Countdown to Surgery.......

slynch Member Posts: 82
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I will be having bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction on Thursday, April 15th. As the day gets closer my nerves and emotions are completely out of whack. Any suggestions to help make the upcoming surgery day any easier to get through.


  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member
    What got me through was just this... I kept reminding myself that I was removing my breasts to ensure that I will be here with my family for many more years to come... Once I came to terms with my decision I never looked back... Also, on on the plus side, we will have perfect breasts (once they are finished) for the rest of our lives...

    I know that it is a difficult thing to go through but remember we are all here rooting for you. Please let us know how you are doing afterward..

    Sending peaceful thoughts your way,
  • sparky72156
    sparky72156 Member Posts: 61
    Dot53 said:

    What got me through was just this... I kept reminding myself that I was removing my breasts to ensure that I will be here with my family for many more years to come... Once I came to terms with my decision I never looked back... Also, on on the plus side, we will have perfect breasts (once they are finished) for the rest of our lives...

    I know that it is a difficult thing to go through but remember we are all here rooting for you. Please let us know how you are doing afterward..

    Sending peaceful thoughts your way,

    Excellent advice, Dot.
    Excellent advice, Dot. While the idea of this type of surgery can be overwhelming, I think it is worse to have the constant worry that you didn't do all that you could at the beginning, when it helps the most. I feel so much more at peace now, knowing that the beast is out of me. Yes, there are some things that I wish I hadn't lost to the surgery (namely, the sensitivity and my natural breasts), but those are small in comparison to the calm that I feel. Good luck with your surgery. We'll be rooting for you. Be patient in your recovery and accept each step as it comes.
  • jbutter
    jbutter Member Posts: 10
    Hi slynch, I also had a double masectomy jan. 27th i was very scared its funny i never was worried about losing my breast because i wanted them gone because of the cancer but i was just so afraid of the pain. It wasnt a walk in the park but it wasnt as bad as i thought it was going to be. The pain medication kept the pain down only thing i had a hard time was getting in and out of my chair and was not able to sleep in my bed for a few nights could not get into it or out lol.I also had the reconstruction done at the same time and im very glad i did. I am finding that alot of all this is the unknown its the scary part, not that anyof this has been easy but its alot easier to deal with when you know what to expect. I had lymph nodes involved that had to be removed and now i half to start chemo this coming wensday, and again my nerves and emotions are playing havoc, so i try telling my self alot is the unknown just like the surgery. Try and keep busy with family , friends it makes the time go faster and keeps your mind occupied.Every one kept telling me i was strong i can do this, sometime i just wanted to yell out what if im not strong enough!! But so fare i have been and you will be to. I will be thinking of you on the 15th let us know how you are doing okay. HUGS!! Jan
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    I'm having a bilateral
    I'm having a bilateral mastectomy also on Friday April 16th.
    I'm not nervous or emotional I just want it to be over with. Just one more step to the top of the mountain. I tell myself it has to be done what other choice do I have. If I can deliver a 9 lb. baby and recover then I can go thru this. The hospital has very good pain meds.I have a great surgeon whom I feel comfortable with, and I know within my spirit I will be just fine.

    You will get thru this. Wishing you a quick recovery.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Dot53 said:

    What got me through was just this... I kept reminding myself that I was removing my breasts to ensure that I will be here with my family for many more years to come... Once I came to terms with my decision I never looked back... Also, on on the plus side, we will have perfect breasts (once they are finished) for the rest of our lives...

    I know that it is a difficult thing to go through but remember we are all here rooting for you. Please let us know how you are doing afterward..

    Sending peaceful thoughts your way,

    Wishing you good luck with
    Wishing you good luck with your surgery and hoping you recover quickly!
  • TulsaMomof3
    TulsaMomof3 Member Posts: 105

    I'm having a bilateral
    I'm having a bilateral mastectomy also on Friday April 16th.
    I'm not nervous or emotional I just want it to be over with. Just one more step to the top of the mountain. I tell myself it has to be done what other choice do I have. If I can deliver a 9 lb. baby and recover then I can go thru this. The hospital has very good pain meds.I have a great surgeon whom I feel comfortable with, and I know within my spirit I will be just fine.

    You will get thru this. Wishing you a quick recovery.

    I know how you feel! My
    I know how you feel! My bilateral masectomy is scheduled for thr 28th. I told my husband it would be like saying ok in 3 weeks we are going to remove your arm. The delay from the date of surgery to it actually happening keeps my mind constantly coming up with new things to be scared about! I wish they would tell you like 2 days before so you don't have all this time just thinking... Then I also have the sentinal node biopsy to worry about as well as How much cancer is really in there??

