Can't stop eating!

Mariannemm Member Posts: 136
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am on Taxol now, I will have my 3rd round out of 12 tomorrow. I felt horrible on AC and didn't hardly eat. Now on Taxol I can't stop eating! Anyone else experience this? I feel like I have gained 10 pounds in the last week!


  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    Eat healthy
    I did not have any experience like that, maybe someone else has. I would say 2 things: 1)Talk to your Dr. and 2)just be sure whatever you eat is healthy and don't stress too much...chemo is temporary.

    Take care, seof
  • Mariannemm
    Mariannemm Member Posts: 136
    seof said:

    Eat healthy
    I did not have any experience like that, maybe someone else has. I would say 2 things: 1)Talk to your Dr. and 2)just be sure whatever you eat is healthy and don't stress too much...chemo is temporary.

    Take care, seof

    the bag of chips I am eating would not count as healthy? I am craving anything I can get my hands on! Mostly candy...which if you knew me well you would be shocked. I am not a candy eater. My mother in law brought me over some fresh veggies to eat, thank god! I am going to talk to the nurses tomorrow about this!
  • TawnyS
    TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member
    Same for me..
    I lost 36 lbs on AC. I don't know if that was all due to the AC or the Crohn's, too. I couldn't eat what I needed to eat to get my counts up because the crohn's didn't like it. Anyway, when when I got on the taxol it was like, "food....where have you been my whole life!" I think I just didn't eat for so long on the AC that with the taxol I got my appetite back and ate everything. But what is so funny is I couldn't taste a thing. I should have been eating hummus and carrots or something healthy. Instead I ate a Big Mac....couldn't taste it, but I knew it was good! : )
  • Mariannemm
    Mariannemm Member Posts: 136
    TawnyS said:

    Same for me..
    I lost 36 lbs on AC. I don't know if that was all due to the AC or the Crohn's, too. I couldn't eat what I needed to eat to get my counts up because the crohn's didn't like it. Anyway, when when I got on the taxol it was like, "food....where have you been my whole life!" I think I just didn't eat for so long on the AC that with the taxol I got my appetite back and ate everything. But what is so funny is I couldn't taste a thing. I should have been eating hummus and carrots or something healthy. Instead I ate a Big Mac....couldn't taste it, but I knew it was good! : )

    I am going to a GI specialist this Thursday due to some bowel problems. They don't know if there is another problem going on or effects of chemo. Did you have any symptoms?
  • Mariannemm
    Mariannemm Member Posts: 136
    TawnyS said:

    Same for me..
    I lost 36 lbs on AC. I don't know if that was all due to the AC or the Crohn's, too. I couldn't eat what I needed to eat to get my counts up because the crohn's didn't like it. Anyway, when when I got on the taxol it was like, "food....where have you been my whole life!" I think I just didn't eat for so long on the AC that with the taxol I got my appetite back and ate everything. But what is so funny is I couldn't taste a thing. I should have been eating hummus and carrots or something healthy. Instead I ate a Big Mac....couldn't taste it, but I knew it was good! : )

    I am going to a GI specialist this Thursday due to some bowel problems. They don't know if there is another problem going on or effects of chemo. Did you have any symptoms?
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    I'm reading a book that might help you.
    I saw an Oprah last week where she revisited past guests to see what they were up to now. A women who had lost 100 lbs. had gained it all back but is back on the wagon. She and Oprah were discussing a book by Geneen Roth, "Women Food And God". Very interesting. I had the same problem with over eating but it was after all my treatments were done. I now know that I was eating to avoid the emotions and fear I was feelings of helplessness. You might find it helpful.

  • TawnyS
    TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member

    I am going to a GI specialist this Thursday due to some bowel problems. They don't know if there is another problem going on or effects of chemo. Did you have any symptoms?

