Breast tumor removed

elda Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am 40, had breast cancer removed on Feb 1st 2010. No lymphnodes involved, tumor was less than 2cm ;margin was clear and yet I have to do chemo?

I had my first round of chemo and had every terrible symptom. I dont get the reason why chemo is necessary if tumor was removed and you had all great prognosis.

There are no guarentees if you do chemo or not right? cancer may come back regardless of treatment?

I am not feeling well- this is day 6 after chemo and barely feeling a bit better. I had to manny symptoms, including my heart was fluttering and i cant seem to control it. i have throbbing in my lower back and stomach. my feet are numb. I get a fuzzy headache.

I was wondering if any have had chemo pains where the tumor was removed from? Its seems that the very spot i remember the tugging of the biopsy is where i notcie an uncomfortable feeling there.

I dont think i want to do chemo.


  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    Elda, I'm sorry you're suffering so much! Have you spoken with your oncologist about all of your symptoms? Perhaps you need to be administered a different cocktail. I'm 54, had my surgery in october 2009. My lymph nodes had no detectable cancer in them but my husband read in Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book that in 20-30% of the time, microscopic cells can get into the blood stream through the lymph nodes - and not be detected. Hence, the reason for the chemo. Do you know if your tumor was hormone fed? Did you have the Oncotype DX test done to determine the effectiveness of the chemo in your situation? What is your cocktail and your regimen? The bottom line is that you have to be your own advocate. If something doesn't seem right, make a fuss! You're worth it!
    Let us know what you find out.
  • TawnyS
    TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member
    Hi Elda! I had chemo after
    Hi Elda! I had chemo after bilateral and clean margins. I also wondered why chemo. As my oncologist explained it there could be a family of 3 cancer cells somewhere in your body that all the scans, tests, etc, could not or did not detect they are so microscopic as a family of 3 or 4 or whatever. Chemo would kill that family and keep it from growing into a very large family very fast. Preventative chemo. After he explained it that way I understood. Ugh! I know you don't want the chemo. I hope it gets better for you. Be open with your doc. You have every right to ask or tell him/her whatever you feel. One thing about my first round of chemo that no one ever told me is my chest was tight and my heart felt fluttery. I thought I was having a heart attack. Then as I got more comfortable I noticed if I had labs then I'd have tightness, the next day chemo not so much tightness in the chest. Then I always had fluids the following day after chemo and by then no tightness, but it would start all over again the next time (week or whenever I used my port again). The tugging you it around your port area? I have tugging still but I always thought of it as my port. I hope it gets better for you.
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Hi Elda
    I also had a lumpectomy, under 2 cm, no lymph nodes involved. I had 6 rounds of Chemo and 36 Radiation treatments. All because the Oncotype DX test shows my cancer has over a 50% chance of returning. The chemo was for prevention, to make sure they killed those sucker cells. Chemo was no picnic, being so tired all the time and the hair falling out, but it was worth it to fight the cancer. Its been 18 months since my lumpectomy, and the itching is killing me where the scar is. The doctor said that is normal, as all those little nerve thingys are still reattaching. Please rethink the chemo - it is a large speedbump to get over, and it is the best defense for attacking the cancer cells. Talk to your doctor about it.
    Hugs - Pat
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    padee6339 said:

    Hi Elda
    I also had a lumpectomy, under 2 cm, no lymph nodes involved. I had 6 rounds of Chemo and 36 Radiation treatments. All because the Oncotype DX test shows my cancer has over a 50% chance of returning. The chemo was for prevention, to make sure they killed those sucker cells. Chemo was no picnic, being so tired all the time and the hair falling out, but it was worth it to fight the cancer. Its been 18 months since my lumpectomy, and the itching is killing me where the scar is. The doctor said that is normal, as all those little nerve thingys are still reattaching. Please rethink the chemo - it is a large speedbump to get over, and it is the best defense for attacking the cancer cells. Talk to your doctor about it.
    Hugs - Pat

    So sorry
    I am so sorry that you are having such problems with chemo. Like the others suggested, have a good hard talk with your oncologist on exactly why you need chemo. And, have you had the Oncotype test yet? You might ask about it. Good luck!

    Hugs, Angie