    The waiting...when you know its coming.. and then the other test results...My doctor gave me xanex for anxiety but I am trying to hold off taking it till the week before because she only gave me 30 lol. I know once its over I will feel such relief, its just the getting there
  • sparky72156
    sparky72156 Member Posts: 61

    I know how you feel! My
    I know how you feel! My bilateral masectomy is scheduled for thr 28th. I told my husband it would be like saying ok in 3 weeks we are going to remove your arm. The delay from the date of surgery to it actually happening keeps my mind constantly coming up with new things to be scared about! I wish they would tell you like 2 days before so you don't have all this time just thinking... Then I also have the sentinal node biopsy to worry about as well as How much cancer is really in there??

    The waiting...when you know its coming.. and then the other test results...My doctor gave me xanex for anxiety but I am trying to hold off taking it till the week before because she only gave me 30 lol. I know once its over I will feel such relief, its just the getting there

    The waiting is always the
    The waiting is always the worst. I wish that I could give you some words that would make the anxiety go away, but I know from experience that there just aren't any words. I tried to keep in mind that, if the doctors weren't rushing me into surgery, then they weren't as worried about it, and they knew better than me. Try to tell yourself that, when it's all over, you'll have made it through and you'll be one step closer to the beast being gone. Stay busy with other activities; this, too, shall pass.
  • slynch
    slynch Member Posts: 82

    The waiting is always the
    The waiting is always the worst. I wish that I could give you some words that would make the anxiety go away, but I know from experience that there just aren't any words. I tried to keep in mind that, if the doctors weren't rushing me into surgery, then they weren't as worried about it, and they knew better than me. Try to tell yourself that, when it's all over, you'll have made it through and you'll be one step closer to the beast being gone. Stay busy with other activities; this, too, shall pass.

    Thank you
    Thank everyone for the comforting words. You are all right I must remember that the best will be gone and the rest I can handle.
  • slynch
    slynch Member Posts: 82

    I know how you feel! My
    I know how you feel! My bilateral masectomy is scheduled for thr 28th. I told my husband it would be like saying ok in 3 weeks we are going to remove your arm. The delay from the date of surgery to it actually happening keeps my mind constantly coming up with new things to be scared about! I wish they would tell you like 2 days before so you don't have all this time just thinking... Then I also have the sentinal node biopsy to worry about as well as How much cancer is really in there??

    The waiting...when you know its coming.. and then the other test results...My doctor gave me xanex for anxiety but I am trying to hold off taking it till the week before because she only gave me 30 lol. I know once its over I will feel such relief, its just the getting there

    Can you request?
    Can you request something for anxiety? I didn't know if they would let you take anything like that before surgery?
  • TulsaMomof3
    TulsaMomof3 Member Posts: 105
    slynch said:

    Can you request?
    Can you request something for anxiety? I didn't know if they would let you take anything like that before surgery?

    YES! my doctor gave me Xanex
    YES! my doctor gave me Xanex :)
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    My experience... I was in
    My experience... I was in hosp for 23 hours...
    (honestly the first 12 hours is the worst pain ever)

    I came home with 2 drains one on each side. (which I took care of myself)
    My drains were in a total of 14 days
    * I would wear sweat pants with pocket and put my drains in
    the pockets, They will tell you not to do this for fear you might
    rip the drains out... but YOU WON'T FORGET THEY ARE THERE
    **FOR ME.. the drains were the worst part it.. they are VERY unfortable
    and its was very hard to sleep with them.
    I was surgically glued back together so I didn't have incisions to care for
    The pain is going to be there but with the use of the pain med was easily managed
    (in the beginning take the meds regularly)
    You will have a lot of pressure and tightness
    esp when they start filling the expanders
    (my plastic surgeon starting filling mine 1 week after surgery)
    (and I had weekly fills till size I wanted, for 6 weeks)
    You won't be able to put your arms over your head...
    so before anyone leaves you make sure anything you need is low enough to reach.
    You can't do any lifting... I have 3 small kids...
    (so I had someone at the house at all times to help care for them)
    You will be tired, so rest when you need to
    If your getting lymph nodes out, you should get a small mastectomy pillow
    it goes btw arm and body to help with the tenderness and discomfort when you sleep

    ***make sure they give you your stretching exercise you need to do to get your range of motion back BEFORE you leave the hospital.
    ***you will need easy to manage clothes (either button down shirts or I would wear over size tank tops which i would pull up from my feet)
    ***they do make a mastectomy cami with pockets if you desire something like that.

    *expect to not be able to drive for a few weeks..
    *to manage the drains.. I would use rolled gauze ( or a long shoe lace) around my neck and attach the drains to either side to free up my hands
    *sleeping is difficult esp while the drains are in... I would use lots of pillows around me.. to get some what comfortable.