    Crohn's symptoms...Not really
    I was gassy and had bouts of constipation....never diarihhia (spelling? sorry) That supposedly is the main symptom. When I had my PET scan the doctor told me I had to get a colonoscopy right away...before my bilateral. Two days before to be exact....which was not what I really wanted to do....cleanse a few days before a huge surgery! So, they saw that my ulium was "thickened". My GI doc kinda wanted me to put that on the front burner after it was indeed found to be crohn's. So sorry GI guy....beat down with breast cancer comes before crohn's! So, now that I am finished with chemo I will pursue to crohn's thing. I was on meds throughout chemo for crohn's. He had (has) me on Lialda and wanted me to take 4 a day....I took 2. Also Endocorte...I think....a steroid...I never took it. I needed to deal with the breast cancer first. I will meet with a new GI guy in June and see what we need to do. I ditched the other guy. How can I possibly put crohn's before breast cancer?!?
  • Flakey_Flake
    Flakey_Flake Member Posts: 130
    Someone Please Help!
    Like you I had AC follwoed by taxol (taxotare). Don't know if that's is what is doing it, but I also cannot stop eating. As soon as I eat something for breakfast so I can take my morining pills, I am thinking of what might be for lunch. I have an insatiable sweet tooth. I used to never buy candy for myself. Now I haunt the candy aisles and have been grabbing all the Eastser goodies on sale. I have been known to consume a whole bag of chocolate chips in a day. I wolf down my food like I am starving. It used to be that when eating out, we would ask for my food first because even when starting first, I would still finish last. (I was a very slow eater. I nibbled at everything. savoring each bite, chew chew chew) Now I am keeping up with the rest of the crowd. My eating habits have changed drastically. And not for the good. I was attributing it to the anti-depressants I was heavily dosed on durring chemo. Thought maybe I was just getting so relaxed that I was enjoying food where before I might have been just too wound up. Do I need a psych? I sure would like to know what is going on. I mentioned it to my onc that I was becoming ravenous over food, and was it something to do with chemo? He seemed to just pass it off. If I have been reading him right, he doesn't have a clue what this means, and hasn't heard of it being linked to chemo. AAARGGGGH! So who else do you ask? This did not neccessarily become a problen while I was on Taxol. Some of my taste buds came back then and I started enjoying eating again, but I am going way over the limit. I wish someone would explain this to me so I had a clue how to combat it. All I know is that I crave food, when before dx, it was just something I had to do to take care of myself. And before chemo I never really craved sweets, and now they are a food group. Someone please help!
  • CarrWilson
    CarrWilson Member Posts: 111

    Someone Please Help!
    Like you I had AC follwoed by taxol (taxotare). Don't know if that's is what is doing it, but I also cannot stop eating. As soon as I eat something for breakfast so I can take my morining pills, I am thinking of what might be for lunch. I have an insatiable sweet tooth. I used to never buy candy for myself. Now I haunt the candy aisles and have been grabbing all the Eastser goodies on sale. I have been known to consume a whole bag of chocolate chips in a day. I wolf down my food like I am starving. It used to be that when eating out, we would ask for my food first because even when starting first, I would still finish last. (I was a very slow eater. I nibbled at everything. savoring each bite, chew chew chew) Now I am keeping up with the rest of the crowd. My eating habits have changed drastically. And not for the good. I was attributing it to the anti-depressants I was heavily dosed on durring chemo. Thought maybe I was just getting so relaxed that I was enjoying food where before I might have been just too wound up. Do I need a psych? I sure would like to know what is going on. I mentioned it to my onc that I was becoming ravenous over food, and was it something to do with chemo? He seemed to just pass it off. If I have been reading him right, he doesn't have a clue what this means, and hasn't heard of it being linked to chemo. AAARGGGGH! So who else do you ask? This did not neccessarily become a problen while I was on Taxol. Some of my taste buds came back then and I started enjoying eating again, but I am going way over the limit. I wish someone would explain this to me so I had a clue how to combat it. All I know is that I crave food, when before dx, it was just something I had to do to take care of myself. And before chemo I never really craved sweets, and now they are a food group. Someone please help!

    Me Too
    I thought Chemo was supposed to make you thin. I am constantly eating and when I am not eating, I am thinking about what the next meal or snack will be. I was told part of this is the steroids, part is the anxiety, part is loss of control of your life, and part dealing with your diagnosis. Right now everything tastes soooooo good. I also find myself craving food, especially sweets. I have gained about 10 pounds. It is such a bummer to have to deal with weight gain as well as cancer. Also, I have not been exercising as much as I used to.

    I know what I am supposed to do to lose weight, but I just can't make myself do it. I still have 3 more treatments, and I can't take another 30 pounds! I may have to post my weekly weigh in also! LOL.

