Hi....I'm new to you gals!

TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello. My name is Tawny and I am new to the discussion board thing. I was diagnosed with IDC and DCIS 8.13.2009. It has been a whirlwind ever since. I know you all know what I'm talking about. I have wanted to join in on the discussions sooner, but chemo kicked my bottom hard and I just never had the energy. When I had the PET scan they also found Crohn's disease, so I'm new to that, too! Anyway, I went through a bilateral, removal of all 36 nodes in right and 16 in left, full hysterectomy, 4 rounds of AC, 12 rounds (in 1/3's) of Taxol and I just met with the plastic surgeon to get expanders and so on. No radiation for me....thank goodness! My story is that I was misdiagnosed FEBRUARY 2007! I was told and was written in a report it was a benign cyst. Since I was 33 then, I had to pay for that mammogram (since they didn't find cancer.....yes I am bitter). The lump remained and I just kept an eye on it, but thought it was just a cyst. Then got larger around April or May of 2009. I went to a new primary doc in July and she sent me on to a new imaging place. They wanted to old films from the other place so I went and picked them up. They gave me the original films! Fools! Anyway, when I went for the mammo I gave them the old films. Long story.....I had to get in that mammo machine 3x's and when I finally made it to the ultrasound room I knew in my gut something was wrong. She began frantically measuring, typing, taking stills. Ugh! She then told me I would be consulted. When I met with a doctor she told me I had 2 solid masses....I told her I didn't understand...was it still a cyst? She said, "It never was." WHAT!?! It was cancer in the old films and was already showing calcification. Anyway, of course a biopsy and yes, diagnosed with breast cancer at age 36. I can't tell you all how grateful, lucky, blessed I am that the cancer was slow growing. Now I am almost 5 weeks off chemo! YIPPIE! I am looking forward to getting expanders and new boobies! It is so wonderful to make it to the other side. I have been dealing with 7 weeks of swelling in my right arm (lymphedema). I finally made an appointment with the therapist and she has it wrapped in cotton, ace bandages, a stocking sleeve, and it is huge! I once again thought I was invincible. It is hard to accept these things can happen to you. I constantly feel sideswiped. Hopefully the swelling will get out of there and I can get on with things. I am also on Arimidex. I have been taking it a week. I don't think I've had side effects. I have dealt with serious hot flashes since August. I don't know if it is menopause (still?) or from the chemo or now adding the Arimidex. Maybe some of you ladies can help me out with that. I am also wondering what kind of multi vitamin is good for me taking the Arimidex. I go for a bone density test and vitamin D something this Thursday for a baseline. Anyway, I am so happy to now be a part of a group like this. You all are so supportive and have fixes for everything! Thanks for having me! Tawny


  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    Hi Tawny....

    I too was diagnosed w/ IDC at 36. I am triple negative so I don't have to take Arimidex. Hot flashes.. yes, they suck.. thank you chemo and early onset menopause...

    Don't know anything about Arimidex and vits but just wanted to welcome you to this site.
  • TawnyS
    TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member
    e_hope said:

    Hi Tawny....

    I too was diagnosed w/ IDC at 36. I am triple negative so I don't have to take Arimidex. Hot flashes.. yes, they suck.. thank you chemo and early onset menopause...

    Don't know anything about Arimidex and vits but just wanted to welcome you to this site.

    Thank u for your warm welcome! : )
    Thank u for your warm welcome! : )
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    TawnyS said:

    Thank u for your warm welcome! : )
    Thank u for your warm welcome! : )

    Hi Tawny!
    I am shocked by your misdiagnosis. How can that happen? If your cancer had been more aggressive it could have been to late to cure you. I'm so glad that they finally found it and that you are on the mend.

    I have been taking Arimidex since Aug. of 09 with no obvious side effects. I take a multi-vitamin with no soy but is designed for women. I'm older so I get one for post menopausal women but it does not have soy. That's very important because so many of them have soy. I also take a number of other vitamins. It is very important to get calcium as well as Vit. D3. I would ask your doctor to check your Vit D levels. I would also have them check your thyroid because many breast cancer survivors have issues with thyroid function. It is a good idea to have a baseline anyway.

    I suggest you purchase the book, "Beating Cancer With Nutrition". I also loved, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer". Both can be ordered on Amazon.com.

    I wish you continued healing both physically and emotionally.