    You can managed with some pre-planning...
    1 easy meals if friends ask what they can do to help have them cook meals
    2 have things you need low to reach
    3 have either water bottles, or what ever you drink accessible bc you won't be able
    to lift heavy things (ie. gallon milks)
    4. and just rest.. its what your body needs
    5. the pain meds will make you constipated so be prepared !!!!!
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    e_hope said:

    My experience... I was in
    My experience... I was in hosp for 23 hours...
    (honestly the first 12 hours is the worst pain ever)

    I came home with 2 drains one on each side. (which I took care of myself)
    My drains were in a total of 14 days
    * I would wear sweat pants with pocket and put my drains in
    the pockets, They will tell you not to do this for fear you might
    rip the drains out... but YOU WON'T FORGET THEY ARE THERE
    **FOR ME.. the drains were the worst part it.. they are VERY unfortable
    and its was very hard to sleep with them.
    I was surgically glued back together so I didn't have incisions to care for
    The pain is going to be there but with the use of the pain med was easily managed
    (in the beginning take the meds regularly)
    You will have a lot of pressure and tightness
    esp when they start filling the expanders
    (my plastic surgeon starting filling mine 1 week after surgery)
    (and I had weekly fills till size I wanted, for 6 weeks)
    You won't be able to put your arms over your head...
    so before anyone leaves you make sure anything you need is low enough to reach.
    You can't do any lifting... I have 3 small kids...
    (so I had someone at the house at all times to help care for them)
    You will be tired, so rest when you need to
    If your getting lymph nodes out, you should get a small mastectomy pillow
    it goes btw arm and body to help with the tenderness and discomfort when you sleep

    ***make sure they give you your stretching exercise you need to do to get your range of motion back BEFORE you leave the hospital.
    ***you will need easy to manage clothes (either button down shirts or I would wear over size tank tops which i would pull up from my feet)
    ***they do make a mastectomy cami with pockets if you desire something like that.

    *expect to not be able to drive for a few weeks..
    *to manage the drains.. I would use rolled gauze ( or a long shoe lace) around my neck and attach the drains to either side to free up my hands
    *sleeping is difficult esp while the drains are in... I would use lots of pillows around me.. to get some what comfortable.

    You can managed with some pre-planning...
    1 easy meals if friends ask what they can do to help have them cook meals
    2 have things you need low to reach
    3 have either water bottles, or what ever you drink accessible bc you won't be able
    to lift heavy things (ie. gallon milks)
    4. and just rest.. its what your body needs
    5. the pain meds will make you constipated so be prepared !!!!!

    Wishing you the best
    Yes, Ask now for some meds to help you relax. Most of us are on one drug or another for this. I will keep you in my prayers. Post when you can and let us know how your doing. Good Luck
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Be Thinking of You
    I'll be thinking of you. Good luck to you on the 15th.

  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member
    I forgot to mention that for
    I forgot to mention that for me, it wasn't as bad as you might imagine... my last few bits of advice are:

    1. Stay postive, and eyes on the prize, and that is to be rid of the beast..
    2. Take your pain meds as directed
    3. Take a laxative to counteract the constipation from the pain meds
    4. If possible, put your bed mattress on the floor to make it easier for you to get in and out of bed.

    I was in the hospital for approx 24 hrs.. I was not in any terrible pain ever. It is managable and you will be up and around in no time and it all will be just a distant memory.. honest.

    Take care..
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    Dot53 said:

    I forgot to mention that for
    I forgot to mention that for me, it wasn't as bad as you might imagine... my last few bits of advice are:

    1. Stay postive, and eyes on the prize, and that is to be rid of the beast..
    2. Take your pain meds as directed
    3. Take a laxative to counteract the constipation from the pain meds
    4. If possible, put your bed mattress on the floor to make it easier for you to get in and out of bed.

    I was in the hospital for approx 24 hrs.. I was not in any terrible pain ever. It is managable and you will be up and around in no time and it all will be just a distant memory.. honest.

    Take care..

    I'm having my masectomy on
    I'm having my masectomy on April 15th too. Sounds like there is good advice here from those that have been there. I'm just looking forward to getting surgery over with, and then on to radiation. Will be thinking of you and wishing you a good outcome and a quick healing. Just think, April 15th is the day we give the bc beast a real good kick in the butt. Let us know how you're doing when you feel like it.
  • slynch
    slynch Member Posts: 82
    Sunrae said:

    I'm having my masectomy on
    I'm having my masectomy on April 15th too. Sounds like there is good advice here from those that have been there. I'm just looking forward to getting surgery over with, and then on to radiation. Will be thinking of you and wishing you a good outcome and a quick healing. Just think, April 15th is the day we give the bc beast a real good kick in the butt. Let us know how you're doing when you feel like it.

    Tax Day
    Well, what better day than tax day to get rid of the "beast". I will send up a special prayer for you and wish you a quick recovery also. I will post something when I feel up to it. You do the same.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    aztec45 said:

    Be Thinking of You
    I'll be thinking of you. Good luck to you on the 15th.


    Sending you prayers and
    Sending you prayers and strength for your surgery!

    And, if you feel you need something for your nerves, ask your plastic surgeon to give you something.

    Hugs, Angie