    P.S. My hubby loves that I am baking and buying more goodies now.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I had 4 A/C followed by 12
    I had 4 A/C followed by 12 Taxol (last Jan 28th) and I still have no appetite. At last sense of taste came back quickly. Never had any nausea. We're just all different!
  • m-star
    m-star Member Posts: 441
    Are you taking any form of
    Are you taking any form of steroids with the chemo? Cus they increase your appetite. That's why people put weight on with them. Maybe get lots more healthy stuff in the cupboards then at least if you get the munchies, it'll be on something that's boost that immune system!! =D

    easier said than done though when your stalking the sweetie aisle ay Walmart!!
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Think Steroids.......
    If you are taking steroids, usually Decadron, it drastically increases your appetite......usually starting the week after each chemo soon as my taste buds returned.......I wanted to eat everything that wasn't nailed down......I'd be thinking about dinner, when eating breakfast! Usually the weight gain during chemo is due to the steroids....but it falls off once you stop...I actually asked if I was their only hefty chemo patient... I had to have a decadron injection followed by a prednisone dose pack 4 weeks ago due to really bad allery attack....pollen here is as bad as it's been in 15 years..........makes me I take the decadron injection and prednisone.....again, I wanted to eat anything and everything that was eatable! Now it is out of my system and I am back to normal, having lost the two gained pounds... So hang in there.........

    Peace be with you
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    While on 6 rounds of taxatere and cytoxin and steroids, I was also hungry all the time even when food didn't taste good. I gained 10 pounds over 4 months.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    MAJW said:

    Think Steroids.......
    If you are taking steroids, usually Decadron, it drastically increases your appetite......usually starting the week after each chemo soon as my taste buds returned.......I wanted to eat everything that wasn't nailed down......I'd be thinking about dinner, when eating breakfast! Usually the weight gain during chemo is due to the steroids....but it falls off once you stop...I actually asked if I was their only hefty chemo patient... I had to have a decadron injection followed by a prednisone dose pack 4 weeks ago due to really bad allery attack....pollen here is as bad as it's been in 15 years..........makes me I take the decadron injection and prednisone.....again, I wanted to eat anything and everything that was eatable! Now it is out of my system and I am back to normal, having lost the two gained pounds... So hang in there.........

    Peace be with you

    Not always - Not everybody
    Steroids (with chemo or for other reasons) CAN increase appetite but not always - not everyone!

    I have lost approx 40 lbs.. At least the loss is slowed to about 2 -3 lbs a month now.
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    I must say that it feels good not to be alone. I was never nauseated and I ate like a PIG while I was on chemo... like everything in site and sweets were definitely my favorite. Working out was impossible as I barely had enough strength to walk to the bathroom at times. Oh, but to get up and walk to the kitchen for food always came easy! It also didn't help that most everyone around me said it was great that I didn't lose my appetite and that gaining weight while on chemo was way better than losing. HAH! Easy for THEM to say. I gained 20 lbs! I ended chemo on Feb. 4th and am slowly getting healthier eating habits. I started exercising two weeks ago. I will be done with radiation in just three short days and am hoping that I will soon get back into shape. I guess if you think if it as temporary and make a plan for afterwards, it's all good. The MOST important thing for all of us is to be healthy!
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Marlene_K said:

    I must say that it feels good not to be alone. I was never nauseated and I ate like a PIG while I was on chemo... like everything in site and sweets were definitely my favorite. Working out was impossible as I barely had enough strength to walk to the bathroom at times. Oh, but to get up and walk to the kitchen for food always came easy! It also didn't help that most everyone around me said it was great that I didn't lose my appetite and that gaining weight while on chemo was way better than losing. HAH! Easy for THEM to say. I gained 20 lbs! I ended chemo on Feb. 4th and am slowly getting healthier eating habits. I started exercising two weeks ago. I will be done with radiation in just three short days and am hoping that I will soon get back into shape. I guess if you think if it as temporary and make a plan for afterwards, it's all good. The MOST important thing for all of us is to be healthy!

    My ONC told me that most
    My ONC told me that most women gain weight on chemo. I was really hoping it would have been a weight loss program. I did not gain any weight nor did I loose any.
  • Mariannemm
    Mariannemm Member Posts: 136
    So Glad I am not alone!
    Thank you all who have replied to my post. I am so happy that this sounds normal! I have to make a decision not to eat at this point. I went to the store Sunday night and bought healthy snacks. Plus some ice cream sandwiches! That has been my craving. I went to my chemo appointment yesterday and was deined chemo because of my blood counts. It makes me nervous not to have the chemo but maybe my craving food will slow down this week! Sounds like I will have to have a blood transfusion soon. You would think with all the food I have been eating my blood counts would be better than they were with all the food I consuming! But I am having dizziness and chest pains too. So they are worried about giving me more chemo at this point.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    I did exactly the same thing! AC caused me not to eat so much. Taxol I ate, thought it was just that I didn't have an upset stomach anymore. I gained 10 lbs and the 7 more! I have to accept it for now because I don't show sign of stopping.
    Don't get down on yourself, we need to feel good for a change and if food does that right now, enjoy!
    Good luck,