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Welcome Tawny
    I was also dx with IDC and ICIS. I am her2 pos and dx in April 09. Wow you really had a story to tell. How scary.I am not sure about Arimidex. I am on Tamoxifen and the hot flashes are terrible. I have not found anything that helps with it. I am sure someone here may come up with a good fix. Hang in there and glad you found the site.
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Welcome to the group. You sound like you got a good handle on things. I know what you mean sideswiped. Seems like to take care of something and something else crops up. Take care of your arm. I have not had lymphedema yet but I hear it can be quite painful. Good to have you with us.
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Welcome Tawny
    To this a1esome community, though I'm sorry for the reason you have to be here.

    I'm not on Arimedex, but my onco okayed a multi- vitamin for me, plus I'm taking a vit B complex. Once I'm done with rads, I can also take vitamin E, which my doc said would help with the hot flashes. Check with your doc to see if that might help you.

    Take care,
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808

    Welcome Tawny
    To this a1esome community, though I'm sorry for the reason you have to be here.

    I'm not on Arimedex, but my onco okayed a multi- vitamin for me, plus I'm taking a vit B complex. Once I'm done with rads, I can also take vitamin E, which my doc said would help with the hot flashes. Check with your doc to see if that might help you.

    Take care,

    Hi Tawny, Glad you finally
    Hi Tawny, Glad you finally posted here. I also have a story similar to yours. My bc should have been caught at least a year before. I was dxed in Sept. 2009 with IDC, 3 tumors and lymph node involvement and was put on Femara to reduce the tumors before surgery. So far no chemo. You're ahead of me as I'm scheduled for a masectomy April 15, if I can get over an infection quickly. Sounds like you've done everything you could to kick this beast in the butt. You must be one strong lady. I applaud you for coming here and sharing your story. Hope things go better for you and wishing you well. HUGS!
  • Flakey_Flake
    Flakey_Flake Member Posts: 130
    Hi I am new to you, gal
    Hi TwwnyS (pink ant)

    Glad you found this place. There is so much to be learned here, and so much to be shared. I am beginning to think it like my kitchen table. Yes, when you look at the gamut of things, I also feel blessed. This is a place that never puts you down for who you are, but you always seem to find humility without looking for it. I feel extremely blessed to find this place, but have a cnacer that is readily treatable. I read what other sisters go through and thank the Lord.

    I nominate you the mammo machine expert! You've had lots of experience. Suggestion though: why not go get certified for the mammo machine tech. Experience should count for something. I think I read you misdiagnosed thread before. Sounds like you are dealing wiht reality in a good way. Of course, what is the alternative?

    You have already been through alot of the nasties. Way to go girl! I really hate it when bc attacks people as young as you. I am 57, and my harware is about useless. I don't see how you could feel that way. Even so, I went for a lumpectomy just so I could keep mind and body together. They never told me about chemo-brain. So mind and body are seperate entities. Like I alweays know where my cancer boob is, but sometimes don't know where the rest of the body is. Perhaps adventure is a perk?

    No one is invincible. But when young it is a curse. I am so happy you have found this place, and hope you make it a required stop. Sounds like you have already gone through the worst of chemo. Congratulations on making it to the other side, and hope your new boobies are problem free. Don't worry, we all feel sideswiped. No one plans something like this. You seem to have a good attitude about it all. Perhaps you have an old soul? Anyway, love your attitude, and hope to run into you again. Don't know what to tell you for vitamins or anything. I am 56, and am on four different vitamins for bones and memory, Your doc will let you know what you need for vits. Take care, and keep posting
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    Hi I am new to you, gal
    Hi TwwnyS (pink ant)

    Glad you found this place. There is so much to be learned here, and so much to be shared. I am beginning to think it like my kitchen table. Yes, when you look at the gamut of things, I also feel blessed. This is a place that never puts you down for who you are, but you always seem to find humility without looking for it. I feel extremely blessed to find this place, but have a cnacer that is readily treatable. I read what other sisters go through and thank the Lord.

    I nominate you the mammo machine expert! You've had lots of experience. Suggestion though: why not go get certified for the mammo machine tech. Experience should count for something. I think I read you misdiagnosed thread before. Sounds like you are dealing wiht reality in a good way. Of course, what is the alternative?

    You have already been through alot of the nasties. Way to go girl! I really hate it when bc attacks people as young as you. I am 57, and my harware is about useless. I don't see how you could feel that way. Even so, I went for a lumpectomy just so I could keep mind and body together. They never told me about chemo-brain. So mind and body are seperate entities. Like I alweays know where my cancer boob is, but sometimes don't know where the rest of the body is. Perhaps adventure is a perk?

