard. But, if I do, the ladies and men on this site will help me to fight the fight.

    You have a kind and generous heart! I know you have and will inspire others as you touch their lives. If you were here I would give you a hug and grieve with you. Since I can't- imagine being wrapped up in a wonderful hug!

    Hugs, El
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Thanks for this
    Thanks for this Stephanie.

  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    My Dearest Stephanie,

    I first read your posting on Monday, April 11th. I have thought about you and your posting many times and have not responded until now because I did not know how to respond to you. Both New Flower and Ms Independent had wonderful words for you. Ms. Leeza also read your posting and thanked you for writing to us.

    You were in my thoughts again today when I walked. While walking, I solved how to respond to you. I decided to respond to you from my heart. Since you stated that you knew cancer from the day you were born, is the loved one who passed away your mother? If not your mother, then I would guess it would have been one of your siblings, either a sister or brother.

    Not always but sometimes when cancer comes back each time, it comes back stronger, sometimes with a vengance. Maybe the third time it came back to your loved one, it was too strong and possibly too painful. Maybe your loved one wanted with all her heart to fight it once more but did not have the physical strength needed to fight the cancer the third time. Maybe your loved one did not want you to know how bad the cancer was inside her and so chose to show you a different face – a not caring face – a no-fighter face – a face to spare you pain.

    Definitely, no loved one wants to leave her family, especially a young girl of 12. I guarantee you that your loved one has not left you but has become your angel who is watching over you and protecting you while you are on this earth. With my whole heart I believe in angels, angels who once lived on this earth. There is a angel who watches over me. He died when he was 22.

    You are so young to know about cancer and the loss from cancer. I wished I had the means to spare you the pain that you are experiencing. All I can tell you is that time heals.

    May you grow into a wonderful, strong, healthy, vibrant woman, destined to be whatever you chose. And…may your love,compassion, and caring reach all who enter your life.

    Stephanie, please continue to talk to us, to post what you feel, or to ask questions. All the women on this site could be your adopted aunts and the men on this site could be your adopted uncles. We will listen to you, answer your questions, and send you our love and hugs.

    All My Love With a Strong Bear Hug,
    Janelle, a 2nd Time Survivor

    P. S. Stephanie, I am curious. How did you learn about this site?