    No one is invincible. But when young it is a curse. I am so happy you have found this place, and hope you make it a required stop. Sounds like you have already gone through the worst of chemo. Congratulations on making it to the other side, and hope your new boobies are problem free. Don't worry, we all feel sideswiped. No one plans something like this. You seem to have a good attitude about it all. Perhaps you have an old soul? Anyway, love your attitude, and hope to run into you again. Don't know what to tell you for vitamins or anything. I am 56, and am on four different vitamins for bones and memory, Your doc will let you know what you need for vits. Take care, and keep posting

    Hi Tawny
    Welcome to the side. I do have lymphedema to and can understand your problems. I was diagnosed in June of 2008 with Stage IIIC estrogen positive, her2 negative at the age of 46. I have been am on Tamoxifen for almost 12 months now. Plus I am Vitamin D3 2000 and Ca daily.
    Wishing you the best,
    New Flower
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Wow you have really been through alot! I'm so sorry for what happened to you with the mis-diagnosis! And to find out you also have Crohns on top of all that, I can't even imagine. I know very little of that disease, my sister in law has it and I know it has been very hard on her. I wish you all the best and I am glad you found this site and the wonderful friends here!
  • TawnyS
    TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member
    elm3544 said:

    Wow you have really been through alot! I'm so sorry for what happened to you with the mis-diagnosis! And to find out you also have Crohns on top of all that, I can't even imagine. I know very little of that disease, my sister in law has it and I know it has been very hard on her. I wish you all the best and I am glad you found this site and the wonderful friends here!

    Thank you, and thanks to all
    Thank you, and thanks to all that have welcomed me. I am loving this feeling of sisterhood! Everyone is so encouraging and helpful. I think that you can learn a lot more from people that have experienced it than doctors sometimes. Just like the vitamins I was asking about. I don't know about you all, but my oncologist isn't really into vitamins. He just never seems impressed with them when I bring it up. I figured someone out here would know a vitamin I should try. I also noticed your name in the sand....Edna...right? If so, that brings such fond memories of my grandmother...her name was Edna. Her initials were E.E. and I carried that over to my daughter's name and gave her a first and middle with the initials E.E. It makes me smile! : )
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    TawnyS said:

    Thank you, and thanks to all
    Thank you, and thanks to all that have welcomed me. I am loving this feeling of sisterhood! Everyone is so encouraging and helpful. I think that you can learn a lot more from people that have experienced it than doctors sometimes. Just like the vitamins I was asking about. I don't know about you all, but my oncologist isn't really into vitamins. He just never seems impressed with them when I bring it up. I figured someone out here would know a vitamin I should try. I also noticed your name in the sand....Edna...right? If so, that brings such fond memories of my grandmother...her name was Edna. Her initials were E.E. and I carried that over to my daughter's name and gave her a first and middle with the initials E.E. It makes me smile! : )

    Welcome, Tawny....although
    Welcome, Tawny....although it is not the place you want to be on purpose. This site is wonderful, and has helped so many of us to conquer our fears, smile when a smile is the last thing we want, and vent when the venting is needed. Your story sounds familiar, as I was also misdiagnosed...for four years. There have been many who have said I should have gone after the radiologist who looked at my mammogram for four years in a row and didn't see the tumor, but haven't acted on it as of yet. I just thank God that I moved to another state, immediately established myself with a new hospital/doctor, and was diagnosed within three weeks after making this move. It saved my life. Two years later, there are things still ruling my life that all stem from the bc, but I am here.....that's what counts. You question regarding vitamins is a common one, and in my particular situation, my oncologist wants me on a non-soy multi-vitamin, as well as calcium and D3. These seem to be the most important vitamins needed, and I am sure others will have advice on what their doctors have recommended. You are a strong and brave sister, who has found her way through treatment, and survived. Your situation will help someone else who has been lurking out there, afraid to speak up and post, but needing the information you have provided. Again, welcome, and we all are glad you have added to the best site on the web for those who are fighting the beast. Hugs. Judy
  • TawnyS
    TawnyS Member Posts: 144 Member

    Welcome, Tawny....although
    Welcome, Tawny....although it is not the place you want to be on purpose. This site is wonderful, and has helped so many of us to conquer our fears, smile when a smile is the last thing we want, and vent when the venting is needed. Your story sounds familiar, as I was also misdiagnosed...for four years. There have been many who have said I should have gone after the radiologist who looked at my mammogram for four years in a row and didn't see the tumor, but haven't acted on it as of yet. I just thank God that I moved to another state, immediately established myself with a new hospital/doctor, and was diagnosed within three weeks after making this move. It saved my life. Two years later, there are things still ruling my life that all stem from the bc, but I am here.....that's what counts. You question regarding vitamins is a common one, and in my particular situation, my oncologist wants me on a non-soy multi-vitamin, as well as calcium and D3. These seem to be the most important vitamins needed, and I am sure others will have advice on what their doctors have recommended. You are a strong and brave sister, who has found her way through treatment, and survived. Your situation will help someone else who has been lurking out there, afraid to speak up and post, but needing the information you have provided. Again, welcome, and we all are glad you have added to the best site on the web for those who are fighting the beast. Hugs. Judy

    Thank you Judy! Your post
    Thank you Judy! Your post made my teary eyed! I am so glad to be here!
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    TawnyS said:

    Thank you, and thanks to all
    Thank you, and thanks to all that have welcomed me. I am loving this feeling of sisterhood! Everyone is so encouraging and helpful. I think that you can learn a lot more from people that have experienced it than doctors sometimes. Just like the vitamins I was asking about. I don't know about you all, but my oncologist isn't really into vitamins. He just never seems impressed with them when I bring it up. I figured someone out here would know a vitamin I should try. I also noticed your name in the sand....Edna...right? If so, that brings such fond memories of my grandmother...her name was Edna. Her initials were E.E. and I carried that over to my daughter's name and gave her a first and middle with the initials E.E. It makes me smile! : )

    My oncologist told me to take a B complex vitamin plus I have to self inject B12 each month. I was told NOT to take a multi vitamin or anything other than the B complex. Of course everyone is different, this is what my body needs.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    roseann4 said:

    Hi Tawny!
    I am shocked by your misdiagnosis. How can that happen? If your cancer had been more aggressive it could have been to late to cure you. I'm so glad that they finally found it and that you are on the mend.

    I have been taking Arimidex since Aug. of 09 with no obvious side effects. I take a multi-vitamin with no soy but is designed for women. I'm older so I get one for post menopausal women but it does not have soy. That's very important because so many of them have soy. I also take a number of other vitamins. It is very important to get calcium as well as Vit. D3. I would ask your doctor to check your Vit D levels. I would also have them check your thyroid because many breast cancer survivors have issues with thyroid function. It is a good idea to have a baseline anyway.

    I suggest you purchase the book, "Beating Cancer With Nutrition". I also loved, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer". Both can be ordered on Amazon.com.

    I wish you continued healing both physically and emotionally.


    Hi Tawny and welcome! Just
    Hi Tawny and welcome! Just wishing you good luck and sending you prayers and hugs!

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    TawnyS said:

    Thank you, and thanks to all
    Thank you, and thanks to all that have welcomed me. I am loving this feeling of sisterhood! Everyone is so encouraging and helpful. I think that you can learn a lot more from people that have experienced it than doctors sometimes. Just like the vitamins I was asking about. I don't know about you all, but my oncologist isn't really into vitamins. He just never seems impressed with them when I bring it up. I figured someone out here would know a vitamin I should try. I also noticed your name in the sand....Edna...right? If so, that brings such fond memories of my grandmother...her name was Edna. Her initials were E.E. and I carried that over to my daughter's name and gave her a first and middle with the initials E.E. It makes me smile! : )

    Hi Tawny,
    Wow, your story is really amazing. Unfortunately, misdiagnosis is not rare among women our age (I was 34 at diagnosis).It really is so fortunate that your tumor was slow growing. A lot of us have grade 3 tumors. So, as far as your vitamin question goes, doctors differ. With my oncologist's blessing, I take 2000 IUs of Vitamin D and a calcium/magnesium supplement daily. I was low (though not deficient) in Vitamin D. I have a breast cancer nutritionist who says that multivitamins can cause other disorders if taken too much, so I only take them on days when I don't get most of my nutrition through food. I also take fish oil on days when I don't eat fish and a baby aspirin on days when I don't drink any alcohol. Aspirin has recently been found to reduce breast cancer mortality, so I'm trying it.

    Have you been on www.youngsurvival.org? It's a site for younger women with a breast cancer diagnosis and is also a good place to talk. Hugs to you.

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Warm welcome, TawnyS
    Glad you found us, though regret the reason. We're all here to support and encourage each other. I just started my 5th year of Arimidex. And, I take a Centrum multi-vitamin daily, along with additional Calcium/Vitamin D supplements - per my med onc. Since we're all unique, best to consult with your own doctor for his/her recommendations regarding supplements.

    Part of the beauty of this board - it's always open, 24/7, including weekends and holidays. Hope you visit often, whenever you'd like or need to.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    elm3544 said:

    Wow you have really been through alot! I'm so sorry for what happened to you with the mis-diagnosis! And to find out you also have Crohns on top of all that, I can't even imagine. I know very little of that disease, my sister in law has it and I know it has been very hard on her. I wish you all the best and I am glad you found this site and the wonderful friends here!

    Just want to welcome you and
    Just want to welcome you and to say hi Tawny! Wishing you the best!
